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The Key to Multiplying your Income 10X in Months with Christina Hall
Episode 2019th September 2023 • The Business Conservatory Podcast • Ellie Mcmakin
00:00:00 01:10:10

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Have you ever asked yourself, "If not for money or the opportunity to work for myself, why did I start this business?" That is often the beginning of your brand story. Today's guest, Christina Hall, is the owner of Super Lunar Design Co. She helps brands build an online presence in a comprehensive experience that goes way beyond simply creating graphics.

For her, the key to unlocking a new level of visibility online came from finally feeling comfortable enough to share a silly story about her childhood. Sometimes, all we need to do is give ourselves permission to be full of human beings in the online space. Why are we abiding by stuffy rules of professionalism if we're deliberately creating a life and business outside of the nine to five? That's the question we're grappling with on today's episode.

I truly think you're going to walk away from this episode with a newfound excitement to find your brand story and get loud about it online! 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How Christina was able to escape the "boring" projects and get to the heart of what she actually wanted to do
  • The story that blew up Christinas online presence
  • Embracing multiple brand stories
  • Picking your battles with haters online
  • How she took her earning potential from 2K/month to 20K/month

For more resources, check out the shownotes HERE!




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