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Elevating Self-Love through Inspiring Self-Care Beauty Products
Episode 17128th June 2023 • The ReLaunch Podcast • Hilary DeCesare
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Embark on a transformative journey with Hilary DeCesare and renowned public speaker, Bobbi Vargas, as they unveil a treasure trove of self-care and beauty products. Explore the world of self-care and beauty products that enhance self-love through Bobbi's company, Bodela. Discover holistic solutions and services designed to nurture your inner foundation amidst the chaos of everyday life. Embrace self-renewal, ignite your path to well-being, and flourish in body, mind, and mood.

About our Guest:

Bobbi Vargas, is the founder and CEO of Bodela ( She is not only a visionary public speaker, renowned celebrity make-up and permanent make-up artist, but also a luxury sales expert, a speaker extraordinaire, a business and self-development coach, an author, and a super mom. With her multifaceted expertise, Bobbi is dedicated to helping others pursue their passions and achieve success. Embracing the belief that "I'm possible," she embodies the idea that nothing is beyond reach. Through Bodela, Bobbi aims to empower individuals to unlock their potential and embrace a life filled with limitless possibilities.

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Hilary DeCesare:

Welcome to you. And again, this is the show to be a part of, but I want you to know, there is one thing that I absolutely love tinkering. And it's not something that I am like, you know how much I love empowering people transforming people, you know, helping businesses scale, but we all know what I feel about beauty products. Oh yeah, so good. But if you're like me, we're getting a little bit older. Brene Brown said, midlife is 35 until you're dead. Well, I fall in there and I think you might too, not the dead part but above 35 and today I am so thrilled. I have Bobbi Vargas she is the founder and CEO of Bodela. She is not only a visionary public speaker, she is a renowned celebrity makeup and permanent makeup artist. She's also a luxury sales expert, a speaker extraordinaire, a business and self development coach. How cool is that with what she's doing? She's an author and I'm going to share how we became friends. And I would say most importantly to her she is a supermom. She is multifaceted as an expertise in so many areas, and Bobby is dedicated, most importantly to helping others pursue their passions and achieve success. She embraces the belief that I am possible. She embodies the idea that nothing is beyond reach and through Gadelha this beautiful company, Bobbi aims to empower individuals to unlock their potential and embrace a life filled with limitless possibilities. Are you guys all seeing this connection already?

Hilary DeCesare:

You're listening to the ReLaunch podcast and I'm your host, Hilary DeCesare, best selling author, speaker and transformational coach widely recognized in the worlds of neuro psychology and business launches, which cultivated the one and only three HQ method helping midlife women Yep, that's me to rebuild a life of purpose, possibility and inspiring business ventures. Each week, we'll be diving into the stories that brought upon the most inspirational relaunches while sharing the methods and the secrets that they learned along the way so that you too can have not just an ordinary relaunch, but an extraordinary relaunch.

Hilary DeCesare:

Bobby, it is so good to have you. I am like beyond I'm like giddy right now that I get to talk to you for the next hour.

Bobbi Vargas:

Hillary I freaking love you what an intro thank you so much. And thank you for having me on your show. I love absolutely everything you stand for your community. Your content, I'm so bummed I missed your last event but I'm so excited. So I'm the first one to sign up for your next year. So I'm so excited and thank you so much for having me here. And I can't wait to share and I hope I can come.

Hilary DeCesare:

Yeah, I mean what she's talking about is the retreat everyone we just finished it up. It was incredible. It was in beautiful Boulder Colorado we already have every you know people are already signing up for next year. It's going to be absolutely insane. But here's the thing. When I first met you Bobby it was in New York City. And we were both on a TV Morning Show and then actually wake up with mercy. And then we ended up going to Times Square where you had your book up on the big the big screen I had mine and we were literally like Is this for real like dreams are happening right here right now and it was such an amazing opportunity for me to spend those those few days with you to get to know you in that capacity of elevation of inspiration and I thought during that I remember when I first saw I'm like I need you on the show. I loved what you do. I love your your passion. But for those that don't know you I really would love to hear more about your your significant relaunch that kind of transformed you into who you are today.

Bobbi Vargas:

Absolutely, gosh. I definitely remember New York and you were you and your husband, your family was there. And it was just so incredible to see you and your story. And I'm so just happy to be here to share my story with you. So let me just tell you in Los Angeles and in New York, I used to be a former makeup artist. And then what you know worked on fashion shows like The Gucci fashion show that Jalen and a show I did for the youngsters, they probably don't remember this. But there was a TV program on MTV called behind the scenes of making the videos. And so like, all month, I think it was to just to see it, it was pretty cool. So I did the makeup for Christina and Kalia, you name it, and you become immersed in, in that scene. And you honestly you fall into the trap of thinking that you're a celebrity as well. So you start to live their lifestyle, because they asked you come to our party, and now you're one of the group. And so you start to fall behind and just as an entrepreneur in general, you know, we're chasing the dollar sign, you know, my personal life was set aside my family and friends, my health, you know, because now you're working at wee hours of the night. And you're you grab, whatever, that's an arm's reach to eat, you exercise whenever you're able to make it to the gym. So you set all that aside, because we're chasing the dollar sign. Now, mind you, that's not necessarily a purpose for myself or most entrepreneurs, but it is a tool to get us to our purpose, you know, making Bobby

Hilary DeCesare:

what you're saying is probably so relevant to a lot of people because we do try to keep up with the Joneses. Right? And it can be whether it's a celebrity, whether it's another entrepreneur that we're seeing on Instagram, and we're like, oh my god, they're doing so well.

Bobbi Vargas:

I want to and I can tell you, right?

Hilary DeCesare:

How do I get there? I'll just keep doing more. I'll keep taking more courses, okay, you know, doing all these things. And you do start to live this frenetic lifestyle where you're you can be working all the time. Absolutely.

Bobbi Vargas:

So I not till my 40s Did I finally, you know, met my Prince Charming, if you

Hilary DeCesare:

will. And so I've met my met him I met him. Yes.

Bobbi Vargas:

Absolutely. He's the sweetest man ever.

Hilary DeCesare:

He, he adores you, by the way. My biggest cheerleader

Bobbi Vargas:

viceversa. I'm his biggest fan. And then I have my child. And three months later, I get the call that no one, and this is this, I'm dying to hear your side of the story, I get the call that no one should ever receive from a doctor and I said, get in the office right now. Because you have cancer and it will kill you and spread like wildfire if we don't take it out. And so I thought to myself, This is great. I reached this huge milestone in my life. And now it's over. And this child will never know his mother, you know. And so I thought, you know, I don't know what you think of this and how you feel about people say, you know, the skin cancer that you have. Yes, it's a deadly form, but it's self caused from the sun right? And he thought how could something that gives life and plants and everything on planet Earth life kill you. So there's something more to that. So as I'm sitting there waiting for the results, whether I'm going to die or not. And so whether I need to go through chemo, just replay my life in my head and thinking it's because I neglected myself. That's exactly how this all transpired. To me the sun was the last, you know, push towards this. But it's it's because I didn't eat right. I didn't sleep right. I put myself last and as a woman in general, right when people say to me, so what do you do thinking I'm a woman? Isn't that enough? You know, we

Hilary DeCesare:

were somebody for weight. I have a quick question. When you had your you're telling me your son was how old when you got that phone call? Three months? Okay. My daughter was six months. And again, the call we both got was alright, you need to come back into the office. No time to waste because melanoma cancer, this spreads very quickly. Right now. Let me ask you, why were you there in the first place? Why did you go in? Were you getting a body scan? Were you what, what were you doing in the doctor's office? Because my mind was a little embarrassing, but I'm still going to share it. What were you doing? Actually already

Bobbi Vargas:

laughing because I'm dying to hear yours. So I was, you know, I want to say maybe eight months pregnant. When I turn around and look in the mirror. I was just looking at my body right on it, see what I looked like pregnant. So it was in my body. And I saw this beauty mark on the back on my back and had quite a few. But this just stood out and it wasn't large. It was actually quite small. And it was the blackest thing I've ever seen. And so I thought this is odd. I don't remember this. And I thought well, maybe it should go to the doctors but it was during COVID. So it wasn't really an urgent matter. And I thought I'm not going to go now it's COVID too, I didn't want to catch anything being pregnant. And, and I thought, honestly, I had in the back burner on my head. I was like, if it is something that I don't want to know right now, you know?

Hilary DeCesare:

Isn't that so true?

Bobbi Vargas:

It's so crazy. And that's how I found it. Okay. Yeah. So

Hilary DeCesare:

what's interesting, you said, beauty mark. Right? And you said it was really black? Well, as you can see on my face, I have a mole on my face. That is what I call my beauty mark. Right? And so any moles that I had popping up on my okay, this is all good. This is just yet another. And yeah, some of them I didn't really like, but most of them I'm like, Cool. So I went into the doctor. And the reason I was there was to at that time, they were doing laser hair removal of the bikini line, not we're not talking anything fancy, like taking it all off. No, not that's not what they were doing. They were literally doing the Wii because it knows that that's what everyone was doing. So I was in there. And the doctor was like, Stop, I, my, you're doing that thing, what is going on? And those those days, the doctor would actually do this as well, not an assistant or a nurse. And she said, what is that? And it was on the inner thigh my inside of my legs? And yes, I grew up in LA. And yes, I spent every single second I could at the beach. I was as I'm as pale as can be. And I would put baby oil on I would do the tin foil. I mean, I was horrible. But that's what we did in those those days. And so she looked and said, that needs to be biopsied right now. And I didn't even think about it. I just wanted her to get back to the task at hand. She took it off. And that's when I got the call two days later. And she says Hillary, you got to come in right away. And I'm thinking, what am I missing right now? Like Ha, like, I gotta come in. And she's like, you have cancer. And I remember her saying that. And I and I'm like what? And she said melanoma? And I had literally no idea what she was talking about. Like, I had no clue. I'm like, What is going on? Now? Granted, this is 20 years ago. So I was 30 at 30 plus a bit. But here's the thing, Bobby, it's those words like I mean, out of thin air, you just do not expect it. And you're saying this happened to you? How long ago?

Bobbi Vargas:

Gosh, this was a year? No, two years ago, two years ago,

Hilary DeCesare:

this is very recent. For me, it's a while ago, it was the you know, kind of early days have you know, oh my gosh, where you've been checking our moles and our freckles and all those things. So you're told that you have this and at that point you're going in? And you don't know. You don't know how advanced it is and what happened.

Bobbi Vargas:

Right? And so I honestly it wasn't, I was fearful. And I still I'll be honest, even though this is it's been two years, I'm still scared. Although my gut instinct tells me it's not solely the sun. But because this is what doctors write the malpractice or practicing medicine, it's not set in stone, they say 50% chance or higher. It has a son. So what is the other 50%? What is the other? You know what I mean? 45%. So thinking, it's, even though it's two years, I'm still afraid of the sun, you know what I mean? So I go out and I wearing long sleeves, and what have you been my kid now I protect him from the sun because he's almost transparent white years. So it's so pale. And so it freaks me out about myself

Hilary DeCesare:

and I agree with you, because I can I can guarantee you, I was not spread eagle out on Santa Monica Boulevard, like, you know, on the beaches of Santa, I was not trying to tan my inner thigh. So that area of my body did not get sun. That's where it showed up. So I agree with you on like, what's going on what's going on with, you know, our air the the ability for these rays to get through now the environment and how much that impacts. So I'm glad that you're bringing this up. But when you now that you know what, you know, right, right. I am like constantly scanning people, like I scan bodies. I do like, hey, you need to go get that checked. And one time. I was I literally said to it was when I was working in corporate. And I looked at my vice president and I said um, you know, that looks really suspicious. And he kind of was like, Yeah, you know, I've been it's been there for like six months and I said you really need to go in, at least get it checked. And he said, you know, well then I said I'm not going to meet with you again. Like you're I am like this. I'm not meeting with you again until you go get it checked out. I came back stage three, and he ended up having a 12 inch scar taken out around, I mean, it was in sane, that's how important it is to get by now, and to really take it seriously, because you don't know, I never would have thought that little teeny cute little black.on My inner thigh was anything that was going to

Bobbi Vargas:

kill you. Or your family, Mother lists and wife list. Yeah, it's insane. The impact it would have left behind, you know, you just think about yourself sometimes, especially being a single girl for the majority of my life, you know, it's just me, you know, my mom will probably cry over me a little bit, and then everybody moves on. But excuse me, but the fact that you're leaving this now that I'm older, and I look at life differently, and how important family life is in your personal life in general, I really think it's it's self neglect, you know, it is the rays and the pollution and everything else. And that's because I didn't really care, right? Because I didn't think about it's just chasing that dollar sign being an entrepreneur, you don't sleep half the day and, and you're on the run. And so I thought to myself, I've always been in an industry where I cared about other people's feelings, ultimately, yes, I was in the beauty and fashion industry. But that's all to make you feel better about yourself, right? So a woman would sit in my chair, and I would enhance what she wants to enhance or diminish what she thinks is a flaw, right. And then the minute she gets out of the chair looks in the mirror and literally a hand to God, Hillary tears would run down her face one, please don't ruin everything I just worked for. And so, you know, because she's now feels confident and remember, then I elevated the makeup into permanent makeup. And now when I tattoo woman's brows

Hilary DeCesare:

reweighed I don't want to go there quite yet. Because before we even pass this, I'm gonna say for everyone out there, if you have not had a skin scan in the skin scan, that's kind of tough skin scan, in the last 12 months. This is your opportunity. You're hearing it from both Bobby and myself. Make it happen. Okay, now we're gonna go on. But I want to ask you. So, you know, a lot of times people say, you know that we're overusing makeup that, you know, as we go into this next phase, should we be limiting the makeup and I've always been a fan. Like, if it makes you feel good, do it. If it makes you feel like empowered, I'm possible instead of impossible, like you always say, you know, I say go for it. I know that there are people who go too far with all these things. But I really do want to ask you, at what point How do you feel beauty products? enhance our lives?

Bobbi Vargas:

I love that question. And just the word beauty right? So it doesn't have to be just a makeup Right Sector. It just beauty in general, anything that's going that you perceive as beautiful, whether it's flowers or makeup, right? So how important is it I agree with you 100% If it's going to make you feel good about yourself, do it doesn't matter whether it looks good or not. Right? If you feel good personally then do it. Because beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. And what I feel about me beauty products, I just feel like as we become older as women, we become a little bit more confident about ourselves. And so the feel as as we age, women become less, they care less about wearing products because now they're more confident it's not about appearances anymore, right? And so, my my biggest part about this in the permanent makeup sector is I want to save woman time because it's the greatest gift you give you can give anyone your your family or yourself included. And so this is where permanent makeup comes into place. Right? So okay,

Hilary DeCesare:

we're gonna take a quick break, but when we come back, we're gonna hear differences between you know, kind of putting on that makeup or permanent makeup. What are the pluses? What are the minuses? We'll talk all about that with Bobbi When we get back.

Hilary DeCesare:

This episode is brought to you by my very own labor of love my most recent book relaunch. This book is a collection of my stories, other stories and is a motivational guide to living a new three h q lifestyle, sparking your heart to ignite your life. It's available for purchase via Amazon, get ready to try on the three h q method that I've been using for years throughout my entire life reaching the next level in all areas, both professionally and personally. Get your copy today at www dot the relaunch Rarely do I say that that was the shortest break known demand. But I gotta tell you it was because in that short amount of time we've already Bobbi and I've already come up with business idea that we're talking about. And I wanted like 20 more minutes to discuss it.

Hilary DeCesare:

I'm back Bobbi's back. Bobbi is the CEO of Buddle, but della, Della, and we're gonna get into all things beauty product wise that will elevate you from not only the outside, but the inside, which we always talk about the significance of that, right? It's not just how you look on the outside, it's how you feel on the inside that matters. It's the head, it's the heart, it's tapping into the higher self. And so, Bobbi, you have been a makeup artist to celebrities, you have been at the pinnacle of like, where everybody would want to be in your profession. And at some point, you're like, wait a second, I'm pushing so hard. I'm getting in some regard sick, I'm getting you know, my body is shutting down. As you said, I'm, you know, fall, I'm falling behind, I'm not eating right. And you decided to make a change. And you built this new business that by the way, I love I was just on there. And I bought a ton of products. I'm so excited for them to arrive. But share with us what inspired you and why Bedelia happened? Why did you feel such a need to create.

Bobbi Vargas:

I was always in the business Hillary of making women look and feel better. And they really are intertwined. My mission is to intersect beauty and health because beauty is no longer a luxury, it truly is a necessity. If you don't, that it's almost like a small step that you take to towards feeling good. So let's get you feeling good. How do we do this, you surround yourself by beauty, you go get your nails done, go get your hair done something, you know that so the minute you surround yourself by anything beautiful, that's the first step to making you feel better, you feel better, your performance is better. And this is dominant, effective, just then you attract better, you do better, you know. So it's, this is how I love

Hilary DeCesare:

that what you just said, you feel better, you attract better. Yes, 100%.

Bobbi Vargas:

And this is how Bedelia all came about is let's whether you believe in the magic of crystals or not the fact that it will, it looks pretty, it will make a bring a smile to your face. And here we go, I just shifted your energy from feeling okay, or bad to slightly better and slightly better. And so, and then the essential oils, you know, they've been used for 1000s of years as holistic medicine, then there are exotic flowers, and there's gold and there's. So this whole brand came about is I want to surround you with some sort of beautiful objects to just slowly shift you to making to making you feel better. And then there's a service part to BARDELLA which is the permanent makeup to making you look better, you know, according to what you think is better, right? So let's say you don't want it. You're tired of drawing on your eyebrows or on your lipstick. Hey,

Hilary DeCesare:

are you looking at mine right now? Perfect. You are picture perfect. I have to tell you. Can we talk about that eyebrow thing for a second? Sure. You know, during the heyday, we pluck the heck out of them, right? We just went to town now all of a sudden there's all these like hair growth? Do they work? Do you think they actually work? Can I grow back my my plucked brows that I

Bobbi Vargas:

if that's what you want is growing them back. I like a quick fix. That's just my nature, or maybe most of my society, my ecosystem. But if you there are actually there are serums that can help them go back. There are surgeries that doctors are doing to make them grow back. And so almost like hair plugs, right. So there are those fixes. I just like the tattoo because it's quick fix. And then honestly, even though we call it permanent makeup, it's semi permanent. So if this shape or trend change or your hair color changes, we can alter that as you go along. But what I love about also this service, the Bedelia brand is that I want to change a woman's status quo or give her allow her financial freedom if that's what she's looking for. And we educate and we teach women the skill of permanent makeup. We also do body sculpting, you know we're just adding to this line and our body sculpting machine also detoxifies it, it addresses the lymphatic nodes. So it's a detox machine as well.

Hilary DeCesare:

So for those that aren't in you're in LA is that right?

Bobbi Vargas:

No I'm in Las Vegas now.

Hilary DeCesare:

Okay, Las Vegas. That's right. So if we can't get to Las Vegas and come to your your store or your your shop to be able to do this, you're now training people to go out there and be able to do it at other locations. Correct but let's go back so for people who are thinking you know what, and right now I it takes me about literally like maybe a minute to do my brows alright and yes I am I have this brow color powder I kind of just, you know, do it very quickly. And I don't you know, I don't even know, I don't even know what I'm doing. But, you know, each time I go in and I see somebody else and you know, one of these shows were in fact it was it. Wake up with Marcy, the gal is like, you know, you could really stand putting a little bit more down there. And I'm like, Yeah, well, that's where I don't have any hair because I got pushed into the sharp end of the wall when I was a kid. And I have no, and she's like, well, we could do this. And she did it. I'm like, You got to show me how to do that. And that's what I think women are so curious, curious about? How would this work for me? And so I want you to share with us, you mentioned about the permanent makeup and how you can go in and get your eyebrows done. What happens as the is a tattooing process? What happens when it starts to wear off? Like, does it change colors? What what happens? What is this process share? Was that shirt? Absolutely.

Bobbi Vargas:

So the look at beauty or any industry things evolve? Right? So it's not our grandmother's generation where it turns gray or purple? Or, you know,

Hilary DeCesare:

I was literally thinking that I'm like, what color has it turned?

Bobbi Vargas:

Yeah, I knew you're gonna say that. And that's, that's honestly, that's what I think most women's fear is, is will it turned blue after a while. And so, I mean, does it still happen? It depends on the technician, right? So you want this is your face. So you probably want to invest in your face and go to a reputable person. But no things have evolved. You know, the process itself has evolved, but it is to answer your question directly. It is a tattoo procedure. But it's not the same pigment, nor is it the same needle. So we don't go as deep. And this is why it does fade with time. And it does change color. But it shouldn't, if you go to someone reputable, it shouldn't turn a funky color. If anything, it might just disappear altogether.

Hilary DeCesare:

So how long does it actually last? You go in there? Is this a one time shot or multiple times? You know, tell me if I'm actually like, I can't see I'm like 100% sold, but I am intrigued. So share with me how this process works.

Bobbi Vargas:

Okay, so the process itself is everyone's here to tell you it just depends, right? It depends on your lifestyle, whether you're getting maybe two, one to many chemical facials, and it does touch your eyebrows, so that will or even your lips because now as we're tattooing other parts of your face, not just your brows. And so or medications that you take, how often are you in the sun. So all of that depends, but typically speaking, you probably want to touch up once a year. So to make it refresh, the minute you find yourself reaching back to your eyebrow color to touch up over your tattoo is when you probably need to go. But normally people will do a touch up once a year. So that's but it saves women time. And that's my goal is to save them time so that they can now spend that time on something possibly more important, right? So with family or for themselves in a different department of life.

Hilary DeCesare:

Oh, something to think about here, everyone. And as you're creating the dela and you're looking at this holistic you're looking love the shifting of the energy, right? What do you believe is the biggest you know, when you go to your website when you're looking if somebody wants to just start down this process of Hmm, I've never thought about beauty products elevating energetically a lot of people when they come to me they're like time management, I have to figure out how to optimize my time and I'm like actually you don't optimize your energy and you will end up optimizing your time. That's the first step and I love that I'm taking it from a business entrepreneur perspective and you're taking it from beauty from beauty within but a kind of help us when we get to your website and people want to say okay, I'm going to I'm going to start to explore what would be the first thing they should do.

Bobbi Vargas:

Oh, I love this and I I'm just going to say this. We're in a culture where we're so fixated on being physically fit right then the majority of society will say get to the gym workout and that's great but you we forget that we have to also be spiritually fit and mind fit right so mindset and so this is where the first thing I would do probably when I go to Adela i We all have a vision board whether it's physical or visionary right and so one of my favorite we hope

Hilary DeCesare:

we do We hope everyone out there I realize we call it the believer at board because we take the vision board one step forward and we infuse it with energy and emotion.

Bobbi Vargas:

Oh my god you just gave me chills I might just

Hilary DeCesare:

share with you how to do it.

Bobbi Vargas:

I'm exactly I'm a credit you.

Hilary DeCesare:

So whenever I say I'll say my share everything.

Bobbi Vargas:

Exactly. No, I love this. And so one of my favorite items on the site would be the wish bracelet and that's where I got

Hilary DeCesare:

it. I got it.

Bobbi Vargas:

So that's what you wrote your wish for yourself or had theirs buy it for their sons and they weren't there wish for them. or a mother to her daughter who's going to be a bride or are a bride to her husband and vice versa. And so believe it or not, most of my clientele are men, they love this stuff. And so which I love

Hilary DeCesare:

that idea of giving it to the kids.

Bobbi Vargas:

She did, she gave it to her three boys.

Hilary DeCesare:

I love this. Everyone, I bought it, I just bought it for me. But now I've got more gifts I can buy. I love it. I

Bobbi Vargas:

gave it to my stepson. I didn't write anything I said, I want you to write what your goal is a year from now wear it. So wearing it reminds you of your physical vision board that you forget about once you leave the house. So it's like, okay, get back on track does what I'm doing right now, does it serve my goal? Right? So this is why the reason it came about, you know, the whole wish bracelet, so it's what do you wish for yourself or your environment or others and put it on you so so it turns into a habit of not forgetting about your goals. So that's what I want to say one of my favorite products. And of course, the essential oils, the ruler is it helps in so many different ways. You know, just smelling something that reminds you of something, you know, from your childhood or a happy place of yours or other it's just everything on there is my favorite. It really is I love candles.

Hilary DeCesare:

And so I got that I got that essential oil. And there were some of the oils I had never heard of. So I picked one I had and I'm like why not? I think it was new energy or something. Yes, force. And I was wondering, can I apply that to the wish bracelet? You know how sometimes you can put it on the beads and? Or will it damage it, I've always wondered that

Bobbi Vargas:

I love that. So you can and then we did we do have bracelets that are just for the oils, it has a lava rocks, so it absorbs the oil and then diffuses it back into your body. So I'm gonna send you that.

Hilary DeCesare:

That's what I need. I need that one because the lava takes it in and keeps that smell longer to rest.

Bobbi Vargas:

Like I love it, especially for those that are not are being a little bit more health conscious. And they're steering away from commercial fragrances and they want more something more natural. And so yes, essentially,

Hilary DeCesare:

what do you what do you think is the biggest mistake that a midzone woman does with makeup with permanent make whatever you think what are what are those mistakes that you're like, hey, just avoid them? Yeah, yeah.

Bobbi Vargas:

Honestly, it's not even about the product itself. I think the biggest mistake us as women do any age, mind you is neglect ourselves, we place everyone else's needs above ours. But when it comes to product to answer your question is we're in the process of neglecting yourself, you'll run out of the house and not maybe grab your your chapstick or your lip gloss or your mascara because you have to run and take the kid to school or whatever the case is, or walk the dog because he's going to pee in the house if I don't take them out. So it's the secondary placing ourselves secondary to anything and everything is what's wrong. Because we if you really think about it, I had a friend who told me he said, a selfish mom is the best mom, I thought who thinks that way. But now I understand that this was maybe 20 years ago that he said this to me. And now I understand what it's not selfish. It's self love. You know, when you love yourself so much everyone around you, your kids and your husband, your environment is just so happy because you're happy. Now the minute you don't feel good, that energy because you're huge on energy, that energy transfers your mind, does it feel good to know I don't feel good. My wife doesn't feel good. No, I, you know, I'm having a lousy day because my mind is weather. So it's, it's so important to place yourself. You're the MVP of this game Life is a game and you're the most valuable player. And so the game doesn't matter if the most valuable player is injured or is her or doesn't feel well, right. So remember that and that would be my best advice to all women is place yourself ahead of anything in everything your mind fit, spiritually fit and physically fit before anything. And that's to serve others, not just not to be selfish, but that's ultimately is what I'm 100% so I'm able to give you 100% But you're not feeling 100% You're getting whatever percentage I'm operating on. And it's not fear that you're not giving people and yourself 100%

Hilary DeCesare:

Now it's interesting because he says Happy wife happy, happy life. And I sit here and I give right I my mind call after call and I I love the process of watching somebody literally like open up to the world. Because they've been so close. They've been tuning out and being able to tune in to, you know, changing your channel, changing your energy. But so many times, you know, I can get caught up in helping, helping helping and there was a chapter in my book that I wrote about my husband a bringing me a panini and it was warm and gooey and I was in the middle of writing a book and I was in my office. What felt like you know, 48 hours a day. I know that's especially literally I felt like I never left and He showed up with this warm, gooey thing. And I'm like, I finally just realized, and I wrote it in the book, I wrote it about the Panini principle. And I wrote about the pause principle where sometimes we just have to pause and say, Where am I? Where am I right now? Not everybody else. Because as your tank gets more and more depleted, then you can't give. And sometimes as we get older, our tanks, you know, adrenal fatigue is like a real thing, everyone, I mean, this is like, No, you know, that's legit, no joke. And we just have to be so careful that we don't get ourselves to that point. And if you do, it's recovery time, right. So your company really is designed, as you said, you know, it's that that inside spirit will then lead to that, you know, outside happiness and where we go. So we have to, we have to take one more break really fast, we're going to come back, but I do want people to know that you've written a book, I'm going to get to the you know, the good stuff behind what exactly give everyone tips and tricks that you can go out and use right away when we come back.

Hilary DeCesare:

This episode is brought to you by my very own labor of love my most recent book relaunch. This book is a collection of my stories, other stories and as a motivational guide to living a new three HQ lifestyle, sparking your heart to ignite your life. It's available for purchase via Amazon, get ready to try on the three HQ method that I've been using for years, throughout my entire life, reaching the next level in all areas, both professionally and personally. Get your copy today at www dot the relaunch

Hilary DeCesare:

Hey, everyone, welcome back. I'm here with Bobbi Vargas, and we're talking about books. We're talking about beauty or talking about Bobbi's company, but dela. I mean, we are talking about everything. And what I do want to have to make sure that I address before we go any further is this. We're all on Instagram, most of us are. And sometimes we're on too much and ads pop up and my god, everybody is selling a miracle, right? This is going to help your creepy neck this is going to help your creepy face your wrinkles, your you know, oh my god, this is the you know, all natural no longer need to do anything else. How do we as women differentiate between what's really there and what's so not there? And it's just wasting our money? That's a question. I'm assuming. It's a question upon questions, because I gotta tell you so many times I look at these ads, and I'm like, Huh, that's sure sounds good. That sounds good. But is it worth 49? Is it worth 99? Is it worth 199? I'm like, Oh, geez. Oh jays, here I go. Again, I'm going down the vortex. And then I'm like, at that point, I'm like, back away, just just leave get out of this vortex. So how are you now? You know, knowing what you know? How do you help women figure out what works and what doesn't?

Bobbi Vargas:

Honestly, I'm not sponsored to say this. I'm gonna say it. If you haven't downloaded the app, Yuka yuk. I fill my husband in the refrigerator for half an hour scanning things I said get out of there. So it's everything health and beauty. And you scan it and it tells you whether it's bad, why it's bad, and they give you great recommendations. I think that's gonna be like my tip of the day in terms of how to switch Oh, good. You're I felt so guilty throwing away half of my bathroom, even though it was brand new, because some some ingredients that were in my products, whether it's hair and more lotions or makeup, were deadly products that are banned in other countries and thinking why are consuming this. And so that's my tip for today.

Hilary DeCesare:

Oh, Bobbi, that is huge. That is so important. I did this six months ago, I literally looked at all of my makeup. And I said even though I love some of the products I'm like, is this and I have a friend who is like over the top in terms of like when I call when I say okay, I really do like this shampoo and she's like, You have no idea you can't even pronounce like 57 of the ingredients Hillary get rid of it. I'm like, and now I've really simplified. I've simplified down that I'm not and it actually helps me avoid that impulsive like I should be doing that.

Bobbi Vargas:

Right? I think about it. Sometimes you're doing everything right at least what you think is right, but you still don't feel well. So it could be the lotion. Yours could be you Wouldn't it? You just don't know. Right? And so this app has been a lifesaver for not just myself, but so many people.

Hilary DeCesare:

Okay, so hold on, can we talk about that deodorant thing? So it does take a while when you first switch from like alumina based to all of a sudden, oh, natural with these good products, it, it there is like a certain smell that's attached, you know, for a little bit probably like a couple weeks. But then I'm telling you, they work. It really does work. Absolutely. And I have now tried like four or five of them. And I have a favorite, I have a total favorite. It is like so great. And I can't remember the name of it right now. But I will go ahead and post it because some of these things they do work okay, but back to you, because this is awesome. Hugo was the name you will have it in the show notes. But so all things beauty, all things, books, all things but della Nadella is this passion. And I know that through writing the book, you now are even more interested in helping people understand. It's not just about saying you're into mindset, shifting habit creation, you're doing something about it. Can you share with us what you're going to be doing here? Or how we can get involved in this?

Bobbi Vargas:

Absolutely. So the name of the book is strategies for success is expanding your potential because we all if you ask anyone, including myself, you know, I asked myself, I want operating at my highest potential. And I can always do more, everyone can do more. They just don't have the strategies or the tools or the skills, right? They just want the blueprint. And here we are. I'm thinking just like you said you have, you know certain things that your husband's Killzone, I think it was or the

Hilary DeCesare:

Panini effect, sorry.

Bobbi Vargas:

So the Panini or the pause method, so now you you're actually calling them something. And that's exactly what I did, unfortunately, son in the book, but the book is a great start to helping you with strategies. But on the site of Bobby, we will have PDFs of literally a blueprint. So here's a quick example. Choose a goal, personal or professional goal. And on top of that list on a piece of paper, write down that goal, whether it's to lose weight, or vacation or purchase something. So write down that goal on the left column, write everyone's name that you're in communication with right now. And then the fault the column next to that I want a yes, the column next to that that didn't know. And then the last column is a maybe now start shifting names over yes, no a beacon, they helped me achieve that goal, right. So now you know, your eight hours of operation or 10 hours of operation. If if a no column calls me, I'm not going to take that call before I take the Yes, or maybe call them right. So this is how you know who to eliminate just so I reach my goal, and then start a new sheet with goals. And there's so many different formulas that I'm going to put together so that people because I have people say, Well, I don't know, you know, this person calls me they're on the phone for an hour. And then I'm thinking I just wasted an hour on the phone, not because I disliked this person, but I had something else to do, you know, in the altered my day. So now this, I hope those little formulas will help, you know, just organize time management, we were talking about time management earlier, you know, help you with time management, because that's you, I want people at the end of the day to pause and think, Gosh, I had a productive day. You know, and that's my ultimate goal. When you feel productive, you feel great about yourself, you know? So ultimately, it's what

Hilary DeCesare:

as you elevate your energy to have that and what you're doing is allowing for there not to be an energy leak, right so you start to talk and hey, we all have this happen. There's people that you know, they will will you tell them hey, I got 10 minutes and they're like, Oh God, I got this and I want to talk to you and you're like oh, I don't have time for this right now. And I think that boundaries is really really really hard. And it goes back to boundaries and beauty too. Right? Sometimes we're trying so desperately for the fountain of youth. Right? And keeping ourselves looking the way you know we we'd like to that we do take things over the top and sometimes you know take things too far. Something that I came up with probably about Gosh, I'd say maybe eight years ago was the Get Real project or project get real one of the two I can't remember which one I actually bought and everything but there's something really great that when you get super comfortable with yourself, you can go out with just a little lip gloss on right and everyone has their own little thing like I can't go out without you know mascara I can't go out with a little blush without my eyebrows without my you know lip gloss. Mine's lip gloss. I can totally put my hair back if I have a little lip gloss I'm good to go. What would be yours?

Bobbi Vargas:

Oh, my eyebrows and that's why I tattoo them.

Hilary DeCesare:

You literally can go from like you know a cup of coffee or tea in the morning to Boom, I'm out the door that's literally roll out. See? That's so good. So what is next for Bobby?

Bobbi Vargas:

Ah, I love that question so much like my purpose is so much greater. So what we're della does, a percentage of the proceeds will go to a charity that is so close and dear to my heart right now is to help survivors of sex trafficking children and women were purchasing beds for them. And, you know, it breaks my heart to tell you this, but there are only 24 beds available for 400 applicants in the state of California, imagine that. We also teamed up with a speech therapist who's also a dear friend, and she will help them rehabilitate their speech from the trauma they've endured. So the loss of speech, I should say. And then we also educate women teach them a skill on body sculpting and permanent makeup, to be able to have a skill that can go out there and work we employ them if they don't have work until they can get back on their feet. So that's our mission is to just educate and allow people to become more self independent, and recover from any trauma that might have endured, you know, and so that's, that's next.

Hilary DeCesare:

You know what, that is something near and dear to me, because I was on three strands a board for years. And I'm actually going to be interviewing the woman who is the CEO of three strands to talk more about having people gain awareness about what's really going on with human trafficking and the lack of support. So kudos to you. I mean, yet again, something else that we have a common interest. And you did just mentioned something that I do this whole concept of body sculpturing. Can you explain what is that?

Bobbi Vargas:

Absolutely. So it's, it's a device, it's a machine that has several handles, and it targets areas of your body that you can't seem after, you know, going to the gym that you can't seem to target, it also lifts, tightens the skin detox is the body of your lymph nodes of the toxins, what lymph nodes are, it's almost like the tubes or tunnels that your body take. It just stores the toxins from the food or environment that you consume. And that's what it exactly does. It targets that it's almost like getting a really deep massage, and then you have to rush to the bathroom. And there you go, you know, so it's a great knowing though.

Hilary DeCesare:

Okay, so hold on. So Is it painful?

Bobbi Vargas:

Does it No, not at all? No, no, no, no, all those treatments, there's no downtime, you can go to work right after the treatment. It's great for anyone that wants to add extra increase, increase their income, whether it's a stay at home mom, this is a machine that you can put in any room. And it's portable, you can drag it from one room to the other, it has wheels, or for let's say, a personal trainer or massage therapists or a tanning salon. So anyone that wants to increase their income by what were we saying I think 45 to $50,000 a month, you know they can they can pick up the skill and the machine and get get to work and we do everything will help promote you will market you will train you

Hilary DeCesare:

Hannibal. It's so so and so how long does it take to learn how to do something like this

Bobbi Vargas:

one day? You could do online or in person? Is

Hilary DeCesare:

there any way they can screw up? Like are there like because I've heard horror stories about things like cool, sculpt, and other you know, areas to get when people don't know what they're doing. I'm sure there's 1000 people who are like awesome, cool, sculpt, but you can you can you mess up with what you're talking about?

Bobbi Vargas:

Absolutely not. No. Will you? Look, the right training of the right technician will give you better results than one who is well trained. But you cannot screw up. And that's the great part. Because you're right, not only have I heard, I've seen have worked with plastic surgeons, so I've seen poor jobs in terms of freezing the fat, you know, I've seen it and unfortunately, sometimes the doctors can't fix it. And so with this, they cannot screw up now you will achieve better results with someone who's better equipped, whether it's the machine or the training.

Hilary DeCesare:

Yeah. And I think that there's, you know, obviously the fear out there. I remember my daughter's tutor had done it and I'm like, Oh my God, you're losers. So, you know, as we're wrapping up here, how can people find you besides the shownotes? How can we stay in contact with you and just keep keep this incredible relationship going?

Bobbi Vargas:

I adore you. This was a great experience and I hope I was a value to you and your audience and you can find me at Bobby with an IBO BBI or Bedelia Bo DL on Instagram or and at Bobby Vargas on Instagram as well.

Hilary DeCesare:

You know what, Bobby? If I were to say, at this point, you know, there is so much that you and I have very common feelings around and support. It has been so much fun to talk to you. I'm excited for others to continue to follow you. And for those that are right now thinking, You know what, I'm in the middle of a relaunch. I want you to think about what do you need to do today? Is it going to the doctor is it starting to protect your face body from the sun, because we know it's damaging because we know there are issues but when you really realize that you need a relaunch today in your business in your life. There is a place that you can go and it's the relaunch Come take the quiz, see where you compare with the three HQ the head, the heart, the higher self, so head on over to the relaunch And until next week, relaunch now




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