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How To Find Your Dharma with Sahara Rose
Episode 811st March 2022 • Am I Doing This Right? • Corinne Foxx and Natalie McMillan
00:00:00 00:42:56

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Corinne Foxx - @corinnefoxx

Natalie McMillan - @nataliemcm and @shopnataliemcmillan 

What we're drinking: Better Booch Hibiscus Healer 



Highest Self Podcast


Sahara Rose is the best-selling author of Discover Your Dharma, Eat Feel Fresh, Idiot's Guide to Ayurveda and A Yogic Path Oracle Card Deck and A Yogic Path Reflective Journal. She also hosts the Highest Self Podcast, the #1 spirituality podcast on iTunes with over 25 million downloads and counting.  

She is also the founder of Dharma Coaching Institute, the world's first double certification that trains Certified Dharma and Spiritual Life Coaches, as well as the founder of Rose Gold Goddesses, the divine feminine mystery school. Sahara is known for her fun and relatable approach to spirituality that makes her wisdom accessible and relatable. She is a keynote inspirational speaker, speaking on stages such as Google and Facebook Headquarters. She has been featured in Vogue, Forbes and recently on the nationwide cover of Yoga Journal Magazine. 


We’re taught that the only things worth our time are those that make us money, but connecting with your higher self and true purpose is so much more than making a check. On today’s episode, spirituality expert Sahara Rose shares ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with us and explains how you can tap into your dharma archetype to bring yourself into balance. She breaks down the terminology and helps us understand our own dharma journeys. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • What dharma, ayurveda and doshas are 
  • How Sahara learned to detach from limiting beliefs and falsehoods 
  • Sahara’s advice for someone who feels purposeless or lost 
  • The simple way that you can get started on your dharma journey 
  • Three main paths you can take to connect with your dharma 
  • Our results from 
  • Details about Sahara’s 21 Day Dharma Journey course


Corinne and Natalie introduce Hottie of the Week: Orlando Bloom


Better Booch Hibiscus Healer = 9 / Orlando Bloom  


To wrap up the episode, we play Roses and Thorns. Nat has a big thorn in her side from dealing with the minutiae of her business, but the class she took recently about the subconscious mind was a major rose moment. Corinne’s thorn is that she made her manager’s baby cry when they met on FaceTime, but her weekend road trip with Joe to San Luis Obispo was as rosy as can be. 

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[00:00:08] Natalie McMillan: And I'm Natalie McMillan.


[00:00:19] Natalie McMillan: And each week we cover a new topic and we drink a new bottle of wine.

Um, but this is a special

day special edition at the, so we're officially not having our first glass of wine. Right. We are trying something else. You guys, and we're really excited about it. Cause we're going to be talking to Sahara rose today about how to find your. Dharma. We're going to be talking with her about what is your Dharma.

If you don't even know what that is, what is I Veda Doshi says and how to realize the truth of who you are. I love it.

You know, we love these visuals. These are right


It's not even 11:00 AM not even 11:00 AM and it's always a struggle, but we do it for the listener. But today we actually are going to feel revived UConn Bucci we have two options. We have the sun wink, sparkling tonic, and it's not a kombucha. I don't even really know what it is. It's it's a sparkling tonic.

Oh, it's a sparkling tonic with like blueberry and lemon juice and goji Berry extract. And then we also could drink the better Booch kombucha hydrogen. Healer. Oh, and it's your choice? It's dealer's choice my choice. Gosh,


Something about the high biscuits. Also it is 90 degrees today and it is winter. It's a hot day. It's a hot day. So this feels refreshing, you know, I'm in my shorts, which I'm happy about, but, but not happy about the global warming. Right,


[00:02:14] Natalie McMillan: ah, that was some actual serious kind of here at like

I'm excited. Oh my gosh. Should we do this all the time? Like, do we switch from wine to Booch? You guys does that sound like a dip in the pool? Cheers. Cheers. Ooh.


I feel like the, both of us were always hungry for like spiritual growth and to find ways to understand ourselves and the world around us better. And I think Sahara is the perfect. Person to have on. She has the number one spirituality podcast and a wealth of knowledge and books too, to help find our own passions and life purpose.

And she's definitely 100 P and S. We're also kind of newbies to the, the idea of like, I Veda, I, I R Veda I, your Veda we'll find out. And she actually goes to talks about like dosha and dharmas and I don't, I don't know a ton


[00:03:24] Corinne Foxx: Yes. So should we introduce her before?




[00:03:47] Natalie McMillan: it all. She also hosts the highest self podcast, which is the number one spirituality podcast on iTunes with over 25 million download.

That's insane count and counting. She's also the founder of Dharma coaching Institute. The world's first double certification that trains certified Dharma and spiritual life coaches, as well as the founder of rose gold goddesses, the divine feminine mysteries. Throw the word Ms. Miller, you told me sold.

We are enrolled in a mystery school. I love divine feminine mystery school. Say less. She's known for her fun and relatable approach to spirituality that makes her wisdom accessible and relatable, which we love. She's a keynote inspirational speakers. Speaking on stages, such as Google and Facebook headquarters.

She's been featured in. Forbes and recently on the nationwide cover of yoga journal magazine. Oh my gosh. So accomplished.


[00:04:53] Sahara Rose: Hello. . Hey ladies. Thanks so much for having me on today. Oh, we're


So this is like so exciting, so exciting for us.


[00:05:30] Corinne Foxx: So we read that we were researching you, we read that you said coming from immigrant parents, you always felt a responsibility to save the world, which I thought was really interesting.

I'm curious how your upbringing guided you to the work that you're doing now.


And how beautiful is that? And. If you look at Maslow's hierarchy, right? When you have your survival needs met, then you're like, what, what do I really want? You know? And maybe you go for more of the luxuries of life. Then once you have those, you're like, well, those aren't really making me happy. What is my purpose here?

I want self-actualization. So that naturally is what happened to me. You know, my parents really wanted me to go into a safe career path, something that was stable. And here I am, like moving to India and Bali and like shotguns and all the things. We don't get it. We came here so you could be safe and secure and here you are taking a risk.

Like why would you ever want to do that? And in fact, the tension got so bad between, especially my father and I, that it got to a point that we were constantly fighting and he actually disowned me. He said, you are dead to me. I want nothing to do with you as my daughter. And that was so hard because I realized how much of my life I had spent for my parents' approval.

You know, so many of us, we, especially as. Daughters as well. It's like, we want that gold star. We want that pat on the back, we want the, like you're smart. You're enough. You're worthy. And then to be dead to him, it made me realize that, well, I have no one else to live for, but myself. So I'm going to. Do the things that make me come alive, I'm going to step into my curiosities because the truth is I don't want to join the 99% of people who live with the regret on their deathbed of, I wish I lived my purpose.

I wish I did what I love. And truthfully my parents. I'm so grateful for them, but they're not doing what they love to this day. And I think so many of us were taking advice from people who aren't living their dreams, their purposes. So of course, they're going to come from these limiting beliefs because that's all they know.

So a lot of that was the deconditioning, the unraveling, the letting go of all of these false hoods that I have been told. To remember the truth of who I am, the limitless potential that each and every one of us hold. And I also needed to go through that experience to, to believe in myself enough, even when those closest to me did not believe in me.

Oh my


[00:08:14] Corinne Foxx: We talk a lot about our parents and like, Being able to reach a certain evolutionary point that got them to where they are. And it's kind of like our responsibility to continue that evolution, even as their offspring, it's like, okay, they can't get this far. This is as far as they can go.

This is also my responsibility to continue evolving and expanding my mind past what they're capable of, given their circumstances in their, you know, their own history and their own baggage. And when you were talking, I was also thinking, do you have siblings?


[00:08:48] Corinne Foxx: You're the oldest daughter.

I also feel like when you were saying like your parents approval and things like that, I'm the eldest daughter as well and firstborn, and I have that like sense of responsibility. And I have to, like, I was very much a good girl. I was like a perfectionist and I was realizing, wow, so much of that has to do with like, just being the first born and like all the pressure on me to continue this legacy or, you know,


And like you were saying that the deconditioning thing that's so hard to realize, oh, okay, I'm doing all of this for approval, but I have to unlearn it because why am I doing it? This is for somebody else. It's not for me. You know, art Tracee, Ellis Ross, one time she said it was so simple, but it like changed my life.

She said, my life is mine. And I was like, oh my God, my life is mine. Like mine. It was so crazy to me, but I want to know. And I think our listeners too, cause I'm sure a lot of us are kind of newbies here. What is


[00:09:54] Sahara Rose: My book is discover your Dharma. So. So that search that I was for, I didn't know it at the time, but it was like, I could just feel I wasn't here to live the same day over and over again, to work a nine to five job doing something that it's like, it's okay.

Like maybe it's like semi in alignment with your gifts, but, but not really. And I was just searching for. Thing this desire to feel something more, but I didn't know what it was. And that brought me to my studies of different spiritual wisdoms, Vedic wisdom. So when I say Vedic, it's like ancient Indian, like the sister sciences of yoga and Vedic meditation.

So Dharma is this. Idea that each of us is part of a unique jigsaw puzzle of the universe and each and every one of us has a unique role to play a soul's purpose and beyond any one career or job or role. It's really how I see it. Like your soul's frequency, it's your expression. So it's the way that only you can speak the lives that only you can impact the way that only you can show up.

So each and every one. If we want to get super spiritual here, it's believed that our souls actually chose our purposes before we incarnated onto this realm. So someone's purpose may let's say Tony Robbins. He may have chosen, I'm going to go through hardship, even abuse and neglect because that's going to teach me how to love myself and how to develop these tools to then share them with others.

Someone else may. Choose the path, the karmic path of relationship issues to then teach those relationship gems to other people. I took that path of being in a surrounding of no woman in my family had ever worked tons of just female suppression. To be a strong woman born in that and be like, no bitch, I'm slashing the patriarchy.

It's not happening anymore. So each of us was born with this purpose. So it's not so much about finding your purpose, but it's remembering it. So as you do this deconditioning, it's like, you are a snowman and you just have put on all these layers of scarves and jackets and mittens. And you're like, oh, this limiting belief that I'll never make money doing whatever.

That's not mine. Oh, this limiting belief that, you know, if are interested in me, I should ignore them. And those that stay are the worthy ones. Nope. That's not mine. And we're like letting go, letting go. And then remembering the truth of who it is that we are. So your Dharma is more than what you do, but it's really who you are.

And then how that translates into your action in the outer world.


Like, even if you don't have the luxury of like choosing the perfect job for yourself, it's like, you can still show up to maybe a job. Exactly love, but through the path of your Dharma, do you know what I mean? Absolutely. Like a way of kind of transforming that. And we'll talk later about, we took the Dharma quiz and so spot on, on your website.

It was so spot on, but when we were researching dharmas, um, what came up a lot and you kind of just said it was the Vedas, right. And like, I, your Veda and also dosha because we hadn't really. Heard of those before. And so for our listeners who might not know, can you explain what that is as


So these are different energy types that are related to the elements. So there are three dosha types which are Vata, air energy, Pitta, fire, energy, and cough up earth energy. So if I told you, oh, my friend, she's super airy. She's just a total space cadet. You know, she's an airy fairy person. What do you think, just based off of this, this idea, how would you describe someone who's airy?

Like what personality traits do they have? They're


[00:13:50] Sahara Rose: Yeah. Laid back. Yeah. Like maybe they're like an artist or something. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. So we have that idea even in our language and every person. So if I said, Ooh, that guy's really fiery. How would you describe he's


[00:14:11] Sahara Rose: Quick-witted maybe. Totally. And what if I said, oh, she's such an earth mama she's so just earthy, earthy, crunchy. Yeah.


[00:14:24] Corinne Foxx: Yeah. Also like could be disciplined to .


So someone that has a lot of Vata is going to be full of those creative ideas. They might be an artist. They may have their head in the clouds. And then that also translates to our body because our minds and bodies are reflections of each other. So if I have air, if I was like, Ooh, girls, I feel like I have a lot of air in my stomach.

What do you think that means? Bloated, bloated, gassy, even constipated air in my skin. It's like dry, rough eczema air in my menstrual cycle would mean like I'm not really menstruating or a really small amount. So we can see this Vata, this air, how it shows up in our minds and our bodies and our skeletal structure.

And you can go really deep in then the pit to the fire energy. It's someone who is intense, organized, ambitious, go get. Like that Gary V like hustle energy, a lot of athletes have this in them. They have that drive then in the body. If I'm like, Ooh, I feel like I have a lot of fire in my digestion. It's like inflammation, it's heartburn, it's acidity.

It's, you know, even acne rosacea. And then with the earth element coffee, if I have really earthy mind, I just am really calm and nurturing. Like you said, grounded, like we think of very Bohemian. They're probably like breastfeeding with like a flask there, you know? So we think of that really. Earth like Oprah energy.

She even has that cough. Like you could just really sit and talk to her for a long time. Then if I'm holding onto a lot of earth in my body, my body's going to also be slow, maybe dense. Maybe I have a slow metabolism. I hold onto things. I hold onto emotions for a really long time. I hold onto energy in the form of calories.

So I may feel kind of sluggish and not wanting to work out. I just kind of want to like chill. So. We each have all of these doses in certain amounts. So we're each born with a combination of all. So you may have been born like Korean, you kind of, to me, looked like a Vata Pitta, and I can just kind of tell by looking at someone at this point, what they're born as.

So people who are more Vata tend to have like long and lean bodies more just like tall. Um, I don't know if you like. Did marathon running or dancing, like they tend to be like dancer. Yeah. They tend to be great with that stuff. And then that Pitta is that, that more like that fi like your, your muscular, uh, pittas tend to have more muscle.

They tend to have like strong jaw lines. Um, think Madonna think broad pit for the pit to energy for the Vata air, energy. Think like Keira Knightley, Steve jobs, Ashton Kutcher. Yeah. That coffin energy is. Very feminine. It's really like more round phase. So think Kim Kardashian, she has a lot of coffee, even like Beyonce.

She's like Pitta, Kapha, Robin Williams, Shaquille O'Neal. They just have more structured. So for you, Natalie, I would say like cough up Pitta for you. So you have that like very feminine. They see you have voluptuous lips, you have like big eyes. Like I have a pretty cough, a face as well. So for me, growing up, my issue is I had, I had allergies and asthma, so that's like a side effect of the cough.

So, so we can learn so much. I've written like two books about this idiot's guide to IRA, Aveda and eat feel fresh. So there's so much to go into, but it really is a language that once you get it, you're like, oh, my Vata is off. I'm feeling really cold or dry. Or my pit is off. I'm feeling really inflamed and you know exactly what to do to bring you back into that.


[00:18:33] Natalie McMillan: for me.

It's interesting because I took the quiz and I got Vata, which is the air isn't that the airy kind of already won. Yeah. And you're an artist,


[00:18:45] Natalie McMillan: yes, my mind is very, like, I am an artist, like by trade, I guess, but yeah, physically I am definitely much more like feminine and I'm curvier and all that.

So spot on. Honestly, I'm curious. 'cause you, you know, you said you came from immigrants and India and all this. Did you have a understanding of all this iron Veda originally? Or did you kind of pick it up somewhere else and dive into it? They're like, how did you come into.


My parents came from Iran. So in Iran, it's like a lot of similar understandings of like cooling and warming foods and that kind of thing. But it wasn't like the words Iyer, Veda or dosha is. And then it wasn't until college that I moved to India and studied Irv to after college for two years there. But it was so interesting because even people in India.

Don't really talk about IRA Aveda that much, maybe in terms of like skincare and massage, but because the British rule actually made Iraheta illegal the entire time that they were colonizing it. So it has been kind of forgotten and replaced by the Western medical system. So it's interesting because now people in India are getting more interested in like yoga practices and even IRA Veda cause people in the west are doing it.

So we're both kind of emulating each other. And


Like where do you kind of start on? Dharma journey.


Were you that kid that wanted to play outside and sports and get messy and be in teams? That's that pitch of the fire child, or were you that kid that's like, let's play house, let's play restaurant. Let's play mom and dad. Let's like pet the animals. Then you are that cough a child. So even if you could think of one thing you love to do as a child and start doing that now, now that doesn't mean.

Being a pianist is your Dharma per se. But if you start doing that more, you start to open up that pathway of remembrance. So maybe from playing the piano, you start to remember, well, I actually really love to play the piano because my grandmother would watch me play. And it was that connection I had with her.

And then that shows you that you really love creating beautiful experiences for people. And then maybe that leads to you becoming an. Planner and, you know, you go from there. So I would just say, start doing what, like, I literally order art projects for myself and I'm like, stand glass. Like let's do it because it was just that thing that lit me up so much as a child.

And then while I'm making my beaded lizard or whatever, I'd come up with my Dharma today.


At least I did. I was like, oh, I haven't done this in so long. I'm not going to be good at it. Like maybe you won't be fun again. And then the second I walked into that dance studio, I was just like, oh, this is like me. This is like, I have videos of myself, like eight years old, just doing. Horrible dance routines for my family.

Oh my God.


[00:22:21] Corinne Foxx: I have a video of me doing the Napoleon dynamite dance. Like I just saw a movie was a hit. It wasn't, it was a big deal back in the day. It was cool when I did it, when I was 10.


[00:22:32] Corinne Foxx: I actually grew up a Polynesian dancing, which was like, I it's kind of like cultural appropriation now, but, um, I grew up Polynesian dancing and then I grew into like hip hop and jazz.

And then now I, I still do hip hop. I try to be consistent about it, but it does feel when I'm dancing. It just feels like I'm remembering, like I'm tuning back into myself or tapping into like the source realigning. Yeah. Yeah, for


It's kind of like, we don't feel like worthy of doing that. It's like, oh no, no, I need to work doing art is like another thing that is, you know, a waste of my


[00:23:20] Natalie McMillan: Yeah. When really it's you coming back to yourself and what better way to like. The world Ben to just be yourself. Yeah. You know?


Because we're taught that the only things worth our time are those that make us money and it's like, you know, I'm sure you guys have seen it all the time. And it's like, what is the money for, you know, you have it. And, and the purpose of money is a vessel for you to experience more joy. So why not cut the middleman and start experiencing more joy today by doing what it is that you love.


[00:24:00] Sahara Rose: here to do. Yeah. And doing what you love will activate you with more ideas that will allow you to step into greater abundance. You know, it's like if we're always on that hamster wheel of doing, we're never going to be able to have the space to allow those higher ideas to come from.


[00:24:16] Natalie McMillan: So in your book in discover your Dharma, you write that there are three paths to get there. So how do we figure out like which path to take?


That's the leap. Now the leap works for people who are, you know, a bit more all or nothing extreme, or maybe you're like sobered out with what you're doing, that you just can't stand another week doing this. So it may be time for you to take that leap. Now, the leap might not be right for someone that has like multiple kids and responsibilities, or maybe that would put a lot of pressure intensity on them.

So it's better for them to come. Ease into something or figure out what it is that they want to do first. So that's option B that sort of like the slow fade away into your Dharma. So maybe you start taking classes, you start discovering, maybe you try internships or working somewhere, shadowing people until you kind of get ready to a place that there still is going to be a leap.

It's just not going to be like. Uh, 10 foot leap. It might be a one foot leap. And that way you just feel a little bit more prepared for stepping into your Dharma. And then the last is the, is the accidental. So that's when you're not really looking for your Dharma and it just finds you. So for example, my friend's uncle, he was an engineer, his entire life in his fifties, never really questioned it.

And in the company he worked out, they said everyone needed to take an elective and he just randomly chose pottery. He's just like, whatever, I'll just do this pottery thing, get, get this out of the way. And once he put his hands on that pottery wheel and like felt the earth through his fingers, he's like, I need to do this everyday.

It just makes me feel so grounded. So he started to show up every day, every day and he started to make things for people in his office. And then they're like, Can you make me an entire like table kit, I'll buy it from you. So we start selling it and now he is a full-time Potter. Like that is what he does.

And the beauty of it is he so could have easily had said, I don't have time for pottery. I'm so busy. I'm an engineer like this isn't for me. But he followed where the Dharma journey was guiding him and was able to open up to, you know, the most beautiful experience in this.


[00:26:43] Sahara Rose: I think your Dharma is always whispering. It's like, yeah, it's always outside of you. Like, Hey, like you love to dance, like get back to dancing. Remember that thing that you loved


[00:26:53] Sahara Rose: years I could hear exactly. So it's like, are you going to listen? And that's really what intuition is, you know?

Like, everyone's like, how do I have more intuition? It's just, do you listen to the whispers of your soul louder than the screams of your. And if you can do that and make that your practice, you will always be guided by your initial. Yeah.


He never would have leaned into it. And so he really was able to kind of shed that ego mode. And come into it and that's amazing.


[00:27:44] Sahara Rose: throughout those courses?

Yeah, so it normally takes 21 days to really create a habit. So 21 days of questioning and being, most of us have never thought about our purposes before. Like how is this not a class in school? They're like, Okay. Like you're 16 years old. What do you want to do for the rest of your life? It's like, bitch, I don't know.

Like no one is going to be like, and then, and then we just end up in this pathway. That's not ours. So even just for 21 days. So for 21 days, I give you different questions and prompts and practices to do to help you remember your Dharma and you actually walk away with it with a, I call it a Dharma blueprint.

So it's an integration of what mediums flow through you. What archetype you are. Excited about what obstacles you've overcome, what your superpowers are and bringing them together towards an action. And that doesn't mean you need to know exactly what you're doing for the rest of your life. It's just, where can I put my energy next?

And then that will guide you along the journey. It's like, once you start to learn the dharmic language, you start to listen to your intuition. You kind of know when your soul contract with an experiences.


[00:28:57] Corinne Foxx: We're going to, we're signed up for the course. We're already signed up for this course. We took the quiz online and we should share what we got the basic quiz. And I'm curious what you think these mean or like any advice you have? So I took it and I got, these were the personal Dharma archetypes, and I got the activists and the visionary


[00:29:25] Sahara Rose: So, how do you feel they show up for you and your life? I mean, we


And if I could work with even more nonprofits, I would, it's so fulfilling to me whenever I have a meeting. Join the, to the national Alliance on mental illness and the endometriosis foundation of America on a call together, I brought them two together and I was literally in tears at the end of the zoom, just because I was like, oh, I'm just so happy.

I could bring these organizations together to align on something. So when I got the activist, I for sure was. Totally understand why I got this, but then the visionary was one. I was like, I don't, I, I guess I'm a visionary, but I don't, I didn't really know how


[00:30:21] Corinne Foxx: Yeah. Yeah, I guess so. I shouldn't know exactly how that shows up in my life. I should probably think about it more yeah.


It's not for like, you would do all that quietly on your own. I do a lot of it. Yeah. It's it's truly like your soul for me. Okay. So the artist makes sense because I am


[00:30:56] Natalie McMillan: painter. Oh yeah. I was doing that since I was probably before I could write. And then the nurturer, I think.

I am a very nurturing you are. Yeah. Just


[00:31:23] Sahara Rose: time and I love how they reflect your guys's dosha.

So for you, Natalie, the artist is your Vata, your creative artists energy. And then the cough is the nurturer, the ability to connect and hold space and make people feel seen and just be this like really heart-centered person and be able to interview people and really listen to them. And again, Oprah energy.

And then for you Kerryn, it's that Pitta of the activist. That's like, okay, I'm going to change the world. Like let's do it. Like, and then that visionary of let me be the voice for it. Let me use my gift of being able to speak of being able to reach these people and then bring in these causes that they may not have been aware of before.

So both of you are living your Dharma.


[00:32:26] Sahara Rose: back.

Oh, I feel what makes my me and my highest self is my creativity. I believe that we're all here to be creative channels for what source is asking to be moved through us. So when I can just get out of my own way and be in that state where. Flowing with ideas and inspiration, movement, art, whatever that thing is that I am being a conduit for that.

I can feel that something bigger than me is moving through me and I just need to show up in service. That's when I feel like my highest self. Wow. So are you Vata? What are your just I have, yeah, Vata Pitta. And then what's


[00:33:06] Sahara Rose: archetype visionary teacher.


Well, sorry. It was so wonderful. Speaking with you. We are signed up for your 21 day Dharma journey and we're so excited for everything that you're doing and putting out and thank you for schooling us


And for those listening on the quiz that you guys took is the Dharma archetype So people can take that quiz to start to learn more about their dorm archetype.


Awesome. Thank you so hard. Have a great rest of your day.

Love her. I love her love that we're living our dharmas. I know that's the official sign


[00:34:10] Corinne Foxx: really are? Cause I do. I mean, I feel very, as of late, I feel very blessed to be able to, cause I do think it's a privilege. I was, I was trying to say in the interview, I was like, you know, we were very privileged that we get to live our truths, but I also feel like if you feel stuck in a job right now and you're like, I can't, I need this job.

There's still a way to show up to it through your Dharma. Yes. Even if you can't exactly do what you want to do right now. Well, even


[00:34:44] Corinne Foxx: they should do the quiz.

Really. You ought to go on the website and do the quiet deal. Guys. We'll have it linked in our show notes and everything that she's doing, her podcast, her courses, her website she's she offers so much. So wonderful. And we hoped you guys learn more about dharmas Doshi does and all of those incredible resources, but I sure did.


[00:35:11] Corinne Foxx: yeah. And I agree to be on a, you're going to go down a rabbit hole


[00:35:20] Corinne Foxx: Now, should we circle back on this better Booch, Ty discuss healer kombucha.

We've been drinking this little epi. I, well, first of


[00:35:31] Corinne Foxx: yeah. Okay. So our Hottie is Mr. Orlando bloom. Mr. Pirates of the Caribbean himself.


[00:35:40] Corinne Foxx: Will, was it.


[00:35:44] Corinne Foxx: hot when I was, when I was nine years old. That was my


This is very much track this tracks




[00:36:08] Corinne Foxx: gosh.

Well, okay. So we chose Orlando bloom because him and Katy Perry, they have said that they are bound by a spiritual evolution and he's he actually embraced Buddhism after living kind of like a crazy nonstop lifestyle. Yeah. So they're very grounded, spiritual people. I


Oh, you know, that grounded there what's their,


[00:36:39] Natalie McMillan: you know, I'm going to find out when I go down my rabbit hole, you know,


[00:36:49] Natalie McMillan: I have not one single complaint.

I don't know about you.


[00:36:57] Natalie McMillan: No. Interesting. Oh, now


healer flavor. This is all at night.

All right. This is the part of the episode where you play a little wrap-up game and we're playing a new one. You guys, we played at one


[00:37:31] Corinne Foxx: have played this before what we played at the end of the year or the year, then here's


[00:37:41] Corinne Foxx: So our rose get it and get it.

It actually took me a while to figure out why we just like, why are we playing this one? And she was like, rose. I was like, yeah. And she was, I was like, oh yeah, that makes sense. A little play on words. Okay. So we're gonna be talking about the roses and the thorns of our week or the rose or the thorn of our wheat.

Yes. Should we do thorns first see thorns because, you know, end on a high note.


It's been weeks of this stuff, but I think, I do think that it has concluded as of this week, but the beginning of the week, I was just like, oh my God, how much more can I do up this? You know, none of my business, I love my business of the, um, bullshit of the bullshit. Yes, exactly.


I showed you the picture I've been looking forward to my manager, had a baby, and you've been trying to FaceTime me with this baby. And I have been missing the FaceTimes until finally he FaceTimed me and I could answer it. So what I do is I answer it and I scream. I go, oh my God. And the baby starts crying.

Uh, staring like crying, screaming. And I think I startled the baby and it wasn't the word because I was really looking forward to this FaceTime and I, and I done fucked it up. You know


[00:39:25] Corinne Foxx: rebuild the relationship, but. Say that this was not a good first impression.

And I don't know if she was thrilled about me. Well,


And it was so fun and interesting.


[00:39:54] Natalie McMillan: only class. Okay. Natalie. I know, I know. And people, I guess, were like emailing her and were like, well, I want it right. Did you record it? Blah, blah, blah. And she was like, no, it was a one-time thing. It was like three and a half hours.

It was so interesting. It was just about like, How your subconscious kind of like rules your whole life really? It's like 95% for sure. And then kind of how to like, communicate with it and get through those limiting beliefs that she was talking about. And it was just so like put it in a perspective that made so much sense to me.

Like even in like a masculine, feminine energy, which obviously is not actually like gender specific. Yeah. And just like buy an energy type. It was so interesting and fun for me.


[00:40:41] Natalie McMillan: like


I'm like, how do you find these? Oh, I can send it to


[00:40:50] Corinne Foxx: I would love to know my roads for the week as, uh, Joe and I, uh, over the weekend, we went on a road trip up to Pismo beach and we went out in San Louis Obispo and we'd never been, and we just crazy to me. Yeah. We'd never been to San Luis Obispo.

We had. We didn't know anybody. We didn't have dinner reservations. We walked up and down the main little drag we walked in, we watched the Olympics in a little bar. Then we went and got pizza and we like ate it on the street. Like we just had love St. Louis. Oh my God. We had the most magical weekend and just night really?

And we were like, that was so fun. And we like walked into like just different little art galleries and like, it's easy to get. So easy to get to. So that was my rose of the week. Just going out with my, with bay, with the


[00:41:39] Corinne Foxx: Well guys, don't forget. We have a newsletter that you guys can sign up for.

So you never miss an episode. That's on, am I doing this? Right. Am I doing this? Am I doing this right? Am I doing this right? And also if you guys love this episode and you love the potty, give us a little rate and review, review, share, and share it with a friend. And if you guys leave us a review, we might even read it on the podcast.

Cause we've done that before


[00:42:15] Corinne Foxx: And also don't forget. We have random advice, our segments. We need to bring it back. You guys, if you guys have something going on going on in your life and you just want our advice on it, like, I don't know, like you're going through a breakup or you need career advice or anything.

Literally anything you can email us. Am I doing this right and we will give y'all. 2 cents. Yeah. And it's completely anonymous. Oh yeah. We'll never read your name. Never


[00:42:44] Corinne Foxx: completely anonymous. All right.

Well, we love you guys and we'll be back next week with another episode. Bye.




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