Ep. 018: Using Giveaways & Promo Items for Powerful Results! With Anthony Gaudio
We see promo items in every booth throughout every trade show! But what works and what’s a waste of money? Promo Industry Pro Anthony Gaudio of Quality Logo Products is with me today to discuss everything you wanted to know about Giveaways!
Q1 - What is your experience relating to trade shows?
I’m more of the behind the scenes guy when it comes to trade shows. Most of my experiences come from that of my clients. Connecting with my clients both before and after their show helps me gain insight as to what products worked for them and what items were not so hot. I use this info to help other similar business/individuals target products to service their individual markets. I don’t just work with one auto body shop, I work with 30 of them. If 24 of the 30 had great luck with XYZ pen then that’s the pen I’m going to recommend to the next auto body shop looking for pens as the proof is in the pudding.
Q2 – What do businesses really need to understand about giveaways?
Understanding the need for giveaways and how they can enhance your pitch and entice attendees to visit your booth. Having a good base of promotional products, and layering promotional items to further exposure
Need for Giveaways - People like free stuff! In exchange for a bit someone's time giving them something in return to say thank you is in my book necessary. It builds a connection with the individual(s) and offers an opportunity to look back and remember the conversation after the fact. #1 rule of marketing… the puffy envelope gets opened first. If you get a stack of business cards and one widget with contact info printed.. What are you going to look at first?
Having a Good Product Base and Layering Items –
1. Solid Product Base: Having a good product base is also super important. Every company should have a few base items they give away regularly. They don't need to be super expensive, just something consistent that over time builds up in their marketplace. Branded pens or mints at the front when you walk in, keychains, can holders, etc.. When people see it, they know where it came from and it’s consistent with your business's reputation and overall branding vision. Think of these as fancy business cards.
2. Promo Wear- Branding your employees with shirts, hats, jackets, socks, etc… further layers this notion of consistency and quality. It also provides a means to both build comradery between employees as well as identify who works there, LOL!!!
3. Something Extra - To further layer promotional items, having a little something extra to give away from time to time is also a way to build rapport with clients and single out individuals that have continued to support your business. These can be nicer products, stainless steel tumblers, backpacks, USB drives, even apparel works well. Just something extra to give to those that consistently give back to you.
Q3 - What was your most memorable trade show moment?
The first positive moment I can remember would be that of my first industry tradeshow. Meeting vendors I had worked with over the past couple of years was great. Being able to shake hands with these people and take some new products away to share with my team was awesome.
Q4 – What are Your top tips for our listeners?
1) Work with someone who knows what they are doing (I.E. me, LOL!!!) and that has your/your business’s best interest at heart. Ask for the top salesperson in the company. They’re the top salesperson because they aren't really selling anything, they’re providing positive solutions to their clients.
2) Plan ahead. If you have a show coming up and you know you need goodies to give away… call us a few weeks in advance. The more time we have to work with the more product and printing options you’ll have available to you. There is also considerable cost savings when we don’t need to factor in express shipping or rush production.
3) Have a good mix of promo goodies. Don't overspend and don’t underspend. This comes with trial and error. You are going to know your business better than anyone else. If you’re going to an event open to the public with no set criteria for entry or means of qualifying individuals attending the show prior to the show. Don’t blow your $2500 promo goodie budget on $15 a pop stainless steel tumblers. You’ll never see the return on that giveaway. Rather, spend a few hundred dollars on 1000 lip balms or inexpensive hand sanitizers to pass out. You’ll have a broader reach and spend WAY less money. You can have a few nice tumblers on hand to pass out should you qualify an attendee. Vice versa, don’t show up at a tradeshow exclusively for Doctors and Surgeons with a handful of $.50 pens. Pick the right promo for the project/event.
Q5 – What are your top takeaways for the listeners?
1) Even the best promotional products are not going to save you from putting in the work to sell yourself, your service, and/or your product. These items are in-addition-to’s. They are a synapse, a means to trigger a chain of events resulting in a positive outcome for your business.
2) Don’t be afraid to try something different. I say this all the time but we are not saving lives here in the promotional world. The sun is going to rise tomorrow. If you make a mistake and the promo flops no one is going to die. I.E. If you’re in the middle of a heatwave and everyone is passing out fans, be the guy or gal to pass out “iced hot cocoa” in a one of a kind limited edition 11oz c handle mug with your one of a kind logo on it :)
3) Give away items people are actually going to use!
Get 6% off your order of Promo Products from Quality Logo Products!
Email Anthony directly at anthony@qualitylogoproducts.com and use code AGLOVE!!
Or go to www.qualitylogoproducts.com, reference Anthony Gaudio in the comments.
How should people get in touch with you?
Call me at 866-312-5646 x 116
Email anthony@qualitylogoproducts.com
Or you can stalk me on my family’s YouTube page. Just google “the Gaudio’s” and we’ll come up!!!
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