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Future Ecologies presents: Race Against Climate Change
Bonus Episode24th November 2021 • Future Ecologies • Future Ecologies
00:00:00 00:36:31

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We're featuring another guest episode. This time, from Canada's National Observer: a new podcast called Race Against Climate Change

Episode 1 – How We Eat


Everybody’s gotta eat, but who’s feeding us, and what else are we eating up along the way? In this episode we chew on the ways our food affects our climate, and what can be done about it. Professor and author Lenore Newman discusses food security and this summer’s heat dome with National Observer founder Linda Solomon Wood. Plus, the surge in regenerative farming in Canada, and a future of real beef with no real cows. Yes, you read that right.


●     Robyn Bunn, Radical Action with Migrants in Agriculture

●     Fawn Jackson, climate lead for the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association

●     Karen Ross, director of Farmers for Climate Solutions.

●     Lenore Newman, Director of the Food and Agriculture Institute and Canada Research Chair in Food Security and Environment at the University of the Fraser Valley

●     Isha Datar, Executive Director of New Harvest

Find more episodes of Race Against Climate Change wherever you enjoy podcasts, or on their website: (where transcripts are also available)

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