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15. What Makes You Exceptional Might Be What Others Dislike About You the Most
Episode 15Bonus Episode4th February 2021 • Lead Thru Values • James Mayhew
00:00:00 00:03:36

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There are 4 key areas that define how you’re exceptional:

  1. How you think
  2. How you communicate
  3. How you relate
  4. How you work

But the very thing that makes you exceptional could very well be the thing that frustrates you most about them.

That’s the topic for today’s jam session

If you want to achieve organizational excellence, as a leader, you have to understand what makes people exceptional.

But don’t miss this…

How YOU think, communicate, relate and approach work absolutely guides your perception of how others do.

In other words, you are impressing your own abilities onto others…

…sometimes unfairly.

For example, I’m a futuristic thinker and that means I can quickly and easily step 5 years into the future. 

I can see it. Hear it. Touch it. It’s vivid and very real.

But the problem is that it comes so naturally for me that I forget to invite others along into the vision…

And it leaves them confused, wondering how I made such a leap. 

So they ask questions or probe for the details, or they just have bewildered look.

To them, my head was in the clouds again.

But for me, I’m frustrated that they were failing to see what could be…

And that’s exactly how what makes me exceptional can be very frustrating to my teammates.

Other examples include:

  • Your tolerance for risk…
  • Your careful and considerate planning every little detail…
  • Your desire to include every opinion…
  • Your eagerness to dive right in…

Each of these are your unique and wonderful gifts… what makes you exceptional.

And the very thing that can drive disagreement and conflict between people in your business.

If you want to achieve organizational excellence, you must first understand what makes people exceptional.

This is at the core of my coaching and training programs.

Leaders, It is essential, vital – critical even to know the talents and abilities of your team.

Because when you do that, you unlock creativity and insights by getting out of the way of what your team is most gifted at.




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