Episode highlights include:
- Ben's background and how he got to where he is today
- Developing the skills for the future version of yourself
- Reconciling the online and offline versions of ourselves
- The importance of investing in yourself and conferences
- Paying off debt using the Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
- You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with
- The importance of seeing what other people ahead of you are doing
- How to start networking and talking to people and get comfortable talking to strangers
- How Ben developed his mission of bringing every veteran dad home
- 22 veterans kill themselves every day
- The importance of feeling and connecting with emotions
- Your next legacy is your family
- Veterans have their identity wrapped up in the uniform and go from Superman to Clark Kent
- Book: Ego is the Enemy
- Ben’s vision and mission and the importance of being a good parent
The Military Veteran Dan Podcast