Artwork for podcast Enjoy More 30s: Family Finance
Unknowns Are Scary | Series 1.1
Episode 115th January 2021 • Enjoy More 30s: Family Finance • Joseph P. Okaly
00:00:00 00:15:55

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3 Questions to Clarify Your Financial Mindset

  • Unknown question #1 (07:40)
  • Unknown question #2 (09:38)
  • Unknown question #3 (10:57)

Quote for the episode: "So money in itself, we have to remember, is not the actual goal. Doing what makes life most enjoyable to us is the actual goal."

Securities offered through TFS Securities, Inc., Advisory Services through TFS Advisory Services, a SEC Registered Investment Advisor Member FINRA / SIPC. TFS Securities, Inc. located at 437 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft, NJ 07738 (732) 758-9300.


Voiceover Audio:

Welcome to the Enjoy More 30s: Family Finance

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podcast, the only podcast dedicated to making life more

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enjoyable for young families by hitting on the financial topics

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that tend to weigh on us, stress us out and distract our focus

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from simply enjoying life.

Joseph Okaly:

Hi and welcome to the Enjoy More 30s: Family

Joseph Okaly:

Finance podcast. I'm really excited to have you here on the

Joseph Okaly:

very first episode, "Unknowns Are Scary", where we're going to

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go over some things that you really should be knowing about

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unknowns when it comes to personal finance, and then some

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items to help you deal with those- what you can do about it.

Joseph Okaly:

So this is the first episode and the first series, which is "Your

Joseph Okaly:

Money Mindset", where we're going to be going over some

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basic mindset kind of setting items when it comes to personal

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finance topics, to get us ready to go more in depth into some of

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those items in later series.

Joseph Okaly:

Why we have this podcast for you today is because, in my opinion,

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young families have a very difficult time getting proper

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advice in the environment that we've set up. So when you think

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about what you may have learned in school, I'm sure everybody

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here learned about Shakespeare or algebra, but very few people

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learn significant items when it comes to dealing with personal

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finance. And really everybody after school, we all have jobs,

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everybody after school, we all have families or a lot of us

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have families. And there are finance specific items when it

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comes to that, that we really need to be able to know about if

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we're going to do a great job for ourselves and the ones that

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we care about.

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Furthermore, from a professional advice standpoint, there really

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isn't a lot of that out there when it comes to helping young

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families specifically. And the reason for that is, in my

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industry, they tend to chase or they tend to go after people

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that are nearing retirement, because they have 401(k)s and

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things like that they can get rolled over, or families that

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have established money. And really, you know, they're

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chasing where they have the most income potential, which you

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know, makes sense. But unfortunately, that leaves a lot

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of people out, and specifically young families.

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This podcast is going to help provide some of that information

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that is so useful when you're young, and can go such a long

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way in removing any of that anxiety around some personal

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finance topics that we all may have. And really just allow us

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to enjoy time with our family, which is why we're here, and the

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finance element should not be getting in the way of having

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your life be as enjoyable as it as it possibly can. Overall, we

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aren't here to accumulate money and insurance products- we're

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here to enjoy life with our families. So if we could walk

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into any store tomorrow and pick out groceries, a vacation or any

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car off the lot without payment, you know, we wouldn't really

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care about money anymore. It would have no actual, real

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practical value to it. So money in itself, we have to remember,

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is not the actual goal. Doing what makes life most enjoyable

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to us is the actual goal.

Joseph Okaly:

And so there are definitely more than enough retirement podcasts

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out there. There are podcasts that help you get out of credit

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card debt or rent your first apartment. But this one is

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specifically for you families out there who are young, you

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know in your 30s, and you're looking for help. You know you

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probably are a little bit more established in your career now

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and you have some money to you know, make these changes, secure

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your situation and then be able to remove the anxiety that

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they're related to. So you know, again, like you heard in the

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opening, we want to get rid of those things that weigh on us,

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stress us out and distract our focus.

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Now the last thing to just touch on real quick before we get into

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the actual episode is I currently, as of filming this,

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have two kids under four as of today. I have a four year old

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daughter and a one year old son, so I know time is precious. I

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don't have time myself for one and a half hour podcasts, or you

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know textbooks or anything like that, so episodes are going to

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be as short as I possibly can make them. I want to get you the

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information, not have you listened to me talk for 10 extra

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minutes. There's only so long before, you know, you hear a

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crash or cry in the next room- which sometimes we hear the cry

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and you know they're alive, so that could be okay. But yeah,

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the goal is to get you the information as quickly as

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possible in a way that you can process it, digest it and then

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take positive action off of that if you want to.

Joseph Okaly:

We're going to start today's episode, "Unknowns Are Scary",

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off with a little bit of a story. My son Noah is just over

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one year old now, and when he was a couple days old we brought

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him home from the hospital. And we started to notice these

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little blistery bumps around his diaper line. And at first we

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thought it was just an irritation from the diaper, but

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after two, three, four started to pop up real quick, we quickly

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kind of knew that there was something more to it than just

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that. So we came to this realization at night, so we left

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a message for the pediatrician, becasue we wanted to go in and

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see them the next day. And I couldn't sleep at all that

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night, it was me just wondering what was wrong with him. You

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know, you go on your phone, and then you just open up a whole

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box of scary. And so, it was a very difficult night. Now the

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next day, we get an appointment with the pediatrician, they have

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us come in and they diagnose it as something called impetigo,

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which is a bacterial infection. And it's not a good infection to

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have, but if you know, you catch it early, and they gave us a

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prescription neosporin kind of a thing that we had to go to the

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pharmacy to get. And this poor little baby who's great

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throughout it, he has no shirt on, he's laying on my knees on

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the couch, and we have the ointment on, and he just he's

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sleeping there with his arms straight up in the air. But once

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that night happened, I wasn't scared anymore. Not because it

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wasn't difficult still, not because it wasn't challenging

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still, but because I knew what I was dealing with. I knew the

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name of it, and I knew the treatment that was required to

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have him be better.

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The same thing is true when it comes to personal finance. What

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you need to know is the unknowns from a finance standpoint, from

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a personal finance standpoint, they work the same way. So if

Joseph Okaly:

you don't know where you are, and you don't know what you need

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to do to fix it, then it's scary. And what's even worse

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when it comes to finance is we don't always even know what we

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don't know. So Noah had a rash, it was a visual element, I could

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see that there was a problem. Finances don't always work that

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way. And if they do work that way, it's likely because it's

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much later in dealing with it then we should have dealt with

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it. So a typical young family, we've kind of boiled it down to,

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there are three major unknown type questions they need to be

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asking themselves. And now, for any of these before I even ask

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them, you do not need to know the answers right now, that is

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absolutely fine. But you should at least be aware of them so

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that you can ask them to yourself, and you and your

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spouse can discuss them.

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The first question is, 'what actually makes life most

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enjoyable to me?' And this may seem like a weird first

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question, because you know, a lot of people might be like,

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'well I know what I like to do.' But what makes it most enjoyable

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to me is really focusing on where we're putting our actions.

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So I'll give you an example for myself personally. When I was in

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middle school, all I wanted to do was get into the high level

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classes in high school. When I was in high school, I just

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wanted to get good grades to get into a good college. In college,

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then I want to, you know, get a good job. After a job, it was a

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spouse, and then I wanted to get married and have kids. And I'm

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sitting with my daughter when she was less than a year old in

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the middle of the night, trying to get her to go to sleep, and

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realizing I was already planning out her retirement. Okay, now

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when the kids move out, we're going to do this and that. And I

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was jumping from one thing to the next and not giving the

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present enough of my attention. The 18 years or so that I'll

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have my kids before they move out, those are going to be

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really unique special times, and obviously, I don't want to be

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rushing that.

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So yeah, we definitely need to have long term goals of an early

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retirement and covering college, but we need to make sure that

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we're focusing and not losing sight on what actually makes

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life most enjoyable to us today. So my wife Lauren and I also

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added in some more, you know, current year present goals that

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we want to make sure we're not losing sight of on top of those

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longer term traditional, you know, retirement and paying for

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college and stuff, that kind of stuff. So we now want to visit

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two new places we've never been to every year. We want to make

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sure we're staying at unique, you know, Airbnb, places that

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will really have like a memory to them when we look back on it

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with our kids. You know, Disney is certainly on there, maybe a

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pool is on your list and so forth. So this first question

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is, you know, 'what actually makes life most enjoyable to

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me', and then proactively not losing sight of that.

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The second question here is, 'if I keep saving at the current

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rates, where will that get me?' So everybody out there is

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probably saving to some degree, but where will that actually get

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you right now? What track are you on? And this really ties

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very heavily into that first question because if we know what

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track we're on for college, and retirement, we know how much

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extra now we have to do things today. So a lot of times we can

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be afraid to do a trip, or do a renovation or whatever it might

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be, because we're not sure about what track we're heading on for

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some of these other major important items. And so since we

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still have anxiety with some of those, we can't release and be

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able to do some things that might be more enjoyable in the

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present. But if I was able to tell you, "Hey, if you save X

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amount today, and every month going forward, retirement and

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college will be covered", wouldn't that be a huge relief

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to you? Wouldn't that just free what mentally to enjoy living

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more that you knew these major milestone things, if I just did

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a, b, and c, they would be covered?

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The last of these three questions is, 'if I died, or was

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disabled, tomorrow, what would happen?' And this is kind of the

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protector element, but first, before you can protect anything,

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you need to know what you're trying to protect. So some

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people may want their spouse to be able to stay home with the

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kids. Others may want to cover child care, but they still want

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to keep working to some degree. So we have some clients who

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even, you know, they say I would go live with my parents. And

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that's even a very different scenario. So there is no right

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or wrong scenario. It's just what scenario would you want to

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have happen, God forbid one of these terrible events occurred

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in your life, because each scenario translates into

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different coverage. So you first need to know what you would want

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to happen, and then you can solve for it.

Joseph Okaly:

These three questions are all going to be answered in parts of

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future episodes and much more detailed diving into them. But

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this first series is just setting your mental mindset when

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it comes to money. And so these are the same questions that

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everybody should be asking themselves. As young families, I

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kind of said at the outset, we don't get enough finance

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direction as young families from our professionals in the

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industry or from our education system, and we wind up falling

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into more of a box checking approach. I'm supposed to save-

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okay, check that box. I'm supposed to have a 401(k)- okay,

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check that box. I'm supposed to have life insurance- okay, get

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some through work, I guess I'll check that box. I'm supposed to

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have a 529 plan for college- okay, I check that box, I have

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one. And the thing is, if you notice, that doesn't tend to

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really get rid of your anxiety because it's not removing the

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unknown. You have the 401(k), but is it enough? I have the

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life insurance, but is it enough? I'm saving for college,

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but is it enough?

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If you know the answers to these three questions that we just

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went through, now you're removing the anxiety, you're not

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just checking a box of something that it sounds like you're

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supposed to have. So what can you do? And this is pretty

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simple- you need to discuss these three questions with your

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spouse. Again, there are no answers that are needed today or

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tomorrow, but you should be starting down this mental kind

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of a path. So again, let's just recap those three questions for

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you. The first is, 'what actually makes life most

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enjoyable to me?' Two is, 'if I keep saving at the current rate,

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where will that get me?' And the third question is, 'if I died or

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was disabled tomorrow, what would happen? What would I want

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to happen?' And start with those first three questions with your

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spouse, and what you may find is that you get to a point where

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you have more clarity on these than you thought was possible.

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And sometimes your answers aren't the same as you would

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expect from your spouse. So you know, talking and asking the

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questions is always the first step for any of our clients

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because you get clarity on what you're trying to do and where

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you're trying to go. And I know that this works, because this is

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what I go through myself. You know, I've had these these

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questions and these conversations with my spouse.

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And we have clarity on where we're going, we have clarity on

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what we want to do, we have clarity on how we would protect

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ourselves, God forbid in those scenarios, and so I don't spend

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one second of any day worrying about it. I don't have any

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anxiety about any of those items, and that's what I want to

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try taking steps to help you with as well.

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As young families, we have a lot on our plate for sure. But by

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taking just kind of a little bit of time to see where we're going

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and make sure we're going in the direction we actually want to,

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it can remove that anxiety around all those. So thanks very

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much for tuning in. If you enjoyed this episode, please

Joseph Okaly:

make sure to review us on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen.

Joseph Okaly:

There are literally millions of young American families out

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there we're trying to reach and help just like you. So our next

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episode will be coming up shortly. It's entitled "Like

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Super Gymnast Flexible", covering the flexibility that we

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should all be having in our financial situations as young

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families. So thanks very much and I look forward to connecting

Joseph Okaly:

with you again soon.

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The conversations on this show are

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Joe's opinions and provided for general information purposes

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only. They do not constitute accounting, legal tax or other

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professional advice for your specific situation. You should

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always seek appropriate advice from a financial advisor,

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accountant, lawyer or other professional before acting upon

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any content or information found here first. Joe is affiliated

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with New Horizons Wealth Management LLC, a branch office

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of TFS securities Inc, and TFS advisory services and SEC

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registered investment advisor member FINRA/SIPC




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