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Filigree Wings of Steel | Gaile Lynn
Episode 4111th October 2023 • Scars to Stars™ Podcast • Deana Brown Mitchell
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Gaile and I dig into her chapter from Scars to Stars Vol 2. Her story starts with the abuse from her stepfather at age 13 and we discuss how she has overcome, and what she has learned.

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About the Guest: 

Gaile Lynn is an author, women’s advocate, and an avid explorer or consciousness. Her teachings for women’s health and well-being center around care of the sacrum, the fascia, the vagus, and central nervous system, and extends to optimizing the inner workings of the mind. Originally from Michigan, she now resides with her beloved dogs in Hawaii surrounded by what she calls “beauty on acid!”

About Deana:

Deana Brown Mitchell is a driven, optimistic, and compassionate leader in all areas of her life.

As a bestselling author, speaker and award-winning entrepreneur, Deana vulnerably shares her experiences for the benefit of others. As a consultant/coach, she has a unique perspective on customizing a path forward for any situation. 

Currently President of Genius & Sanity, and known as “The Shower Genius”, she teaches her proprietary framework created from her own experiences of burnout and always putting herself last...  for entrepreneurs and leaders who want to continue or expand their business while taking better care of themselves and achieving the life of their dreams.

In 2022 Deana released the book, The Shower Genius, How Self-Care, Creativity & Sanity will Change Your Life Personally & Professionally.

Also, Deana is the Founder & Executive Director of The Realize Foundation. She is a suicide survivor herself, and vulnerably uses her own mental health journey to let others know there is hope. The Realize Foundation produces events and publishes books that let people know there are not alone.

“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds” Jeremiah 30:17

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Deana Brown Mitchell: Hi, everyone, its Deana Mitchell with The Realized Foundation, and I'm back with another interview about Glock scars. This starts volume two. And today And while today I'm doing Minar, in many interviews, I can't speak. But right now I'm with Gaile from Hawaii. And I'm so excited to have you be part of this project. And for people to hear your story. So would you like to tell everybody a little bit about your chapter?

Gaile Lynn:

Yes, indeed. And I'm exceptionally grateful that you extended the invitation to me to join this project twice. Now I said yes. The second time around and, and it was just a natural, intuitive. Yes, that has yielded so much goodness. So Mahalo. Yeah, and my story to encapsulate it, it centers around a an experience I had when I was 13. And I was sexually abused at the hands of my then stepfather, my current stepfather, awesome. Yet in that moment, right, the, the moment that began to define the rest of my life, I chose to write about it. And it doesn't really detail, much of the experience itself, right. That didn't mean a real sense of all that I endured or encountered. It really was, what happened after the fact that that experience as a young girl, highly impressionable, I was bright and shiny and just flitting about in life, and suddenly, I am no, it's it was a life changing experience, it altered the direction of my life, it changed how I relate to myself to others to the world, I became hypersensitive, hyper, diligent or vigilant to watch for danger. And, and I started wearing all black and interesting and more than black now, which is a rare occasion. It just so happens that when something that intense and traumatic occurs, it, it does start to program your mind and your beliefs about how you feel about yourself about how you feel about the world at large. i For me, it was dangerous then, and I began to shut down and, and kind of curl in and my light was dimmed. And I started just feeling depressed and anxious. And, and actually, at some point along the path, and this was now going into my 20s and 30s, that life was being shaped through this lens, that I was diagnosed with bipolar, I have come to be of the humble opinion that that was a misdiagnosis, it was really something that was tossed my way, or or labeled upon me at a time that it just made sense. This was the prevailing thought school of thought back then the condition thinking and it doesn't apply. It was simply that I didn't know what to do with all that wildness, the emotions that I was experiencing, and really the trauma where anybody gets trapped in the nervous system. So I was just, you flailing through life and and going on to have a series of relationships with men over the years that weren't empowering, it was really, it was really something that everything just became more chaotic and more intense and more. God Yeah. without, without a word to describe it. And and so my book details, yes, meet experience that altered my life as a young lady, and then led to how I was engaging my, the world at large and holding on to shame and blame and guilt and all of those things that occur as a result of something like that naturally. Yet, the book also details how a shift in perception, because Perception is everything, altered the course of my life, from that point on, where I feel extremely blessed to have had that experience. It's not something he would typically say, perhaps, but now to recognize that it nurtured my sense of empathy. It allowed for me to feel a sense of resiliency to be then engaging life from an from a place that I hadn't known before. Just by shifting your perception and A Course in Miracles says, a miracle is a shift in perception. So the book really, though, excuse me my story in the book details how I now see the world and feel deeply in love with life, with myself with others. It's an extremely beautiful thing. Hang to have come from such a ugly, horrific is it's perceived often to be experience. I think challenges are a portal to something beautiful, really. So I want people to know that through my story that there's a woman out there who's going to read it. And it's going to stoke her fire, inspire her shift her perspective that such that she can be a phoenix rising from the ashes. I love that.

Gaile Lynn:

Deana Brown Mitchell: Oh, I know, since I've known you are very free spirited person, and I think you are inspiring in a lot of ways. Because you have, you have become that Phoenix that you described. And I think the same thing of, you know, you see challenges and I say scars, because the scars are it anything in our life that have left the mark, whether it's whether it's physical and invisible, or now I'm an old student. But it's very, it's things that have changed the course of our life in some way. And it could be internally or externally. But, but change is something that maybe we held in for a long time because of the shame. Or maybe we take it a long time to process or, or something like that. But in the end, I feel like they all make us better and stronger. And they say scar tissue, is I don't remember the percentage, but it's like much thicker and tougher than your normal skin. So like once you have a scar, it's it's kind of that badge of honor, kind of I don't know. It's it's how we take things that we've been through and make it kind of a badge of honor for something, but at the same time, it's it's something that's helped us grow into who we are now,

Gaile Lynn:

like a rite of passage.

Gaile Lynn:

Deana Brown Mitchell: There you go.

Gaile Lynn:

Yeah, seriously, that portal rite of passage. And consciousness grows through human experience, and then seeks to or naturally beautifies every aspect of our expression. So do I have any faults, the word blame assigned to my former stepfather who bless him has passed on from this third dimension, I could consider him one of my teachers along my path. Because he came in to have that experience, he brought that experience to me. And while it was intense at that moment, right, I remember the very first moment, he even said, unzip your robe, I left my body because I could not even grok what he was saying it was too enormous. And so that's what we do that we tend to leave our body, we tend to dampen our feelings, and really just start to people get addicted and may have just wanted not feel. And really, the feelings are the most beautiful thing that we can use as our way out of the matrix to begin to teach the mind that it's not a dangerous world and everything we see we are perceiving. So it's to us to create this experience ongoing in life is through our own lens, we just have to clear that lens and take off the mud in the clouds so that we can really see truly what's occurring and truly the power we have within us is accessible. It's accessible, it's inherent, it is ours, just naturally, we just tap into it by virtue of deprogramming and taking that trauma and using it and all the resulting intensity enormity and ceilings as our gateway to recognizing the truth of who we are. Very true. Very true. That there was a my chapter filigree Wings of seal by the way, like you emerge from the chrysalis. And you can navigate life with the effortless fluidity of a butterfly and they can actually fly in storms, they just can track their body and flying a figure eight pattern. And I find that fascinating that even within intense winds, we can still be like in the eye of the hurricane and thrive.

Gaile Lynn:

Deana Brown Mitchell: That's really cool. Butterflies have always been my mom's thing. And so every time I see it, the firt

Gaile Lynn:

well pass it along to your mama now.

Gaile Lynn:

Deana Brown Mitchell: So I want you to awesome share what your experience has been in in writing this story and being part of this project.

Gaile Lynn:

Interesting because, again, the honor of your invitation just touched me so deeply and that I had an opportunity To bring voice to my experience, I have always felt that we Well, I've always aired my dirty laundry, so to speak, because we all have it, we're all in this human soup together. And so I've shared bits and pieces of my of this particular stories along the way over the years with various women, particularly of all ages and all stages, and they identify with it, right as women in those tender spots, and those intense moments that we can really understand, inherently. And so this process of writing, for me as a Gemini woman, first of all, it was an absolute glorious endeavor, because I just love to write and talk and express. And what's interesting is that attach to the story, you know, now going to be in print is a URL, that I had nothing to attach to that URL to. It was like, okay, so what am I going to create? For many, many years, I've been feeling this, urge this poll, or call to create something to present, if you will curate all of these goods, I've got the knowledge, I've acquired wisdom, hard won wisdom, you know, I've been a devotee on the path, so to speak, committed to conscious awareness. And in doing so, I've got just some beautiful things to share that I know will be of service to women, no question about it without a shadow of a doubt. And so this process of writing led to the creation of this website, and these wisdom sessions I'm offering to bring some insight into women's lives when they're up against it, right, challenged by something. And it's really not their obsessions, by the way to cog it to use any conceptual thinking or emotional processing or analyzing, I don't find that that's where one can really begin to see through those cloudy lenses and recognize the power they have within and to feel empowered in life. So yes, this white writing process unfolded so much more than I ever imagined, for which I'm exceptionally grateful because I'm also offering a bunch of online courses through my school, Oracle arts. So you are the impetus. And I was saying yes, and I was ready to write. And it led to all of these other beautiful things that I dare say, exceptionally beautiful, that I'm so delighted and honored to present to the world. So thanks, Jen.

Gaile Lynn:

Deana Brown Mitchell: Awesome, I'm so excited for you. But then that the journey of telling your story, you know, in writing for public consumption is is a little different for everybody. But it's always brought about more healing to people, and always brought about work clarity. And I think it's, it's fascinating because we go into these projects, like, Okay, we're gonna write our story so we can help other people. And then in the process, we realize how much it helps us.

Gaile Lynn:

Just really, oh, yeah. So it's a win win?

Gaile Lynn:

Deana Brown Mitchell: Yes. Well, I want to tell everybody where they can find us. And I'm so glad that we're gonna have even more people, I'm sure because now we have more and more people in our community. And we have a Scars to Stars Facebook group that anyone can find and asked to join. We'd love to have you there. And our website, so it's And you can go to the events tab and register and see what all of our events were, are happening. And you can register for any of them for free. You can also register for any of them with a gambling donation, which helps us to keep having more events. So that's what I'm doing. Find us and we're so, so excited about the second book, and we have more coming and more cool stuff coming even after this hopefully you'll subscribe to our website and and follow us and we'll keep in touch and we can't wait to see you there.

Gaile Lynn:

By the way, I've been surrounded by foster dogs. So I've been really feeling tingles on my toes and just bringing that lightness to this moment. It's been so fun. Thanks, Deanna and I a shout out to Sheryl hunter who brought us together and we that we are just like soul sisters that three of us that chuck me and a shout out to my mom for believing me when I told her that all of that was happening to me when I was 13 that My heart and soul my mama awesome thanks Deana I love you You.



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