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Why Positive Thinking Doesn't Work?
29th April 2022 • Breakthrough Marketing Secrets • Roy Furr
00:00:00 00:19:49

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🧠 Training Your Subconscious Success Mechanism

📙 Rethinking Positive Thinking by Dr. Gabriele Oettingen

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If you struggle with goal-setting…

If visualization and manifestation just aren’t coming true like you want them to…

If you’ve tried positive thinking but just end up with negative results…

It’s not your fault!

I was just turned on to two decades’ worth of deep research into positive thinking — why it often comes up short, and what to do instead.

The secret?

It’s in your BIOLOGY — and your nervous system.

Don’t worry though — you don’t have to become a wretched pessimist or throw out those positive thoughts and feelings.

But today’s episode will have you rethinking positive thinking, for sure.

Check it out: Why Positive Thinking Doesn't Work? 

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr



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