In our industry, pizza restaurants were in the strongest position to weather the storm of the pandemic. Pizza parlors already relied heavily on delivery and takeout and didn’t have to make the same kind of pivot as other restaurants. Despite this advantage, there are still challenges to overcome. Today, we’re speaking with Eric Greenwald, President of Grimaldi's Pizzeria, and Geoff Goodman, CEO of Fresh Brothers.
The key to survival according to both Eric and Geoff is communication; with each other as well as other pizza brands, and with the customer. Eric and Geoff shared how they improved ordering processes and tailored their messaging to the times. They also discussed the impact of both discounts and charity during these hard times.
- (01:59) - Eric Greenwald, President of Grimaldi's Pizzeria
- (03:19) - Geoff Goodman, CEO of Fresh Brothers
- (04:44) - Technological enhancements
- (09:07) - Marketing evolution
- (16:46) - Share Our Strength
- (19:44) - Family appeal
- (23:90) - Supply chain pressures
- (28:26) - Refocusing on food safety
- (32:24) - Hope for the industry
The views expressed in this podcast are solely those of the interviewee and do not represent the opinions of the National Restaurant Association and its affiliates. This podcast is not intended to provide medical or legal advice but may present suggested practices for restauranteurs to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 viral disease. Adherence to any suggestions cannot ensure prevention of infection and should not be interpreted as setting the standard of care or be deemed inclusive of all proper methods or practices. Podcast listeners are urged to follow the requirements and recommendations of federal, state and local health authorities. Pursuant to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance, COVID-19 is generally considered to be spread from person to person by respiratory droplets, and not generally by food or packaging. Given the rapidly evolving nature of the pandemic, guidance may change as our understanding of unique challenges that COVID-19 poses within each country, state, and locality.
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Podcast episode production by Dante32.