Thanks for joining us on Sleep Stories for Equestrians, where we’ll be continuing to read the classic horse story Stormy, Misty’s Foal by Marguerite Henry.
We're excited to drop this episode early, to get you through until next week when we begin our bi-weekly cadence.
This episode covers chapters nine and ten, featuring peaceful meditation music to help you drift off to dreamland.
00:51 – Guided Meditation
01:31 – The Story Begins
Connect with the host Ashley Winch, she loves making new friends!
Note: This story is in the public domain.
Mentioned in this episode:
Purina Systemiq Supplement
Not all probiotics are created equal. New Purina Systemiq Supplement remains live & active after the pelleting process and throughout the digestive system making it all the way to the hind gut. Systemiq was designed to support normal recovery after exercise and occasional gastrointestinal stress. Whether you’re using a probiotic now or not, it’s time to use a live and active supplement from a name you trust. Visit to try Purina Systemiq probiotic supplement today.