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121. CQ - Imposter Syndrome, Limiting Beliefs, Desperation vs. Peace
Episode 12120th January 2023 • The Accrescent: Bioenergetic Healing • Leigh Ann Lindsey
00:00:00 00:39:43

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Leigh Ann: Okay, well happy New Year. I can't believe it's been a month, I think even since we saw each other. So we had a nice long catch up before this because we could just talk all day long. We talk forever. But I wanted to actually check in cuz I know both of us had talked about going into the new year.

We like to, looking forward like we like to write down what are the words that describe how this year is gonna feel. If there's any kind of themes or vibes or goals that we've thought of. I think that would be fun to just check in with. But also just how both of us are feeling going into the new year.

This is something we talked about before. Recording a little bit, like what it's felt like so far, but I think that would be really expansive to share too.

Diana Mendoza: Well, happy New Year everyone. And you know, this has been a very strange start of the year for me personally. A lot slower than. I've ever had in my entire life, taking four weeks off really of doing nothing.

Leigh Ann: Nothing that the world would consider productive.

Diana Mendoza: Correct. That's it. That's it. Nothing productive, what the world would consider productive and you know, and to be quite honest with you, even in my own view, like, you know, leaving your corporate life and that hustle mentality, has kind of been a weird feeling being this slow where every day I Might just be cleaning my house, or maybe I'll check the email once a day. I'm just taking, you know, Mia to swim practice and it's a little bit awkward for me not to hit the ground running january 1st with all these massive goals I have in place. But the one thing that I will say is I'm happy in this time period of my life, this season in my life

that it is a lot slower. I am enjoying, like waking up and sending Mia off to school and saying goodbye to Andy and then, oh, so what should I do today? And this is typically a slower period also for the candle industry. So usually January is gonna be slow anyway, so I'm really taking advantage of that.

And my word of the year I think I have multiple, but I really have one and that is, Just believe in the possibilities. Believe that you can accomplish the task. Believe that you are worthy of resting as much as you need. Believe that you will make the money that you deserve to make and all of those things.

So I'm really under that umbrella of just believing this year.

Leigh Ann: Yeah, it's been such a slow start to the year too . Now, to be fair, for me, the last couple years it's been that way.

Diana Mendoza: You're already ahead of the game.

Leigh Ann: Just because I, for me, the holidays aren't necessarily restful and so after the holidays I'm like, I need the real rest now, the real vacation.

And so it usually tends to be about mid-January that I'm getting back into maybe the quicker flow of things. My words of the year. There's a couple, like the key ones are magnetic and poised. We were talking about hustling.

Hustling and even though like I think compared to the rest of the world, I probably don't look like I'm hustling at all. But internally I am. And internally this first year and a half, I can't believe it's only been a year and a half of the Accrescent . I have been so anxious and just like grinding, what can I do?

How can I make this work? How can I reach more people? And something about I think all of the evox I did last year, I just feel, to me this word poised means like I'm not forcing anything anymore. I'm like living in such a place of trust and knowing that I'm taking the right steps. I'm not self-sabotaging anymore.

And I don't need to be like sprinting, sprinting, sprinting all day long to make things happen. And so to me it just really represents not only am I going through life with a intentionality and slowness and ease and grace and confidence, like that's kind of what that one word that is beautiful all represents.

So yeah, that's like the big word of the year.

Diana Mendoza: So I think that's beautiful and there's something to say that trust is a huge factor in our healing process, and then also accomplishing the goals that we want to accomplish. We were talking earlier about how it may seem like you're not doing anything.

To move the needle on the daily basis, but really every action that you're doing, whether that's checking an email, that's writing the email, or that is researching, you are inching forward to accomplish whatever's that you wanna accomplish. It may not seem that way, and I think for people like you and me, I think you're way ahead of the game than I am in terms of the hustle culture, the whole thing that it feels weird, like, oh, I didn't finish the task today.

But actually you did move the needle. You really did. It just, it's not so expansive. It's not so big. You can't see it. You can't you know, feel it. But you're actually, energetically you are moving forward.

Leigh Ann: It's funny, another analogy just came to me cuz I know I gave you a different one earlier, but it's kinda like the little things we do on a daily basis that are

f noticed were coming up over:

And for me, a really big one is I notice that when I get super overwhelmed or stressed or low, I abandon a lot of these baseline habits. My baseline is so much higher than what it used to be, right? So when I deviate from that, it's nowhere near like to everyone else. It'd still be like, wow, you're living such a healthy life.

But to me, it's such a deviation. But I abandoned so many of these. Health routines, caring for myself, I'm not drinking enough water, I'm not getting my sunshine, I'm not moving my body. And same thing with the business. Like I start to neglect just the daily baseline activities that keep things running.

So those baseline daily things, it's, yeah, it's not, it's kind of like we're setting up a firework show. Okay. So every little thing I'm doing each day, it's like I'm putting another firework in the lineup. In the lineup. I'm setting it up. And when you look around, nothing's happening. There's no fireworks going off.

There's no beauty around. I'm just like placing it up. And then, but ultimately at the end of it, then one day, like that whole firework show is going off. And you see. Oh wow. Like I really was bringing this all together cuz this firework show couldn't have happened without all those little pieces, all those little fireworks.

Diana Mendoza: All those little pieces, all those little fireworks.

Yeah. And I agree with you and it's, but it's really hard to like almost pare back, you know? And say to yourself, these three things that I did today are going to help contribute to that massive goal. It may not seem like it today. You're not a failure because you didn't get the 10 things done.

But it will press you forward to what you wanna do. So I'm in that space right now where it's like, it's been just slower. My energy is slower to do those tasks, but I'm slowly getting back into it. Reaching out to new, you know, ventures or just Starting to put together what I said I was gonna do this year on the podcast.

In the last podcast, which is to start my podcast, and yeah. And then there's a lot of stuff that comes into that when you say something out loud to the public, something that you've been kind of holding back for a while and now you have to be accountable. For the dream that you really wanna do anyways.

So there's been a little bit of, you know, the imposter syndrome, the anxiety of getting it done, the timing, like if this doesn't happen at this time, oh my gosh, I'm a failure about it. So I'm really starting to let go of the timing, how it's all gonna work out and I'm just gonna press forward.

So I've made some real big leaps and bounds over the weekend worked on some stuff, and I'll just have to keep, like you said, putting the little fireworks in place so that launch day. I'll be like, wow. All of those things I did before got me to this point.

Leigh Ann: It made that day possible. And I think we, I think especially small business owners, it does feel like every single thing I do has to be a firework show.

Has to be moving the needle so far forward. And if it's not a firework show, I'm wasting my time. I'm not being productive, I'm not moving the needle, et cetera, et cetera. So that's been really helpful, like a really helpful, just reframe of what it actually is to own a business.

Diana Mendoza: And that's funny you said that because you were right.

Running a small business, I feel like if I'm not " doing," I am not, I'm never gonna get what I want. When it comes down to my healing and all I've done in the last, I don't know, 17 years, I have never put that much pressure on my healing journey. I'm like, every day I'm doing something that's gonna make me feel better.

Or that's gonna heal that trauma, or that's gonna heal that anxiety, or that's gonna heal. I have never put that kind of pressure on myself. In my personal healing journey, but I sure as hell have done it in my business.

Leigh Ann: Yeah. Yeah. And I do think that extends to everyone, whether it's just someone who's like, I'm really trying to have a different job, have a different career, build a family.

Like I think that concept applies. That there's just baseline daily things that create the foundation. But if we're trying to build the Eiffel Tower without the foundation we're just gonna keep going in these yo-yos where like we make progress, we come crashing down, et cetera, et cetera.

Okay. I am really excited to hear from you because this year you've never had a year like this in your life. Where you're not in a corporate work environment, but it's not just that. So not only like has the dynamic of your life and world shifted so much. It's like, okay, I don't have this thing anymore.

What does life look like now? So that's like one thing that in and of itself is such a big transition and there's probably so many fears, thoughts, all these things that come up with that. But it's also like not only have I shed this thing, I'm also now like cultivating this big other thing over here that I also have never done.

What are you like feeling going into this year? Do you have some idea of how you wanna navigate that a little bit? What else is coming up?

Diana Mendoza: You know, in all honesty, I'm scared. Just scared. Not scared that I can't do it. Just scared that this will be, The most vulnerable I have ever been in my entire life because the way I wanna approach this podcast and this goal of mine is to really say what I've been wanting to say for 17 years.

And you start thinking "who am I? No one cares. "And just stop. Just stop. So I have been navigating over the imposter syndrome the last few weeks after I said it out loud. And cuz you and maybe a couple of people only knew that I was gonna do this or I'm, I want to do this or I am going to do this.

And, but it's been, like I said, it's been such a slow time period, I've been navigating in this whole new life of mine. But yeah, there's a lot of, you know, just fear of putting myself out there 150%. I'm gonna be 45 this year.

Leigh Ann: Oh my God. And honestly, that's like so young. I feel like that is so young.

Diana Mendoza: I'm gonna be 45 and, but it's the most like confident I've ever been in my life.

Meaning I know my truth, I know my story. And I wanna let it go. And I wanna tell people and I wanna talk about things and I wanna have really hard conversations and yeah. I mean there's, of course, there's lots of anxiety, but as you have told me, it's what, whatever you decide to put it out there this year, whether it's next week or it's six months from now it's time.

Leigh Ann: Yeah. It's time in relation to not having the corporate job. What are some of the fears that have come up? Because again, I think this might resonate with a lot of people. Maybe they have shifted from corporate work. Maybe they're shifting into a small business of their own, or maybe they're just pivoting into something else.

And they're gonna be kind of without income for a little bit. And I just think that could be really expansive to hear. Yeah. Here are some of the fears coming up, even though I do have a partner who can provide, the subconscious doesn't always know that. And the subconscious can be telling us a very different story.

Diana Mendoza: Well the unknown is really scary, right? Especially when you have had a incredible salary for so many years and were comfortable with that part. It's really scary to know that's not coming anymore. And also there's no going back anymore. As well, like, I'm not going backwards, I'm not going back to the media industry.

So it's done that, that life is done. There's a finale to it. There's a death to it. I will say I mourned, I mean, I mourned the first. I would say month that I stopped working. I really did. I mourned, I cried my identity. Like who? Like I was president of this media agency for 15 years, 20 years in the industry.

I grew up in this world and like who was I? I was, you know, originally I'm like, oh, I'm Diana Mendoza, president of Media Latino, Inc. And now it was, not that anymore. But I was also CEO and founder of Never Alone Candles, and I'm like, wait a minute. I am the boss. I am the boss. So it's more of the unknown of not having your salary anymore.

The unknown if your, business goals and dreams or your new job is gonna work out and still support you the way you want it to support you and your family. The fear of, am I worthy of making the same amount of money that I did at my previous career? Which, you know, I've been working a lot with you and that's been one of my biggest things.

But the the fear of unknown is huge. It's huge. You just, cause you don't know what's gonna happen in six months.

Leigh Ann: I wanna highlight something you just said though, which is transitioning and it's not there's different sides of the transition. One is, This is what my life has looked like for the last 20 years, and the subconscious may just not even have a model of what life could look like.

Not living in that box or not living in that layout of how a day looks. How a week looks, et cetera. That in and of itself is a scary thing. We need to navigate. Let's see what's coming up. Fears of the future. Let's see what's coming up there. But the second piece is, yeah, what did that job represent?

And it seems like, and I think this is true for all of us, it oftentimes represents much more than just money. Safety, self-worth identity. And when we leave something, especially something we've been out for so long, it can start to pull at those things. And I think, again, the subconscious goes, this thing represents this.

And maybe it's the only thing I've gotten those from. So if I, the subconscious starts to go, if I let go of this, I'm gonna lose all those things. I'm gonna lose my identity, my worth, my safety.

Diana Mendoza: And when you wrap yourself in that identity for so many years, you start to think that's the only thing you could ever do in your entire life.

And that you can never leave that box. And that you can never redefine who you really are or change who you are. And that is the one thing in the last few months is that I have been working on. Just opening up that box. Like the doors, the door was opened and then I have slowly crawled out with tears and shedding that, that was 20 years of my life.

It served me for those 20 years, by the way. I worked from home, made a lot of money, and it served me. I got to raise my children, all of that. But it doesn't serve the purpose anymore. Now I have to say, and I know this in my heart and I know this is gonna be wild to hear that my congestive heart failure was meant to happen when it happened because I don't think anything else would have allowed me to leave the way I left.

Which was literally overnight.

Leigh Ann: And by the way, just because I've been a part of this journey, your soul, your subconscious, your intuition have been telling you it's time. It's time. But the scared part of us, like the unsafe part of us, the inner child of us was like, it's not safe.

I can't leave. I need this. I think finally the universe just intervened.

Diana Mendoza: The universe totally intervened, and I know that for sure. I know it for sure. My heart is healthy or healthier. I'm not a hundred percent, but it's healthier and it needed to happen for me to make such a bold move.

I would've never left my company. With a zero hour notice. Like I wrote an email and I sent back the computer and I literally disrupted everything. I would've never done that. If you would've asked me two years ago how many months of notice you're gonna give, like, oh, I'm gonna give 'em a six month notice.

No, I gave them zero. I said, I'm done, and I'm out. And I've never been that bold in my life, but I also knew this is it like this is it. If this doesn't scare you... okay which you would think that I'd be like the girl, twice had cancer, that you know like, this is nothing. This is nothing.

If this doesn't scare you to actually get out of that box and do what you've been wanting to do for all these years, then I don't know what's gonna scare you. So I really took that. I took that as the big one. This has been the biggest last six months have been the biggest lessons of my life. About my worth and. That if not now, then when?

Leigh Ann: And I was just thinking, you know, we're saying, "oh, what a, like what a box we've been in." And I started to picture it as like, no, this was a home I was living in, and as you said, it served me, it protected me, it protected my family. And I think maybe the subconscious feels like we're just leaving that home out into the wild to wander the desert.

But in reality it's like, no I'm leaving this home because, There's a new one I'm moving into. I'm not like unprotected out in the wild with nothing. But the key is to really expand and show the subconscious all of those things.

Diana Mendoza: And my soul is better. I sit here and I think of all the years of doing therapy and really working on my trauma and all of the stuff that I've been through, the PTSD of cancer and

I said, and I'm like, God, but my soul is well. My soul is well, and you know, I go back to last week, I told you earlier in our conversation that I was having the imposter syndrome of doing this podcast and everything that entails with it. And I know it sounds really morbid and I go back to the same question you, you could die tomorrow.

And you didn't do what you wanted to do. So, like I continue to remind myself on a daily basis that, you know, this life is not guaranteed and you have been shown that. So when are you gonna press play? When are you just keep going, start lining up the little fireworks. So that the day of the show, it's all put together.

And then you just go. So it's, you know, those, I ask myself a lot of the questions and I also tell myself, every day I can do hard things. I know how to do hard things. You know, even with the fear and the unknown. A transition that I've never, but I look back, I'm like, that was a bold ass move girl.

Leigh Ann: I know. Well, now that's a moment you can go back to it and be like, yeah, what would I rather be doing right now? This little task or that?

Diana Mendoza: And that's what I've asked myself , like, that is not what I want to do anymore. And like I said, it did serve its purpose and I'm grateful for it, but it had to go.

And unfortunately, the universe told me it's your time. In the most massive way.

Leigh Ann: And just look what it's opened up. I'm just so excited to see how the year unfolds and as you navigate through some of the, these other things. But I just think like, like I said, 45 is so young in my mind .

Look at what you've done in these 45 years. Yeah. Think about you probably have another 40 at least. So, holy shit. Yeah. How much more can we get done if we don't just say one day someday. This is a dream. And hope that magically it's gonna come to pass, but actually go, this is a dream.

What is blocking me from getting that dream? Fears and beliefs that I don't deserve it. Fears and beliefs that I can't do it. Fears and beliefs that I'm too old, I'm not smart enough. No one cares. All these different things, and actually chiseling away at those and clearing those and addressing all the unresolved emotions and trauma, et cetera et cetera,and working on those on a daily basis.

Diana Mendoza: By the way, I tell myself, no one's coming for you, girl. No one's coming to save you like it's you. It's you who has this dream and it's only you that can put this in motion. I have great support system, but this is my big dream. And you know, we talked earlier, it's like, I wanna do this for myself.

Leigh Ann: Well, right. And just like what you just said there, like no one's coming for you. One of the things I talk about so often is how we are unconsciously wounding ourselves all the time. And so it's like even if someone was coming to save you, and sometimes we do, sometimes we need external resources, we need support, but

are we there for ourselves? Am I willing to save myself? And who cares if someone came to save me? If I was ignoring myself? Betraying myself. Rejecting myself.

Diana Mendoza: Exactly. Yeah, so I love that. Yeah, so tell me about you.

Leigh Ann: Well, I think it's worth saying here publicly, because people have asked me, so I did that tryout for the semi-pro team.

I found out on December 31st, starting off the new year that I did not make the team. And like I was telling you before I had probably 30 minutes where I felt utterly deflated. I was like, I am such a loser. Who did I think I was, oh my God, you can't even make a semi-pro team. Like, what the heck? You know, just all these things, all the things came up.

But that's when I, oh, and by the way, I did that thing that I do, which is I convinced myself I don't want it anymore. Oh. I'm like nope. Done. I don't want it. I don't wanna do it. I never wanted it anyways. I never wanted it. I don't think I really want this. And so I was there, but then I just came back in.

It's like the safe self came back in, the confident self came back in, versus the scared wounded self and that confident safe self was like, You are not doing this for recognition, you're not doing this for ego. You're doing this because you love this sport. I mean, I could live and breathe this sport if no one stopped me, I would have soccer on the TV 24 /7.

There is such a innocent, pure joy to this. Yeah and so I was reminding myself that first of all, you not making this team has nothing to do with your worthiness. Your worthiness is inherent and distinct from anything else. Nothing can take that away from you. So let's like clear that out.

And secondly, what are the beliefs coming up? Oh, if I couldn't make this team that I must not be good enough and story's over. No. So you didn't make a team, so what, like you've only been training for a couple months. My fitness is nowhere near where it needs to be. This does not mean, this does not need to mean

you can't keep going and you can't pursue this. And by the way, still, what have I got to lose? What have I got to lose? Like nothing. Nothing.

Diana Mendoza: You know? And I go back and I just think, but you did it like you did the big thing that nobody else was willing to do, which is train and then try out the end result is

irrelevant because you did it. You had this yearning and we talked about yearning before on the podcast about having this yearning. You've had it sitting in you for a long time, I think. And you did it. And whatever you do next with that yearning, you're still gonna go and do it.

Leigh Ann: Yes. And again, it's kind of like that piece of my soul that was just like crying in the corner because I hadn't looked at her for five years has come alive again. I mean, truly, I feel so much more vibrant just in life in general. Just because I'm like going out and playing soccer and I know, and this is what I have to remind myself, is being able to play on a team.

I mean it, you know, it's cool to be able to say that, but I know that going to practice every day training with these girls, having that community is just gonna be so utterly fulfilling to the soul. Just that in and of itself, this is the process.

Diana Mendoza: And think about that. Like the process is sometimes the most fulfilling part of accomplishing a goal.

Leigh Ann: And so I just, one of the things I was reminding myself is number one, I am absolutely worthy of this, but I don't need it. I don't need this to have joy. Yes, I have joy in my life presently, cuz that was like a big fallacy I would fall into is, you know, when I have this, then I'll feel blank. If I could do this, then I'll feel blank.

So not stuck on that anymore. But yeah, that, that was like a big thing because it. There was like, you know, two weeks off with Christmas because holidays and family and blah, blah, blah. But the first two weeks of the new year I was still, I wasn't exercising or, you know, going out and training. Now I'm back into training and kind of like refocused and, yeah.

Retargeted again for some tryouts that are coming up in like March, April. Yeah, so. I feel good about that.

Diana Mendoza: I hope you're proud of yourself.

Leigh Ann: I am proud of myself in the podcast, in the solo episode I recorded last week, I was like, you know, cuz I did the EVOX every week last year.

And holy shit, did I clear a lot. And the person I was a year ago, To the person I am now, like the core values are there, but just the blocks that have been shed. And I just remember thinking I said in the episode, I just like, I look back at that girl and I just am so grateful she did that.

And so it's I know it's so cliche, but what will my future self thank me for? But it's so different to like be the future self and be looking back and like, holy shit, I'm so glad I did that hard work, and that feels really amazing. But I think on that note, clearing so many of the unresolved wounds and trauma and limiting beliefs has helped me step into that place of poise of trust, not the frantic, desperate urgency.

Diana Mendoza: Oh my gosh. Can we talk about desperate energy? Because I have to say of everything, desperate energy is the most detrimental thing that you could do to yourself in your whatever's that you're doing, your goal / dreams when you go into something with desperate energy.

Nothing is gonna go well.

Leigh Ann: I think this just kind of came to me. I think just desperation in general. And by the way, like we're all there. Whether it's desperation in relationships, in business, in trying to get clients in work, in family matters, all of it. But what I really think is if there's desperation present, It's communicating that you have some kind of limiting belief because the subconscious is going, if I can't get this, then blank.

And so I think that's like a really good metric to ask yourself if you're feeling the desperation. What is the limiting belief I'm stuck on?

Diana Mendoza: That's brilliant, actually, I'm gonna use that. I can, by the way, and I can acknowledge I am in a desperate mood right now.

I am literally living on desperation, but I've never sat there like, okay, where is this? Where's the limiting belief in the desperation?

Leigh Ann: Because the desperation is, if I can't get this thing then blank. So what is that? Do you, can you identify that right now?

Diana Mendoza: Well, for me it's, you know, the desperation of making my all my businesses work and the lack is of course, that I'm not worthy of earning my six figure business.

On my own.

Leigh Ann: So what is the end of that sentence? And there might be multiple sentences, but it sounds like one of them is I have to make these businesses work. If these businesses don't work, then it proves I'm worthless. I'm a failure, I'm a failure, I'm worthless. I'll lose everything or safe, like something around safety.

Diana Mendoza: Really, it's about my identity. That I wasn't worthy of leaving my corporate life. To do my own thing. That how could you think that you could survive cancer, heart condition, and then act like you could make half a million dollars a year now? You know, I tie a lot of that together, you know, that I've been

tying those two together for a very long time. Like, I don't deserve more because I have already been given more in life. And it's something that I work on a daily basis. I am so much better now than I was two years ago. But Yeah. And then when I work on desperate energy, there's no trust there.

There's no trust that everything that I am doing will come in some way or form. To be true. So, but I can identify when I'm in, I can, I, like, I can wake up and tell you, oof, I am only working on death energy. This is, the lack is big. So I can recognize that, but I think it's hard to work through it.

In the moment. I can recognize it. But then I'm like, and I'll stay there for a little bit. I'll stay there. I'll stay there for the day.

Leigh Ann: I mean, and look, if you're only there for a day, like that's pretty good.

Diana Mendoza: No, I'm there typically for a day. That's, I'll cry it out.

Leigh Ann: That's pretty good. You know, we don't, we don't need to be like desperate energy, boom, here's the problem, boom. Solved.

Diana Mendoza: No. Cause that's, no, I'm there for a day cuz it's, and it is and it's all about the limiting belief. That I'm not worthy enough to change my life.

Leigh Ann: But let's, can we follow that even another step?

I'm not worthy enough to change my life, therefore blank. Like, if I'm really not worthy enough to change my life, then what does that mean for me? That I will never have my dreams? You said something earlier though, which is like, what did you say? I'm not good enough, or, yeah.

Diana Mendoza: That I'm, I just was not good enough to change my life and that I wasn't.

The powerful woman that, everyone sees me as.

Leigh Ann: I think though correct me if I'm wrong, let's see if this hits, I'm not the powerful woman that everyone sees me as. Okay, so why is that a threat? Because there might be a deeper belief that people only love me because of the powerful woman they see me as.

And if I'm no longer this powerful woman, will I lose their love, their affection, their friendship. Does that resonate? Or is it something else?

Diana Mendoza: It kind of resonates. Well, there's also that part of, I've been a very prideful person my entire life. Right? I was a single mom. Nobody thought I was gonna, you know, be successful because I was a young mom at 22 and I wasn't gonna finish college, and I wasn't.

And I've been proving . I'm proving a lot in my life. It's a lot of proving I'm gonna prove you wrong, prove these people wrong. And there's a lot of proving so part of it goes back to-

Leigh Ann: Oh, okay, so if I'm not this powerful, successful woman, I'm proving them right. Got it. Okay.

So we've just gotta start to let that go. That like it's not binary. No, it's not black and white. . Like either I am her or I'm not her. And these are the criteria that make me powerful. These are the criteria that make me whatever the opposite is, weak, you know, rebellious, significant etc.

Diana Mendoza: and that I, you know, that. I am not smart enough to create something successful.

Leigh Ann: You've got a lot to clear this year. As do we all. My God I mean there's so much more I'm excited to chisel away at. Yeah. And I think it's funny cuz sometimes when I talk to people, I think this might be like a good place to close it out on.

Sometimes we look at healing, I think especially emotional healing as like, When will I be done? You know, when will I be done with the emotional healing? And people want, it's like they're entering a race. Okay, where is the finish line so I can be done with this? And it's funny cuz I, for some reason, I don't know why I never had that perspective, even as like a little kid, I was like so excited to.

You know, dissect myself and understand myself and grow. I mean, that's what Accrescent means. It means continual growth. But when we can shift out of that, that there is some magical end point we're trying to get to, I think that helps take away a lot of the urgency.

Diana Mendoza: Yep. And A lot of the desperation.

Leigh Ann: And a lot of the desperation because what is the limiting belief attached to that desperation? There could be many, but one of them, and I think one of them that's very common is, Once I get to the finish line of emotional healing, then I'll be happy. Yes. Rather than I can be happy today and I do this emotional healing to foster even more joy, even more peace, even more alignment.

Diana Mendoza: Oh, that's beautiful. That's a good affirmation actually. I love it. So that's

Leigh Ann: So that's what we're doing this year. We're releasing, yeah. More and more we're just continuing to release unresolved wounds, repressed emotions, so that we can have even more joy, even more peace, even more alignment, because they're not finite.

. Like it can just keep growing. It can just keep getting better and better. There's no finish line to emotional healing, but there's also no finish line to joy and peace and alignment. So just fucking run. Because there's only gonna be more like the tank is just gonna get bigger and bigger, and that's what I get excited about.

Diana Mendoza: Me too. I feel like every year I start to unpeel and get deeper and find like more things to work on. That in the moment they're scary and the moment like, oh my God, I still have a lot of things I need to work on. But I know that's part of the process and part of the year and every year it's just gonna get to that point where I'm like, okay we resolved a little bit of that one, but now we gotta dig a little bit deeper because things do come up.

Little things like. You thought that didn't bother you. But they really do. And by the way, as you get older, wow. You start to remember things and you're like, yeah, that really affected me in my life. And that has, you know, like, just like I just told everyone my pride of when I was a single mom that has been on me for a long time and trying to prove my worth cuz I was a single mom.

And all these years, that's exactly what I've been doing. Earning. Earning , earning. But it's gonna be a wonderful year.

Leigh Ann: Oh my gosh. It's gonna be so good. Can't wait. So fun. Happy New Year everyone. Happy New Year.



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