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Young Adult Mental Health & Filial Piety with Allison Ly, LCSW
14th November 2022 • Open Mind Night • Robyn Tamanaha
00:00:00 00:24:37

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Joining me on this episode is my guest Allison Ly. She is a LCSW based in Los Angeles, CA. She does video therapy for California residents. She is a first generation Asian American born and raised in Los Angeles, California and identifies as Chinese and Vietnamese culturally. She speaks Vietnamese conversationally.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Forming friendships as a young adult
  • Respecting your family without losing yourself
  • Sacrificing self with family, boundaries, putting your needs those first
  • Comparing yourself to others and imposter syndrome
  • Experiencing comparison with family, absorbing that, and then comparing self to others which may lead to imposter syndrome

Allison's Website:

Allison's Instagram: @allisonlytherapy

Open Mind Night website:

To find out more about the host, Robyn Tamanaha, go here:

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DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not psychotherapy or counseling. If you need to speak with a professional, you should find one local to you and contact them directly. IF THIS IS AN EMERGENCY, PLEASE CALL YOUR LOCAL EMERGENCY NUMBER OR GO TO YOUR NEAREST EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT



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