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"The Circle"
Episode 6020th May 2024 • Star Trek Stories • Jaron Hatch
00:00:00 00:54:40

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As much as I wish we could say we have come full circle, we have only reached the middle part of this trilogy. Maybe I can instead say that we have reached the middle point of a triangle? Does that work? Cool, so we have reached the middle of point of a triangle with "The Circle." Wait, a circle isn't the middle point of triangle, how am I supposed to square that? Forget the shapes, let's just watch this middle-ing episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Episode discussion starts at 19:09 .

This is episode 12/19 in our look at Deep Space Nine & The End of TNG.

Hosted by Jaron Hatch, Aaron Cole, and Tanner Hatch .

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