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The David Spoon Experience 8-13-24 part 2
13th August 2024 • The David Spoon Experience • The David Spoon Experience
00:00:00 00:57:24

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1) Following up from last week’s teaching, we dive back into Romans, chapter 6, verse 6, to reinforce what has already been stated by the Apostle Paul. He says in verse 6, "Our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives." In other words, we have the power to overcome sin, both small and large. The only question that remains is: Are we using that power to stay away from sin? It’s available to us, but are we using it? Just like miraculous things are available to us through faith, are we exercising our faith?

2) The exciting part of understanding the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is grasping the significance of His resurrection. Never forget that the resurrection is the core doctrine of the Christian faith. Without it, we are of all men most miserable. Because Jesus Christ rose from the dead, when we connect with Him by our faith, we connect to the power of His resurrection through the Holy Spirit. The real question is, how can we not?

3) Now, for those who might get offended, you’ll have to get over yourselves. In verses 10 and 11, the Lord, through His word, makes it clear. Because Jesus died once to defeat sin and now lives for the glory of the Father, we can consider ourselves dead to sin and living for the glory of the Father. But this is through Jesus Christ, through His redeeming work, and not through baptism itself. The redemption and the new covenant is in the blood, not the water.

4) Because of our position, created for us through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, we are told how to respond in verse 12, and it’s simply this: Don’t let sin control the way we live. Don’t give in to its lustful desires. There are two key components in this passage: don’t let and do not give in. Both are decisions we must make every day, and we hold the responsibility for whether we obey or not. Sin doesn’t own us—God does. But we need to live that way to glorify Him.



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