Saying YES to Your Soul is necessary for lasting, meaningful happiness. If you’re wanting to feel more connection in life and to have your voice be heard, then join Tessa Lynne Alburn and guests every week for inspiration, guidance and much more!
TESSA'S FREE GIFT: Visit SayYestoYourSoulPodcast for resources to live your ideal life during these times of vast change. Get in on the latest offerings we have including retreats, VIP days, mentoring programs and healing for your body mind and soul, and take things to your next level of excellence.
Hello there. Understanding soul and learning from it, choosing to do that is definitely not for the fainthearted, it is for the courageous. And so I'm very glad that you're here.
We hear a lot about the soul. We hear things, phrases like soul journey, go on a soul journey, go on a vision quest, be on your soul path. And of course, we hear a lot about soulmates. Yet most of these instances, people are seeking to have something done for them or given to them. It's an external thing that's happening. That's what they're asking for. Yet connecting with one's soul is an inside job. That's the only way you're going to do it, is to go within. No one can tell you what the secrets of your soul are. No one, no lover, no mate, no teacher, et cetera. But there are some people who've been there like myself, who've done it and can now guide you.
And that's my work here on this beautiful planet. I'm your host, Tessa Lynne Alburn. And after decades of spiritual work, I hit a spiritual plateau and I hadn't noticed it, but at one point I was kind of like, oh, what's happened? It's not exciting. I'm not like getting those huge ahas whenever I meditate, et cetera. And things just kind of fizzled. And I was a healer. I've been trained to be a healer. I've been trained in theta healing, shamanism, I had a specialty in soul retrieval. I even worked with pets. I've been trained in psychic and intuitive methodologies and a whole bunch of other stuff like N L P and energy healing. And as a healer, I was hired to help other people. And that went really well. A lot of people got a lot of value from their lives were changed, but somehow I was outside of the experience, I was outside of the joy of it.
It was kind of a mystery. And I sort of started to think, oh, I guess this is my job. I'm supposed to be a healer, and it's now a job. Eventually, thankfully, through a lot of deep digging and reconnection with my soul essences and also the healing of my emotional child, I reconnected with my spirit in a whole new way. And my life became joyful and interesting and exciting. And there were opportunities and possibilities. And then that led to my awareness, my awakening to, oh, do something more than just be a healer, because I wanted to reach more people. So I got facilitation training and leadership training and speaking training, and I got my coaching certification. And eventually I designed and led a national program for a wonderful organization in the field of human potential. I was finally starting to express my true self and my soul light. And now I'm hired by coaches and individuals to lead them to their authentic, joyful expression and to live in righteous balance with their deepest essence. And I'm extremely grateful for that privilege. My mission is to help more women to deeply know their own divine connection to source, and to bring themselves and their ideas and their voice into the world free from traditional systems by breaking through their spiritual plateaus and trusting themselves again. And they get to experience freedom and magic and actually fulfill their dreams.
This show is for the spiritually inclined woman who wants to have more zest, more joy in her life, and to do that without making anybody else wrong. So on the show, you're going to hear deeply personal stories from myself and women luminaries, and there will be a few brave men in there as well.
These people have gone through their own soul journeys, their shero's journey, really, and they've come out the other side. And you're going to receive tools, guidance, and validation of what you've been going through and the support you need to break through your spiritual plateau, because there's nothing wrong with you. This is actually something that occurs on the spiritual path. So we're going to bring you some honest conversation, practical wisdom, so that you can reconnect to your soul and have your true voice and express yourself in your life. And if you want to in the world. Welcome to "Say Yes to your soul."