Episode 175 Show Notes for Brian Johnson Interview
South Dakota Apologetics
On today’s program, I believe you are going to be inspired by the information you are about to hear. I have a special place in my heart for those who can tackle the scientific information and then share it in a coherent manner with those who, like myself, are not as well versed in science – but yet fascinated by it.
Brian Johnson is one of these special men…he is with the South Dakota Apologetics group, whose is educating and equipping the Body of Christ on topics like:
¥ Morality, Relativism & Grounding Truth
¥ God’s Existence & The Beginning of the Universe
¥ Dinosaurs & The Bible
¥ Answering The Top Ten Questions of Skeptics
¥ The Cults: JWs, Mormons & others
¥ Examining The Religion of Islam
¥ Conquer Your Fear: Share Your Faith Crash Course
Brian has a particular interest in the scientific side of apologetics – and a heart for the youth., Brian will equip your group to have an answer ready for why you believe in what you believe. Amen…
Brian…I know your group strives to – and I’ll use a generalization here – to PROVE that God exists…how do you go about doing that?
You are based in the beautiful area of South Dakota…home to Mount Rushmore as well as the bad lands…which are absolutely stunning, by the way…I visited South Dakota probably close to 30 years ago…fabulous place…but how do you use the beautiful areas out there to PROVE that God exists to a person who may not believe it?
Give us some examples of evangelizing using science…
Where do you go to evangelize – besides in the churches?
How are you received when you show up at places like Mount Rushmore? Do the Park Rangers try to shut you down?
Have you participated on any archeological digs in your area?
What is one of the most fascinating, scientific things, you have found while doing your work with South Dakota Apologetics?
How do you reconcile the TIME GAP between what typical science teaches of the earth being BILLIONS of years old and the Bible saying it has only been 6,000 years or so?
What about your work in educating people about the cults and groups trying to undermine those who have Faith in Christ?
What type of resources do you have on your website that will be of interest to our listeners?
If someone wanted to contact you to come and speak at an event or to invite you on a podcast such as this for an interview – or just to ask a question, how can get in touch with you?
Books and other resources:
Best evidence today from secular sources…evolution falsifier…dinosaurs in the Bible
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