Reset Ministries
Carissa Raderstorf pt 2
Every one of us has a past. Every one of us. Spiritually, when you accept Christ as your Savior, your past is now over. All things are new. Praise God for that! Amen. I can speak from experience there…
But, there are still the memories. There are still the emotions that bubble up. There are the small voices that sometimes becoming echoes of our past that seem to speak louder and louder in our new, daily lives.
Sometimes, it is just difficult to fully grasp the reality that the old person no longer exists.
That is where we need some help. Help from those that have “been there and done that.” Help from those who do not allow you to live in the past, but help you to live for the future. Amen!
That is where our guest comes in…
Carissa Raderstorf is the founder and CEO of “Reset Ministries,” which is a non-profit ministry that helps people heal from their past hurts. They help people learn new ways of interacting and growing in their relationship with God and with other people. They do this through retreats, workshops, group meetings and coaching that offers participants a sense of community and a clear path to follow.
What are some of the reasons you’ve discovered that prevents people from dealing with their past hurts and experiences?
You help people to deal with their own issues and not just what has “happened to them” but also how they have reacted and dealt with others around them, too. Correct?
Go through the process here for us. You use a retreat or conference to start things off, correct?
Is it an “on location” type of retreat?
After the retreat, what is the next step?
This step, the “Reset Together,” is that an in person 10 week class or is online? How does it work?
How does this 10 week course help people to bring someone from, let’s just say, “being a mess” and turning them into someone who can “bring a message” that will help themselves moving forward?
You also offer Life Group programs that your husband leads. Share a little bit about these programs with us…
How often do you hold the retreat?
What kind of individual coaching do you personally offer?
How long have you been doing this type of work for the Lord?
Do you have any statistics or any information on things like your success rate or testimonials, etc.?
Carissa, this is so interesting and definitely so needful in this day and time in which we live. Life has gotten a lot more complicated these last few years and I know there are many people listening to us right now that would like more information.
If someone wants to reach out to you to ask a question or obtain more information on your ministry or attending a “Reset Retreat,” how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, Carissa and her husband and her team have put together this great program that, I have to admit, it has to be a “God Thing!” AMEN! This “Reset Retreat” along with the 10 week “Reset Together” program and the follow on “Life Groups” – folks, this is something that will dramatically improve both, your spiritual life and your natural interactions with other people around you. This is a Godly program if there ever was one. Amen!
Drop down into the show notes right now and reach out to Carissa and her team. The links are right there. Do it now! While you are thinking about it! You know as well as I do that if you tell yourself, “Well, I’m busy now…I’ll wait until later…” You know the devil will try to put distractions in front of you to make you forget.
Just DO IT NOW! Click the links. Send an email. Take the first step! Then watch what God can do! Amen!
Drop down into the show notes, click the links and reach out to Carissa and her team right now.

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