As we approach one of the most pivotal elections of our lifetime, this episode delves into the significant implications of the upcoming vote and its alignment with Biblical prophecy. Pastor Bob Thibodeau engages in a thought-provoking conversation with TS writer Scott Wright, who shares unique insights into the current political landscape and the moral crossroads America faces today. The discussion highlights pressing issues such as economic instability, immigration challenges, and the global turmoil that parallels prophetic warnings. With an emphasis on the moral character of the nation, the dialogue explores the choices that lie ahead and the consequences they may have on the future of America. Join us for an enlightening examination of how the election results could shape not only our nation but also fulfill scriptural predictions.
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Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast with Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Speaker A:Pastor Bob conducts personal interviews with Christian influencers from around the globe, helping Christian authors, recording artists, CEOs, entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, and yes, pastors and ministry leaders to get the word out about what they are doing to impact the world with the gospel.
Speaker A:Our podcast has been rated in the top 1/2% of all podcasts in the world by so you know your message will be heard.
Speaker A:Now here is your host with today's interview, Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Speaker B:Hello everyone everywhere.
Speaker B:Pastor Robert Thibodeau here.
Speaker B:Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast today.
Speaker B:We're so blessed.
Speaker B:You're joining us for a very special elections matter type of broadcast today.
Speaker B:Praise God.
Speaker B:This is an election eve discussion of the implications of the election and how it all lines up a big with biblical prophecy.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:To help in this discussion, our good friend TS writer Scott Wright is back with us today.
Speaker B:Scott's the author of the God Center Concept Journal.
Speaker B:He always has a unique insight into prophecy in the end times.
Speaker B:He's also a podcaster conducting teachings on these subjects and the podcast is the same name, God Center Concept Podcast.
Speaker B:Praise God.
Speaker B:Help me.
Speaker B:Welcome back to the program, Scott.
Speaker B:Right, Scott, great to have you back on and talk to you again, brother.
Speaker C:Hey, great to be on Bob and looking forward to a good, fun, fruitful discussion.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Now here we are on the verge of one of the most important elections of our lifetime.
Speaker B:The campaigns on both sides say they have the victory in hand.
Speaker B:All the polls show everything, you know, within the margin of error.
Speaker B:So some pundits say it's too close to call.
Speaker B:Well, where are we going with all this and how does it all relate to biblical prophecy?
Speaker C:Well, I would say the first thing we need to do is look at the issues themselves.
Speaker C:And obviously the economy is one of the big issues right now that is impacting America with high inflation.
Speaker C:And you know, there's the jobs report in October did not look positive.
Speaker C:There's certain sectors that are really struggling.
Speaker C:While Wall street seems to be doing fine.
Speaker C:There are some signs that Wall street could be weakening and that there is potentially a recession on the horizon.
Speaker C:So there's the economic situation in general just does not feel stable at the moment.
Speaker C:On top of that we have immigration, which also brings a whole host of not only social issues but also an entire host of economic issues that sometimes people don't see.
Speaker C:With the immigration issue, there's, it's not just the socials part of it and the crime and security issue, but it is also the economic issues that come with it.
Speaker C:Then on top of all of that, of course, some people are talking about those economic issues, the ones that are being impacted directly.
Speaker C:And then on top of all that, we have all these wars that are, that have really stirred up.
Speaker C:I mean, on some levels, it feels like the world's a little bit on fire right now.
Speaker C:You've got the situation in Gaza and everything in the Middle east feels on rocky ground right now.
Speaker C:You got the situation in the Ukraine.
Speaker C:China is starting to posture against Taiwan because they want control of those computer chips in Taiwan is really what that boils down to.
Speaker C:But they're going to have, you know, they're going to have to have a standoff with us to do that.
Speaker C:And, you know, while they think they have a strong military, they don't have the military that we have.
Speaker C:So.
Speaker C:But it doesn't matter.
Speaker C:It's still a very unstable situation.
Speaker C:And I think people feel unsettled.
Speaker C: nd it feels a little bit like: Speaker C:I was a kid then, but I still remember what that was like.
Speaker C: And it has that feel of: Speaker C:You've got Iran, who's a big player in this, and their centerpiece of what was going on then.
Speaker C:And now you've got an unstable economy that America has been unhinged a few years before.
Speaker C:That had just happened in the earlier 70s.
Speaker C:So we've seen this ground before, but even more so now.
Speaker C:And I feel like that it just, even just when I pray, I just feel an unsettled feeling in our country right now.
Speaker C:And I feel like God is, I feel like this is a test is really what it feels like.
Speaker C:And that which way are we going to go here?
Speaker C:It's kind of like America's at this crossroads and almost like this final crossroads.
Speaker C:Which way are we going to turn?
Speaker C:Are we going to go to the right or we're going to go to the left?
Speaker C:And so, and not to make too much pun about the two, the two political parties, as they are referred to right though the right and left.
Speaker C:But that's, that's what this feels like.
Speaker C:And most Americans, and you could do, you can do polling on this and it's pretty obvious America wants to be governed from the middle.
Speaker C:But we're being pulled in two directions.
Speaker C:We're either going to be pulled to the right or we're going to be pulled to the left.
Speaker C:And you can see that the way America is becoming unhinged in many in Many facets.
Speaker C:And I hadn't even brought up all the issues.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:But we're, we're seeing that on the ground.
Speaker C:And so why is that important to us Biblically?
Speaker C:Because it is getting it.
Speaker C:It is digging into the soul of America and into our moral character.
Speaker C:And our moral character is being tested.
Speaker C:And it really comes down to what are we going to choose here?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:Let's look at some hypothetical results and review that from the biblical perspective.
Speaker B:Let's first, let's look at a Trump victory with the Senate and House both going Republican.
Speaker B:What does that mean for the next two years before the next House election and Senate election?
Speaker C:So it could be the next two or four years.
Speaker C:If they win this one, they will probably hold the Senate for the next one as well.
Speaker C:I've, I've looked at kind of what seats would be up for grabs, and they would probably hold the Senate for another election.
Speaker C: But in: Speaker C:And it does look like they're going to take the Senate.
Speaker C:That, that is looking more likely.
Speaker C:That's probably the most likely scenario, is that regardless of which candidate wins that they're going to take it.
Speaker C:But if, if that happens now, the House is a little more divided.
Speaker C:You know, it's kind of a House divided.
Speaker C:You know, get another pun here.
Speaker C:I know I've got my puns this morning for you guys, but if it goes Republican, which is looking like it is going to go Republican by a very slim margin, just like it is now, not saying that is what's going to happen, and then you get a Trump victory, those economic policies and these immigration policies are going to take hold.
Speaker C:Now, Trump, regardless of who wins the House and Senate, will still be able to do what he wants to do with foreign policy and start bringing an end to some of these wars and forcing negotiations on all sides.
Speaker C:He can do that regardless.
Speaker C:That is one thing the president has the power to do.
Speaker C:But when we're talking about economics, immigration, Supreme Court appointments, all of those type of things, which have been a big deal, that is really where I think the rubber meets the road.
Speaker C:And what if there's another Supreme Court appointment in the next four years?
Speaker C:Having a Republican and a Republican Senate in a House would be a big deal because it helps to get us.
Speaker C:You know, the Senate's the only one that looks at that.
Speaker C:Only the only one has a deciding factor in approving a presidential appointment to the Supreme Court.
Speaker C:But when you don't have any pressure from the House, it makes it easier yeah, it just does, because there's other things the House can do to make your life miserable when you have an appointment that they don't like.
Speaker C:So it's, you know, there, it's kind of baked in a little bit, and you have to consider that.
Speaker C:But a full Republican House and Senate will deliver a lot of new economic policies.
Speaker C:More like what we saw pre Covid, we're going to see a bigger stand made against China and Russia and Iran to start calming things down.
Speaker C:Now, what I believe will happen is, is that Trump will put some things out there, just like he always does, and he'll negotiate it out and he'll come from a power position of strength, and then he'll back it down a little bit to get everybody to the table and, you know, to come up with some kind of a plan with Russia, Ukraine to get China to make a more fair trade agreements.
Speaker C:And I think he can do that and will do that, and that's what he'll do.
Speaker C:He'll always come from a position of strength.
Speaker C:He'll force the Middle east to calm down.
Speaker C:I think he'll cut off the funding to Iran, which is what has caused all of this.
Speaker C:You know, when they have funding, they can support all these terrorist groups that caused all this upheaval in the Middle East.
Speaker C:As soon as we put the level of sanctions that need to be put on them, they're not going to be making any money anymore, and they can't fund these terrorist groups.
Speaker C:So there's that piece of it.
Speaker C:And so the last piece, though, and I think this is the big one, is this controlling the border?
Speaker C:Yeah, the border.
Speaker C:Even with a Democratic House.
Speaker C:I will say this because so many Americans are in favor of this, over 75%.
Speaker C:So that means a lot of Democrats are, too.
Speaker C:A lot of these Democrats are having a campaign on some of the Trump policies.
Speaker C:They're going to have to go along with him on some of them because they've campaigned that they would to get that even in the Senate.
Speaker C:They have.
Speaker C:So they're going to have to vote for it, because if they don't, when they come up for reelection, they're not going to win again.
Speaker C:So even if there is a Democratic House, even though they'll put all kinds of crazy pressure on him in some other areas, the immigration thing is going to happen.
Speaker C:If Trump gets elected, he'll, I believe they'll fund the wall.
Speaker C:It's actually cheaper than housing all the illegal immigrants.
Speaker C:It really is.
Speaker C:And so there'll be a lot of different policies and things That I think will come out of that.
Speaker C:The deportation will be the most controversial and interesting one to watch.
Speaker C:I don't know what that's going to look like.
Speaker B:I've heard implement, but it is really hard to implement.
Speaker C:I've actually heard that a lot of those immigrants, when all the freebies are cut off, will just go back to their countries.
Speaker C:They'll leave.
Speaker C:Well, what are they going to do exactly?
Speaker C:They're going to get all.
Speaker C:Because he will do that.
Speaker C:The Congress will support him on that.
Speaker C:They will cut off all the freebies, and that's going to happen.
Speaker C:I mean, he'll sign an executive order on day one that cuts all that funding off from going to illegal immigrants.
Speaker C:To me, that probably will cause the mass deportation.
Speaker C:Some people just doing it on their own because they're not going to have a way to make a living anymore.
Speaker C:So they're not going to be able to freeload off the government.
Speaker C:And I think as we see this go along, I think what's going to happen is that that border, once they build that wall, it's almost going to be like they're going to lock it down for a while and we'll see.
Speaker C:Not all of them will be deported, but there's a lot of areas where they know where there's a huge cluster of illegal agreements settled.
Speaker C:Those are the ones that will get removed.
Speaker C:And then they'll start going after all these gangs and things in our country, that it'll be a lot more an aggressive posture towards them.
Speaker C:They'll either flee, which is usually what they do, or they'll, you know, they'll, they'll meet.
Speaker C:Not a very good final ending, you know, whether it's they're arrested and deported or they're.
Speaker C:Or worse.
Speaker C:I'll just say it that way.
Speaker C:So let's look at it.
Speaker C:I think that's what it would look like with the Trump.
Speaker C:And I do believe that the economic situation, it will take about 18 months, will start to correct itself.
Speaker B:Okay, let's look.
Speaker B:If Harris wins and the House and Senate are divided, what do we do then?
Speaker C:Well, I think the Senate will lock her up.
Speaker C:Not physically, but I mean, they'll lock her presidency up is what they'll do.
Speaker C:They won't let her get anything through that is anything against what was campaigned on.
Speaker C:And so they'll do whatever they have to do.
Speaker C:I think, regardless, she's going to have to.
Speaker C:She's probably going to have to.
Speaker C:She's probably going to have to fulfill her promise on the immigration part.
Speaker C:If she doesn't she'll become the most unpopular president in the history of the United States.
Speaker C:They will hold her accountable to that.
Speaker C:I mean even Democrats are wanting this done.
Speaker C:So I think she will have to do something with that.
Speaker C:But here's the issue and this is the one.
Speaker C:It's the abortion issue.
Speaker B:Yeah, it's.
Speaker C:She's touting abortion.
Speaker C:She has made abortion the central theme of her campaign policy wise.
Speaker C:Now, I want us to understand something biblically here.
Speaker C:Do you believe that abortion is okay?
Speaker C:I mean that's a question that I have because I'm going to be honest with you, there is nothing biblically that tells me that abortion is a good thing.
Speaker C:Nothing.
Speaker C:As a matter of fact, if we look in history and we'll look at the historical components of this, we can look at the Aztec empire, we can look at what was going on with many of those tribe, tribes and nations that were basically destroyed by the Israelites when they went into the land of Canaan.
Speaker C:Child sacrifice was a big deal.
Speaker C:I mean those were a part of how they worshiped their false gods.
Speaker C:The Aztec empire, right before it fell, they were sacrificing approximately.
Speaker C:And this is just the number that they have come up with.
Speaker C:And I'm not going to say it's an exact number, but just everything I've read is about a one in five children were sacrificed to their gods to worship their gods.
Speaker C:And that's 20%.
Speaker C:That's, that's insane.
Speaker C:But that was the type of thing that went on in some of these societies that God destroyed.
Speaker C:So you, you, you come up with your own reasoning or your own conclusions, I guess.
Speaker C:But if God brought the hammer down on these civilizations due to child sacrifice, I would say that, you know, the United States is not going to be in its own vacuum and bubble.
Speaker C:Like hey, you won't, you'll just be able to do whatever, you know, something aside different than what God has done with other civilizations in the past.
Speaker C:I don't believe that.
Speaker C:And it's not just the United States, it's Western society in general, that abortion is just, it's, it is a form of child sacrifice.
Speaker C:And I want to go a step further.
Speaker C:The human trafficking thing with this open border has gotten completely out of hand.
Speaker C:It is completely out of control.
Speaker C:They're saying now that as many as 300 to 400,000 children are being sex trafficked across that border and that it is just, and it's just exploded.
Speaker C:And to me that's just, that is another form of child sacrifice.
Speaker C:In many ways it is.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Some of Those kids are killed.
Speaker C:They're.
Speaker C:I mean, they're treated worse than animals.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:You know, I mean, we're seeing.
Speaker C:And that's the other thing.
Speaker C:I mean, we're seeing a huge uptick in people treating their animals bad.
Speaker C:We've got more shelters and stuff, trying to do more to help animals that are being abandoned and not taken care of.
Speaker C:And just.
Speaker C:And to me, that just shows the condition.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:And the morale of the United States and where there our hearts are.
Speaker C:You know, we.
Speaker C:We've always prided ourselves on being a society that values life.
Speaker C:And I think God is putting.
Speaker C:Putting us to the test how much do we really value life?
Speaker C:And I think this election is.
Speaker C:Is kind of a crossroads to that value.
Speaker C:And God is just waiting to see what we do.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:We have a choice.
Speaker C:We do have a choice here.
Speaker C:Do we value life or do we not?
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Well, let's go a little step further here and say, let's say Harris wins and Democrats end up controlling both houses.
Speaker B:How does that look for the future of America?
Speaker C:That would be an interesting.
Speaker C:That would be interesting.
Speaker C:And obviously the abortion thing would become a reality.
Speaker C:They would.
Speaker C:They would push that through for sure.
Speaker C:And they're in.
Speaker C:Unless.
Speaker C:Unless the Supreme Court.
Speaker C:And the only thing that would say could save us on that is the Supreme Court.
Speaker C:If that happens.
Speaker C:And on the abortion issue, what would they do with the immigration issue?
Speaker C:That I don't know, because they did campaign on those Trump policies.
Speaker C:So most likely I just.
Speaker C:They would probably have to still fulfill some of those obligations.
Speaker C:If they didn't, in two years, you wouldn't be able to.
Speaker C:You could, you couldn't run in a blue district and be a Democrat.
Speaker C:I mean, that's what would happen.
Speaker C:Because my guess is just like the Republicans, if they all get in the office and they don't do what they said they're going to do, then it would be the same.
Speaker C:The Democrats would.
Speaker C:Would rue the day that this happened, and the entire Harris presidency would look like just some chaotic, wild SNL show.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:But if they did do what they're promising, you're.
Speaker C:The abortion thing would become a big thing.
Speaker C:And it would.
Speaker C:It already is, but it would become an even bigger thing.
Speaker C:And I believe you would see some kind of a national law protecting abortion and making it even more accessible and easier.
Speaker C:The other thing I still would.
Speaker C:I don't know what I trust on the immigration thing and what they would do.
Speaker C:What I do think they would do is they'd give amnesty to everybody.
Speaker C:It's Already here.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:That is the one thing.
Speaker B:Figure out a way of deporting them.
Speaker B:They wouldn't be able to, you know, I don't.
Speaker B:It would go against their morals.
Speaker C:I don't think they care, to be honest with you.
Speaker B:And just if they give them amnesty, that means now they can become citizens and citizens can vote.
Speaker B:And who are they going to vote for?
Speaker C:And that's what I think behind this.
Speaker C:Do.
Speaker C:I think they would shut down the border?
Speaker C:I don't know.
Speaker C:I don't know what they would do.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:So I don't know.
Speaker C:I'm not sure what direction they would take on that one economically.
Speaker C:With the economic policy she suggested.
Speaker C:It's going to send our economy down in a different.
Speaker C:In a bad.
Speaker C:In a path because some of the things she's touting have been tried before and they never work.
Speaker B:Exactly.
Speaker C:They don't work.
Speaker C:So I just.
Speaker C:I would not have much hope if Harris wins based on just the economic policies of alone.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:You know, we can look at where we were and where we are now, and you can basically summarize that America is already living under a curse right now.
Speaker B:It's, you know.
Speaker B:And does it really matter at this point who wins if America is already under the curse?
Speaker C:Well, yeah, it still does because even, you know, we can go back to the Old Testament.
Speaker C:Even when God would have.
Speaker C:Would put Israel.
Speaker C:I mean, just go back to the book of Judges, you know, Israel was, you know, when they would repent and turn from their ways, God would remove those curses.
Speaker C:You know, God gives you a choice.
Speaker C:He gives us choices.
Speaker C:If we choose him and his ways, then he'll remove those things.
Speaker C:But if we don't, then they will remain and very well may get worse.
Speaker C:I do believe that.
Speaker C:I believe the sin of abortion, though, is one that is a stain on our country.
Speaker C:And that and the human trafficking thing, that's just gotten worse.
Speaker C:I think those two issues to me are just.
Speaker C:It's, it's.
Speaker C:It is just immoral and evil.
Speaker C:I don't know what else to say about it.
Speaker C:I would like to say something different and be a little more politically correct about it.
Speaker C:I just, I can't.
Speaker C:I can't do that and be.
Speaker C:And walk with Christ and not stand up against what's going on within this issue.
Speaker C:I mean, one in five conceptions end in willful abortion.
Speaker C:Just let that sink in for a minute.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:And actually, people say there's a difference between child sacrifice and that, but not really, because what's happening is you are participating in A sexual act that is designed to create a baby.
Speaker C:Exactly.
Speaker B:And you know, you're taking that baby, call it a fetus if you want, but it's a baby in process of development.
Speaker B:And when you abort it.
Speaker B:Because I don't want to have kids right now.
Speaker B:I don't want, you know, it's gonna slow.
Speaker B:In other words, you're sacrificing that child for your lifestyle.
Speaker C:Yep.
Speaker B:And that's a sacrifice.
Speaker C:That's a sacrifice.
Speaker B:Child sacrifice.
Speaker C:Absolutely.
Speaker B:And, you know, you're.
Speaker B:You're participating in something that the Bible and.
Speaker B:And the God is very clear is meant for husband and wife in order to procreate children.
Speaker B:But you're doing it for your pleasure and your recreation and your needs and all this stuff.
Speaker B:And the.
Speaker B:The resulting child that is procreated at that.
Speaker B:You're going to sacrifice that child so you can continue your lifestyle.
Speaker C:Yep.
Speaker B:That's.
Speaker B:That's a child sacrifice.
Speaker C:It is.
Speaker C:You know, and I don't.
Speaker C:I don't know what else to say about it.
Speaker C:It other than it is.
Speaker C:I mean, we have blood on our hands.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Bottom line.
Speaker C:And so we can either turn.
Speaker B: iced as this stuff started in: Speaker B:You know, I mean, it's.
Speaker B:That's a lot of bodies, if you want to get down to it.
Speaker B:Hey, man, this has been so interesting.
Speaker C:That's been.
Speaker C:Hey, that was more.
Speaker C:I mean, when you.
Speaker C:When you start doing that.
Speaker C:That many.
Speaker C:That's more than we lost in the Civil War.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah.
Speaker C:That's more than we lost in all the wars.
Speaker B:World War II.
Speaker B:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker C:I mean, it's.
Speaker C:It's just, it.
Speaker C:It frustrates me, to be honest with you, just how far we've sunk with this.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:And look at the.
Speaker B:Let's look at it.
Speaker B:I'll just throw this over and we got to get ready to wrap up.
Speaker B:But let's say half of those children were allowed to exist.
Speaker B: million people now,: Speaker B:Contributing to Social Security, contributing to the taxes and the spending would not have been as in debt as this nation is right now.
Speaker B:You know, what do they keep talking about?
Speaker B:All people are living longer now.
Speaker B:We got to change Social Security because they're running out of money.
Speaker B:If they would not have been aborted, that stuff would have been funded as it was designed to do.
Speaker C:Yep.
Speaker B:So, I mean, think about this.
Speaker B:It's ramifications all the way down the line.
Speaker C:Think about this.
Speaker C: They are saying that by: Speaker C:They're not going to have enough people to take care of the aging population.
Speaker C:It just won't exist.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Well Scott, this was so interesting.
Speaker B:If someone get in touch with you, ask a question, do an interview such as how can they get in touch with you?
Speaker C: me at gcc God centered concept: Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Folks, just drop down the show notes, reach out to Scott, right?
Speaker B:Get in touch with them, subscribe to his podcast.
Speaker B:Sure to get his journal, purchase this journal and start learning all about the God center concepts that he specializes in.
Speaker B:Man, it is really great.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Do it right now, Right now, before you forget about it later.
Speaker B:You know, and I want to close with this.
Speaker B:For those who trust in God, for those who are born again, for those who seek the assurance of God's peace even when chaos surrounds us on all sides.
Speaker B:Want to read Psalms 91?
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker B:Whosoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Speaker B:I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress.
Speaker B:He is my God in whom I trust.
Speaker B:Surely he'll save us from the fowler's snare and from deadly pestilence.
Speaker B:He'll cover us with his feathers and under his wings we can find refuge.
Speaker B:His faithfulness will be our shield and our rampart.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:That passage emphasizes that for those who seek refuge in God, there is divine protection, there is divine peace and the assurance of his faithful provision.
Speaker B:Even when chaos surrounds us, God remains our shelter and stronghold, providing safety and security to those who trust in Him.
Speaker B:God's provision is not dependent on earthly leaders or circumstances, but on his abundant grace and love.
Speaker B:No matter who holds the earthly authority, God promises to provide for his people, reassuring his believers that their needs are met through his endless resources in and by Christ Jesus.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:You can read that in Philippians 4:19.
Speaker B:It says, and my God shall supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Speaker B:Praise God.
Speaker B:I'll just leave it at that.
Speaker B:Scott, thanks for coming.
Speaker B:Taking the time to come back on the program again today and share all this information with us.
Speaker B:Buddy, I do appreciate it.
Speaker C:Hey, thanks Bob for having me on.
Speaker C:I look forward to the next one.
Speaker B:Amen, folks.
Speaker B:That's all the time we have for today.
Speaker B:Scott Wright, myself, Pastor Bob, reminding him, be blessed and all that you do and go out and vote.
Speaker A:Thank you for listening to today's episode of the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.
Speaker A:Please subscribe to our podcast so you can be notified when another episode is published.
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Speaker A:that web address again is www.podcastersforchrist.Com.
Speaker A:for more information.
Speaker A:Until next time, be blessed in all that.