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Breaking Bad S2E9 - Just Crankin' It
Episode 320th June 2023 • Last Time On • What Happened Here Productions
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It's time for Last Time On, the podcast for everyone who wants to watch all of that prestige television, but who has time for that? Our hosts don't, so they take the randomized highway down your favorite shows they haven't seen, and try to guess what happened Last Time On!

Join us as Ben and Xhafer are still waiting for Jesse to say "Science, Bitch!".



Hello and welcome to last time on the Watch Caster,


everyone who wants to watch all this Prestige television, but.


Who has time for all that?


know I don't.


I'm Jafa


and I am Penn


and we are three episodes and two and a half seasons


into breaking bad right now.






We are burning through this show.


I know.




I was


was honestly more worried.


I feel like I'm following it.




I had an interesting conversation about this with


our podcast buddy Chris , dear mutual friend of both of us.


And , he has seen this show and so he's becoming kinda like, where are you at?


Like, what's happening?


You know?


And we were talking about it cuz I'm like, I'm not getting details right.


He knows the premise things that I should not know are not being shared with me.


And I'm like throwing stuff out there like, you know, it made sense like this.


There's this, which probably means this happened, you know,


this was in the background, which probably means this thing.


And Chris is all like, this show might be too good for your premise.


because it's actually setting stuff up and paying it off


and yeah, like this show might be either the perfect


show to try this with or the worst show to try what we're doing with


I think it's perfect because I'm gonna get a false sense


of hubris going into something else.




very true.


I think if we were to try to do another show that is not nearly as well laid


out, we are going to run into a lot of problems, which is kind of what.


I mean, that's funny.


That's what we're kind of hoping for.


To be perfectly honest.


Right now it feels like this podcast is a episode review


podcast with a dash of improv.


I know we wanted to aim for an improv podcast with a dash of TV review.




Um, and this show is just too good for that.






But we'll, we'll


We'll see if it holds up.


see how it is when we get to season five and


we've watched six episodes.


Um, that said, I got really lucky.


Uh, so we're recording ahead of time.


Uh, not sure when these episodes will actually hit the internet.


I think this one, this would come out in the


middle of June this episode.


We'll, so hypothetically, a few months from now, just


to put us in a place and time.


The Writer's Guild is just going on strike






As we record,


I got very, very lucky that we had, we been


doing a week to week review.






would've been spoiled for me.




But since we jumped right deep into season


two, it didn't fucking matter.


Uh uh, I, I had like one of those like news push notifications.




Uh, where Dean Norris, the actor who plays, uh, Hank Okay.


Was talking about how his character was supposed to die at the end of season one.


But this show was on the air the last time the Writer's Guild went on strike.


They had a truncated first season.


They did?




I noticed


sure, uh, which meant that they didn't get to the point where they


were going to kill Hank, which meant, and I'm, I'm just, you know, projecting


here because I did not read the article because I don't want to know how


long, you know, anybody sticks around.


But it seems, you know, to be a, well, we have to have him back for season two.


Let's just keep the guy around and not be like, okay, season


two, episode two, we kill you.




You know, where it would have fallen originally in our story.


Uh, so he, it was him being like, yeah, uh, I, I got to stay on this TV


show because of the writer's strike.




Uh, hey, take 'em where you can get 'em.




Always happy for people to get paid for their work.




All right.


Well, that's, that is an interesting story.


I'm glad you shared Ben.


Uh, so we are watching, well, we watched season two, episode nine, four days out.


Um, I don't know if this is a particularly famous episode of


this show, because I haven't done research and I refuse to exactly.


Uh, but I feel like this could be one of those episodes.




was a great


This was a fantastic bottle episode, and I feel like I'm, I maybe


even have seen it before because on our old podcast Draft The Universe, I


think we did a bottle episode draft.




we, or maybe we just talked about it.


I don't think we did it.




I think we had talked about it at one point.


Cause I remember looking into shows with bottle episodes and that had


kind of Remi like, I feel like I saw this episode on a list of best


bottle episodes at some point.


Um, and


me to look it up?


I can check.






No, because this does feel like something


we would've done.








I don't know.




Uh, listener, I don't think we've actually talked about it on this


show yet, but Ben and I, along with the aforementioned, Chris did a


podcast called Draft the Universe.


It's all available online.




Uh, on your favorite podcast catcher.


Uh, we don't make it anymore, but there's 130 episodes of us


talking about all kinds of shit.


Everyone's favorite thing on the internet.


Three white dudes doing a podcast.




you're only white if you're listening to rap in the car.


you're at tsa, you are not.


That's fair.


All right,




uh, open this episode.


Um, the white family, including Hank and Marie




At the oncologist, which


I feel like.


I hate going to the doctor.




And the oncologist is the worst doctor to go to.


Nothing against you if you're an oncologist, that


is not a personal statement.


one you understand.


No one wants to see you.




Uh, yeah.


You were, and I, I understand how tiring that must be.


Being like, everybody I encounter all day is having the worst day of their life.


But, I really appreciated the acting of, uh, Dean Norris in this scene


where it was clearly a, there is a social obligation for me to be here.


I am providing nothing here, and my wife is being annoying.


And, uh, I know Walt doesn't want me here.






in hell.


I actually think Walt might want him there.




Um, so I've got a little last time on for you here.




So we know Walter's escaped Tuco.


We know Skylar and Marie are talking again.


I think these are not unrelated incidents.


I don't think that the conflict was resolved outside, one without the other.


so last time on we saw Walt, being kidnapped by Tuco.


I think Hank rescues Walt from Tuco


without knowing


exactly, and he is just considered a random kidnapping victim.




this might even place him and Jesse together if they're both rescued


at the same time.


uh, has like random kidnapping victims, which would


explain why like waltz, you know, like Skylar might see or hear Waltz


talking to Jesse at some point






that would now be, oh, well they went through this thing




They, they have trauma bonded.




they are the survivors of this kidnapping.


I think the stress of being kidnapped for weeks.


I'm, I'm, I think they were out for a while, has reunited Marie and Skylar.


I think Walt also missed a bunch of chemotherapy while he was


kidnapped, which is why they're all at this appointment together to


find out how his cancer is doing.






I'm going to allow it,


So Walt, gets a scan, he gets a glimpse at his results, and it looks


like his tumor is the size of his heart.




Uh, and I really enjoyed the, uh, the setup here where now we have been


able to piece together, Marie is a, lab tech at a different oncologist.




and she really goes into the, Lab techs are the, are the


real people who know what's going on.




Uh, you don't need to wait for an oncologist, I could tell you, just


looking at it, what's going on.


and it's very funny because in that moment you're meant to feel


like, well, Marie's an idiot.




And then what immediately happens, Walt as he's leaving, asks the, the technician,


Hey man, like, what do you see?


What's going on?


And the technician's like, Man, I don't know.


I'm not telling you shit.


Um, I'm not getting, like, even if I think I know I'm not getting fucking sued, yeah.


And then Walt sees something, assumes he knows what's going on, and is just like,


I don't need to wait for the doctor.


I can see the scan.


I know what's going on.






And I'm about to die


immediately makes the same, like the same thing.


We were having that gut reaction of Maria as an idiot.




He does the same exact fucking thing.




The show is so good.


Oh yeah.


I almost feel bad about not watching all of it, but eh,


as he's waiting to go in for his scan, he has a horrible coughing fit.




Goes into the bathroom where the most egregious crime we have


seen on the show


takes place.


We have seen murders.




We have seen meth making.




Some other guy talks to Walt while he's in the toilet.


There is a code.


He's just checking on him.


I know you.


You wait for him to say, Hey, can I get some help?


You do not initiate.


you're at the oncologist.


People are going through chemo.


There's a non 0% chance that was a doctor or nurse or someone like.


There is a circumstance here, but I understand and appreciate the sentiment


and the respectful bathroom etiquette.






Uh, we go to theme when we come back, we meet Saul Goodman.


We finally meet Bob Odenkirk.




This is the lawyer who gets a spinoff and that show's


supposed to be pretty good too.


I think it just wrapped.






bub Odenkirk is great.


we find out Walt has only made $16,000.


Ben will happen her.


well, okay.


I can absolutely go into this because I was actually just about to say,


we know he had more money than this,


for sure.


This is 20% of what he made the one week of dealing with Tuco.


And that's not counting the money he had stashed, presumably already.


And so we saw him stash in the, in the last


episode, a bunch of money,


although it, and a gun didn't seem


like that much.


Uh, I, I think I counted like six or seven rolls.


Each one of those is $20,000 hundred.


mean, it, it still didn't seem, or you counted


the rolls in the, in the bag.


We also saw him pull the, the, the stacks out of the air vent.


Yeah, he, the stacks didn't, didn't look that big and there


weren't that many of them.


Um, but I don't know, uh, he pulled a bunch of stacks, shoved them


into a, uh, diaper box mm-hmm.


In between the season, uh, premiere.


And now, after they get out, after he, escapes from, uh,


the hostage situation mm-hmm.


He goes and immediately starts to try and find that box.


Only to find out that Skylar had destroyed it.






In her, uh, rage at Walt being disappeared.


she freaks out like my husband is missing, we've got no money.


I've got, uh, you know, a baby on the way and I've got these shit


diapers and like lights it on fire.






And, uh,


the, all


that money is destroyed with her never knowing that everything


that was supposed to solve her problems was what she was just getting rid of.




Saul and Walt talk a bit here.


And Saul, I love,


the nuts and bolts of crime stuff.


Like just talking about the, like, percentages of money laundering.


Like I, I don't want to see like.


You know, mobsters, doing mob stuff.


I want to like be in the room with the guy with the books.




when Walt's like, I'm gonna have to cook more.


And Saul goes, yeah, that's my legal opinion.




It's so good.


Walt tells Skylar he's gonna go visit his mom for a couple of


days, and I loved this.


Uh, Because apparently they have a relationship so toxic that skylar's just


like, no, I will not be going with you.


No, I now will not be calling you.


Um, I do not wanna be in any sort of situation where your


mother remembers I exist.








she, he also drops this when she's just like, Hey,


let's just have a relaxing weekend.


Do something to get your mind off the test results.


And as anyone who has waited for test results knows, No, we're just gonna


have a awful fucking fake vacation while we all are sitting around


thinking about the same horrible thing.




Uh, yeah.


Uh, we cut over to Jesse.


And Kristen Ritter, who I didn't know.


I didn't know Jessica Jones was in this


Yeah, he was, he's there with the bee from apartment 23.


I was about to make that joke.


Oh, okay.


I've got it in my notes.


Nah, it's, it's a good reference.


It's a good show.


Uh, anyways, uh, the Bee from Apartment 23 wants to take Jesse


to a Georgia O'Keefe museum.




Uh, which, you know, read the room.


Uh, Kristen Ritter, like you're dating a guy like Jesse.






Does he seem like the museum art exhibit type?


She knows he doesn't, which is why she has to entice


him with the fact that all of the paintings are secretly of vaginas.




that said, I did appreciate that, Jesse's house.


I don't think it's the same house.


It does not look like the same house.


It is a nice place it's, interesting seeing like,


Jesse in a nicer venue than Walt.




Uh, and also, Jesse sprang for the, crunch berries.


Uh, they have cereal, well, planning their trip.




Walt calls Jesse and tells him he needs to clear his calendar


and prep for a kickathon.


He lies to Jesse about why, which Jesse will later realize, Walt


gets dropped off at the airport and then picked up in the rv.


Do you think he bought a ticket?




Did he buy a fake ticket?


He must have.


uh, y


the way that their financial situation is and knowing that, uh, Skylar


is kind of like the czar of household money, I don't think he could have gone


to the airport without buying a ticket and her not thinking something was amiss.




which, you know, it feels, it feels weird, alright.


My family might be destitute.


I've got $16,000.




We need to put 800 bucks on the credit card for a round roundtrip


flight that I'm not getting on.




But it's a cost that he's willing to pay when he thinks about how


much money they could possibly make.




on this, on this kickathon, which is the goal


really, is to get to that 7 47


7 37.


7 37.


Doesn't need that big of a plane.




they're big planes


Also, we have the, uh, least populous, uh, airport terminal ever.


they can pull up immediately right out front of it.


And there are like two people walking around with their luggage.


I have been in many, many airports, Ben.




I have, uh, been fortunate enough listener to spend five years of my life traveling


around the continental United States for work, and I have been many, many places


from big cities to small little towns.


And this is.


One of the tiniest airports I've ever seen.


I would compare it to Toledo and Green Bay, which are both towns that


barely warrant having an airport.




Uh, it


is a tiny little fucking airport, and I've, I've been in


smaller airports to be clear too, but.




Those are for like very specific, like private plane,


kind of like, like when I went out to Beaver Island and stuff, you


know, like the Sheboygan airport is smaller than this, but it felt like


it was maybe two or three gates.


but it, it, the, the thing that got me was there was also constant pa


chatter as if it is a much bigger airport.


Uh, and


do we know what city they're in?


Besides not Santa Fe.




sure we do.


I'm, I'm sure


I'm sure


it's Albuquerque.






Uh, you know what I'm gonna say, it's Albuquerque.


Whether or not doesn't matter.




anyways, uh, Jesse is picked up rations as they, which Walt goes over


as they drive out to sec collusion, like four bags of fun onions.


So the thing that gets me here, one I'm mad at


Walt's disdain for Funions.


Jesse went the distance.


He got different types of funions,


He did,


got the variety sampler


not eating the same funions for four days.


But also Walt does not seem like the kind of guy


who's not like, We're hitting a party store on our way out of town.


Uh, yeah.


Like he just trusted Jesse to get supplies.


Like we have a, like weird speed ramping of them driving


like four hours out of town.




And it's just like, I would've imagined they'd hit


up a Meyer on their way out.


Uh, yeah.


It's not like they need to be somewhere by some time


they, they would've passed a Piggly wiggly by now.






That's fair.


Uh, but while also it probably doesn't want to be seen on camera anywhere or


also spend money and leave a trail.




Uh, but it was, it was still very, like, clearly nobody, like you


trusted the guy you can't trust with anything for four days worth of food.






I mean, a little grill.


Well, you've got propane tanks, uh, you know, so like a burner and some


ground beef and a cooler or something.


Or some hot, hot dogs.






Do a fire




just some fucking jerky.




they telegraph this very good because it's very clear


that the battery's gonna die.


I got, I actually wrote down Dip Shit is gonna kill the battery.








which, so they fight, uh, Jesse puts the keys on the, the counter.




And Walt is like, No, that is our workstation.


You can't put the keys there.


And, then instantly, as soon as Jesse is out of his eye line, I now no


longer care what he does with the keys.


And Jesse puts them


in the ignition.


and we see a little red light.


Come on.




then we cut over to our meth, uh,


Science montage.


We see the boys cooking meth for a bit.


They've made 19 gallon bags of meth.


add 2.2 pounds each.


Walt works this out to $672,000 of profit




Jesse convinces Walt to go into town and find a Denny's and a hotel.


But first I not knowing the meth market, they're


gonna flood the market, right?








There is no intention to sell that much meth at once.




Um, and I think we learned that from Walt and Jesse's conversation


at the end of the episode.




I, I, I took that more as we're going to sell it all at once, but I don't


think I'm going to live to see tomorrow.




It's, uh, I'm


to nickel and dime this out over the next eight months.


Yeah, no, he makes a point with Jesse to be all like


the family needs to get the money after I'm gone because you're not


gonna be able to sell this in time.


And I think that would be the goal, at least economically it


would be smart to not do that.


Or for Jesse to travel and sell it, which seems needlessly


risky, but it's a lot of meth.


Well, we also don't know what their distribution pipeline is right now.




Is Toco dead?


Is Toco now working for them?


As I said, maybe.


I don't,


Probably not.




I think two ghosts probably dead.


probably dead.


Um, we learn, so they, they turn, they try to start the RV and they


learn the battery is dead and thus begins the comedy of errors.




It, it's immediately, well, like, okay, battery's dead, but we've got a generator.






Uh, I, I was thinking the same thing too.


It's all like, oh, we'll just siphon some gas out.


Get the generator going, charge it up.


But then Jesse, like a dumb ass pours a bunch


of gas all over the generator.


it right in the air filter.




Doesn't let it air out.




And the thing is, if they had just like stopped and let the generator


sit for 15 minutes would've been fine.


All the gasoline would've evaporated.




That would've been caused a problem.


Wouldn't have been an issue.


Also, why is lung Mcno lungs the guy who's doing the siphoning?


he won't have to live with the damage.




Oh, okay.


You know what, I'm gonna allow it.


Um, I mean, it can't be worse.


The situa, it could only improve his situation,




So they blow up the generator because they tried to ignite it


while it is soaked and gasoline.


And then Jesse puts out the fire with their remaining supply of water


as Walt stands there with the fire extinguished shirt.


Just like.


Are you fucking kidding me?


Jesse tries getting cell signal and can't, so they


resort to using Walt's phone, which was a point of contention because


Skylar monitors his phone calls to


to the point where one out of place phone call will be noted.


which I'm gonna go ahead and call last time on.


Walt has cheated on Skylar.


I'm going to say last time on.


Walt got caught calling drug people and, Skyler thinks he's cheating.






I'm not gonna agree with that because I'd like my point.






I will take my point.




Walt has cheated on Skyler.


So the other thing we get into now is they both have one phone.




Uh, previously we saw that Walt had a burner phone to call Jesse.




Why does he no longer have a burner phone to make crime calls?


well, he probably wasn't anticipating the need to make crime calls.


He has a bit of a Spartan attitude when it comes to bringing things along.


He's the guy who won't even bring an extra outfit so he doesn't smell like meth.




But they're fighting over using phones.


They have no water, no real food.


But I will stay, say this is still not the worst camping trip I would've been on.




I mean, the conversation tonight turns to


drinking piss pretty quickly.






Is it still the worst?


we've been on some awful camping trips.




We have, we have


We have been camping in rural Pennsylvania as it rains for nine days.


have seen tents fly down hills on like water slides.






so I'm still saying this is better than that.








No one's, yeah, we haven't been flooded out, although they'd probably appreciate


being flooded out at this point.




they call skinny Pete to come save them.


they try to check in later at night and he's all like, yeah, after


I cross that river and they're just like, oh, we're fucked.


And then the phone dies.




What river?


Um, and we never get any closure on that.


and we never will.


Well, we'll see about that.


but, they, uh,


fall asleep.


The last of their lanterns die, and then Jesse wakes up to, Walt


just outside the RV cranking it.




Just cranking it.




He is


hand on his rod.




he's manually turning the, rotor in the exploded, generator,


trying to trickle charge the rv.




And this is so nerve-wracking because I've jumped, you know, I've jumped cars before.


You've jumped cars before.


Couple times, you know.


If you try and start it too soon, you've just started the whole process over again.




Which is why Walt is so insistent that Jesse not start it yet.




And why he's, each time Jesse's like, we gotta be done.




Walt's like, no.


Five more minutes.


Just because I know he has that same, same anxiety.


He has no idea how long we have to do this.


But the idea of doing it too early Yeah.


Is perpetual.




And they, they, Walt clearly pushes to the point of exhaustion.


Like he stumbles back into the RV


and he is like passed out.


Jesse thinks he's dead.




how often do you go out into the, the deserts of New Mexico and find two guys


in an RV just cranking it, taking turns.




too many times, I, I'm sad we didn't get a scene of waltz checking


to see if the keys were still in the ignition before cranking it.


That would've, that would've been funny, but just too sad.


Uh, but after what appears to be hours and hours and hours of manually cranking


this rv, they try it and it sounds like it starts and then it immediately dies.




throughout all this, Walt does nearly pass out.


he's, he is unconscious momentarily.


He coughs really badly afterwards, and it's come clear that he cannot


hide his illness from Jesse.




He starts coughing up blood.


and Jesse's puts it all together at this point.




the chemicals don't go bad, and it's like the chemicals going bad.


He's as much of a motivation for Jesse as I might be dead this time next week.


We have to cook as much as we possibly can now.


I feel like that would've lit at just as much of a fire underneath him without


the, uh, unnecessary obfuscation.




He knows he cannot cook as good as Walt.




and he knows this guy is my meal ticket.




So I don't know why the subterfuge.


and we get a shot of like this dead wolf outside the rv.


And when we cut back in, Jesse seems to know everything that's going on with Walt.


He's instantly taken Walt's side.


He's instantly sympathetic to Walt.


He's not, yeah, they're, they were fighting, they were at


each other's necks for a while.


And this is done now?




Because Jesse, while being a moron is not a monster.




but then we get Walt just going on about how he deserves this


and how, it is my, my fault.


And it's like, dude, you do not have a monopoly on disappointing your family.


Uh, like this is not, you are not the only person who has, made dumb bad choices.




so after this, Jesse starts just kind of rambling.


like, come on, we've got all this stuff.


Do some science,


You made Thermite make a robot or something.


I don't know.


And he's just like, make a robot, make a battery, do something.


And then Walt like jumps up and, uh, Jesse's like, you're gonna make a robot.


He's like, no, you dip shit.


I'm gonna make a battery.


Which made me really sad because I know it's not the show, but


I would watch Meth Bot, uh,


Yeah, well, of course Ben as a BattleBots alumni.


Fair enough.






Maybe meth bot is more in my wheelhouse than I had thought.


Uh, yeah.




You are absolutely right.


he's such a high school teacher here.


I actually wrote that down.


Like he still a science teacher at heart.




Uh, he starts telling Jesse like, rip all this shit apart.


Give me all this stuff.


We're making a battery.




it's not just that it's describing everything as he's doing it,


he's describing it in a way that he's like, and


you're following along, right?




And then our missing element is, and Jesse's like wire, he's like copper.


It's so good.


makes a six cell battery and the engine turns over.


But we haven't answered our most important question,


which is,


where is skinny?


Skinny Pete?


Uh, so Jafer, I have to ask you what'll hop on her.


Uh, what we don't get, Ben, is the episode before or after


this, which was after, which was just told from Skinny Pete's perspective,


um, where he goes to rescue our heroes, uh, anti-heroes, uh, I don't know.


I don't know what to call them.






In the process, ends up accidentally kidnapping a bear.


he ends up at the zoo.


It's a whole thing, uh, but him and the bear end up driving for like 20 miles,


and they're just in the wrong way.


he doesn't let the bear go by that river.








go be free.


It's like it's a panda man.


It's gonna die.




Oh no.


Not a panda.






You just need to go back to nature, bro.




Why do pandas sound like Yoda to you anyways?




So no, this is this whole thing that we miss, that would is a great other


episode of this show that we won't watch.




Uh, and he ends up finding the place and getting there


an hour after they've left enough time where they wouldn't see each


other passing down that one road.






But they, they did save the day with science.




Jesse affirms that Walt's family will get his share if Jesse has to


sell it all after Walt dies while dropping him off at the airport.


At the doctors, we find Walt's tumor has shrunk by 80%.




The coughing blood is a side effect of chemo, not cancer.


Well, it's, yeah.


So it is a re it is radiation pneumonia.




but I did not appreciate the oncologist, like slow selling the good news.


Oh, he doesn't get to do this very often,




I know.


But still, so remission can mean the cancer just isn't growing.




And what we hope to see, Is 20%, but it not


growing at all is, is positive.




It's decreased by 80%.


It's like, man, just start the meeting off that way.


but I did appreciate, Walt is just like dumbfounded and he's


just like, But I'm coughing up blood and the oncologist is like,


motherfucker, you gotta tell me that.




That is pertinent knowledge.


That said also it feels like, radiation pneumonia is something


the doctor should have warned him about.


Uh, like, okay, we're about to start this process.


Side effects may include.






Walt gets this good news, he bloodies his knuckles punching the


paper towel to dispenser to credits.




And that's our episode.


Ready to roll some bones?




I am ready to roll some bones.


All right.


All right.


That is a nine.




We're skipping nine episodes, so I'll look that episode up in a minute.


But before I do, let's make some predictions.




so first we're going to review our outstanding predictions.


Oh yes.


See where we're at.








so, episode one, my predictions were, Jesse is gonna get shot.


Still waiting on it.




Walt cheats on his wife.


I'm taking my two.


I don't, I don't think so.




We ha we haven't had positive confirmation of that.


And then Walt's cancer diagnosis is incorrect.


Pretty sure the ship has sailed on that one.






And then after that I had Jesse accidentally spills a bag


of a meth because it wasn't sealed.


I bet it's so close.


am sure that has happened.


I'm, I'm almost willing to just like give that


Marie comes to visit and steals Walt's hat and Hank catches waltz.


Waltz cuts him in in the operation.


If it wasn't for the second half of that, I might aim to


collect that point right now.




But that does not appear to be the case currently.


So I've got, from our first episode, Skylar


never actually writes anything.




I feel pretty good saying saying we're there.


but we'll, we'll see.




You know, because I said never.


Uh, yeah.


Bogden gets run over by a car in the carwash.


It's a feel-good moment.


Not yet.


We haven't seen it.


waiting for that finale.


And, this one actually makes me sad because we didn't


get to see my boy in this episode.


but Gomez is murdered violently by Hank.


We got to see Gomez last time, but we didn't get to see my boy


Gomez in this episode, but it was pretty much a, a two-hander.


Yeah, this is a really tight


So, I'm holding out that my boy Gomez is still out there.


All right.


and then the next one, Hank has to choose between


Marie's Kleptomania and his job.


He picks his job.


Seems like they're still together.


so yeah.


Oh, I got, Tuco ends up working for Walt if we've decided that, Tuco gets killed.




more than likely it


like, it feels like he's not a problem anymore.




and then no one ever actually tries to turn Walton Jesse in Every problem isn't


only because of their own paranoia, naive tey that seems to be still on the board.


I'd say that's still on the board.


Every problem is just because they keep misunderstanding shit.


definitely still on the table.


All right, what do you got for this one?


So, my daytime, prediction, Kristen Ritter, we


don't know her name, but my guess is she becomes a capital para,




not maybe in a, like, I'm gonna go turn you into the feds kind of way.


But in a like, I'm going to blackmail you kind of way.


I'm going to hold you doing, making meth over your head.


also I'm going to like start making bad choices and be like,


my, be my meth dealer boyfriend will take care of you kind of way.




my evening, prediction is the RV explodes.




Uh, I


something similar.


And then, my primetime, skinny is never seen, but is


called at least three more times.


Skinny Pete is like a dude, like Skinny Pete,


uh, permeates the zeitgeist.


Yeah, I, I,


Pete was just in the Mandalorian and I don't know anything


about that actor besides that.


He's skinny, pe skinny Pete, and I haven't even seen this


Well because there is no actor, we never see Skinny Pete.


He is just a reference point for other person Jesse knows.






so for my daytime, upgrade with two Gs, they have a ton of cash


and Walt can't just win the lottery.


So I expect things with the operation to improve.


or at the very least, Walt is going to buy property.




he's gonna, he's gonna buy some land.


if we see them cooking again, I expect it to not be in the rv.


mostly because of the events of this episode going so poorly.




Uh, but also just, uh, they each have hundreds of thousands


of dollars coming from this.


We're skipping nine episodes.


They've gotta do something with that money and Walt can't just


magic it into his bank account.


So he is going to do things that are long-term investment,


that buying


businesses, buying


that kind of stuff.


evening Skylar finds out about Walt cooking.




I am not sure Walt is going to continue cooking at this point.


mostly because the impetus is gone.




If he's going to live long term and he just got all of this money,


he has to find a way to slowly work it into his life and be done.


There's no reason for him not to, to to continue.


Also if the drama is gonna change from gun hijinks and him not


dealing any and cooking for a bit, at the very least, a little while,


I assume the cancer comes back.


We got a couple seasons of this show.


I expect there to be other forms of drama kind of keep the story going until.


Things come crashing down around Walt to the point where he feels the need


to cook again for whatever reason, which leads to my primetime prediction.


And I hate to even say these words out loud cuz it's bad and


I don't even want, it's like they


the water heater.


think they lose their baby.




Oh no.




something's gonna happen there.


The story is too happy right now and we know the babies do any day.


This is exactly the kind of season finale thing that we're not


gonna be able to watch that would happen, that would tear them apart.




Something needs to drive us into next season.


And I think that's going to be Skylar and Walt having very rocky roads.


And I think between him finding out about, or her finding out about his meth


history now, and also the loss of a child, that it's gonna push them farther away.




So looking it up.


Season three, episode five is our next episode.


The name of this episode is Moss.


as Skylar reconsiders, her objections to Walt's return, he moles over


returning to the drug trade.


Also, Hank's obsession promises trouble for Jesse.






so it seems like they they have separated








I think they've separated.


And maybe not getting back together.


It sounds irreconcilable at this point.


which is why, one reason why, you know, it's like, well if I'm not gonna have


to hide this for my wife, it'll be a lot easier to just be fucking rich.






that's the vibe.


All right, man.


Well, I want to know what's going to happen next time, but we're


not gonna be able to find out.




No, we're skipping too far ahead.


We're gonna be in the, in season three.




We'll be in the top half of season three after this,


Thank you so much to ripe for letting us use one of our favorite songs, goon squad.


As our theme music, they're currently touring until the end of August.


You can check them out on Spotify, Bandcamp, Google, wherever you listen


to music, they've got music there and you should definitely go check them out.


Thank you also to Annette Luciana for the wonderful photograph of a TV that we


use to create our podcast cover image.


Thank you for doing your art and then licensing it under creative


commons so that other artists can use it, uh, without worrying about.


Having to buy a stock.


Image subscription of some variety.


It's greatly appreciated.




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