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Episode 376 – Faith Based Entrepreneur Training – Sean Mize pt 3
24th October 2018 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:31:58

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Episode 376 – Faith Based Entrepreneur Training – Sean Mize Interview

Have you ever felt like there was something you were “supposed” to do in your life . . . but life has gotten in the way and you just haven’t done it?  If so, what is it?

My guest today is Sean Mize, author of the book, “Anyone Can Coach.” Sean is a Christian productivity, focus and achievement expert who teaches high-level achievement strategies and online monetization methods.

Sean holds a weekly and sometimes twice per week, live – audio inspirational and motivational training call. These calls are focused on helping other Christian believers to build their internet based business.  This is a telephone-based training sessions that will teach you Bible-based success principles, and how to specifically adapt these principles to online achievement and success.  Sean teaches you about the power of Christ that is in you – if you are a Christ follower – and what that means for you (what the Bible really says about that power – the power that dwells inside each and every believer)!

Sean Mize ministers to the Christian community to help you to achieve financial freedom. He believes that God has given him a special calling – a special anointing – which is to use the internet to teach others. In his experience, Sean feels that, though there is a good bit of online information showing people how to make millions, in actual fact many of these teaching methods are just scams and misinformation.  He feels that all the get-rich-schemes you read about online are promoted mostly by liars and con artists. People who have no thought nor care about your spiritual wellbeing.

However, in spite of all these false promises and schemes that exists online, Sean says there IS a way to build an ethical business and, at the same time, honor the Lord with your online business by helping and ministering to other people. To do so, you need to have an honest approach and never indulge in illegal or illegitimate actions.

I know every believer is called to be a witness of the Faith – but are you preparing for any kind of “5 Fold Ministry” position?

The reason I ask that is because I heard you do something on the call a few weeks back (at the time of the recording) where you actually gave a, sort of, altar call. Was that a one off event or something you might do on a regular basis?  How was it received? What kind of feedback did you receive from that call?

By the way – I thought it was awesome!  It was because of that call that I was moved to reach out to you for this interview…

I know you raise money for an orphanage. Can you tell us how you became connected to this organization? Is it possible for our listeners to donate to this orphanage?

The Bible tells us we should take care of the widows and orphans, according to James [1:26]. I used to sell Life Insurance back when I first left the military in the 1980’s. And that was my verse that told me, in that season of my life, that I was fulfilling God’s Command in taking care of widows and orphans. Little did I know that just 4-5 years later, these policies would be used by several of the soldier’s families that I had met. I was serving the military market, and when their spouses died in the First and then the Second Gulf War, these policies provided an ability to continue with life.  So I believe in what you are doing in helping this Orphanage.

As a we close, I would like to do two things…

First, if someone wanted to get in touch with you, perhaps to check out your internet marketing program and current offers or to ask a question concerning the topic of your Faith Based calls, how can they do that? What is the best way to get in touch with you?

And I want to put a link to your book, “Anyone Can Coach” in the show notes as well.  It is available on Amazon, correct?  And available on your website…?

Lastly, you started a new training program recently (at the time of this recording) called, “Godly GuidanceMembership Program.”  Can you briefly describe for our listeners what this program is about and how it can help them impact the world with the Gospel?

I will put a link in the show notes to both, your book, “Anyone Can Coach” as well as a link to the Godly GuidanceMembership.  I will put a Face Book link to Lester’s Orphanage page so our listeners can check that out also.

Folks, Sean Mize has shared some of his knowledge and the techniques he has used to help others to achieve a good life while staying within the precepts of the Christian Faith. His teachings include spiritual guidance along with an online implementation of how to build a web based business. In his coaching book, Sean says that “making money just through secular instruction and without the right spiritual input will never give you full satisfaction. For then it becomes a totally man-made achievement, disconnected from Godly principles.”  Those words ring absolutely true. Don’t try to do it yourself without God’s input. Because then you truly are “on your own.”

I want to emphasize one more time…if you have ever had to start over in life (I’ve been there – three times I’ve had careers, basically, snatched from me – through no fault of my own – and had to start over); or perhaps you are in between jobs and want to make a difference in people’s lives that could last for all of eternity…  You need to check out some of Sean’s training programs. You need to sign up for his email list so you receive notice of when these Faith Based Inspirational Training calls will take place. You also need to purchase his book, “Anyone Can Coach” and you need to join his training program for Christian Entrepreneur’s called Godly GuidanceMembership.

In total – you will be taught by a Godly man how to operate a possible profitable business according to Godly principles according to Godly directives…that sounds like a WIN – WIN – WIN scenario if I ever heard one!  Amen!

Sean, thank you again for coming on our program…I can’t thank you enough…and folks, that’s all the time I have for today…for Sean Mize and myself, this is Pastor Bob Thibodeau reminding you that you can BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!

Contact Information:


Book (on Amazon): Anyone Can Coach

Lester Wehyee’s Orphanage and School Face Book Page:





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