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Podcast# 254 WTF moment: Travis Air Force Base 1B "Investor" Land Grab Story, Is Total Bullshit.
Episode 25428th August 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:36:28

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The Earnest Mann Show: Unraveling the Mystery of the Land Grab

Hello, everyone! It's Earnest Mann here, bringing you another episode of insights and revelations from the heart of America's Great Pacific Northwest. Today, we dive deep into a perplexing situation that's been making waves.

The Travis Air Force Base Land Mystery

Episode 254 sheds light on the WTF moments surrounding the Travis Air Force Base. A mysterious group has been buying vast tracts of land near this pivotal military base in Solano County, Northern California. The land, which lies strategically between Sacramento and San Francisco, has been acquired in such large quantities that it's raised eyebrows and sparked numerous speculations.

Silicon Valley Investors or a Deeper Conspiracy?

While initial reports suggest that a group of Silicon Valley investors is behind this billion-dollar land grab, the intent remains unclear. Are they really planning to build a high-tech city on this barren land, or is there a more sinister plot at play? With its proximity to the Travis Air Force Base, a key gateway to the Pacific, the implications of this acquisition could be far-reaching.

The Earnest Mann Perspective

Drawing from history, we've seen instances where things aren't always as they seem. Remember the hidden doomsday vault under a hotel? Or the ignored warnings before the Pearl Harbor attack? In a world where news is often a biscuit fed to the masses, it's essential to question, analyze, and seek the truth.

Why Listen to The Earnest Mann Show?

In an era where corporate news often feels scripted and insincere, The Earnest Mann Show stands out. Not bound by scripts or corporate agendas, I aim to bring you genuine insights, grounded in truth and observation. Because, in the end, it's not about eloquence; it's about honesty.

You can go to my website - - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. Engage me and other listeners by leaving a comment, and/or you can reach out to me personally, via my website's contact page.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 if you work for a living why do you kill yourself working [Music] from the Willamette Valley in America's Great Pacific Northwest you are listening to the earnest man show I'm your host Ernest Mann coming to you no matter where what time or what place you may be listening in this great big beautiful but sometimes incredibly crazy world we all live in [Music] thank you well hello everyone it's Monday we made it through another damn week

01:05 this is episode number 254 WTF moments Travis Air Force Base 1 billion dollar investor land grab total biscuit if anyone is familiar with what's going on um you already know that uh there's something here that isn't exactly making sense so that's what we're going to be talking about because this is on many levels just a total biscuit and as you all know by now I really don't like eating chip biscuits and I don't think you should either and uh this this thing stinks to high heaven I'm going to tell you why

02:07 for those of you who are not familiar with what's going on well let me bring you up to speed there is an Air Force Base in California in Solano County um I believe that's how you pronounce it I pronounce it Solano yeah but maybe I'm wrong but that's in Northern California and uh it is Travis Air Force Base and it is pretty much halfway between Sacramento which would be to the um Northeast and San Francisco which of course would be to the south west and um what the whole stink of this affair is is uh they've been having very large

03:15 tracks of land uh being purchased by a uh mystery group and um this mystery group uh that's the way the story supposedly broke on this um they don't like it all of a sudden it doesn't matter if it's you know other investors do this all the time it's just the huge chunks and tract of land and its position very very close to Travis Air Force Base my been there in that area several times and actually it's real it's a it's a really uh it's a nice place and other than you know everything

04:14 that's set up for the Air Force Base um there's some you know there's some wealth there some very fine homes and a lot of wealthy people live there so it's it's not the homes it's it's not a poor place at all however this these tracks of large amounts of land that was purchased I mean it's just dry land there's absolutely nothing special about it but um you know very large amounts of it were purchased and continued to be purchased and uh apparently that made the Air Force a bit

05:03 antsy especially when the buyers are not forth coming okay so where does that lead us where where where do we go from here well most of the time usually my first um piece of advice is to follow the money that will tell you more than most bits of news on the six o'clock news will tell you who benefits from this what is going on but you see even that makes no sense in this case now we get the story stories changed and we get the story that it's a group of Silicon Valley investors oh yeah a group of then they suddenly well okay

06:07 now you can announce this okay all right sure so these mystery people who are these Silicon Valley investors um you know are buying up um it's just short of a billion dollars worth um for quite a bit of acreage I would imagine it's pretty got to be a pretty large track and um yeah uh buying up just about everything that was available apparently and then we have the story about they're going to build a city okay this pile just keeps getting deeper and more nonsensical as we go along folks they're gonna build a city they're going

07:04 to build this um super High Tech High advanced you know this somehow into a place with no running water and the list goes on and on I mean it's as no pun into it's his bare as a rock there's nothing there there's nothing there there never was any well um not in our lifetime anyways there hasn't been anything there for who knows there's nothing there it's barren it's worthless and uh all the sudden they want to build a city yeah right I smell shite so how do I counter this with any kind of reason

08:09 well I I'll do but I always do I'll try with reason so first of all investors don't go into something where they are going to lose money that's not what they do especially if these are these Silicon Valley types if that were the case you know if it was something if they're going to make any kind of purchase um they um have their calculating devices and their and their programs of things that I couldn't even you couldn't even for that matter god couldn't even figure out but they they want they have ways of you know for

09:06 every nickel and dime they already know their returns and you don't start off on the right foot for instance by paying at least three to four times over the current property value which is what happened so in other words that's one of the very big giveaways right there that even if they were going to do this and especially if you're going to buy that much hell I'm not a scientist or a real estate agent but even I know that if you're going to sell in your farm or if you're going to buy the whole Farm

10:02 the price actually goes down proportionally for you know the amount of acreage that it's like anything else that cuts you a deal so you know three four five times the market price for worthless Barren land um and you're already be you know almost a billion dollars in the hole that doesn't make any Financial sense in other words it's it doesn't hold up the scrutiny just on that matter alone the next point about them want to build a city well if you wanted to build a city that's your goal there are plenty of places

11:06 that you could do this again far far far cheaper than going this route and um get a lot more bang for your buck and even have some water resources available I mean already there you don't have to tear down all the infrastructure to do this I mean there for instance just one place that I know alone you could tear down entirely a large section of the city of Pueblo Colorado that's how decrepit and worthless it is it's been poor ever since industry left and they had the steel mills and they had things going that's been gone since

12:10 the 70s you know there's there's nothing there but just decrepit houses and gangs and stray dogs you could level the whole area of that whole area of the city and rebuild the new and you'd be far better off but I'm just saying in addition to that there are so many places like this so when you say the word new um you could do that anew and it wouldn't cost you nearly as much money you see my point of this is that being given the story first of all this very quickly changed from one line to the next actually the first line

13:08 was more than likely the truth and that was they they didn't know and they still probably don't know so very quickly they had to find someone ah oh yes ah here it is yes we were missing that yes we were missing that paperwork yes just happened to find it oh yes property purchased by uh such and such Investment Group of uh Silicon Valley California okay yep yep there it is see they showed it to you so for those reasons alone you know I'm old enough to know when I'm being thrown a line of and that's

13:51 just doesn't work so what's next well I'm gonna tell you what's next because if someone or some entity or some group has a nefarious plan well I'm not going to tell you that would be pretty idiotic on their part that is for them to know and for you to find out that's that's the way this kind of works so if you want to ask me I'll give it my best shot because you have to follow however crazy it sounds you have to follow what would make the most sense now I know that it's been kicked around

14:51 that China has some involvement with this I don't know I'm not going to say with certainty that that is the case or it is not but what I will say is that it's certainly sounds within definitely the realm of possibility so if China wanted to do this or even if they were fronting the money through this so-called uh Silicon Valley Investment Group even if that is the case why well let's just back up a little bit let's just assume for the moment that this that China is behind this why would they do it

15:51 we don't see the direct connection that's because there doesn't have to be a direct connection I can tell you this the the absolute the location is everything now I'm gonna go way out on a limb here and tell you if that is the case what it could mean what it could mean let's say somehow it may not be in a year two years maybe not five years however this gets done but just like uh you have to remember that Area 51 that everyone knows now actually exists for the longest time

16:55 uh didn't exist if you know what I mean wink wink nudge nudge until they finally had to admit that that base was there but they were able they are able with the technology that we have today that they can do amazing things Underground and you wouldn't even know it because of the technology that they use to build and bore Underground um you know very old school the way it was done of course is that you'd have to have there were clear signs of something like this taking place because if you have something that's digging out all this

17:45 rock and debris you gotta have something to haul it away and so you'd have a parade of trucks and that can be taken from you know simply from aerial photographs or whatnot in other words there's a there was a a trail you know a very visible easy to identify Trail but not now they use Technologies and it eliminates all of that but you could have my point is they the proverbial we could have an entire complex in that area and hardly no one would know it especially if you have situation of you know like one Road in and one

18:39 road out there's a reason for having that then what's the big play the big play would be imagine if you were able to take out what has been called I think was like nicknamed um the the passage or some name like that that we're talking about Travis Air Force Force Base and then it's the or the gateway to the Pacific and that's a pretty big deal and Travis is a very very important base on the West Coast and um it is strategically also very very important so there is that now imagine if you will by whatever means

19:43 but if you were able to take over but if a foreign entity or what have you was able to almost instantaneously very quickly take over an incapacitate that Air Force Base and I mean I mean I don't necessarily meaning I mean it doesn't have to mean killing all the people there either although that might happen as well but I'm saying if you took over as in you control everything you control Communications [Music] you know you you control the base you've taken over the base now because you have the the training

20:38 because if you've got people that are at this point they're capable of doing that and they're familiar with the planes and the equipment and the communication gear all that then they could take the next step and the next steps because of its position would be a ransom for San Francisco and Sacramento Sacramento of course being the capital of California or maybe even launching that as a jump off point to um takeover Sacramento itself and what would be the purpose of that because well besides being you know the second most

21:38 incredibly economically powerful state of the U.S you know as more GDP than many many many countries even combined and that's just the state of California itself so yeah if you could capture California in a ransom scenario threatened with I don't know Conventional Weapons or possibly nukes I don't know but I'm saying if you could do that successfully then you've got a bargaining chip because remember it's already been pointed out that You Know Travis Air Force Base it is the Gateway to the Pacific

is it was only I think it was:

23:42 if not send me the question I'll look it up for you but anyway he almost completely predicted the attack on Pearl Harbor I mean not the date of course but the scenario and they laughed him out of the room and I mean this is he you know predicted it how many ships how many planes I believe that this season of the year it was amazingly accurate in retrospect of course the military doesn't tell you about this you have to you do have to dig into it a little bit deeper to find it but yeah it was there in addition to that

24:39 to how the uh how the military once again also did something which was incredibly stupid was the radar man had advanced notice before the planes got to Pearl Harbor via radar I mean they would have had at least an hour's notice at least an hour I think it was more and he gave he passed along the information and basically they ignored him they laughed and said stop sending this now in their defense what I will say is you have to remember that at that time um radar was was pretty new

25:44 and this station um was uh it was obviously functional but it was it was more of um it was official but it was also experimental so I can say it that much in their defense is that they ignored it because it was inconceivable well an hour or two later when the bombs started dropping all at once the inconceivable was very conceivable so there's speculation understandably and you know I mean hell if I was a fortune teller I only probably wouldn't be doing this these things are not you know they're not easy to to predict

26:42 but sometimes you can come at things from a different angle and at least it helps you to figure something out if you look at what it isn't and this story this biscuit that we're being handed saying these yes these all these mystery investors we're going to put nearly a billion dollars into you know I say relatively worthless land for a huge land grab a foreign okay from again from any angle this is not the way you build and start a new city and you especially don't do it in holding people in the dark

27:43 and it's I'm saying there's something it's it's from any angle so at least if I tell you some about this I can at least tell you what it's not so they're not going to build whatever may be going on they're not going to build um a new city if anything which kind of ties in with what I was talking about earlier doing something nefariously they may go in there with all the equipment and for all intents and purposes it appears as though they're building a city but meanwhile simultaneously

28:35 they're doing something else they're building something else so in other words this thing is serving an effective dual purpose it is you know it can it could bill it could even be inspected because inspectors can be bribed all you have to do is get to them and pay the money what they would build again I don't know but I know its position is very vital and the one thing of course you can bet on is it has something to do with neutralizing um You Know Travis Air Force Base

29:40 I don't I don't think it would be a plan to blow it up I would think somehow it would be a plan to capture it now again how this would be implemented I don't know but many many times this was done in um everything from the 50s in America all the way up through the 70s and 80s where you have you know a situation where it looks as though you're building uh or refurbishing uh there was that case with the famous um oh the name won't come to me there either must be losing my marbles here but it's the famous case I think I think

30:32 it was maybe the Ambassador Hotel I could be wrong but anyway the famous case where as um they built a doomsday Vault Under this hotel while it was operating while it was functional and they had every provision they put in you know air systems duct systems and um a huge blast proof 20-ton door all this while looking as though it was just normal the Reconstruction working on the hotel yes it is and is this a historical fact until eventually that that was discovered and but that took them I think they shut it down and

ts purpose it could hold like:


33:21 maybe maybe China did buy it via a uh a front group and we're that incredibly stupid which I wouldn't put past the government they're too busy partying and having a good time on your dime and so I mean it's it's possible hell maybe even likely but like I said one thing I know is um yeah you wouldn't have the these this this whole investor line that they're throwing us let's total you know it's like the old joke about oh yeah I got some um I got some ocean if you believe that I got some ocean

34:25 front property in Arizona you might be interested in no but most folks they'll believe just unfortunately they'll just they'll believe just about anything so there you have it anyway that's my thought on it tell me what you think drop me a line and other than that I'll have more excellent programming for you on Wednesday until then take care I'm going to tell you three good reasons

36:30 why you should listen to the earnest man show when you're constantly being told and sold by the six clock corporate news squirrels urgent breaking news but you don't know it's really a biscuit when you begin to suspect that those well-paid corporate talking head news actors speaking to you simply read the script they're given are trying to give you a biscuit and when you realize that the stories of these so-called news anchors regardless if they're acting the role of being on the left or the right have absolutely no

37:14 real concerns for your life but are definitely Force feeding you a biscuit now admit I may not speak as eloquently or professionally as those folks but at least I try to tell you the truth as I see it not reading a damn script handed to me like a trained monkey that's why you should listen to the earnest Man Show and that's no biscuit



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