Artwork for podcast Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs"  Mabe
ASK THE BOSS - Episode 15
Episode 1519th February 2020 • Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe • Core Nutritionals LLC
00:00:00 01:10:23

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8:33 - Should I train obliques directly?

13:33 - Should this person train adductors


14:49 - Are you going to make joggers that fit

Paul Revelia’s giant fanny?

16:16 - What changes are there in the new

fury launch?

17:53 - Will it make me smarter?

18:50 - Opinions on Gary V?

20:53 - Toilet paper over or under?

21:42 - What do you think about Julian Smith’s

Daily Pump workouts?

23:17 - when is Core ZZZ back in stock?

24:46 - Have you ever done a contest prep?

25:32 - How much time was put into posing?

26:51 - What is your favorite pizza topping?

28:40 - when is core pump dropping and

when are the big tubs of Core ISO coming?

30:13 - How to grow shoulders?

31:45 - What is the most underrated Supplement

that people should be taking?

33:10 - What is your split now?

34:09 - Chef douglazzz video series?

34:23 - Where are you training During Arnold?

35:27 - Biggest determining factor on HQ move?

36:30 - Next big business project?

37:32 - Can’t find podcast on apple?

38:11 - Thoughts on Single leg press vs.

traditional leg press?

39:00 - Should I run MTS Barracuda and Core Hard

Extreme for 4 or 8 weeks? Same time off?

43:18 - What kind of steak are you and why?

44:08 - Next product to get the new rebrand look?

44:50 - What type of diet does fury go with?

45:53 - What motivates you to wake up and

go work out?

46:39 - If I never been a big supplement guy

what should be my first stack?

47:06 - Any new suprimo flavors?

47:32 - When you coming north?

47:53 - Best time to take Core Bolic?

48:51 - Any new gear dropping?

49:14 - Can The Nut Corners get the new fury?

49:37 - What is the new deal on the 3/4 shirt?

49:53 - Can we get a sneak peak of the deal


50:22 - Are you running any deals on the old

branded supplements?

51:38 - Will A-list Have the same offer of fury?

51:47 - What are the flavors of the new Core pro?

51:52 - Are you still going to produce peak-x

53:39 - Favorite city you been and one you want to

go to?

54:21 - Do we plan on developing any new brands?

55:10 - Your views on blood flow restriction


56:17 - Have you always had a strong faith?

58:18 - What are your biggest learning for optimal

recovery over your lifetime?

58:50 - Favorite diet / food hacks when busy or


59:19 - Protein bar update?

1:01:03 - How many gallons of water do you

Drink in a day?

1:01:11 - What are your thoughts on artificial

sweetener and flavor in supps?

1:01:48 - What color polos will the crew be

wearing at the arnold?

1:02:31 - Meat how much you love your boss?

1:02:36 - Deals at the arnold?

1:04:20 - Core intra?

1:07:27 - How should a skinny guy utilize Intra?

1:08:35 - What does Venice beach taste like?

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