This podcast features Cain Carroll who is a loving being at the intersectionality of spiritual awakening and integrative medicine. Enjoy our REAL conversation, with lightness, humor, and an honest look at universal teachings, primarily that each of us is already and always Inherently Whole. In this podcast, we learn more about Cain’s Clearbright Framework, a roadmap for inquiry around inherent wholeness in Nine Petals of life. We also hear about Cain’s partnership with Dr. Josefa Rangel, MD, in their Innate Medicine business venture, helping patients restore the full potency of their health and healing capacity by identifying and transforming key elements of disharmony and imbalance within their lives.
Cain Carroll: Cain Carroll is a wild mystic and rebel spiritual teacher whose embodiment of radical presence and teachings on awakened consciousness offer a fresh and much needed blueprint for the new humanity we yearn for. He is the architect of the Clearbright Teachings that invite seekers back into intimacy the sacredness of life, and co-creator of Innate Medicine — a new paradigm in whole person healing — with Josefa Rangel, MD.