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Charlie Whyman, Strategist and B2B LinkedIn Consultant
Episode 2230th November 2020 • Your World of Creativity • Mark Stinson
00:00:00 00:29:42

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Charlie Whyman is a Business Development Strategist, B2B LinkedIn Consultant and Trainer, Speaker and host of The Curiosity Key Podcast.

She says "I believe that great businesses come from powerful networks built from authentic and strategic relationships."

Charlie has experience working across more than 10 different industries and sectors in various commercial leadership roles -- as well as having experience as a Rowing and Olympic Weightlifting Coach.

WHAT MAKES YOUR LINKEDIN NETWORK SO VALUABLE? You’ve heard people say that your network is your net worth well it’s true! You can use your network as a way to:

  • Generate leads, enquiries, referrals and introductions
  • Follow-up with prospects and convert connections into customers
  • Become known in your industry so that people come to YOU
  • Grow your reputation
  • Demonstrate credibility and authority
  • Find referral partners and people to collaborate with
  • Learn from others
  • Keep an eye on the competition
  • Keep up to date with what’s going on in your industry
  • and more! 

Charlie shares her OTTER framework as a tool you can use to help you create a marketing strategy and plan. It will help you reduce marketing overwhelm, save time and do more with less.

  •  O – Set clear and measurable OBJECTIVES so that you know what to focus on and where to prioritize.
  • T – Discover what TOOLS, Assets and Resources you have available to help you achieve your objectives.
  • T – Understand where your gaps in skills and knowledge lie and what TRAINING you may need.
  • E – Align your EXPECTATIONS both with yourself and the people you’re working with so you’re not disappointed and can work towards excellence.
  • R – Regularly reflect and REVIEW progress so that you know what to start doing, stop doing and continue doing.

Connect with her on LinkedIn at

Join her Curious B2B Marketing Club at

Listen to Charlie's podcast at



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