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Nicole Staudt - Balancing Hormones and Happiness
Episode 761st September 2023 • The You World Order Showcase Podcast • Jill
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In this revealing episode, host Jill Hart interviews Nicole Staudt, coach of the Bombshell Warriors, who empowers women to live their happiest, healthiest lives through sustainable lifestyle changes. Nicole focuses on nutrition coaching and hormone health for women.

FREE Workshop on metabolism and reverse dieting

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast.


Today we have Nicole Staudt with us and Nicole is the coach of the Bombshell Warriors empowering women to confidently live their happiest, healthiest life through sustainable changes.


Welcome to the.


Show Nicole with your Christmas tree in the background.


I love it.


We were talking about how you like to just leave it up all year, cause it makes you happy.


You know.


It totally does.


He doesn't love it should make everyone happy.


It should, whether you believe whatever you want.


It's just a really fun time of year and you can have.


A great time.


And it's nice that you just.


Carry that spirit with you all year long.


So tell us, how did you get started in?


In coaching.


And then this particular.


Oh goodness.


So I've been into health and fitness all my life.


My background is I grew up in ballet and competitive gymnastics, so health and fitness have always been really important to me.


When it came time to, like, pick a major in college, I knew I wanted to make an impact and I worked really well with kids.


So I went the teaching groups and studied elementary education.


But just all throughout.


My life, health and fitness has always been important and even worked at my college gym.


When in college, so it's always been a part of my life, but.


I just never.


Knew what kind of career I could make out.


Of that passion of health and fitness.


And it wasn't until 20.


19 I hired a fitness coach because I wanted to get my abs back from the days I was a gymnast.


And I was going to.


Cover that summer for my birthday.


And I just wanted to feel a little bit more.


Confident in the.


Bikini. So I hired him.


And got some results.


But that experience while.


It helped change.


The direction of my career from yes, I'm still teaching and doing things in education that I'm now building this nutrition coaching business.


Because of that experience.


And I was.


Like wow, you can make a career online coaching others on.


Their health and fitness.


And I had friends asking me.


Like you're looking amazing. What?


Are you doing and?


And so I was.


Like, huh?


You know, I had always said in.


College if I didn't study elementary education, I would do something with fitness or nutrition.


So at that point.


I was able to see that.


Ohh I can.


Still, the business of coaching women on their weight loss.


But that experience of working with.


The coach at the same time.


Wasn't as great as I thought.


It was in the moment, I.


Have since seen how it wasn't.


He wasn't the best coach and.


The reason I say.


That is because for most of the.


Time I was working.


With him, I lost my.


And that really drove the direction of me going the hormone health route with women, because you should be able to lose weight in a very healthy way without losing your menstrual cycle.


And I didn't see that.


As a red flag when working with him, because all my life I.


Battled terrible cramps.


And I was just.


Like. Yeah, yeah, I don't.


Have to deal with this every month anymore and.


It just it wasn't a red flag to me.


I just thought my body was adjusting to my new like workout regimen and the nutrition protocol I was on.


But little did I.


Know that I I'm aware of.


Now it was like way too much exercise I.


Was eating too.


That's why a period.


Disappeared and it was a huge red flag that this coach did not take into account.


Once I told him what was going on, he didn't care.


So that should help to shape the direction.


Of my business.


Doing the hormone health routes just because the painful periods and you should be able to lose weight without losing your menstrual cycle.


That's how I got into this space in a.


Nutshell. So beginning of 2020, I was like, all right, I want to.


Do this and then the whole world went completely.


And so all my friends who are like wanting to work with me, they're like, hold on.


We need to figure.


Out what's happening with life so it.


Wasn't until the end of 2020 that.


I officially was like.


Stepping into this role.


The nutrition coach.


So that's the short story.


And how is?


That is very, very profound story actually on several levels.


When you were talking about hiring a coach and you hired a man, cause predominantly in the fitness arena.


It's men. Men are coaching and really men and women's bodies.


Are totally different.


Different hormones.


You can dress up any way you.


But your body chemistry doesn't operate the same way ours does, and when you're listening to things that work for men.


Almost universally, it's going to cause you problems physically.


If you try to implement them, the whole eat less exercise, more thing.


It's a great way to gain weight for women just.


Hang on to anything, it's that.


Because you never know.


And then it'll rub.


From your like your bones and your teeth and the and your eyesight and your hair, all those things start messing.


Up, yeah.


Over the weekend, I had lemons telling me that.


Like I'm eating.


1200 calories and I'm I've never felt better.


I'm feeling awesome.


I'm like, sure you're losing weight quickly.


You're going to feel better initially, but then when you start gaining it, gaining it, gaining it all back, like, come see me.


I'll help you. Like, don't eat 1200 calories. That's like, that's the required.




Start engine mode.


Calorie now of a.


The toddler ladies, you are not toddlers. Stop eating 1200.


Immediate. More than that, yeah.


But you need just the right things, the right things.


Like what makes all the difference.


It really does.


And your body starts setting.


Lower the less you eat, the less you need to eat.


Trace your body all the way down to.


Zero. Definitely. That's and I.


Yeah, yeah.


Think a lot of women aren't aware of that for some reason.


All the calorie tracking apps recommend 1200 calories and it's like, no, your body's going to adapt to.


That then what's going to happen when?


You start feeling so restricted.


Because you're only allowing.


Yourself 1200 calories. You are going to.


Gain the weight back like that.


You're already eating so little.


Get yourself that food freedom, but yeah, definitely eat the right foods.


And the and good quality foods too.


And that's a lot of what I work on with my clients or those habits.


Of eating more nutrient dense foods, but still leaving room for the fun foods because you have to enjoy the birthday party or pizza night or date night.


Or a bunch of the friends and.


And those eyes or whatever.


But it's being healthy about it and being.


Mindful or rounded.


Yeah, and not just mindlessly eating with purpose and choosing when you're going to do those splurgy things.


And then having the.


Because the regret in itself.


Will cause you to gain weight.


That's, I think, why people can look at chocolate cake and they want it so badly and they're like, oh, and I gained £5.


I didn't even eat it.


Well, yeah, cause you just stressed.


Your body out shot a whole.


Bunch of cortisol through it.


You just gained £5 from the.


Yeah, I.


Other stuff you ate.


Saw people. Yeah, I'm like.


Eat cake, eat the cookie and.


Like, don't surprise yourself now.


I heard someone say once.


On the podcast.


And they're like a card snob.


And I was like.


I like this.


Like train of thought that.


Like you did it, this person doesn't eat anything. Insight. You know the cake, the cookies? Like he's very particular.


It has to be like homemade, really good.


Like good quality so.


That's what I look for.


If I'm going to splurge on something, it has to be, it has to be worth it.


Yeah, make it expensive cause you're not gonna eat very much of it.


So that's when I when I splurge it's on something that's worth it in my eyes.


It's not just anything so.


I know you have 4 pillars.


Of health you want.


To go over those.


Yes. So of course you.


Have your exercise which most.


People think of when they think of being healthy like.


Oh, I need to exercise.


And a lot of people hate exercising, but.


I help my clients learn to love it because as women, it's empowering to be able to lift weights in the weight room with the men and feeling strong.


And like being one of the all the girls hanging with all the boys.


Like I love that.


Feeling at the gym so.


For me, it's empowering being.


Able to live strong so.


Exercise one and then nutrition is the is.


Pillar of health and I think.


Those are the two that most people associate, like when they want to lose weight, they need to like diet and exercise is like the words I always hear.


So we know exercise and nutrition play a huge role in our health, but I think a lot of people underestimate the power of sleep and having good sleep.


As being a pillar, if your sleep is poor and completely off, it's messing with your hormones.


It’s messing with your metabolism it's influencing your gut health.


And all of those are influencing your weight loss progress.


Like if you can just get your sleep and sleep quality under control, then that's going to unlock so many things for you, improve your hormone health, help you be less stress.


Balance that your hormones like sleep is so important.


And then the sleep is also tied.


To stress which I call the fourth pillar.


These things keep falling out.


In the ears.




But stress doesn't just have to be the life stress, the running, the kids all over the place and, you know, being stressed out at your job because you have so many things to do and then like you're stressed in your relationships or with family like that all contributes to stress.


But stress is also found in what's the state of your gut.


Is your is your body getting the nutrients that it needs, or is it deprived of nutrients that stress?


If you're not sleeping well, that's an added stress.


What's happening with your blood sugar?


If you're riding a blood sugar roller coaster all day, that stress and sleep is going to impact your blood sugar.


So all of these four pillars are related, and we often overlook.


The power of.


Reducing stress in our lives and getting enough sleep.


But all four of them really play into.


Each other, and they're all interconnected but those.


Are the four.


Pillars I focus on with my clients.


So what do you?


Think about stress and mindset.


How do they play in together?


Ohh yeah.


They are definitely.


So connected, I mean you have.


Your gut health affecting your brain, your brain.


Affects your gut health, so your mindset.


Is going to affect the state of your.


Health and your mindset affects your stress.


I have a client I work with.


I'm working.


With and we're working.


A lot on.


On mindset because she she's always stressed and she's always worked and so.


I I've been telling.


Her a lot lately like your.


Stress is impacting your health.


You're seeing all of these health issues manifest because of beliefs that you hold on to because of stress that you are keeping within your body.


And that's going to take like other levels of working on yourself and working through that stress to be able to release it.


And then changing your.


Mindset that you aren't a bad person.


That you are.


I mean, she's grown up with messages of.


Being told she's.


Pretty much worthless.


And changing that and instilling this empowered belief in her that she is capable and.


As we've been creating consistency and just small, consistent ones, she's been able to see like, oh, I can do this.


And it's been empowering for.


Her so yeah, mindset and stress affect each other and it does affect your overall health.


For sure.


But sometimes you can.


When you're, you're not acknowledging your emotions that they can actually attack your organs and your body, which is part of the stress they get trapped in your in your organs.


Oh, that's interesting.


There's interesting modalities around removing that, but there's something called the body.


Code that it's all about.


Delete that.


You've heard of.


I think.


I'm not sure.


Kind of.


New but.


I've had it.


I've had somebody do it with me.


And I've seen it done for other people.


That's really interesting.


And it's all about just letting your body tell you through muscle testing what's going on and where the issues are.


Just kind of a unique sort of thing.


What makes what you're doing different from?


Like what other coaches do out there for fitness?


I feel like a lot.


Or weight loss.


Of sources, yeah, I feel.


Like a lot of coaches, at least the.


One I worked with.


And I still see this a lot within.


Coaching and it.


And sometimes I feel like it.


Well, maybe it's not just prevalent to males like there's probably female coaches doing this too, but.


Where they're more.


Or less just focused on.


The macros like.


If it fits your macros, you know, just eat a certain amount of.


Calories do all this exercise.


It's very like calories and calories.


Whereas what I do I show.


Women, how they can.


Be healthy without having to slash calories down to 1500 or less like I started getting really nervous if I have to lower clients calories for a deficit to 1600, I'm like.


That's let's keep it like 1800 or above.


Like I want my clients to be able to eat food because I know the more food that they can eat, the more nutrients they are getting into their bodies.


To support their gut and their hormones.


So with what I.


Do with my clients is really.


Focus on the gut health and the hormones.


And usually weight loss is a byproduct of that.


So I'm not.


Going to just give you your macros and just be.


Like all right, like.


Just hate your macros every day and you'll see results.


Restoring your gut health to restore your hormone health and making sure you're getting in your nutrients so it's as recently added.


Functional lab testing to my program so that clients can getting HTMA hair tests and testing minerals in your body which are impacting your gut and your hormones and then also doing the GI map.


So we can really just get.


A look like what's happening.


In your gut, is there something there that's


Inhibiting weight loss and making it difficult and making it hard to sustain their results.


Is there a reason why you're craving chocolate all the time?


Well, maybe you need more magnesium and we're going to see that in the HTMA test.


So it's really taking a holistic approach to your health and getting deep into the root causes and not just, oh, you're not losing weight on 1800 calories and, you know, exercising five days a week.


Well, let's exercise seven days a week and bring you down to 1200 calories, and then you're just going to feel worse and.


Gain the weight back and that's.


That's the approach my coach that I worked with did and.


Other coaches out there are still doing so I.


Like giving my clients.


Results being able to work out as little.


As possible and eat as much.


As they can, which is so yeah.


Yeah, I gotta love that.


But I'm like I.


Don't want you working out seven days a week.


I mean one to three days a week and the full body workout plus walking is sufficient for most women.


You don't need.


To kill yourself at your orange theory class.


Five days a week.


And leave dripping sweat.


And feeling sore all the time, that's only hurting you and getting to your goals so.


Yeah, everybody does need time to recover from a workout.


Then you know, just even if you're running, you shouldn't run every single day cause your body needs time to rebuild that muscle fiber that.


When you workout, you're destroying muscle fiber.


That's what makes you bulk up.


It's the repair job.


Wait, you have to like rest is part of.


That process, if you want to look lean and toned, you need to rest of the muscle.


Muscle fibers can repair themselves, so you can build that muscle and looking and tones like looking lean in tone is not about being in a calorie deficit.


It's actually about building muscle, which means you have to eat more.


You have to be in the surf.


And most of them just think they need to slash calories slipping in some.


No you need to build up the muscle, and that requires your calories.


So let's actually eat food and.


It is the muscle.


Is the metabolism, just like your gut is your immune system.


We're we really aren't taught these things in.


School like this is.


This is how stuff functions.


Your brain does actually have.


Thoughts that are connected to your head is a lot of it is just the computer aspect of keeping everything else going.


But you do have things that.


You feel in different places, like your gut, you know.


The gut reaction.


It's telling you something.


It's trying to send you a message but.


If it's not intellectually, accept.


We tend to just.




To decide.


It's not important.


Yeah. OK.


But really, it's very important.


It's your stress indicator.


It's like something's going wrong here.


I'm not in alignment.


With the way I like.


To be as a body.


You need to do something about it, brain.


So yeah, and the work I do, I mean.


That's the approach.


I take and I stress swimming all the time.


Like if you want to fasten tablets and you need to lift weights and build muscle and eat more food, that's going to speed up your metabolism not running.


Seven days a.


Week that's going to slow down in the metabolism.


So I actually just had a.


Workshop last week all about that.


And just using your metabolism and reverse dieting because that's.


What I have to do with those clients?


When it comes to.


Is the is the workshop online anywhere?


Can people get access to it?


I can send them.


Or we can like put the link in.


The show notes and that works, that'd.


Be really awesome.


I personally would.


Like to watch.


Yeah, it's about learning.


Learning new stuff and exploring different.


Different attitudes about.


Health and you know, most coaches have different ideas about things, and yours is.


Yours is kind of the unique approach the you know, build your muscles and eat food, eat real food.


Yeah, it's.


What are your thoughts on cooking?


Ohh, I love cooking and baking.


Those are huge passions in mine.


I don't eat out a lot personally because I would just rather make food at home because I can control what ingredients are being used.


Normally when you are going out to eat a lot of the cheaper industrialized.


Processed oils are being used, which can be inflammatory.


For your body and your hormones.


Can impact your gut health?


So whatever once in a while, I'll enjoy eating out, but I love cooking at home and trying the recipes.


I have a sweet tooth.


So I love baking and finding healthier ways to bake cookies and brownies and things like that to enjoy for desserts.


People in my.


Community know that I love desserts, I love.


Chocolates normally don't go a day without eating chocolate.


And then I'm always like posting recipes inside my Facebook group and just.


Sharing healthier ways to enjoy the foods you love.


And then sometimes.


What are your thoughts on swerve?


I'm not sure I have.


Thoughts and opinions about that?


I've used it before.


Because it's a like a 0 calorie sweetener, I would have to look at the ingredients again and.


Is it actually it's erythritol, but it doesn't spike your insulin levels.


And it has.


I know this for a fact and it also functions the way sugar functions when you're baking.




Which is kind of an interesting.


I use it a lot.


Instead of sugar, because sugar is just like.


So bad for you.


I don't use a lot.


I don't.


We don't eat a.


Lot of sweet stuff.


In our house.


Yeah, but if we're gonna do something.


Like you know, pumpkin pies at Thanksgiving.


It's a good.


Yeah, we've found it to be good.


I'm not going to say.


It's good for everybody because different.


People have different reactions to different things, like I don't like.


Stevia, I know it's supposed to.


That's what I use a lot.


Be natural, but.


It is actually processed.


List the stevia that you get in the store so it's not like as all natural as you might be led to believe it.


So if I can find.


Monk foods, that's typically what I like to get, but that can be a lot more expensive.


So if I'm able to find it.


Like on sale?


Then I'll get that otherwise.


I just simply.


Stick the stevia and sometimes I'll cut down the sugar in the recipe and.


And like.


Add in stevia so that it's both sugar and stevia.


Just so because like sugar can like can help with the chemistry.


Of the recipe.


So by.


Right, right.


Completely eliminating the.


It might change the consistency in the chemistry.


So I try.


To eat sometimes some of it in there and.


Then just.


Cut it down a little bit so I'm always experimenting with recipes and sometimes they work and sometimes they are absolutely fails as long as they taste good.


Eat it anyway.


Yeah, yeah, that's all that.


Matters so screwing in the freezer.


Wants to be in the solid form.


And then I've also been making my own sourdough bread, which has benefits for your blood sugar and gut health just because of the natural fermentation process.


So yeah, I love cooking and baking, and that's something.


So what are your thoughts?


I just thought about.


I make sourdough every week also, and I make tortillas for my husband cause he likes to have.


Like he likes to have something that he can just make.


Himself because he's not.


A really good cook at.


All though he did make me eggs for breakfast over the weekend, I was so.


Shocked first time in 20.


Eight years.


He's cooked for me.


How sweet.


That's really sweet.


But we make we make tortillas from scratch, but I wanted to ask you about the flour component.


I know with sourdough it's the same thing you're having to deal with adding flour, and I'm not convinced flower is not genetically modified on some.


Level so I.


Tend to try.


To use like King Arthur's flour, when I use flour, because I think it's a better quality.


Do you have thoughts on that?


Ohh, not definitively, it's just.


Depends on what it is I'm baking like there.


Are a lot.


Of times when I'm baking things like.


Let's say pancakes or brownies for example, or I will use alternative flowers, like maybe tie your nut flour or cassava flour coconut flour like some of those alternative flowers that I just.


Or in my mind, they're more nutritious and they're less inflammatory, but it's not going to.


Be that way.


For everyone, just generally they can be.


But when it comes to sourdough.


I have just been using generic flour, but yeah, King Arthur does.


It feels like it's better quality.


Sometimes it's just a matter of what my budget can afford, and since I'm like teaching so as well so.


Sometimes it's just.


It's a matter of.


Budget too, so.


But I.


Yeah, that is everything.


In my wow.


But yeah, I try.


To look for more quality ingredients when I.


Am baking just because I.


Feel better about it.


And when you bake, you're still able to control ingredients as.


Much as possible, so you can look for chocolate chips that have.


Fewer ingredients just because.


That's a healthier option than all the added stuff that can be.


In chocolate chips. So


Take the time at the store and read the.


Ingredients because it will surprise you what they slide into things that just.


Don't need to be in there.


The whole reason we started making tortillas is we're on a Crisco ban in our house.


We use lard.


Natural and it's.


It's an animal fat, and Crisco is.


I think plastic, but I can't prove it.


Basically I've looked before and I'm just appalled at by that stuff and I.


Won't buy it anymore. I.


Won't use it in my baking anymore.


And that's how Mom makes her chocolate.


Chip cookies and my dad makes this how?


Made this gets which are so good.


And I'm like, I just.


I can't bring.


Myself to put that into it.


Are you better or larger?


Chocolate chips.


You can find it.


Chocolate chips too.


And that's why you have to be really careful with the kind of chocolate that you buy, because cheap chocolate has.


They don't call it Crisco, but it's vegetable short.


Thing which I don't think it's vegetable.


I don't know.


In my world it's hot vegetable and it's not shortening this.


And that's.


It's shortening your life.


Yeah, pretty much.


I'm definitely that annoying person in the grocery store.


That's like stopping to, like, pull different things off the.


Shelf and read the ingredients.


I don't care what people think.


I want to support my own health and my own hormones because I've been my on my own journey of improving my own hormone health.


And it's paying off getting the testing.


Done and getting down to the root causes and so that's what I'm able to do for my clients and that's why.


I take this holistic approach and help them find their healthy alternatives and.


And share how you can still enjoy brownies for dessert, which is in a healthier way.


With more wholesome ingredients.


You can eat.


You really can eat a.


A wide variety of foods.


If you know how to cook, you're just not afraid to try a recipe.


What's the worst that can happen, I mean?


That they all and.


If you can still eat it then then.


Eat it.


Just don't care with people.


Yeah. And.


Develop a repertoire of at least 10 to.


15 things that you're really good at cooking.


That you like.


And I encouraged all my kids when they were growing up.


Find 5 or 10 things that you really like to eat.


Learn how to make it, because you can always make it for yourself.


So you're not gonna go hungry and you're not gonna be.


Eating like fast food.


They have something in how to make and then you know, we've got the Internet.


It's not like you have to go to.


The library and check out cookbooks anymore can.


Get on your phone and look stuff up.


These are the and.


There's even an.


App I have these ingredients at home.


What can I make and they'll give you recipes with it.


I wish I could remember the name of it.


Yeah, I.


Can't remember the name of it either, but I think that's how I stumbled across an Alfredo recipe that I make all the time and it's not the healthiest, so it's one of those where I'm like, you know what, I'm going to enjoy this knowing that it's made with cream cheese and parmesan cheese and whole cream.


I have to eat that much of it.


No, but it should be over.


To be satisfied.


And just one of those where I have these.


Ingredients and then this recipe popped up and it.


Was the most operated.


That's amazing.


Alfredo Sauce I've had in my.


And so everyone asked me.


For the recipe.


But yeah, cream cheese.


Parmesan cheese and heavy cream.


That's the base of.


It and butter and butter.


Yeah, I can't forget.


The whole butter.


Makes everything better.


I think there was one time I was watching a cooking show about Paula Deen and her sons and they asked her sons what Paula's favorite condiments are, and he said butter and mayonnaise.


Like. Yeah, she's.


Like gonna girl.


That's awesome.


So what's the what's the I?


Know you have something that you offer people when they go to.


Your website and I.


I opted into it, but I haven't been able to read it yet.


You want to tell people about what that is.


It had chocolate chip cookies on it.


So I mean, I'm really getting excited to find it.


Gosh, so my website is about to go through a whole like evolution.


Just a whole update.


When I my first when my website first launched, it was a healthy chocolate recipe guide that I had on there.


And then I think I changed it to like my 5 tips for fat loss, but that doesn't resonate with me anymore with the hormone direction I'm going in because.


To lose body fat and healthy way, you'd have.


To have healthy hormones.


So I'm about to update that to like a three-part. Here's the real reasons why you are not losing weight series so, but within that series I could probably drop my healthy chocolate recipe guide because who doesn't love chocolate recipes like? I'm pretty sure everyone in my community.


If you are in my.


You better love chocolate because.


Chocolate and desserts. That's horrible.


Yeah, I can always include that.


Guide in the series I'm.


About to create.


So yeah, there's a lot.


That I am.


I'm just evolving as a coach, which means my website and.


The offer is always.


Like the free offers I will.


Have will be a lot different as.


Well, but yeah, and in the beginning it was.


A little chocolate recipe guide.


I'm hoping to find it.


Am I in here pretty soon?


I had to go confirm it so that it's on me that it's not in there.


So yeah, well, if you don't find.


It let me know and.


I will send it.


To you, because I still have the PDF somewhere.


Hope you are.


Because I do love chocolate.




It doesn't is my question.


I actually have met some people that don't like chocolate.


It makes them physically ill.


Just like there's.


Wrong with you.


How is that possible?


Possible as?


Well, but you know.


All of our bodies.


Are different and that's why you.


Need a coach for your help because you can't.


It's hard to.


Figure all of this out on your own.


I mean, I even have.


A health coach friend who gives me guidance when I need it just because sometimes.


You can't.


See what's going on?


In yourself because you are in.


Yourself and in your body all.


The time.


You need those outside eyes to come in and be like, oh, this is what you might be missing.


Maybe this food isn't good.


For you, let's take.


It out for a time and see if.


You notice the difference, you know.


And just being part.


Of a group because when you're.


A part of a group you've got.


You've got other.


People asking questions that you hadn't even thought of but can be life changing for you if you implement the answer.


Just like to me that groups.


Are where the magic happens.




I've had it my own personal experiences is that's I've gotten so much more out of the connections I've made in the groups than even just the individual coaching.


So what's the one thing you want to leave the audience with that you hope they?


Take away from our conversation.


Oh goodness.


Well, since I work mostly with women, it's just empowering to women that if you feel like.


With your health, if you have.


Tried everything and you're beating your head against the.


Wall or like you've.


Lost the weight, but you always.


Gain it back and you're just in this.


Frustrated place.


Then there's probably something deeper going on and we need to look at your hormones, your gut health and your metabolism.


To really assess why is it difficult to lose weight, why are you having a hard?


Time keeping it off.


Or if you've been from doctor to doctor because you know you have hormone issues and they keep telling you it's all in your head, everything is fine.


Then those are also the women who.


Come to me.


Be like I don't know what else to do.


Doctors keep telling me everything is normal.


Everything's fine, but because I've been trained in.


A holistic way.


Under, like functional Medicine or like functional health practices.


I can look at things a little bit differently than a traditional doctor can.


So, like, don't stop.


Advocating for your help.


And just keep looking deeper, but you have to look at the root causes and.


A lot of doctors won't do that.


But also know like you don't have to live with the diagnosis, there's a lot you can do.


And lifestyle and nutrition wise.


For anything that you have and that's the work I do so.


That's wonderful.


So how can people?


Get in touch with you.


They can follow me on Instagram.


At fit dot bombshell dot lawyers.


I have that same.


Handle on threads as well if anyone is.


Still trying to use threads which like.


Happened like 2 weeks ago and I feel like.


Happy people.


You forgot about it and.


And then my.


Facebook group is.


Titled Fit with Two Eyes, FIT fits and empowered hormone health for women, they can also find you there on Facebook, so Facebook and Instagram is where I hang out on this.


Perfect. We'll be sure.


To put those notes in the show.


Notes. Thank you so much.


For joining me today, Nicole, it's been great chatting with you.


You're welcome.


It's been great chatting with you as well.



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