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Episode 5: Mindfulness | Sound
Episode 56th September 2023 • The Meditation Well • Jess Haessly
00:00:00 00:05:33

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Meditation Script:

Seated or lying down, comfortable and alert, focusing your attention on sound. What do

you hear in the distance, sounds outside of the space you’re in. Do you notice

sounds in another room, outside of a window, or further away from your

immediate surroundings. Can you name sounds? This is the sound of tires moving

across blacktop. Or this is the sound people talking. Or this is the sound of a

chattering squirrel or chirping crickets. Notice specifically what you hear. Is

there traffic, the sound of wind or rain? Birds singing, the buzzing of insects?

Voices or music? Notice the loudness or quietness of sound. What sounds sustain,

any silence between sound. Now bringing your awareness to the space you’re in.

Observe the hum of any appliances of electronics, the sound of my voice.

Observe high or low pitch of sound, rhythm. Taking together the sounds in the

distance and the sounds closer to your ears, observe any shift in pitch or

rhythm, sustain, silence. Notice the sound of your breath—the loudness or

quietness. The sound of your inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Listen. Invite

movement to the body. Lift your shoulders up, ease your shoulders down. Rest

here, or awaken, moving into your day with an enhanced ability to pause and





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