In this episode of “Ask the Tech Coach,” Jeff sits down with Tech Coaches Adam Jaurez and Katherine Goyette, authors of the new book The Complete EdTech Coach: A Organic Approach to Supporting Digital Learning.
About our Guests
Adam Juarez is a Technology Integration Coach for Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District. He supports teachers through individualized coaching, demo lessons and professional development. Adam is a Google Certified Trainer and Innovator, Leroy Finkel Fellowship Finalist, co-founder of #CVTechTalk, frequent speaker/presenter at various edtech events across the country, 2020 30 K-12 IT Influencers Worth a Follow (EdTech Magazine) and co-author of The Complete EdTech Coach: A Organic Approach to Supporting Digital Learning.
@techcoachjuarez on Twitter and Instagram
Katherine Goyette is an EdTech Consultant for Tulare COE and co-author of “The Complete EdTech Coach: An Organic Approach to Supporting Digital Learning”. She facilitates professional learning sessions and conducts in-class coaching. Katherine is a Google Certified Trainer & Innovator, Newsela Certified Educator, Apple Teacher, and Microsoft Innovative Educator. Formerly, Katherine was an administrator, coach, and classroom teacher.
@kat_goyette on Twitter, @katgoyette on Instagram
About the Book
The Complete EdTech Coach: An Organic Approach to Supporting Digital Learning
The technology revolution in education has brought teachers across the country into a brave new digital world of blended and distance learning that promises to change how students learn. But with so many new tools at teachers’ disposal, how can educators cut through the noise in order to leverage technology for learning, rather than confusion? Enter edtech coaches Adam Juarez and Katherine Goyette.
As former teachers, Juarez and Goyette understand the need for educational technologies to be implemented with care, purpose, and collaboration. In The Complete EdTech Coach, they offer both aspiring and longtime edtech coaches a comprehensive plan for developing programs that truly serve students. With Juarez and Goyette’s guidance, you’ll learn how to meet educators where they are while still offering them the support necessary to reach for what’s possible. What’s more, you’ll be equipped with pedagogical tools that will help you make a difference in every classroom—from high-tech to no-tech—every day you’re on the job.
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