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Ep. 17 - Mold! Definite killer...
Episode 1730th August 2023 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
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Today, we're discussing the often-overlooked issue of mold, a diverse problem with over 200,000 types that can grow harm you. Common misconceptions, spores which are the real threat, harmful mycotoxins that impact your cells and contribute to health problems. Vigilance is crucial in living spaces, particularly basements where mold thrives. Thieves oil, an essential oil blend, can combat mold and offer health benefits. Mold's effects range from high blood pressure to mental health issues, highlighting the importance of a healthy environment. Avoid mycotoxin-rich foods, and be aware that nuts can feed viruses. Mold can lead to lactic acidosis and increase carbon dioxide and methane, causing fatigue and potentially cancer. Both cancer and fungus thrive on sugar, and antifungal medications may help. Whether due to poor health choices or environmental exposure, understanding mold-related health issues is vital for your healing journey. Prioritize your health with good light and self-care.



Welcome friends. Today. I promise. We're not going to talk about. Something as scary. And creepy. As last episode. But it's still. A serious killer something you need to watch out for. Today. We're talking about mold. We're really Erik mold. One more weird thing to talk about. Well, I think you're going to find this one a bit interesting as well. I know I did. So maybe you will to.

So I'm just going to use the term mold instead of saying fungus or yeast. The whole episode, just going to use , the term. Mold. That will be encompassing for all the molds, every one of them. And there's a lot.

It's basically a primer just to enlighten you on how big an issue mold actually can be. I'm mostly speaking about the most common ones, you know, of like black mold. Green gray, brown, , the ones you've seen most of your life.

Some quick basics for you. There are over 200,000 different types.

Yeah. There's that many that they know of.

There's more than just having identified all of them yet. They grow on. Every single surface. Even your Christmas tree, by the way. I know. We'll get into that one a little bit later.

And there's a misconception that if you just use bleach, you can clean black mold or any of these other molds have in your house. But actually that doesn't really work. Like you think it does.

It only kills the live mold, not the spores. And the spores. Or where the real danger is. We'll get into that too. So the companies that clean up mold out of buildings, they don't use bleach. Because it just comes back. The mold does.

In your home.

Is where you spend most of your time there in work. Right. Your house. Might have mold and you don't even know it. It's a good thing to have tested out because without proper air flow, Uh, like in your attic or just anywhere. You don't open your windows enough. These kinds of things, mold grows.

You wouldn't even know what's there. And then the worst place is a basement. That's why I never live in places with basements.

They are just Petri dishes of all kinds of nasty. From mold to insects. Maybe. Even. Ghosts. Did I say that out loud? Well anyway.

Mold. Actually releases something called mycotoxins. These are toxins that actually kill your cells. And then that dead tissue. Feeds. Candida. Which is one of them that you deal with in your body all the time and all the other molds that are in your body. There's quite a few of them. It's the one thing that none of the authorities are talking about and you know who, I mean by authorities. So when you get a mold exposure, either by touching it or breathing it in. Once that mold has secreted it spores you're in trouble. Once it's in the body, Then the mycotoxins breakdown and kill the cells. And then they use the dead cells to proliferate and colonize. You're the host.

Parasites. Which we talked about the last episode also contribute to mold. And check this out. The mold. Is actually on the parasites. , all the different types.

That you have in your body and that's actually in medical literature, by the way. They've seen it. When they pull parasites, they can see the mold sitting right on top of it. I

Remember when I told you about hyper parasites. That's the parasite that has a parasite that has a parasite. Well,

They also have mold on that parasite too. Must really be terrible to be a parasite.

Remember. I said, everyone who is living has parasites. . And mold is a parasite. All people have mold in, in, on their body. Period. There's no way to get around it. That's just the way it is.

Some of the symptoms you might experience. And I'm gonna go through a few of these for you and give you a little tips and tricks and things like that, though. I'm not going to tell you how to get rid of mold in your body because. That would be advice. And that's where a . Healthcare provider can help.

The weird one that you might not think is high blood pressure.

So here's how this works.

When the weather changes. The barometer. Okay. But lots of rain, high humidity that can increase your blood pressure. Why you say. Well, if you have mold in your heart, That stresses the mold out. They then don't like that. And so the heart responds.

So we know sugar intake increases heart rate. So if you have hypertension, And you are. The carb addict, or you were not on a keto diet. It's a fact, your blood pressure is going to be higher than normal unless you. Exercise a lot and do a lot of other things or you're young or some other factors, but generally speaking. High sugar intake, high carbon intake. Absolutely does increase blood pressure.

But the barometric changes in the weather. Can affect the mold where it lives in the body. Like the nervous system or in your knee or your brain. Or any organ or any area? You have your body and you say, what the heck is going on down here? Why does my knee hurt? Well, we think barometric is, oh, it's the arthritis. Maybe it's not arthritis in your knee. Maybe you actually have mold. That's an actual real thing. Maybe it's something else. Headaches because it's in your brain. So barometric pressure changes outside humidity, rain. Bad weather, things like this yeast. Mold. Fungus don't like it. Period.

If you're trying to sleep and you're having a hard time going to bed because you lay down and then the, heart rates up and you just can't relax and go to sleep. Try this. Okay. Well first, let me tell you. If you're laying down and it's warm and it's dark.

What does mold love? Darkness and warmth. So try this, I'll get to that. Topic in a second to try this. Try lavender oil. Actually put it. I put some on your heart, on your skin. And then put it around your pillow. Maybe a little underneath your, your nose. That's calming actually to your nervous system. So it helps to counteract the mold. Some people literally. That have mold issues like black mold and these kinds of things. They can't even. Put the cap back on the lavender oil there. Passing out that fast.

It can also affect your lymphatic system. Yeah, your entire lymph in your body, which is absolutely important for health.

It'll kick that up. Makes you feel achy and weird.

They can increase the histamines in your body. And of course,

Once the histamines are up. Well, then all the inflammatory situations occur.

After they released the histamine German body. They also secrete their own poisons. Which makes for very inflammatory. Situations. So now you have chronic inflammation. Then, if you have mold in your gut, That can cause leaky gut, which then causes inflammation in more autoimmune disorders. You see how this just cycles? It just from one thing to another back to the original starting point. So you have inflammation, you get rid of it. And then they counteract that and you have more inflammation.

It's the never ending battle.

Here's how you might know, you can check. Check your tongue. At white coating or especially if it's yellow, that's even really bad. But if you have a white coating on your tongue, Or like white patches in the back of your throat. You heard a thrush. That's one of the versions, but I'm talking just that general coating on your tongue. Do your tongue scraping. You're like, wow, what is that?

Rashes on the skin. That's a big one. Rashes just. They don't always mean what everyone thinks. They mean. It's not just toxins coming out. Sometimes it's just the mold. That's just under the skin there.

Bloating after you eat fruit is a weird one. Isn't it? And you would think, wow. If I eat fruit and then I get bloated, I thought fruit was healthy. It's not healthy. But.

When you have mold living in your stomach. On around your stomach. In your gut.

They love that. And it will cause bloating. Which also can cause constipation. Because now. The, your body's fighting the mold. The molds, releasing chemicals. That are inflammatory to your gut. Which create things like your leaky gut. And all the inflammation symptoms happen. And constipation is one of them. By the way. Essential oils. Do you know, they're one of the most studied substances by the pharmaceutical industry. There's thousands and thousands of them. You wouldn't really think, what do they care about essential oils? Well, they do care because they're finding. The substances that they want. To take out of there and then synthesize. And they know the most powerful substances on the planet are in. Plants.

Have you ever heard of thieves oil? It's basically. Clove bud lemon, eucalyptus cinnamon, and Rosemary.

If you remember in episode three, we talked about household cleaners. Well, this is one that you can use around your whole house for many things. I'm going to give you a few here, but here's how it started. When the black plague was going on in the 15th century. There are these. Perfumers. From Marsay and France. And they decided they want to Rob the plague victims. So they put these essential oils together in a cloth and covered their face and went in their house, stole their stuff. And guess what. They never fell ill. They constantly had this stuff around there. Their face.

Thieves oil is actually that powerful.

It can also reduce stress. It boosts immune system. It's anti-microbial an antifungal. Antibacterial antiviral purifies the air. And kills pathogens in the air. It improves digestion reduces inflammation as well as lowers fevers. He'll skin conditions. It actually can help you lose weight. And it increases the health of your respiratory system. Anybody suffering from a weak immune system. Oh yeah. Works for that. Gastrointestinal issues, inflammatory conditions, skin irritations. Poor respiratory health, obesity, hypertension, osteoporosis. The list goes on. Isn't awesome. So you have. Five oils in one. From the 15th century. Stop the plague. From killing these people. And then we find out now that it does all these things. And it's easy to get. It's cheap. Super simple to use. Here's how you use it. You can diffuse it in your house. You can put it in your shower. While you're showering, you can make a spritz bottle. Like a spray bottle, whatever size you want. Basically the recipe is half witch, Hazel, get some good stuff. Don't buy the crap.

Half distilled water. And however many drops you want to put in there. The more drops, obviously the stronger it is, but it also is going to smell more. So if you're sensitive to the smell, be careful.

Then, what you do is you 📍 spray. That spray into your environment to disperse the whole room. So what you want to do is spray up high. Like. Towards the ceiling a little bit. 📍 Meanwhile, you have a fan. On low, the lowest it'll go kind of pointed up towards the ceiling. So it disperses it all around. Now you're mixing the air and all the little atomized particles of essential oil. Can do their job. If you want to make a paste, like a, like a 📍 scrub for your bathroom, your shower sinks, whatever. Then baking soda. And then you add the drops to the baking soda. , mixture. You know, you might need to add just a little bit of water just to kind of. , Make it spreadable. There's many recipes online for how to use it around the house. It's great stuff can use in your 📍 laundry. For clothes. You can. Use the. Clothes washer on self-clean mode. Add some of that in there and it disinfects it and gets rid of all the weird smells. . Without chemicals I might add.

You can add it to any salve or lotion cream, whatever you have that you like. ,

And put it on your chest for congestion or round your face for sinuses. That kind of thing. Also add it to the soles of your feet for not feeling well, you know, that old wives tale and it works. Your soul is your feet are like sponges, not the heels. The other areas.

If you don't have a lotion or cream, , you just want to make some, then. I'm a big fan of things like. Lard, anything from an animal for a fat carrier. Lard. Emo oil ghee. I don't really care for plant oils. I think as you know, from the episode, the killers. That we had recently. Every day you use more of that stuff just builds up over time and you're in your cells and your, all the systems in your body. It's just more, you have to try and get rid of. But if you are going to use something from a plant, I would recommend coconut oil. That's probably the. Least harmful of all the oils.

It can help with nausea. Also, if you spray it in the air or use a diffuser. By the way that's, that's pretty neat when actually. Also works on the 📍 dishwasher. And a couple of drops to the washer.

And it will make your dishes cleaner. No musty smell gets rid of the smells in there. And then.

📍 saying on the Christmas tree earlier, you can spray it on the tree. And.

Keep the fungus. Mold that is on the tree that it had when it was growing. And help neutralize that. You can also. Hose down your tree and let it dry before you bring it into your house. That's a good thing to do. You're just bringing all that stuff in your house. And then it loves being inside. It's getting moisture and warmth and it can grow in the new. Wonder why certain people are allergic to Christmas trees. That's why.

Here's a cool story for you.

There's this teacher. Who used to use thieves oil 📍 dispersed in the air in her classroom before her kids got there in the morning. The science room was next door and that science teacher. When he realized. Why his cultures and his Petri dishes wouldn't grow. Got all upset when he found out that the teacher next door. Was using thieves oil into the air. So it killed everything in the air. Pretty cool.

By the way that tells you it works.

Some of you might experience. One of the grossest and. I would say least attractive things you can have. That's toenail, fungus. Well, It works for that also. As a side note, if you've never tried, ozonated oils. You can buy them online. There's a lot of people that make them, you can make them yourself. It's just really difficult. And they have many different types of the base of the fat, the oil, but ozonated oil absolutely will get rid of toenail, fungus. It's one of the very few things that actually does work. That.

I heard straight from one of the most successful . Natural paths.

Practicing right now.

And also can help with fatigue. And I think it doesn't take much to figure out that if you're loaded with mold, you're not going to have a lot of energy.

Your seasonal allergies. If they're super, super strong. You can have candida actually in your sinuses. You think you're getting. Pollen. And weather changes, things like this. Well, it can actually be candida, which is one of the most common. Of the molds that we deal with in our body, actually in your sinuses, you normally think candida and other areas of the body, not your sinus as well. It's there.

And then if you have things like digestive issues, well, that's because. Not only is it in your food? But when you inhale, that's going right into your mouth, down your throat and right into your lungs, but it's also in your throat, then you swallow. And when you swallow, that makes its way into the stomach and then it can grow from there. It's warm and it's got.

Moisture. And mucus. It can go to town.

You know, in episode 11, we did oral issues. I covered a bunch of oral stuff. Well, there's mold in your mouth. I was just explaining your breathing in, but to this level, It's in your gums actually. And it's around your teeth. So you're inhaling all day. It's in your food, There's only really one good way to get rid of it. That's water flossing. There's a recipe. You do. Hydrogen peroxide, you should do food grade. Don't don't use the other stuff. should, food grade. Baking soda. Yes, you can buy food grade. Online. It's more expensive than the big brand, you know of, but it's cleaner. And distilled water. You do that for a week or two?

As far as that recipe goes, you can come up with whatever you want. You don't need a lot of Peroxide and baking soda in the water. You just need enough.

You do that for a week or two, then you switched back to distilled water. For a couple of weeks, and then you go back to the other one. You see, you don't want to kill. Everything in your mouth, you only want to kill the bad. So that's why you want to cycle. So kill the bad. So the good stuff will flourish when you're using just the distilled water. Then. When you go back, you killing more bad. And then your mouth microbiome. The oral microbiome can come back. And be even stronger.

But if you use toothpastes that have a lot of. Um, antibacterial antiviral properties, this kind of thing. Then you're going to kill your microbiome right there. So then. You're basically killing the good stuff. You leaving the bad stuff. Because trust me. those bad ones have learned how to stay alive. They're not. You're not being killed. Like you might think. I mean, think about it toothpaste. You don't really think, wow, this is killing my oral health, but actually the ingredients that are in there are. That's why you should be using natural toothpaste things that are very. Fewer ingredients with no anti-microbials. And if you are going to use a anti-microbial type toothpaste, Then you want to. Maybe use it for a few days and then flip to something that's really basic and then back and forth so that you do the cycling.

You know, If you're having. Extreme cravings for sweets.

There's a reason. Molds. I can do what a lot of the parasites do, right. They release these chemicals and they tell you what to do. You wouldn't believe that this. Organism. That's just a mold. You think? Isn't it just a tiny little single cell plant? Well, yeah, but it's also a living thing. And chemicals. Are made by plants that they secrete in order to protect themselves from whatever situation. Or to stay alive. Give you an example. There's this fungus. That infects an ant. And then the ant. 📍 That tells the ant to go all the way to the top of the Bush and the tree or whatever, all the way really top then. It kills it. 📍 And then it. Comes out of its head 📍 to release. The spores. 📍 So it took a 📍 taxi. All the way to the top.

By the way. Here's a side note. I know I talk a lot about going low carb because there's reasons and you're starting to see these reasons. I think, as I'm telling you them,

Root vegetables. Grains. Peanuts.

These sort of foods and it's. I'm going to get more into foods later, but those three basics right there, they're high in. A carbohydrate called. Amylose. A M Y L O S E. Okay. That's their favorite food mold loves. Amylose so people that have mold issues, they have to go on a low amylose diet and yes, there is such a thing. Can you say. Potato chips and bread. For all this. These cravings and sweets. Yeah. That's because the amylose, the molds love it. And then they tell you what to do, eat more. Candida does the same thing.

But these molds. As a whole, many of them.

Through chemical. When you say. I can't stop eating sweets or sugar or. Fry's or whatever the case may be. It's not just, you. It can be something living in you.

Which brings me to emotional and mental illnesses. Now. I've talked a lot about mental issues with all of these health conditions, because they absolutely do affect your brain. You know how much your brain can affect your body. It's all connected. Well, if you're loaded with mold and they're secreting all these weird chemicals and telling you what to do. Is it such a far fetched idea to believe that you can have lack of focus. And memory issues, memory loss. Uh, brain fog. Difficulty concentrating and add and ADHD and irritability, depression, anxiety. I mean, it's all there. They they're telling your brain what to do. They're taking over your hormones with their chemicals and hormones. So when they get too high in the body, you can't say no.

Now this next one. Is.

Sensitive. So I'm going to use my words carefully. But.

We all have sexual organs. Don't we. Well, there's a lot of issues that happened down there. Both male and female. They happen on in, in that area and around that area? Well,

Last week. I. Spoke about.

The vampire fish. Came and think about that one. But vampire fish. This is another thing that causes weird stuff. And that's the mold in the sexual areas. . So it's important. To keep it. Clean. And aired out can always close that area up. Cause remember. They like.

Warmth. And moisture. I just use the word moist in this conversation, but.

That area. I think I. Made my point. All right. Let's move on.

Micron That's. M I C R O N. B R a N E not brain is in your brain.

They made a statement. They are a. candida website. That helps people. They claim that the mortality rate. Is 75%. But people who have. Extremely high levels of candida.

So candida is actually what's called a Pleo morphic, fungus. I just means that.

It's good for you for the most part. Until the environment in your body.

Turns it into a pathogenic fungus. See, it's your terrain, what you've done in your body, through your diet, your, the toxicity. From heavy metals and. Medications, you might've taken, uh, sugar, bad food, pesticides, all the stuff you can think of that you're battling every day. Things you'd know of things you don't know of. Then the candida and those other molds, they live off of that dead tissue. And then they proliferate. That's their whole point. They're trying to break you down. Trying to turn you into soil. .

Which actually makes it technically a parasite. Like we talked about last week, right? It's literally. Wanting to live off you, but also break you down all the way to the, to the smallest components. You see your microbiome? Which helps keep these molds in check. Is ruined. By your diet and antibiotics, metals, poor health choices. Once that microbiome is compromised. The good guys die and the bad guys grow now. You're in trouble.

Also. You're battling something. In your water. Again, we're going to have a water episode. There are radioactive elements in tap water in many waters that you would buy.

Radium. Has been tested in more than half of Americas water system. Okay. So you're showering in it. You're brushing your teeth. Some people drink it. You so gross. That can completely morph candida into a negative fungus. So if you had barely any Candide in your body, You're doing really well. Your health is great. Then you move. And you move to another state. , you start drinking local water. And you have no idea that it's got radium in it. And then within a few weeks or a few months, you're starting to notice digestive situations. You think you have quote allergies. We talked about that. You could have fatigue. You got. All kinds of weird stuff going on. And you think, wow. I just, I just don't agree with this place or. There's all these allergenic things around me. What's going on. And you have no idea. It's actually a radioactive element in your water. That has caused the candida that very small amount and your body.

To morph into a negative. Fungus. And now you're feeling it.

Then. If you had all these feelings. Of allergies or. Brain issues. What are all these problems that we're talking about? And they go to the doctor. And they say, yeah, that gut issues weird, you know, I think you may have a intestinal infection or something. Let's put you on some antibiotics. Or you have a skin issue, like, you know, a rash or, or a nasal problems, these kinds of things. And they put you on steroids. Guess what antibiotics and surgeries do. They make mold worse. Changes your environment. We just talked about it. When the good guys die, the bad guys grow.

And by the way, if you are. Uh, dealing with severe mold issues. There is a doctor. His name is Dr. Shoemaker and he's at surviving He is an expert. He's the world's expert on getting you healthy.

How do you know if you even have over mold growth in the body? Well, If you go on a keto diet, some people go on the keto diet, right. And they feel worse. That's because you might have a lot of mold and yeast. You see mold and yeast actually like to eat ketones. You go into Q a diet, they start eating. They start. Defecating. And then you feel crappy. Yes. They defecate. And the urinate.

That is one of the ways you'll know if you have Boulder yeast overgrowth. Now if you fast. Back can help starve. Those bad guys. So the good guys can repopulate again. Once that happens, stay off the carbs. If you're going to fast. And get yourself right. Stop the carbs. that's the number one way to feed them. Okay.

Now they produce what's called mycotoxins.

There are many, many types. I won't bore you with all the names.

But they're in. All foods. They're on all foods. You can't get away from it. It's just the way it is. The key is to be as healthy as you can, so they don't affect you. Okay. So here's the foods you want to avoid. These are very high in mycotoxins. These are absolutely proven. This is a way it is. And I'm sorry if I offend certain people. That means everybody. Because everybody's probably consuming one or all. Or some of these things. And trust me when I say. I've given up all these things and. It sucks, but. It is what it is. Right. You want to feel better. You got to do what you gotta do. So all grains. Every single grain you can think of. It does not matter what it is, where do they store them? Yeah. They store them all like in a silo or in these tanks and stuff like that. Mold just proliferates. By the way, the more of that.

Grain. The heavier it is because it's filled up, creates a little bit more pressure. And on the inside of there, it's really, really warm. And that's where the molds really just go to town bacteria too, by the way. And just about all insects. So when you're eating grains, you're eating a lot of insects because they live in that grain. It's an awesome environment. They get to eat. They stay warm, they never freeze. They don't die. Perfect. Uh, alcoholic beverages, every single alcoholic beverage there is had to be made with east. It had to do it. There's no other way around it. Alcohol is literally just the urine. Of yeast. That's it. That's all it is. So, of course that's not going to do well in your body. And you're going to have reactions.

Here's one that kind of sucks for just about everybody, because who doesn't like. At least one of the nuts, but all nuts. I have mycotoxins. Aflatoxin is the main one, but. Peanuts pistachio. It doesn't matter. All of them have it and you can't get away from it. That's just the way it is.

A lot of nuts are actually legumes as you know, and like peanuts and. They grow in shells on the ground. And then when they pick these and they keep them in containers, they just grow even more mold. It's just the way it is. Sugar. All sugar. Every bit of sure you can think of all has mycotoxins in it. Every bit of it. Another reason to not consume sugar. Now cheese, here's the one about cheese, only the hard stuff, because hard cheeses are aged. And when you aged cheese histamines go up, but also the. The mold. That is in there. And a lot of cheeses need mold to be made. Right. The yeast, things like this, but the more you age, these, the more mycotoxins are produced. So soft, fresh cheeses are the best way.

Coffee beans. It's another one of those beans. It's a seed, but there. Full of mycotoxins very important to start looking for. Organic non pesticide. Coffee beans that are not laced with mold. It's bad enough. It's got anti-nutrients in it. You don't want the mold. It's just every day, you're trying to be healthy and you're just putting it right back in there. So if you want to have coffee and you do okay with it. That's fine, but why would you want the mold? It's terrible.

Chocolate is the same thing. Chocolate is terrible. It's full of mycotoxins. First of all, you have to add sugar to it. So now it's a double whammy, right? Who's eaten straight. Unsweetened chocolate. Nobody. So you got sugar. Miko. Plus. Chocolate. And that's what I should do. I'm going to make my own chocolate brand and I'm going to call it. Mycolate. M Y C O L a T E.

Dried fruit is awesome. But also absolutely loaded with Miko. That's just the way it is. , and you should meeting fruit anyway. It's the worst form of sugar. There is. And by the way, , It doesn't matter if it's organic or not. All this food choices I'm talking about. Doesn't matter. They're all loaded with Miko toxins. That's just the way it is. And we'll talk more on that in the future. You have to make the best choices you can and learn how to buy food. That's the long and short of it. We'll do more in this, in the future. How to buy food, what to look out for, how to read labels, all those kinds of things that maybe no one's ever taught you, or they've taught you. The wrong stuff. And believe me, that's why this channel exists is because. There are so many people. Who have been told the wrong thing. This is the reality. I'm giving it to you right now.

Now nuts. Can actually feed viruses. , not only does it have mycotoxins, viruses love nuts because. Argentine increases. Viruses. They just love it for some reason. So who knows why? I'm going to study that one of the future. Interesting. And a little side note for you. I had this ex-girlfriend a long time ago, who.

Had headaches every single day since she was seven. And at the time, I think she was. I want to say mid twenties.

My mentor asked me, well, what does she eat? I said, I mean, She's a chef sheets, lot of things. But she's predominantly vegetarian. And he said, well, find out what she eats. So I asked her, what do you eat every day? And she said, what do you mean. I said, what do you have every single day or all the time? What's your favorite food? And she said, I eat almonds every single day. Ever ever since I was a child. And I said, you eat almonds every single day. And you've had a headache. Um, almost every single day, your whole life. Yeah. Okay. So let's try not eating almonds for a few days and see what happens. Guess what headaches went away. Why, why did it go away? Well, in Chinese medicine, Almonds will quote heat. the liver. it's antagonizing the liver. It doesn't actually heat it up. It just antagonizes it. Like flames, like fire it's hot. . So, yeah. Another reason why not to eat almonds. Almonds are not healthy. They have so many anti-nutrients in them. Maybe that's why it heats the liver and aggravates it because they're full of toxins.

And mycotoxins.

Jane Lim. She's a biochemist has a. Fantastic book on mold. She states that mold causes lactic acidosis in the body. Remember, we did an episode on lactic acidosis. She says the Eastern fungus's can make. Fermented foods from alkaline state to an acidic state.

The same thing happens in us. So when you want to make sauerkraut. You're using the cabbage and then the yeasts. We'll naturally start breaking that down and turn it from an alkaline state. To an acidic state. That's the tartness. Yes. That's happening in your body. All right. Not a good thing. also since candida. Has the waste products. That it makes they're the same products as lactic acidosis, which are. acetylaldehyde. Ethanol, which is alcohol and lactic acid. That is. Lactic acidosis that we talked about. Remember.

The other thing that it produces candida is carbon dioxide. And methane. Isn't it the way the body functions. To get rid of carbon dioxide and to increase oxygen. Well guess what the molds doing? It's increasing your carbon dioxide. And you're methane. You can't live on those two. That creates what's called hypoxia, which we talked about before. Just means. Low or no oxygen in the cells. And when you do that, Then you're tired. That's where the fatigue comes from.

You have. Very low cell respiration. And when you have very low cell respiration, cancer can proliferate. Otto Warburg. He's the father of physiology. He says that cancer acts just like mold. He's a Nobel prize winner. He had over 300 discoveries.

He's great. And we'll talk about him in the future because there's a lot to learn from him.

Both cancer. And fungus must have sugar to thrive. And they die in absence of sugar. Another reason for Q diet. Both cancer and fungus respond to antifungal medication like and things like these and all the natural approaches. Interesting. So it's not cancer, but it acts just like it in the body.

All right, so this isn't a scare, you. But knowing this information can help you understand why sometimes nothing works for your healing journey. . You're trying everything nothing's working. It's, this is just one more piece of the puzzle living on the earth. This is life. Some molds hurt you, others. Don't. So you have to be a good steward of your body and that will help you have the best chances to win. There are two distinct ways you can have illness. One, you did it to yourself by not trying to be healthy. He just wanted to enjoy herself and then, oh, I feel like crap. To you acquired your complication by accident. Like working in an office that you didn't know is full of mold.

Remember episode 15. It was about light. What does mold hate? So go get good light. Take care of yourself.




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