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010 What To Do If You Lose Your Voice
Episode 1022nd February 2021 • The Voice Coach Podcast • Nic Redman
00:00:00 00:11:23

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This episode is a practical guide to deal with a common, yet dramatic situation - losing our voice. We will go through the possible reasons that cause it, the importance of resting our voice, release exercises that can help us, and what to beware of when we lose our voice.  

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

  • Don't panic because stress is not helpful in these cases
  • Why you need to rest and cancel any non-essential talking
  • How nebulizers provide great assistance to your voice
  • Why we must stay away from menthol
  • How to encourage vocal rehab through exercises

Even when we have a balanced diet, we keep ourselves hydrated, and we meticulously perform voice warm-ups and cool-downs, we can get ill or be stressed out, and lose our voice as a result. However, if this happens, we must keep calm, take some rest, start upping our fluids, and perhaps do some gentle exercises to smooth voice rehab. 



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