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Thank you for meditating with me today!
Meditation Script:
Today, I invite you to journal or mentally reflect on your day. Find a comfortable
seated position either on the floor, upon a cushion, in a chair, or on a sofa.
Position your body in a way that feels supported, relaxed, and alert. Recall
how your day began. Gently remembering your mental, emotional, and physical
space, what actions did you take or not take to set the tone for your day. What
was the tone? How did you navigate joy or pain, ease or tension, harmony or
conflict? Contentment? Recall if your day went as expected or were there
moments that interrupted the flow of your day?
Recall your most challenging moment. Breathe. Whatever your response to that
challenge, take note of what if anything you would do differently. Bring fully to your
memory the moment of challenge, all of the senses involved, the thoughts, the
emotions. Now, if you navigated the challenge in a way that aligns with your values,
offering sound reason and kindness to the moment, enjoy a deep breath in,
knowing that it is within you in moments of challenge to move through and beyond.
Breathing out, let go of the moment.
If you would have liked to respond to that challenging moment in a different way than
you did, imagine what you would have done differently. Enjoy a deep breath in,
knowing that there is within you in moments of challenge a higher self way to
move through and beyond. Breathing out, let that moment go.
Recall your
most peaceful, harmonious, or joyful moment in your day. Remembering your
physical, mental, and emotional space in that moment, bring to mind all of the
senses involved in that moment. Perhaps you saw something that brought you joy
or heard something that instilled peace. Perhaps you smelled or tasted
something pleasant or touched or felt something that set you at ease. As I count
down from 5 to 1, slowly, gently, knowing that there is within you the capacity
for peace, harmony, joy, let that moment go arriving fully in the here and now.
Enjoy a deep breath in, then slowly exhaling—5, 4, 3, 2, 1—rest in this moment.
Thank you for meditating with me. Peace.
Written + Performed by: Jessica Haessly