For me, my 2022 is going to be all about more openness, flow, allowing, receiving, and expanding the people that I’m able to reach. I hope you plan something similar for your new year. Together, we can increase the change for good and positive impact we have in this world.
To that end, in this episode, I touch on the topic of visualization to achieve your goals. I offer you some guidance and, hopefully, some inspiration. No matter whether you consider yourself practical and scientific or more “woo-woo” (in the realm of the spiritual), visualization can change your life and your business. It can be like having multiple amazing team members!
What You’ll Learn
- The science of visualization
- The Success Principles by Jack Canfield (mainly Chapter 11)
- Visualization greatly accelerates achievement
- Activates power of subconscious
- Programs your RAS
- Magnitizes people and resources you need
- Also applies to learning anything new
- The story of Major James Nesmeth
- POW for 7 Years
- Played golf in his mind in minute detail
- Bringing visualization into your life
- Be precise
- Be consistent
- Be excited
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