How Astrology Can Be Used For Self-Care
October 9th, 2022
In this episode, I talk about how we can use astrology as a form of self-care. Self-care is not just about bubble baths and $17 smoothies, but about aligning with your cosmic blueprint and moving to the next level in your life.
Astrology and self-care have more in common than some people think, it can provide insights into our individual needs and how we can best take care of them. For example, understanding our birth chart can help us understand our natural strengths and weaknesses, and how we can use this knowledge to take care of ourselves in a way that is tailored just for us.
Astrology gives us a cosmic roadmap of our energetic blueprint, that helps us proactively and intentionally take steps toward the kind of self-care that helps us discover more about ourselves and continue our personal evolution.
I also remind you that you are so unique that the planets won't be in the exact same place in the sky a they are in your chart for 25,000 years!
00:00:00 Solo Episode: An Introduction to Astrology as Self-Care
00:02:39 What Is Self-Care?
00:05:29 The Relationship Between Astrology and Self Care
00:07:19 Astrology and Self-Care: Discovery
00:08:17 The Power of Astrology in Understanding Yourself and Others
00:10:17 How Astrology Can Help Us Understand Ourselves and Care For Our Shadow
00:12:49 Astrology and Self-Care: Validation
00:16:37 If It's In Your Heart, It's In Your Chart
00:18:32 Contemplation Prompts
00:22:49 Places In Your Chart Where You Shine
00:23:47 You Are Perfect
The transcript of this episode can be found here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.
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Welcome back to It's Astrological.
Speaker:I'm your host Lynnette, founder of cosmic moves astrology, and I am
Speaker:so grateful to be with you today.
Speaker:Our time here in this cozy cosmically chic corner of the internet is about
Speaker:taking a fresh look at self care through the magic of astrology.
Speaker:If you're a newsletter subscriber, you already got a sneak peek, but
Speaker:over the next weeks and months, I'm making little baby tweaks to
Speaker:cosmic moves and my offerings to better align with where I am now.
Speaker:But more importantly, to help you go beyond your chart and truly
Speaker:align with your cosmic blueprint.
Speaker:This will all be through the lens of self care and compassion and expansion and just
Speaker:moving to the next level in your life.
Speaker:And I'm super excited about it.
Speaker:If you're not in the newsletter, you can sign up at cosmic for weekly drops about all the stuff I just talked about.
Speaker:Plus micro astrology forecasts for the week ahead.
Speaker:And of course, you'll be the first to hear about all of the fun,
Speaker:new stuff that I'm working on.
Speaker:But as part of these tweaks, I'm planning to do more solo episodes here.
Speaker:But I'm a little nervous.
Speaker:I'm not sure why.
Speaker:Because, apparently I love to do pretty much everything solo
Speaker:except for record a podcast.
Speaker:I've been.
Speaker:We'll say kind of procrastinating this just because I've been nervous.
Speaker:but hopefully this will be the first of many solo episodes, because I want
Speaker:these to dig into more specifics about astrology, specific hotspots in your
Speaker:chart to support you with different areas of life, more about self care, and
Speaker:tips and tricks and who knows what else?
Speaker:But I'm really excited about it.
Speaker:So I think I've said self care, maybe five or six times.
Speaker:So you're probably picking up on a theme there.
Speaker:What the heck is self care.
Speaker:What does this have to do with astrology?
Speaker:When I first think of self care, like in a free association exercise.
Speaker:I think about.
Speaker:Bubble baths and $17 Erewhon smoothies and working out every day,
Speaker:maybe a little like treat yourself.
Speaker:And of course, while you're doing all of this You can't forget to record an
Speaker:aesthetically pleasing video for social media, because does it actually count if
Speaker:you don't record it and post on Instagram?
Speaker:This is stressing me out already and does not feel like self care
Speaker:When we actually look at.
Speaker:The definition or.
Speaker:How the term self care even came around.
Speaker:I think.
Speaker:For me looking at the fundamentals as Maslow's hierarchy of
Speaker:needs is really helpful
Speaker:abraham Maslow in the forties wrote a theory about how people are motivated.
Speaker:And it's basically a pyramid that goes from the basic needs that everyone
has:food, shelter, water, safety.
has:And then it moves up to psychological needs, which include feeling loved,
has:feeling like you belong, feeling like you are accomplishing things.
has:And then the very tippy top of this pyramid is around themes
has:concerning self-actualization and self-fulfillment so.
has:Are you living up to your potential?
has:Are you able to be creative?
has:Are you able to be fulfilled in whatever you're doing.
has:And I think this is laid out as a pyramid with the wider base to the triangle and.
has:You know, this has been around a long time.
has:It's obviously working, but I think once we get those basic needs met,
has:We kind of evolve and have more variation through those psychological
has:and self-fulfillment needs.
has:It's not a linear journey where you're like, great, I'm safe.
has:So now I'm going to check off the belonging box.
has:Then I'm going to move to feeling accomplished.
has:Then I'm going to self-actualize.
has:It's not.
has:That's not how life In case you weren't aware of that.
has:So I think we're always kind of moving up and down and ebbing and
has:flowing through meeting our needs.
has:Ultimately to me, it's that prioritization of ourselves in these different
has:areas and intentionally looking at what we need in any given moment.
has:And sometimes we have to make a choice.
has:Of course, sometimes we have to put others ahead of us or compromise and you
has:know, that's just life on this 3d plane.
has:But when we're actually looking at taking care of ourself, In
has:the framework of this hierarchy.
has:It's consistently making that choice.
has:Over the longterm so that even though you may have ups and downs,
has:overall, your trend is heading towards the tippy top of that pyramid.
has:again, knowing that everything ebbs and flows.
has:So we know about Abraham Maslow.
has:you probably weren't thinking that was the direction this was going to go.
has:So you might be asking yourself, what does this have to do with astrology?
has:Well, I think that the Venn diagram between astrology and self
has:care, depending on who you are.
has:Those two circles can be completely separate.
has:If they're completely separate.
has:I am happy.
has:You're listening to this podcast.
has:but hopefully you already see some sort of overlap between taking care
has:of yourself, prioritizing yourself, understanding yourself and the
has:tools that astrology gives us.
has:For me, I think that the two have a really big overlap.
has:Because I think that the more that we understand ourselves, and discover
has:about ourselves, and ultimately validate ourselves, helps us to better meet those
has:needs because we have the foundation to say, I need this, I don't need this.
has:And that makes those choices easier.
has:So we can use our chart to learn about ourselves and then proactively
has:and intentionally take steps toward caring for that self, that person.
has:So your chart, as I mentioned at the beginning is really your cosmic roadmap.
has:It's your energetic blueprint.
has:It's something that we carry along with us throughout our life.
has:So it supports us through those ups and downs of moving through, maybe
has:starting a new job and not feeling like we belong, or finding a new
has:relationship and figuring out what that love looks like or the big shebang, you
has:know, what is our purpose here on this planet and how do we self-actualize
has:how do we feel fulfilled with what we're doing on a day-to-day basis?
has:And when we're able to have that information, and able to choose to
has:prioritize ourselves to continue that evolution through the hierarchy.
has:That only helps us to not only support ourselves, but to support the people
has:around us and to help them grow and to help them feel belonging and love and to
has:help them also successfully, hopefully figure out their self-actualization and
has:that part of the triangle for themselves.
has:For me, there are two main ways astrology supports us in this journey of fulfilling
has:our needs and taking care of ourselves.
has:The first one is discovery.
has:Astrology helps you understand what your components are.
has:What makes you, you, why are you different than the person sitting next to you?
has:How are you the same than the person sitting next to you?
has:We're all composed of these energetic Legos.
has:help us shape how we see the world, how we see others and how we are reflected
has:back to ourselves in those relationships.
has:The journey that goes on through the course of our entire life is figuring
has:out how those components work together.
has:Your chart is totally unique to you.
has:Astrologer Scott Tejerian says that it takes over 25,000 years for the planets
has:to be in the exact same alignment as they were when you were born.
has:25,000 years.
has:And if you think about it, The world is a really different place, 25,000 years ago.
has:And it will be probably a very different place, 25,000 years from now.
has:So even if.
has:Through the magic of quantum physics, time travel, time just being at construct,
has:you were able to travel back and meet someone who had the exact same chart as
has:you The environment around you and that person would be completely different.
has:So even there, exact same chart.
has:But, or exact same alignment of the planets, but a totally
has:different environment, which is obviously going to affect how
has:those energies express themselves.
has:If you're not really getting a feeling like I'm hammering this in,
has:You are a million percent unique.
has:You can't be like the person sitting next to you and they can't be like you.
has:And that is the beauty of actually seeing that and seeing how those components
has:are contributing to your uniqueness.
has:Our journey in this lifetime is working with that beautiful roadmap.
has:It guides us toward where we shine.
has:It guides us toward where we might be challenged.
has:It guides us toward areas of ease and flow and areas of growth and
has:areas that were meant to work with, to learn and to move forward.
has:So really all of this is your own.
has:Choose your own adventure.
has:You're faced with a certain energy.
has:Might be easeful.
has:It might be challenging.
has:And every day.
has:We make.
has:However many choices.
has:I know there's a bunch of research about that.
has:That's why we get decision fatigue, But we get the choice to decide how
has:we want to work with the energies.
has:Because we have agency and we have freewill.
has:Our energetic DNA.
has:That's in our chart.
has:It's not an excuse for anything.
has:It's not, you know, oh, I'm a.
has:XYZ sign.
has:So that's why I'm this way.
has:And I'm never going to change.
has:Because we understand both the shadow sides and light sides of certain energies.
has:That's where the choice comes And that's why we're able to.
has:Execute our free will.
has:So understanding.
has:Those energies helps us to understand which frequencies
has:we resonate with and why.
has:And it helps us to proactively and intentionally take steps towards
has:caring for the parts of yourself that maybe you don't resonate with.
has:Which is really.
has:The crux of growth.
has:And maybe it's parts of yourself that you haven't paid much attention to.
has:Maybe you're younger, so they haven't really come up yet.
has:Totally fine.
has:That happens.
has:We grow into our charts over our whole lives.
has:Maybe it's part of yourself that you don't want to look at.
has:Carl Jung calls this our shadow and our shadow may be uncomfortable.
has:It is.
has:I don't like to say always, but I'm going to listen.
has:I'm going to say always, because it's always a challenge to look at.
has:because this stuff isn't fun.
has:But even if you are someone who's comfortable with the shadow work and
has:knows kind of the longterm purpose, there's an element of discomfort to it.
has:Growth is not easy.
has:And this discovery part that astrology shares with us.
has:Is only giving you information.
has:It's giving you data.
has:It is informing you so that you know, what's there and
has:then you can take your time.
has:Talk to these elements that maybe you're not so comfortable with.
has:You don't resonate with.
has:And engage with them in a way.
has:That makes sense There's no rush.
has:There's no.
has:I have to do this overnight, or I have to do this by a certain deadline.
has:the goal is that you work with these energies in a way that you
has:ultimately integrate them as a part of you because they are.
has:And you're able to celebrate them.
has:So this discovery phase of how astrology helps us.
has:It helps show us where we might thrive in our careers.
has:Where we might feel energized by certain hobbies or types of people.
has:Amazing love that.
has:But it also.
has:Gives you the keys to know where your blind spots might be.
has:And where you might struggle with things a little bit more so that you can then
has:bring in the self care and actually have a conversation with yourself to
has:say, Hey, this is too much for me right now, or I want to go slower or I want to
has:dive right in because that's the thing that's going to help me grow the most.
has:And that's what I need right now.
has:So discovery.
has:The first aspect of how astrology supports us in our self care.
has:The second one Is validation.
has:One of the biggest gifts that astrology gives us is the gift of validation.
has:It validates why do you feel the way we feel about something?
has:Why we feel inspired by certain things, why we connect with certain people,
has:connect with certain places why we feel cranky or stressed or confused
has:as we look at where the planets are moving and how they're talking to
has:our natal chart on any given day.
has:Knowing that you get triggered by certain situations.
has:Or frustrated with people who don't do things in the same way with you.
has:And understanding why, and being like, oh, that's a part of this 25,000 year
has:thing, that it's just for me and I'm just going to go take this over here and
has:figure out the best way to take care of myself so I don't yell at that person
has:while I'm Is super helpful because you don't feel like the odd person out like,
has:oh, everyone else is okay with this, but I'm not, or this really bugs me, but
has:everyone else seems to be fine with it.
has:It's just a part of who you are.
has:That is super validating, it's super reassuring to know
has:that you don't have to change.
has:You just have to figure out how to work with that energy.
has:So when it comes to that self care, the piece here is that validation can
has:really take a weight off our shoulders.
has:We no longer feel like we have to be any other way than the way that we are.
has:It doesn't mean that it's, again, an excuse for anything.
has:I'm not a fan of blaming any certain sign or planet or aspect or modality.
has:You know, even beyond astrology, like human design or Enneagram
has:or anything like that.
has:Because again, we have agency, we have free will these energies express
has:themselves in an infinite way.
has:And so we can choose how we want to engage with them.
has:So this isn't a free hall pass.
has:This isn't a get out of jail free card to be a jerk.
has:but what it is is a pass for you to be like, that's not for me.
has:Or I don't want to put myself in situations like that, or if I
has:am in a situation that is really going against my natural energies.
has:I need to figure out how I'm going to navigate through that.
has:So astrology and understanding your natal chart helps you to foresee where
has:you might start to feel challenged.
has:Where you might be in a situation where you're going into growth or
has:you're going into something that's against kind of your natural state.
has:And then, you know, you might get a little cranky or you might get
has:a little annoyed and then, you know, to do that extra self care.
has:Maybe that is the bubble bath.
has:I talked about at the beginning, who knows whatever that self care means for you.
has:for me.
has:I'm very introverted.
has:I'm very much a homebody, as in sure.
has:You know, by now, if you've been listening to this for any amount of time, But I know
has:that if I'm going into a situation, that requires a lot of interaction with people.
has:That is something that I really have to protect my energy and I really
has:have to take care of myself and.
has:This does tie into my astrology and my chart.
has:But again, like there's any number of things that can
has:show up for you in that way.
has:And you having that information in advance so you can grow and know that
has:you're going into a growth experience, and know that you might get irritated
has:or cranky or any of those things.
has:Again, gives you the information to be able to do something
has:about it ahead of time.
has:And suddenly just being cranky and then being cranky that you're cranky.
has:And then.
has:Going through that whole process.
has:Not understanding.
has:Now one of my teachers Anne Ortelee always says, if it's in
has:your heart, it's in your chart.
has:So a lot of times we might feel like we're supposed to do something because
has:of societal standards or family.
has:Or social media pressure or friends or any of those things,
has:those external factors that.
has:Are important to us, right.
has:Um, but.
has:Our heart might be pulling us in another direction that might not fit
has:into those quote unquote requirements.
has:And that's where we start to get these really big friction points where
has:we feel like we're doing something.
has:That doesn't.
has:Resonate with who we are, but we're putting all this energy into trying to
has:fit that square peg into a round home.
has:And that can be exhausting.
has:So it can be super validating to see that there's a reason why
has:we feel called to do something.
has:Or why we feel called to a certain place.
has:If we're looking at locational astrology.
has:Or why we feel uncomfortable in situations or why we struggle
has:with people who communicate in a way that's different than us.
has:These are all things that your chart can point to and help
has:you get that validation for.
has:We love astrology.
has:We love self care.
has:How do we actually use it?
has:Well, that's what the next season of this podcast will be about.
has:There'll be getting deeper into self care practices with different practitioners and
has:experts and teachers, and tying it back to your chart and you so that you can better
has:understand how these things apply to you.
has:It'll be about sharing insights about specific hotspots in your chart to
has:support you in the journey through those psychological and self-fulfillment
has:needs that we talked about.
has:And right now I have a couple of contemplation prompts for you.
has:If you'd like to journal about them, you are more than welcome to, but
has:journaling is one of those things that in my chart it stresses me out.
has:Honestly, I was just talking to a friend about this today.
has:And I don't like journaling so I do like to contemplate things.
has:I like to walk.
has:I like to put on some music and I just like to think.
has:I have a lot of air in my chart.
has:That's probably why.
has:But take these prompts in whatever way you want to work with them Through your day.
has:Through your week.
has:And take some mental notes or jot down some bullet points,
has:put them in your notion.
has:Like I do.
has:Really just sit with them.
has:There's no homework here, but.
has:But I hope that paying attention to these is an act of self care for you this week.
has:So the first one is where do I feel like I shine in the world?
has:Where do you feel?
has:Like, maybe you.
has:Are very successful.
has:Maybe you win awards.
has:Maybe people admire you.
has:Maybe you feel your best when you do this thing or you're working in this type of
has:area or you're doing these activities.
has:Where do you feel?
has:Like a big sun.
has:Just shining.
has:And then where do you feel that others see that you shine?
has:So the difference here is.
has:Where are you shining out?
has:But where do you think that others see you as the big sun?
has:And then, is there a disconnect between what you're good at?
has:Which is where others might see you shine and what you love to do,
has:which is where you love to shine.
has:You're really good at your job and you've been promoted and everyone
has:loves the work that you do.
has:But it just doesn't align with what you want to do.
has:So you have been doing it because you live in a 3d world and you need a good
has:job and it's satisfying enough, but maybe.
has:You're not getting enough of that time for you to feel like the sun.
has:Maybe you are though.
has:Maybe your sun and the sun that others see in you are one and
has:the same and that's beautiful.
has:And the last contemplation point here is about taking care of yourself.
has:The self care.
has:Is there a way to bring these two circles closer in your Venn diagram?
has:To bring these two suns so that they lay closer to right on top of each other,
has:almost like they look like one sun.
has:Is it possible?
has:That maybe you need to create more space between your two suns.
has:Maybe you need to protect your boundaries, or try something new.
has:Who knows it could be anything.
has:So, whatever you've come up with in terms of that self care action and
has:looking at your Sun Venn diagram.
has:Maybe this week, you take little action toward that.
has:Nothing big, just a baby step.
has:Even just thinking about it is a step in the right direction.
has:And tying this back to your chart.
has:There are a few places in our charts that can reflect these themes about
has:where do you feel like you shine?
has:Where do others see that you're shining?
has:What you're good at what you love to do.
has:The three main ones, I would say.
has:Are your sun sign, which is probably obvious to you by now.
has:Your rising sign or your ascendant, rising sign and
has:ascendant be used interchangeably.
has:And your mid-heaven.
has:Now the north node may come into play here a little bit, But depending on
has:how these points in your chart are all in relationship to one another.
has:How they show up in terms of the sign that they're in and the house that
has:they're in and how they're talking to other planets in your chart.
has:Again, your unique expression of shining.
has:And the way that others perceive you as shining.
has:They may or may not align.
has:They may love each other or they may feel like they're on two different planets.
has:And the beauty of you having a chart the only happens once every
has:25,000 years is that however it shows up for you is perfect.
has:You do not have to be like anybody else.
has:You can't be like anybody else you are perfection.
has:You are perfect.
has:I said it, I believe it wholeheartedly.
has:You are perfect as you are.
has:And you are learning and growing.
has:At the exact pace that you need to, and everything is happening in your
has:divine timing according to your chart.
has:You're perfect.
has:I hope you picked up on that.
has:But again, that discovery.
has:Of how these places in your chart show up for you is super important and
has:is really setting the foundation for getting to that top of the pyramid of
has:this self-actualization, fulfilling your potential, self fulfillment.
has:If you start feeling out these different spaces, and the versions of
has:yourself that show up In that shiny sun space that we just talked about.
has:Just knowing that yes, I am a hundred percent aligned.
has:my shining and the way that people see me shine Are great and that is an area
has:of my life that's going really well.
has:Or, it's okay but I'd like to see some things change or these are complete
has:opposites, and I need to figure out how to bring my circles together.
has:Just knowing this gives you the information so that you can, number one,
has:hopefully you feel validated, but then you can see how you can support those.
has:And you can start taking steps toward wherever you want to go.
has:And that means taking care of yourself.
has:And helping you succeed and grow and become the next version and
has:whatever that means for you.
has:So I hope that was helpful.
has:I know I have some thoughts on my own suns and how I would like them to be
has:pulled together a little bit more.
has:It gives me a lot of thoughts about getting creative with the part of
has:my life where I've traditionally made my living, my day job.
has:And the part of my life that is really just who I am.
has:And, you know, that includes my love of astrology, but also my love of animals
has:and my empathy and all of those things.
has:so this is something that I've been thinking about over the past couple
has:of days, and it's also helping me with all of the thoughts and offerings
has:and things that I am working to implement here at cosmic moves.
has:So I'm not just talking about it.
has:I'm also doing the contemplation, but no journaling.
has:So maybe you're realizing that there is more overlap or distance
has:between some of the areas you shine in or you're feeling like, OMG.
has:I am in the biggest growth phase.
has:Life is stressful.
has:What is going on?
has:Book a cosmic consult with me, we can work together on any of those
has:steps on your self care journey of discovery and validation in your chart.
has:If you want to book, you can find slash shop.
has:I would love to work with you.
has:And if you liked this episode, please share with your friends.
has:I would also so appreciate it if you would rate it five stars.
has:And even extra ginormous, super gratitude to you appreciate it.
has:If you would write a review on apple podcasts.
has:I know everyone says that, but it would just be really nice.
has:I really appreciate it, so more ears can find their way to the show.
has:And I look forward to the next time we're together.
has:Wherever you are, here's wishing you a stellar day and take care.