Hello! My name is Nalini Elvino de Sousa and welcome to Travel and Learn Goa.
Travel and Learn is a podcast for travellers and language lovers. We have 2 different sections: one is travelling and the other is language.
In the language section we have 3 levels: easy, medium and hard but today’s podcast is different. Is about how to motivate yourself to learn a language.
In this podcast I will be talking to Marina Nédio, my friend and colleague. We both teach Portuguese and we will be sharing with you some of the Portuguese vocabulary used in the social media: facebook, instagram, youtube.
Do share with us your ideas on how to motivate yourself to study a language. Write back to:
Communicare Trust e-mail:
Communicare Trust website:
Language practice material:
Travel & Learn youtube channel: travelnlearn
Nalini Elvino de Sousa’s Instagram: lotusfilmgoa