In this episode I want to emphasize the importance of taking action to achieve one’s goals, and not relying solely on mindset work or mindfulness. You need to listen to your soul and divine wisdom for guidance on the steps to take, and then you need to take inspired action based on the guidance received.
It’s nearly impossible to achieve anything on your own, it most always requires action from other people as well, so you need to initiate these relationships.
In my last four episodes I’ve talked about how we must use all aspects of us in reaching our goals, and in this episode I tell you how to put it together to actually move forward.
I’ve talked about mind, body, soul, and inspired action and now the E.V.O.L.V.E. process is how we implement it in our lives.
Listen to find out:
Hint – you can pick up a free copy of the E.V.O.L.V.E. process here
You may want to catch up with the other episodes in this series
I really hope to connect with you personally so please
or join me in my Facebook group And in the meantime, enjoy the show!
Microphone (ZealSound K35 Microphone): What is my step to take today?
Speaker:We need to actually move our feet.
Speaker:We really can't achieve very much by ourselves.
Speaker:There's going to be other people involved.
Speaker:Almost always.
Speaker:There's probably a goal you can achieve by yourself, but I don't know off the top
Speaker:of my head what that is because you're either going to have to be offered a job.
Speaker:You're going to need a real estate agent to help you buy a house.
Speaker:You're going to have to have a pilot fly you where you want to go visit.
Speaker:You're going to have to have other people involved somehow.
Speaker:So we need to initiate that action
Speaker:Hello and welcome to the Connectedness Podcast.
Speaker:Just as you might have guessed, I talk about connection and connectedness
Speaker:on this podcast, our connection with everything in the world around us.
Speaker:Whether you see it or not, we're all connected.
Speaker:And it doesn't matter if it's our dog, our cat, our God, our body.
Speaker:And I'll also talk about some more abstract connections like our career or
Speaker:our land, our community, our emotions.
Speaker:Your body life is all about connection.
Speaker:So the sooner we recognize that, the sooner we can have
Speaker:an easier, more meaningful.
Speaker:I will talk about these connections through different lenses.
Speaker:Things like synchronicities and coincidences are just everyday
Speaker:little bits of magic and miracles that we, we usually dismiss.
Speaker:It's really important that we pay attention to all of this so we can
Speaker:live an easier, more meaningful life.
Speaker:So welcome to the show.
Speaker:I'm your host, Karen Cleveland.
Speaker:Microphone (ZealSound K35 Microphone): Hey, welcome back to the show.
Speaker:This is, I believe it's part five of a series about how to live a dream or
Speaker:how to make your dreams come true, or how to make goals that you can achieve.
Speaker:I should have looked at the name of the series before I started
Speaker:recording, but that's okay.
Speaker:It's all the same.
Speaker:This what I'm talking about, what I've been talking about for the last, um,
Speaker:For personal episodes, not the ones where I have guests, but the ones I've
Speaker:been doing is about what we need to do in order to achieve our dreams.
Speaker:Because we might think our dreams are unachievable and they're not.
Speaker:Or we might think we have a dream and, and move, start moving towards it.
Speaker:But then, you know, we get um, we get delayed.
Speaker:Obstacles and we just don't like what we're doing anymore.
Speaker:So I've been talking about this for the last four episodes, and today I'm going
Speaker:to wrap it all up with, uh, with the final step and then how it all fits together.
Speaker:So, first episode, I talked about mindset work.
Speaker:Very, very, very important mindset.
Speaker:Second episode, I talked about how the body needs to be used
Speaker:in achieving our dreams as well.
Speaker:Three ways we use our body.
Speaker:Uh, last episode I talked about our soul, , why it's important
Speaker:to connect with our soul.
Speaker:And our, our spirit, our divine self when we are setting our goals
Speaker:and moving towards our dreams.
Speaker:And today I talk about inspired action and the whole evolve process, which
Speaker:is how we put everything together.
Speaker:So we need to do something.
Speaker:I talked about this a little bit in the body episode.
Speaker:But the body is what we have to use to move forward.
Speaker:We, we can't just sit on the couch and visualize all day.
Speaker:It might help something might happen, but it's unlikely and things are gonna
Speaker:happen faster when we actually start moving forward and taking inspired action.
Speaker:But how do we know what we need to.
Speaker:Well, that's when listening to our soul comes in, listening
Speaker:to, um, our divine wisdom.
Speaker:And there's many ways to get at it.
Speaker:One way is to just sit down and ask and listen.
Speaker:And I actually have a meditation available on my
Speaker:that you can, um, it will actually guide you through the process of.
Speaker:What is my step to take today?
Speaker:We need to actually move our feet.
Speaker:We really can't achieve very much by ourselves.
Speaker:There's going to be other people involved.
Speaker:Almost always.
Speaker:There's probably a goal you can achieve by yourself, but I don't know off the top
Speaker:of my head what that is because you're either going to have to be offered a job.
Speaker:You're going to need a real estate agent to help you buy a house.
Speaker:You're going to have to have a pilot fly you where you want to go visit.
Speaker:You're going to have to have other people involved somehow.
Speaker:So we need to initiate that action.
Speaker:So let me tell you a little story, and I think I've probably used the story of my
Speaker:buying my house, the my first house by.
Speaker:And everything I had to overcome to get there as far as mindset work, but
Speaker:also the inspired action I had to take.
Speaker:So I would sit in meditation every morning and I would ask, and I, I
Speaker:may or may not have mentioned my leadership team, or not leadership,
Speaker:but my, um, property acquisition team.
Speaker:I would ask, what do I need to do?
Speaker:Sometimes I got no answers.
Speaker:And if you miss the previous episodes by property acquisition team, I mean my
Speaker:divine, non-physical spiritual guidance.
Speaker:So it's when I'm sitting in meditation and I ask, so whoever it
Speaker:is telling that I set up myself a.
Speaker:You know, if I have big projects, I always set up teams to to guide me,
Speaker:to let me know what's the next step.
Speaker:So sometimes I would get no answers.
Speaker:, I would sit there and nothing, nothing, nothing.
Speaker:And some days I would get unusual answers, but I did it anyway.
Speaker:I was told to contact my friend whose husband was.
Speaker:Home inspector and I thought to myself, when I was told to con reach out to
Speaker:her, I thought, well, that makes sense.
Speaker:He can, , if I need someone to inspect a home, I can probably
Speaker:reach out to him anyway.
Speaker:So I contacted her and it turned out that he was actually a real estate
Speaker:agent and I didn't know that and.
Speaker:He became my real estate agent and he didn't laugh at me when I told him
Speaker:what I wanted, which was a huge step because I thought for sure, of course,
Speaker:that I couldn't afford anything.
Speaker:I, I, you know, there would be no houses in my range where I wanted to go.
Speaker:He didn't laugh at me when I sat down and told him everything I wanted.
Speaker:I was, um, I was shocked.
Speaker:I was surprised, and of course, pleased at that as well.
Speaker:So he turned out to be probably the best agent I could have had because as a, as
Speaker:a previous home inspector, we would go look at these houses and he would know,
Speaker:, without having to get an inspection.
Speaker:What I was up against if I decided to purchase that particular house.
Speaker:So that worked well.
Speaker:And then, um, you know, I got guidance about contacting a, a bank or I would get
Speaker:guidance about, you know, some financial stuff or I would get guidance about
Speaker:legal stuff and I acted on it because, Because these messages were coming from
Speaker:somewhere that weren't from my brain.
Speaker:I never would've thought to call her.
Speaker:And by the way, before I did call her after I got the message, but
Speaker:before I called her, I saw his trucks going by on the freeway.
Speaker:He owned a business and I, I saw his trucks and it's like, oh, that's weird.
Speaker:I guess I need to make that phone call.
Speaker:So anyhow, long story short, listen to Your divine wisdom
Speaker:and take inspired action on it.
Speaker:Now, how do you know what your inspired action is going to be?
Speaker:Okay, kind of redundant here, but yet you have to listen.
Speaker:You have to ask, you have to listen.
Speaker:So, in the Soul episode, I talked a little bit about how we
Speaker:access some of that information.
Speaker:So it can be in meditation and it can be in a guided
Speaker:meditation if you have a problem.
Speaker:Sitting down and doing that by yourself.
Speaker:Then, like I said, I have the perfect meditation on my website that you
Speaker:can, it will guide you through it.
Speaker:You might not receive any answers at first.
Speaker:That's okay.
Speaker:Keep doing it every morning.
Speaker:Keep doing it.
Speaker:You'll start getting answers.
Speaker:But the thing is, when something comes to.
Speaker:Don't dismiss it.
Speaker:Don't think, well, that's a dumb idea, or think, well, that's just my
Speaker:imagination trying to tell me to do something, because it's probably not.
Speaker:If you are in that meditative spa space, if you're connected with your deeper
Speaker:self, It, there's a really good chance it's coming from you, from your soul.
Speaker:Your soul knows what to do, okay?
Speaker:Your heart knows what to do.
Speaker:Run in that way.
Speaker:I think maybe Rumi said that, run that way.
Speaker:Run towards what your heart is telling you.
Speaker:Another way is, um, automatic writing.
Speaker:Ask the question, what is my action to take today?
Speaker:And then you might just start writing.
Speaker:I don't know.
Speaker:I don't know what to do.
Speaker:This is stupid.
Speaker:Keep writing.
Speaker:Keep pen to paper.
Speaker:Five minutes, keep writing, and eventually information will start coming up.
Speaker:Put your pen down at the end of the five or 10 minutes.
Speaker:Go walk away.
Speaker:Drink water.
Speaker:Do what you need to do and then come back and read it and see if
Speaker:you get some clarity out of it.
Speaker:May or may not be something in there, but eventually there will be if it's
Speaker:something you're not used to doing.
Speaker:Sometimes it takes time before we have the faith that the information we're
Speaker:getting is really information we need to.
Speaker:And then look for signs too.
Speaker:So, like I said, I saw the trucks on the freeway going by and it's like, yes, okay.
Speaker:I need you, I gotta call 'em.
Speaker:I got, I'll do that.
Speaker:So pay attention to the signs when, when you think you receive some
Speaker:information, but you're not sure, see if it shows up in a different way.
Speaker:All of a sudden you start seeing other things that relate to the
Speaker:same thing that confirm, yeah, you, you really need to do this.
Speaker:Other ways to take inspired action or other ways that
Speaker:we need to get information.
Speaker:I say this a lot, if you are a writer, if you journal all the time right now,
Speaker:You might want to try a different way, you might want to paint some things.
Speaker:You might want to start talking.
Speaker:So let's pretend you're not doing a podcast, but just start talking
Speaker:and record it into a microphone.
Speaker:Start talking.
Speaker:You can do it on your phone.
Speaker:You can do it on your computer.
Speaker:Just start talking almost like automatic writing, because it's not something
Speaker:that we do all the time, it's, it's the brain having to get out of the.
Speaker:And allowing the wisdom to come through.
Speaker:So talking, singing, painting, anything that allows
Speaker:information to come out of you.
Speaker:start doing that.
Speaker:And of course, if you can do, just sit down meditation, that's great too.
Speaker:so you have to do something.
Speaker:Here's the thing, if you want something you've, you've never had before, you have
Speaker:to do things you've never done before.
Speaker:You ha It might be uncomfortable, it might be scary, but if you actually
Speaker:want that thing that you've never had before, you will have to do new things.
Speaker:If we, if we keep doing the same things, we're going to keep
Speaker:getting the same things back.
Speaker:So if you want something new, you need to try something new.
Speaker:And if it's scary because someone might see you in a different way,
Speaker:someone might laugh at you, someone might say what you're doing is stupid
Speaker:or you can't do it, prove 'em wrong.
Speaker:Show 'em differently.
Speaker:Try not to take it personally, and, and that's a hard thing to do.
Speaker:You know, I say it like it's easy, but taking things personally is how
Speaker:we get stuck where we are sometimes.
Speaker:So you can read the four agreements.
Speaker:They, there's a great chapter on that about taking things personally.
Speaker:So how do we wrap this all.
Speaker:So I use what I call the evolve process.
Speaker:Evolve like evolution.
Speaker:So starting with your emotions, checking in with your body.
Speaker:What don't I like about what's going on right now?
Speaker:What don't I like in my life?
Speaker:Sometimes that's where we start.
Speaker:Sometimes we think my whole life is a mess.
Speaker:My, my entire life is a wreck.
Speaker:But the reality is it's only because maybe our job is a.
Speaker:And it's spilling into the other parts of our life.
Speaker:But if we cleaned up our job, the other parts of our life might
Speaker:actually be pretty good if we just didn't have this one negative focus.
Speaker:Or you might have to do several things and that's okay.
Speaker:But start with one.
Speaker:Just start with one and see if it doesn't improve some of the other things.
Speaker:So what don't you like?
Speaker:When does your body not feel.
Speaker:Again, check in with your body.
Speaker:When doesn't it feel good?
Speaker:Check in with your emotions.
Speaker:When are you sad or down or angry or just completely burned out?
Speaker:Exhausted from something?
Speaker:We need to pay attention to these things, and that's the
Speaker:thing that maybe needs to change.
Speaker:once you figure out what you don't like, Then you can figure out what you do want.
Speaker:It might be as easy as getting a new job.
Speaker:I say easy, but I mean, as flipping the, I don't like my job, I need a new job.
Speaker:But that might not be what it is.
Speaker:It might be, coming to work in a different kind of energy or even just
Speaker:shifting departments or shifting, um, the exact role that you're
Speaker:doing, the tasks that you're doing.
Speaker:Maybe you just need to.
Speaker:and so, once you realize what you need to change, then you need to
Speaker:figure out what you want instead.
Speaker:So this is what the v, the vision.
Speaker:So what do you want?
Speaker:And maybe you need to take some time and figure that out.
Speaker:And this is where we involve the soul.
Speaker:It's like, what do I want?
Speaker:Because we don't wanna set goals.
Speaker:You might just think, I want a new job.
Speaker:There was actually a, a study and , the New York Times wrote about it that
Speaker:people quit their jobs, you know, the great resignation of the last few years.
Speaker:People quit their jobs, got new jobs, and they're no happi.
Speaker:They're not any happier.
Speaker:They just took the problems from themself, from the old job to the new job.
Speaker:So what we need to get clear, we need to make sure we are focusing
Speaker:our actions and putting our energy in the right direction, something that
Speaker:is actually going to make us happy.
Speaker:Okay, so we, we vision for.
Speaker:We get an idea of what we want.
Speaker:That might be meditation.
Speaker:It might be looking through magazines, whatever's going to inspire you to
Speaker:help you identify and then confirm it with yourself, your divine self.
Speaker:So once you confirm it, then.
Speaker:Evolve E v O.
Speaker:Um, once you know what you want, I want you to say it as an affirmation out loud.
Speaker:So something like, I have this fantastic new job where I make lots of money, okay?
Speaker:And maybe money is not the object.
Speaker:I have a fantastic new job where they respect me and I enjoy all my
Speaker:coworkers, and I really feel purposeful.
Speaker:Whatever it is, whatever you.
Speaker:When you say it, this is when you're allowed to turn your inner critic on and
Speaker:say it, and then what comes up for you?
Speaker:What are the blocks that come up?
Speaker:Oh, you can't do that.
Speaker:I don't know how to get a new job.
Speaker:Well, if I get a new job, what I want to do, I'm gonna make less.
Speaker:There's all kinds of blocks that we have come up, and that's when I'm going to
Speaker:refer you back to the mindset episode where I talked about how to identify
Speaker:some of these blocks and what you need to need to do to get over them.
Speaker:Also, by the way, if you want a copy of this evolve process, you can also
Speaker:get that off my website, so say it out loud and listen to the inner critic.
Speaker:What comes up?
Speaker:Why can't you achieve?
Speaker:What is the assumption or the lie that you're telling to yourself?
Speaker:Because it's possible.
Speaker:If you have a dream, there is the opposite side of that dream,
Speaker:waiting for you to make it true.
Speaker:If you want a particular job, that job is looking for you somewhere.
Speaker:If you want a person, that person is looking for you.
Speaker:If you want a car, there is a car looking for.
Speaker:That's the harmony.
Speaker:That's the balance.
Speaker:That's a spiritual, um, the universal laws of balance and harmony.
Speaker:There can't be a desire without a fulfillment.
Speaker:So do what you need to do to get over the mind blocks to allow you to seek and
Speaker:find and attract you that fulfillment.
Speaker:well, I kind of, I kind of combined l into the, um, out loud.
Speaker:Saying it out loud.
Speaker:So that's listening to your story.
Speaker:So identifying your stories.
Speaker:Again, go back to.
Speaker:the mindset episode to figure out how to work through that stuff.
Speaker:Actually, also, the other place I have help on this is in my essential
Speaker:starter kit that I also have on my website is, um, it has the meditation.
Speaker:It has a whole bunch of stuff, but it talks about the mind
Speaker:blocks and how to get over them.
Speaker:V again for evolve.
Speaker:So this is volition, this is go, this is the inspired action.
Speaker:What were you inspired?
Speaker:What were you told to do?
Speaker:What do I need to do today?
Speaker:What is one step I can take today towards this dream?
Speaker:We have to move the body, we have to do something, and then E is executing all.
Speaker:Putting everything into action.
Speaker:And the E also takes us back to the emotions, which is constantly checking in
Speaker:and assessing, are we on the right path?
Speaker:Is this making me feel good or is it making me not feel good?
Speaker:So constantly checking in and going through the process
Speaker:and adjusting as we need to.
Speaker:That's how we evolve.
Speaker:That's how we grow spiritually, mentally, intellectually, everyth.
Speaker:And it's what helps us go from a life of, not understanding what our purpose is, not
Speaker:knowing what to do, feeling a little bit lost into a meaningful life, a happy life.
Speaker:A life where we feel purposeful.
Speaker:That's what's gonna take us there.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:So just to wrap up.
Speaker:You have to take inspired action no matter what.
Speaker:If you want something to happen, you are the the central point in taking
Speaker:action unless you are able to hire someone to do everything for you.
Speaker:And I don't think that's gonna be very fulfilling.
Speaker:If you do, you need to take the action and then go through the
Speaker:evolve process time and time again for every single dream and goal.
Speaker:How do I.
Speaker:What's then, how do I wanna feel instead, and what's gonna make me feel like that?
Speaker:And say that as an affirmation.
Speaker:Listen to the stories you tell yourself.
Speaker:Take action to eliminate those stories.
Speaker:That's part of the, , the volition and the execute is taking action not only
Speaker:to achieve your goals, but to eliminate the stories to do what you need to do.
Speaker:And do it all over.
Speaker:. All right.
Speaker:I want to hear how it's going.
Speaker:I want to know what you're up to.
Speaker:I want to know, how it works for you.
Speaker:So please let me know.
Speaker:Go to my website, rev karen
Speaker:Leave me a message and I'll talk to you.
Speaker:If you enjoyed the show, don't forget to head over to rev karen
Speaker:That's R E V K A R E N
Speaker:There you're gonna find the tools for finding more meaning
Speaker:and happiness in your own life.
Speaker:Plus, if you have a story that you want to share with me, either on or
Speaker:off the air, be sure to look for that.
Speaker:Make sure you follow me so you get notified when new episodes drop.
Speaker:And also I'd love to connect with you and my Facebook group
Speaker:Connectedness with Rev, Karen.
Speaker:So head over to rev karen