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40: Reclaiming Femininity In Modern Culture With Annmarie Chereso
Episode 4027th September 2023 • Mystical Sisterhood • Maureen Spielman
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Annmarie Chereso is a Transformational Coach who has worked extensively with parents and children, reminding them of the power of presence, understanding relational dynamics, and feeling their feelings. Her parenting work extended from having a blended family of 9 children and her mindfulness and coaching business. She is here to support not only parents and teens but women interested in being their true self as they move through midlife with ease and grace. Annmarie is such a divine guide to hold this role, in this lifetime, and I know you’ll love so many moments of this interview.

EPISODE TAKEAWAYS (what you’ll learn):

  • Wisdom on parenting, consciousness and unconditional love
  • Parenting is not, and was never meant to be, about perfection
  • Why reclaiming femininity and community in modern culture is so important
  • Annmarie’s self care practices and how they have changed
  • How mindfulness, devices, and free are interrelated
  • The curiosity and willingness to trust and hold space for our kids (even our grown
  • kids!)

About The Guest:

In her playful, heart-centered approach Transformational coach, Annmarie midwifes you through the expansions and contractions of fear to love, inspires you to see clearly and empowers you to let go of your conditioned beliefs so that you can reach your full potential, experience unconditional love and find true freedom in your relationships and in your life. With more than two decades of expertise, Annmarie has trained people around the globe through online courses, coaching, speaking, workshops and retreats.

Over the course of her career, she has had the good fortune of training with master teachers such as Jon Kabat Zinn, Jack Kornfeild, Thich Nhat Hahn, Daniel Rechsteffan and Susan Kaiser Greenland, Martha Beck, The Conscious Leadership Group and many more. She lives in Chicago with her husband and together they raise their blended family of 9.

Find Annmarie Here:



About the Host:

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.

Connect with Maureen:

● Check out her Instagram: @maureeenspielman

● Learn more about her work at

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Maureen Spielman:

Hello and welcome back to mystical

Maureen Spielman:

sisterhood. This is your host, Maureen Spielman. And today I

Maureen Spielman:

sit down with Anne Marie Teresa. And Marie is a transformational

Maureen Spielman:

coach who started really in mindfulness 10 plus years ago.

Maureen Spielman:

She sees it as a thread that's been part of her life story. I

Maureen Spielman:

met her when I was setting up social emotional programming for

Maureen Spielman:

my local school, and she was on the speaker series. So she

Maureen Spielman:

brings her wisdom and her life experiences to this conversation

Maureen Spielman:

today. She supports parents and teens and women on a journey of

Maureen Spielman:

reclaiming their most authentic selves. And most recently

Maureen Spielman:

working with women who are interested in stepping into a

Maureen Spielman:

long forgotten role of Matriarch in our culture. I think you'll

Maureen Spielman:

find this conversation really fascinating. And I'll see you in

Maureen Spielman:

that episode. As always, thank you for being here. Hey there,

Maureen Spielman:

welcome to mystical sisterhood. This is your host, Maureen

Maureen Spielman:

Spielman. I started the show to highlight the intuitives,

Maureen Spielman:

healers and other courageous women that I've met along my

Maureen Spielman:

journey and continue to meet. Through amazing interviews, I

Maureen Spielman:

seek to ask insightful questions to uncover ways in which you the

Maureen Spielman:

listener can apply the wisdom and knowledge to your own life.

Maureen Spielman:

I believe that we're all in this together. So sharing healing and

Maureen Spielman:

joy, and bringing community together is both my passion and

Maureen Spielman:

purpose. If you'd like to learn more about the mystical

Maureen Spielman:

sisterhood community I'm building, please visit www

Maureen Spielman:

mystical See you in the episode.

Maureen Spielman:

Welcome back to mystical sisterhood. This is your host,

Maureen Spielman:

Maureen Spielman. And today I sit down with Anne Marie

Maureen Spielman:

Cerrito. And I'm very, very excited for this conversation.

Maureen Spielman:

And Marie is a transformational life coach. And she has a wealth

Maureen Spielman:

of experience working with children, teens, families,

Maureen Spielman:

schools, communities, around mindfulness, and a lot of

Maureen Spielman:

tangents that come from mindfulness presencing, being

Maureen Spielman:

with ourselves, getting to know ourselves, showing up as

Maureen Spielman:

authentically as we can, I'm just kind of going with the

Maureen Spielman:

spirit of who you are. And Marie, and I'll tell the

Maureen Spielman:

listeners, I first met you what was probably, I guess, 10 years

Maureen Spielman:

ago, plus, maybe even. And I, along with a friend had formed a

Maureen Spielman:

group in our local school called Connect for kids. And it was a

Maureen Spielman:

North Shore alliance that held a speaker series that we were able

Maureen Spielman:

to go to, and I believe that's where we first met. And you were

Maureen Spielman:

in the beginning, I feel like the career that we'll talk about

Maureen Spielman:

today has taken you on a steady path, but one that's had, you

Maureen Spielman:

know, roads that go in different directions to as you discover

Maureen Spielman:

where you're your skill set your expertise, your wisdom, your

Maureen Spielman:

life experiences are needed, and how that's changed and grown for

Maureen Spielman:

you over time. But I'll just say welcome with those few welcoming

Maureen Spielman:


Annmaria Chereso:

Thank you so much, gosh, it's crazy to think

Annmaria Chereso:

about when I say things, or when I hear you talk about, like,

Annmaria Chereso:

over 10 years ago, and like how it almost feels like

Annmaria Chereso:

simultaneously a minute ago, and the way that life is happening

Annmaria Chereso:

so quickly.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. Yeah. And it's, I couldn't agree more

Maureen Spielman:

I can remember that time and the endeavors that we were both

Maureen Spielman:

embarking on that was, was that the beginning of your career?

Maureen Spielman:

And sort of a new line of work for you


know, that that wasn't it? It was probably those seeds


were planted probably, well, a decade before that, but I can


even go back in my, like psyche or my consciousness and find


them way, way back into my own childhood into the like, you can


see the seeds, how they've been planted over time and how


they're gently guiding you in the right direction or a


direction. I don't even know if I want to call it the right


direction, but an aligned direction.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. So what did that what kind of through

Maureen Spielman:

lines or threads do you see for yourself?


Like I can remember really odd things like as a


child being drawn to things like Jim Mastix and I remember having


a book, it was called calisthenics. And it was like


this hardcover blue book. And I just remember, like, like,


feeling like I was that that book was for me, you know, and


really where that was when I was probably 10 years old or


something. So I was really, really young. And where that's


eventually led me is to this yoga path. And then the yoga


path led me to a meditation path and a meditation path led me to


consciousness path and a consciousness path led me to a


spiritual path and spiritual path led me to a mystical path


and energetic path and all these things that were like, you know,


lily pads on the, on the pond. So ultimately, I think, if you


look back on your life, and really trust that it's leading



Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, I think so. Yeah, it reminds me, I think

Maureen Spielman:

I said on an earlier, like an early podcast, but I think of

Maureen Spielman:

what comes to mind for me is when I got off my path, and I

Maureen Spielman:

studied, I started studying nursing when I got to college.

Maureen Spielman:

And that's probably more in alignment with me, but I wasn't

Maureen Spielman:

sure if I wanted to do it, because it meant that I had to

Maureen Spielman:

leave the campus, I was studying to go to the medical school in

Maureen Spielman:

another city. And so I said, Well, I'm not gonna do that. And

Maureen Spielman:

then I went into political science and even worked on

Maureen Spielman:

Capitol Hill for just a little bit. And that wasn't my

Maureen Spielman:

direction. And I sometimes think, like, what was that, but

Maureen Spielman:

maybe it was just for discernment, or to let allow me

Maureen Spielman:

to see if it was for me. And then I came back, and I went

Maureen Spielman:

into speech pathology. So always, it is true that life

Maureen Spielman:

does guide us in keeps on inviting us forward as to what

Maureen Spielman:

our purpose and path is.


Yeah. And I would say, you know, you and I both have


young adult kids, and they're navigating this time in life,


right, like, what's next? And where am I headed? And, you


know, someone laid out the path for me for 20 some odd years.


And now here I am at 22 years old, and where do I go? And what


do I do? And how do I cover up my own path? And, and there is


this sense, I'm sensing, I sense it in my kids as they've


navigated these stages, but it's like, what's the right thing to


do? And I would say, like you taking that quote, unquote,


diversion is perfect. And everything's perfect. And


everything is here guiding us, even when we find it


uncomfortable, or especially when we find it uncomfortable.


So it's funny, because my daughter just graduated college


in May. And she's, you know, she's figuring things out. And


it's really uncomfortable. And someone said, Well, you know,


what are you doing while she's so uncomfortable? And I, you


know, I said, I'm wishing for the greatest amount of




out hoping for the most possible suffering,


such that she can really wake herself up to what her soul is


calling her towards. And I don't know if that is I have no idea



Maureen Spielman:

that is. Exactly. We don't know. And you

Maureen Spielman:

are able, I'm guessing a lot of people would not wish that. But

Maureen Spielman:

you are based on I think your practices I'm projecting or, but

Maureen Spielman:

is that you have the ability to hold space for that discomfort.

Maureen Spielman:

And I think if we kind of today, I want to talk about like, your

Maureen Spielman:

work around parenting, because I think that there's some

Maureen Spielman:

important things to say you have very a bigger family because

Maureen Spielman:

it's a blended family. You said three children of your own and I

Maureen Spielman:

think six national. So you have you have many young adults, you

Maureen Spielman:

are guiding, plus all your training and everything and then

Maureen Spielman:

weave into your current work with women. But yeah, I mean,

Maureen Spielman:

what comes to mind to you when you think about the children

Maureen Spielman:

we're raising today, and some have almost the skill set or

Maureen Spielman:

ways of being that we were being more invited to be in as

Maureen Spielman:

parents? Yeah, yeah.


I think that's a really great question. I think I've


spent the last 25 years trying to figure that out and uncover


that right? Because I don't know about you, but 26 years ago,


when I first became pregnant with my first child, which is,


or actually I was about to give birth to my first child. I got


the books. And I'm like, I'm gonna read about this thing


called parenting. And I'm going to be the best parent I can be.


And I'm going to I want the guidebook I got What to Expect


When You're Expecting and I like highlight it and tagged it and


book Mark didn't, you know, and I was going to do this parenting


thing, right? And trying to figure that out for the last


five years. And, and what I got with like, it's not about


parenting. It's just about like, How can I step more deeply into


the most authentic expression of unconditional love, that I can


be in any given moment in relationship to anyone on the


planet? Yeah, my kids are really like, my greatest teachers to


trigger me to wake me up to poke me to prod me to, you know, just


show me the way Yeah. And so for a long time, my attention and my


work in the world was around like conscious parenting, how to


be the best conscious parent almost. And then all of a


sudden, I got with like, Oh, that's not it at all. That's not


all we're up to, we're here to do. Like, this isn't about me


being a particular way. Or it is about me being a particular way.


It's not me being the perfect parent, so that my kids are a


particular way it's about Yeah, we being just my most authentic,


most aligned most alive self, and inviting others into that


energetic space, so that they too can step into their most


lighted, you know, aligned, energetic self. So,

Maureen Spielman:

so beautiful. And I think that's a really

Maureen Spielman:

important point, that as the different kind of, you know, I

Maureen Spielman:

was trained in Dr. Shefali is conscious parenting, but it's

Maureen Spielman:

not an end game. It's not a it's not a place of perfection. And

Maureen Spielman:

it's not. Because with that, if we're holding ourselves up to

Maureen Spielman:

this ideal of what that looks like, or what we're creating it

Maureen Spielman:

to look like, can create a lot of shame, too. And I think what

Maureen Spielman:

you're saying is that frickin hard. And their kids are our

Maureen Spielman:

teachers. And they lead us to our inner wisdom. And so when

Maureen Spielman:

you say, the unconditional love for others, I'm guessing that

Maureen Spielman:

that's been also worked for yourself.


Of course, yeah. Yeah. Like, of course, you know, and


there's this, this, this thread of motherhood that, as we're


both entering the, you know, middle stages of life, right? So


I'm mothering children, or even children, young adult children,


and then there's your, your aging parents. And then there's


your relationship to your significant other, if there is


one. And then there's the friendships and like there's,


there's a way in which there's this matriarch matriarchal


energy coming forward, that has been stripped away, in service


of showing up the way that the collective and the cultural


norms have had claimed we are to be, and we're forgetting or have


forgotten, the true power that's within us, as women, as mothers


as matriarchs, in our family systems. And it's not about


being perfect. It's about loving perfectly. It's about holding


boundaries beautifully. It's about really owning your power


in the most magical and magnificent ways. And that like


reclaiming that, stepping back into our light, that's the gift.

Maureen Spielman:

That's, that's luscious. Yeah, I love that. And

Maureen Spielman:

then when you were talking about, you know, how we've been

Maureen Spielman:

trained away from it, I find myself going back through the

Maureen Spielman:

decades, like when did that begin? When did that begin, and

Maureen Spielman:

like my mind's going back through the 80s, the 70s. That's

Maureen Spielman:

right. And you just go back and back and back when that like a

Maureen Spielman:

modern culture in a way that maybe it's the industrialized,

Maureen Spielman:

I'm not a specialist in this, but through every passing year

Maureen Spielman:

and decade, cultures just weighed in more and more and

Maureen Spielman:

more. And it's reclaiming. I've had so many conversations

Maureen Spielman:

recently about getting back to what's essential. I mean, when,

Maureen Spielman:

when it's like if I speak for myself, I pick up a lot of books

Maureen Spielman:

that are nonfiction. And I love that and that's beautiful and

Maureen Spielman:

everything, but man do I miss sitting down with a novel? And

Maureen Spielman:

just I come from, you know, sisters, and my mom was a big

Maureen Spielman:

reader and we used it that was just communal for us and we

Maureen Spielman:

would share the titles and we would discuss them. And it was

Maureen Spielman:

simple and it was easy, but you know Just even in that kind of

Maureen Spielman:

shared experience, the giving and the receiving and the, the

Maureen Spielman:

essential essentialism, the simplicity, I love that. And I

Maureen Spielman:

think that there's a real callback for it right now.


Oh, there has been for so, so long, and culture has


sort of stripped us away from that. Just think about our


lifestyle, it's like, wake up, get up, get the kids out the


door, or wherever you're at your stage in life, it's like Get up,


get out the door, go, go, go, go come home, you know, make a meal


workout, do whatever it's like, there's the there's this like


rushing energy. That's sort of at the root that weaving into


our lives, there's very little being spaces to just be, and


were stripped of community, stripped of connection to each


other. We've been put into a competitive culture where it's


me against you, rather than a we like, how can we support one


another? So there's all sorts of ways and, and that's, that


that's sort of like bleeding into all areas of our culture?

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. Yeah. And so I'm thinking, while I'm

Maureen Spielman:

thinking of women in us taking the space and the time for

Maureen Spielman:

ourselves, and I'm also thinking of that wisdom we hold as we do

Maureen Spielman:

guide if one is guiding the next generation. And if we are

Maureen Spielman:

rediscovering and remembering ancient kind of tools. Yeah,

Maureen Spielman:

we're always within us, you know, what is there for us to

Maureen Spielman:

kind of cultivate and hand down to this very, very modernized

Maureen Spielman:

generation coming up? Yeah.


Well, there's, there's one of the things I used to say


to parents that I work with, and I say to, to everyone I work


with now is like the real experts actually within so you


can go buy a million books and read a million books, which


raise your hand if you've done that, I've done that. And, and


that wisdom is important. It's important, but it's important to


the to the importance of that is reading something because it's


resonating back to a truth within you. So it's reminding


you a truth it's within you. It's not that no XYZ author know


some truth that they've now just somehow bestowed upon me, are


you? It is oh, it's It's waking me up. It's waking my sister's


waking. Her words are waking up, his words are waking me up. And


we are here are to wake each other up. Yeah, that's what


we're here to do. And sometimes that looks like a gentle nudge.


And sometimes it looks like a pope. And sometimes it looks


like smack across the face. Whatever, like, love will show


us the way love will show us how to wake one another how to wake


ourselves up. If we're willing to trust, trust that path and



Maureen Spielman:

Oh, yeah, I love it. Do you see through your

Maureen Spielman:

act of work with people, whether it be through the parenting or

Maureen Spielman:

women now? Do you see things changing? Do you find that

Maureen Spielman:

there's a new opening occurring? Or what are you kind of seeing?


I I'm seeing Well, it's interesting with the young


people that I talked to, there's, there's like a if


you're if you're watching this on YouTube, you can see me but


like, describe it with words. There's like an angst there's


like a breaking out, right? Like, something like that.


There's like, there's like a shell. And it's like the chicken


inside the shell or something. And it's just trying to crack


out and there's like, Yeah, whatever, whatever has been


created isn't quite, it's not fitting me. Yeah, that's what


I'm seeing happening. You know, and for years, I used to say to


parents, you know, your kids who are not falling into the


traditional paradigm, they there's an actually like, we


have to stop looking at what's wrong with them and start


looking at what's wrong with us in this culture. Right, like,


what's going on that this culture is creating so much


stress, so much anxiety, so much depressant, depression, so much


resistance from the young people like the young people are here


to wake us up? Yeah, absolutely. Whatever's going on over there.


By the way, it's not working. Look, look at what you did.


Look, it's I

Maureen Spielman:

so agree with you. And I feel like they are

Maureen Spielman:

saying that and it's showing up in their anxiety. It's showing

Maureen Spielman:

up in different mental states emotional, you know, crises

Maureen Spielman:

really. And I think we are kind of, I don't know as parents

Maureen Spielman:

torchbearers, their, their Messengers for it. But I feel

Maureen Spielman:

like I know for myself, it is standing up to the system to

Maureen Spielman:

because we begin, it doesn't mean you have to be an activist

Maureen Spielman:

and have to, you know, crusade like, I think I used to do a

Maureen Spielman:

little bit more trying to change systems. But even individually

Maureen Spielman:

speaking up for what's right with for our children, and I,

Maureen Spielman:

and I don't know from the teacher perspective, if they're

Maureen Spielman:

starting to hear more voices, because I, I'm having more

Maureen Spielman:

conversations from parents who are tuned in and beginning to

Maureen Spielman:

tune in and beginning to be willing to listen to what they

Maureen Spielman:

what their child has to say, which is so incredibly

Maureen Spielman:



Yeah, I think that listening, like listening,


deeply listening, with all three centers of your intelligence,


that thing that women like, are really good at. So we're really,


really good at listening beyond the words and tuning into the


energy that's coming forward, all of us can do that, with our


bodies, and with other beings on the planet, so me that our


children or significant relationships or anyone in the


world, like we, we have this great ability to be attuned to


it all attuned to all of life. Because the center of creation


lives within us. Right. So we are attuned to that. Yeah. So


when we, when we're deeply trusting ourselves when we're


deeply listening to ourselves, and blocking out the noise of


the culture and and then tuning into what's in right


relationship. That requires some courage. Because it does mean


saying no, to this, like whole, like, onslaught of yeses, right?


Everyone around us is saying one thing, and we're saying, wait a


minute, that's not quite so right. And I want to do it


differently. And then you're getting all the pushback of


like, well, no, you can't. And here's why. And so I think it's


really important. So you asked the question, What am I getting


from who I'm talking to these days? I think the women I'm


talking to particularly us who have entered this mid stage of


life, right? We're like, looking back onto the last, you know,


half of our life and looking forward to the next future. And


we can see more clearly, we can sort of see that what's been


happening hasn't necessarily always been of service. And


where I'm headed, I'm not sure the culture is going to take me


there. In so something new has to be created. If we want to


create a new outcome, a different.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. Yeah. So beautiful. Such a beautiful

Maureen Spielman:

invitation. Gary, yeah, yeah. And we've been, we've been

Maureen Spielman:

cultured to think that we always need to turn to our mind to find

Maureen Spielman:

out the answers. And what you're saying, I hear you saying it's

Maureen Spielman:

probably a combination, but really moving into the heart

Maureen Spielman:

space and your divine intelligence. And what you know,

Maureen Spielman:

I was, it went in what you were just sharing to, I was reminded

Maureen Spielman:

of how we began of sitting with someone else's pain. I mean, in

Maureen Spielman:

my training is a lot about sitting with your own emotions.

Maureen Spielman:

And I know when I was looking through just your bullet points

Maureen Spielman:

on your online course of feeling your feelings, you know, it's

Maureen Spielman:

really honoring. I feel like when I was younger, I always

Maureen Spielman:

used to hear Mind Body Spirit. But I was attracted to it. But

Maureen Spielman:

he didn't really have a sense of what it really was. Yeah. And we

Maureen Spielman:

are truly multi dimensional beings we are. And I think we're

Maureen Spielman:

meant to operate from all of these places that we are maybe

Maureen Spielman:



for the mind is not the master. And I would say when I


first started studying mindfulness, I just didn't get


it. I was like, I don't understand what does it be


present? And I'm sitting there and I'm doing it. And I'm doing


it. It took me a few years until I finally got it. And it sort of


takes time, right to unwind the workings of the

Maureen Spielman:

Manas. Yes.


And then it takes a little bit more time to drop in


to the heart.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. Yeah. And thanks for sharing that

Maureen Spielman:

though. Anne Marie, the part about that you didn't get it for

Maureen Spielman:

a while because I think it's such an unraveling, to get to

Maureen Spielman:

the space of our emotions and what we're feeling in our body

Maureen Spielman:

and sort of learning the teachings because like You were

Maureen Spielman:

saying like when we pick up all those beautiful nonfiction

Maureen Spielman:

books, they're full of information that touch and light

Maureen Spielman:

and bring that light forward within us. Another thing that

Maureen Spielman:

came to mind when you were speaking in that segment was, I

Maureen Spielman:

often think that when I read some of those books, whether

Maureen Spielman:

it's Eckhart Tolle or Wayne Dyer, Caroline Meese, whoever it

Maureen Spielman:

is, that they're channeling the information because it seems so

Maureen Spielman:

divine when I'm reading it, yeah, but the we're all

Maureen Spielman:

channeling information all the time. So let's not put ourselves

Maureen Spielman:

as inferior to others, just because that channeling like

Maureen Spielman:

we're perceiving it a certain way. One thing that AI is a

Maureen Spielman:

guiding light for me for the podcast, and I didn't know this,

Maureen Spielman:

and I started inviting people. I think today, I think you're

Maureen Spielman:

around like the 39th or 40th episode. But what I was

Maureen Spielman:

realizing that we're gurus were amongst us, and that we are all

Maureen Spielman:

gurus and you just said something to that fact like the

Maureen Spielman:

the We Are The Creator within. So I mean, let's, for the

Maureen Spielman:

audience, let's talk about that. And just that we are all the

Maureen Spielman:

Guru's we have the answers we, you know, we can we can bring in

Maureen Spielman:

whatever we need. But we also can be looking within ourselves.


Yeah, I think that's the most important lesson I


think I've learned, yeah. And my life to date. And I expect there


to be many, many, many more unfolding. But it is like the


gurus in here, I have all the answers. I just have to get all


the doubts and the fears, and the garbage and the gunk, and


the programming and the culture, all of that out of the way. So


that I'm available to hear the wisdom that's in here. And


that's not an easy thing to do in our culture. That's just not


an easy thing to do. So I want to honor that piece too, which


is why community is so important. It's why practice is


so important. It's why creating safe spaces to to remember is so


important. Because we have plugged ourselves back in

Maureen Spielman:

well, and I think the deep need is is seen

Maureen Spielman:

as well because I always say this but years ago, a former

Maureen Spielman:

guest, Susan Lucci. She held circles in my town, it was

Maureen Spielman:

probably around the time that I met you. And my my takeaway was,

Maureen Spielman:

when you asked the question, and these were in women's groups,

Maureen Spielman:

typically, I don't think they were intentionally that way. I'm

Maureen Spielman:

not sure. But when you ask the question, oh, it's just the

Maureen Spielman:

sharing comes pouring out. The people are so vulnerable. They

Maureen Spielman:

said, that to me says, Yeah, we're looking for safe spaces.

Maureen Spielman:

We are looking for the upgraded conversations. We want to be

Maureen Spielman:

there in that vibration.


Yes. Because we want to be more connected to that part


of ourselves that is connected to the truth. Yeah. That that is


such a missing link for us.

Maureen Spielman:

If you I think that finding a practice that

Maureen Spielman:

works for, you know, a person, I can speak from my own

Maureen Spielman:

experience, finding a practice that works is, it's it that can

Maureen Spielman:

be a journey to you know, we can think one thing do you tend to

Maureen Spielman:

look at your self care? Does it look the same way? Or do you

Maureen Spielman:

like to mix it up? Do you try not to put a time limit or, you

Maureen Spielman:

know, like shoulds, too, I saw something the other day, I get

Maureen Spielman:

these emails from an upstart a few years ago called commune I

Maureen Spielman:

think it's called the commune commune. And I didn't read the

Maureen Spielman:

article, I didn't need to but it said like, five reasons you

Maureen Spielman:

should throw away your spiritual checklist and it made me laugh.

Maureen Spielman:

So anyway, I mean, anything that you have to offer or guiding

Maureen Spielman:

wisdom for a listener who might feel cash, I just can't find

Maureen Spielman:

what practice is there for me. I, I think I want to be doing

Maureen Spielman:

something. Where do I even begin? Or how, how do I not be

Maureen Spielman:

hard on myself about it?


Yeah, it's really funny. You bring this up today


because for a period of time now let's call it the last nine or


10 months. I've had my practice has been you know, get up at 530


have a short yoga practice, just let something to get my body


moving. A couple of couple of kinds of meditation, depending


on what's in my practice in the moment, some journaling reading.


There's like a whole there's a whole thing I had and it was


literally a three hour experience which was incredibly


decadent and quite delightful. And not sustainable. Right? So


suddenly like summer came and you know, the house got Fuller


and the season change. So then I wasn't as diligent about


practice. So suddenly they got like, Okay, I'm gonna not do


this part and do this part. And I started getting in judgment


around it. And then the more I got in judgment around it Avella


less I wanted to go to my altar and And so today, I had this


awareness was like, well, let's just shake this thing up a


little bit. Like, maybe we don't need to do a three hour thing.


Maybe maybe we need to try something different. So I


changed up my my morning practices today. And I did make


them a little bit briefer. And I added in a new meditation, I was


just like, I gave my, my morning practice facelift. I love it.


And so what I would invite people who are listening in to


think about it as like, what is nurturing in this Now moment for


you. And by the way, what's nurturing for you is not


nurturing for me or may not be nurturing for me. So find what's


right for you. For some people, it's like, go on a hike. For


some people, it's like, you know, take a swim, I have a


friend who swims every day, religiously for an hour in the


mornings. So whatever it is, that drops you into your body,


out, you know, of the noise of the world around you. I invite


you to do that. Maybe for two minutes, or it can be for two


hours, I don't really care.

Maureen Spielman:

So interesting. I love it. And

Maureen Spielman:

Maria love the shakeup. And I'm thinking that's an interesting

Maureen Spielman:

thing to me, because I think a lot of people like to dip in and

Maureen Spielman:

take some time hearing messages on podcast too. And I never knew

Maureen Spielman:

anything about podcasts really, or the reach they could have or

Maureen Spielman:

how it could you know give just something to a person's life and

Maureen Spielman:

I listened to a few now more than I ever have. But it that

Maureen Spielman:

can be a refuge to to hear messages like this. And I And

Maureen Spielman:

that's I think that's something that I love to do through

Maureen Spielman:

mystical sisterhood is to bring some soul nourishing ideas to

Maureen Spielman:

the energy, the energy and the experience of listening to, you

Maureen Spielman:

know, like this conversation today.


Yep, I podcasts were on my list for a while to where I


would listen to them in the morning. Like find something


inspiring. I was not listening to like the news. And soul


inspiring I wrote that down. Soul nourishing ideas. Love



Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. And, and also, that idea of what

Maureen Spielman:

nourishes you versus what drains you. Yeah. And talk about like

Maureen Spielman:

with your work now with stepping into our womanhood in the

Maureen Spielman:

matriarchy, like really being discerning, discerning of with

Maureen Spielman:

that. And you know, a lot of some people like to listen to

Maureen Spielman:

the news. I hear so many people say they choose not to, and I

Maureen Spielman:

tend to fall on that side of things for sure. As, as I knew,

Maureen Spielman:

gosh, I knew from a young age, I didn't like scary things, right?

Maureen Spielman:

And yet, and I saw my daughter go through it. Like, it was all

Maureen Spielman:

the thing to watch scary things, freshman, sophomore year of high

Maureen Spielman:

school, and then she's like, scared out of her mind. But that

Maureen Spielman:

we don't want to be bringing in fear inducing mediums, whether

Maureen Spielman:

it be the news or the


need any more of that than already exists thing. No.

Maureen Spielman:

So, you know, maybe I'm not sure. I guess each

Maureen Spielman:

individual has to decide what's right for them. And I guess, I

Maureen Spielman:

guess the question would be is, how does it make you feel?


Yeah, I mean, my, my main devotional practice right


now is letting my body lead me. Paying attention to what is my


body telling me not what is my head telling me like? What are


the sensations that are occurring in my body here to


tell me Yeah, and can I get radically, like acquainted with


my body? And that's, that's a huge invitation that I think I


would like to invite your audience to is like, can you


really pay attention? Can you quiet the mind long enough to


drop in and feel what's occurring? So that you can use


the intelligence that's beyond the intellect right? There is an


intelligence that we are plugged into that goes way beyond the


intellect that is far more intelligent than we can ever


imagine. Yeah, yeah, that's like that's mystical like that


stepping into the mystical in a big, big way.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. And offering that to our children,

Maureen Spielman:

our teens, our, and my youngest is at the end of high school

Maureen Spielman:

now, and I don't know about you, but I laugh sometimes I'm like,

Maureen Spielman:

Okay, this kid out of my three kids have has gotten the most

Maureen Spielman:

spirituality in a different sense. Like, I'll talk to him

Maureen Spielman:

about everything. But I really think in the, it allows him to

Maureen Spielman:

consider things in a different way, it allows him to know that

Maureen Spielman:

he's more than just his grades or his performance on a sports

Maureen Spielman:

field. And I know that's gonna benefit because I think that's

Maureen Spielman:

what's being called for like a new. I don't know, just the

Maureen Spielman:

deconstruction of the older paradigms, to usher in what's

Maureen Spielman:

new, and we don't even know what that's gonna look like, yet.


We have no idea. And I think this is the thing that we


are selling our kids short, this next generation really short,


because we've sold them the story that we know what the


outcome is, like, if you do this, and you do this, you're


gonna get this job. And you're gonna have this kind of life.


And that's what it's all about. And they've really been, like,


sold a lie. It's yeah. vision about the reality of life. Yeah.


And that's why they're so suffering. This is why they're


anxious. This is why they're depressed. This is why they're


struggling so much, because it's not turning out the way they've


been promised.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. Oh, yeah. And they're so honed into

Maureen Spielman:

it with your kids, because I've been thinking more kindness. For

Maureen Spielman:

myself, you know, when I'm talking to you about sitting

Maureen Spielman:

with a book sitting, I'm not distracted, is just this whole

Maureen Spielman:

idea of like, how, how do we mindfully get away from our

Maureen Spielman:



So hard? Yeah. It's so I have a really hard time with


it. Yeah,

Maureen Spielman:

I think, connection. And I know that I've

Maureen Spielman:

seen within myself if I'm transparent, more, more usage. I

Maureen Spielman:

don't look at numbers or whatever. But I feel and you

Maureen Spielman:

know, when I go to bed at night, you know, my daughter's in

Maureen Spielman:

college, my older son's at college, and I feel like, well,

Maureen Spielman:

if I'm not there to answer the call, and all these things, but

Maureen Spielman:

so I think that but there are spaces where if I am watching a

Maureen Spielman:

TV program at night, if I put it in the other room, it's better

Maureen Spielman:

for me, because I don't need to be multitasking. But any kind of

Maureen Spielman:

simple things that you try for yourself?


Well, it's so funny, because I find it really, really


difficult. And we are remote is on our phone. Even if I'm to sit


and engage with a big giant phone, which is my TV. I still


use my little phone to like, access the podium. It's like I


can't escape it ever. Yeah, I mean, I think I don't think I


have anything new or interesting to offer that anyone else


doesn't really know other than this is about free will. This is


about choice. This is about awareness. I really, it's it's


about being unconscious relationship to this device.


That can be a really useful tool.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, maybe it's, it's right, I was just

Maureen Spielman:

gonna make a joke about sending compassion to our phone.

Maureen Spielman:

Unconditional Love, but


I do have a lot of gratitude for my phone. Like it


keeps me connected to my kids. It keeps the people I love it's


a really useful tool when I get lost. And I need directions and


Right, right. So there's all sorts of beauty in it. Again,


it's about the device itself. It's about how we're in


relationship to it. And, you know, I have a lot of fear about


the next generation and their addiction to these devices.


Because we're not nearly as addicted, our brains are not


nearly as addicted as their brains are. And that's something


that they're going to have to really grapple with. Yeah,

Maureen Spielman:

I often wonder if there'll be a backlash, but I

Maureen Spielman:

do think, you know, technology is ushering in the future so

Maureen Spielman:

many ways. And it's, and we're still, you know, in ways like

Maureen Spielman:

we're in that in between still right? Like when with AI, I can

Maureen Spielman:

have that freewill. The choice about whether I want to use that

Maureen Spielman:

or not right now, so And how will that change? I was I went

Maureen Spielman:

to a college night recently at the high school in the high

Maureen Spielman:

school counselors are calling the colleges to say how was aI

Maureen Spielman:

factoring into your applications and just all these cash and I

Maureen Spielman:

think I remember, it was a while ago, maybe less than 10 years,

Maureen Spielman:

but I remember someone saying we don't even know what the jobs of

Maureen Spielman:

the future will be. And I found that fascinating because at the

Maureen Spielman:

time, I'm like, What are they talking about? Well, now I know

Maureen Spielman:

what they're talking about.


We have no idea. Yeah, we had no idea. And I also heard


myself think like, who cares if people are using AI? Like, who


even cares? Like, why are what are we going to do? Are we going


to start chasing down every college essay and see if it was


written by a like, what? What are we doing?

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, and at some point, it's the I know, you

Maureen Spielman:

said, you're not on Instagram much anymore. But maybe maybe it

Maureen Spielman:

was. I don't maybe it was an old one. But just like, acceptance

Maureen Spielman:

and surrender and letting go and acceptance of the as is the

Maureen Spielman:

present moment.


Yeah, maybe AI is a beautiful gift. Who knows? I


don't know. And I get to choose how I'm going to be in


relationship to AI.

Maureen Spielman:

So yeah, it's kind of funny too. Because if

Maureen Spielman:

you, if you like you were saying earlier, if we are to crowd out

Maureen Spielman:

the voices, then then you get to decide right? And then don't

Maureen Spielman:

have to read all the articles about it. It's just like you get

Maureen Spielman:

decide you get decide and seems like a lot cleaner to me like a

Maureen Spielman:

lot purer if we get to decide and make our choices.


Yeah, and again, I want to, like bring home this point.


Like, to me, the most fundamental thing we can be


learning as women, particularly as women, because I believe that


like reimagining the matriarchy, and our culture is fundamental


to our future success. And if we can remember to tune in to that


still small voice within that voice of wisdom, that deep voice


of knowing, really stepping into that mystical part of ourselves.


And trust in that voice. That is the single most important thing


that we can do as women on the planet right now.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, and so I'm thinking of that right there

Maureen Spielman:

and Marie, and anything that a listener is going through,

Maureen Spielman:

whether it is you know, a child going through a hardship or a

Maureen Spielman:

social issue, or deciding, you know, if you should move your

Maureen Spielman:

aging parent, just this, the sitting and the quieting in the

Maureen Spielman:

stillness, and that's why, you know, to the point of doesn't

Maureen Spielman:

have to look like a practice that is this long or anything

Maureen Spielman:

like that. You can cultivate these practices within the

Maureen Spielman:

moments of your day, and breach like we began today setting an

Maureen Spielman:

intention just to kind of bring an open heartedness and

Maureen Spielman:

truthfulness, I think we touched upon, you know, safety, and in

Maureen Spielman:

going almost like, following. I almost feel like sometimes it's

Maureen Spielman:

magnetizing. But listen, a lot of the conversation today, I

Maureen Spielman:

feel it's like really listening into your truth. Yep. And

Maureen Spielman:

deciding on the outer what that is for you taking from this

Maureen Spielman:

conversation, what that is for you. And but just taking the

Maureen Spielman:

self honoring time every day, to sink in and appreciate yourself,

Maureen Spielman:

know that you have the wisdom and ask the inner questions

Maureen Spielman:

like, What do I think about this? How do I feel about it?

Maureen Spielman:

And just wait? Just give yourself some time?


Yeah, and I would even say like, what to spirit one, if


you have a spiritual, you know, if you have a connection to your


higher self or an Ask asking for that guidance every day and


listening for what comes through, and


not expecting it to make sense. You know, not in don't expect it


to be comfortable.

Maureen Spielman:

I agree with that. Yeah. I feel like we're

Maureen Spielman:

getting guidance all the time. And whether we're going to

Maureen Spielman:

accept, it's like dancing around us all the time, what we're

Maureen Spielman:

being called to step into, and it's old patterns that sometimes

Maureen Spielman:

keep us back. I see myself in my business all the time. There's

Maureen Spielman:

many things I do do, but I'll have like, so many ideas, but

Maureen Spielman:

then they don't get off the paper because of my my

Maureen Spielman:

resistance because of conditioning or where women's

Maureen Spielman:

places. So I really honor and I'm excited about the work that

Maureen Spielman:

you're stepping into and following that path that's

Maureen Spielman:

unfolding in front of you to bring the beauty and the

Maureen Spielman:

invitation to women. And so, you know, as we kind of finish up

Maureen Spielman:

here today, we we touched upon a lot of different things. Is

Maureen Spielman:

there anything else that you would like to add before we tell

Maureen Spielman:

listeners where to find you? It's gonna settle into that for

Maureen Spielman:

a moment if there's a little quiet on the other end, and

Maureen Spielman:

Marie's sinking into how she? What information is here for

Maureen Spielman:



I think I think I mean, I always think my, my biggest


message is really trust yourself. That's the biggest


message that trust the guidance that comes within. And what I


think what I just said a minute ago, it's like, it won't always


make sense. It won't always feel comfortable. And it might be


really messy. And trust that too.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, that's really pretty. And it makes me

Maureen Spielman:

think that when we trust ourselves, and we put the

Maureen Spielman:

investment into trusting and creating safety within

Maureen Spielman:

ourselves, it's going to allow us to trust in those around us

Maureen Spielman:

and the decisions they make and the path they're on. Because we

Maureen Spielman:

can trust in ourselves.


Yeah, yeah. And if you can trust the messy,


uncomfortable stuff. And you can hold that for yourself, then


when you see it happening out there, in your children in your


significant other in your family system, in your workplace, you


know, that that too, is of service to some part of


awakening that is necessary for personal and collective


awakening. So it's really like, trust the mess.

Maureen Spielman:

Because it's messy.


Yeah, and it's here for a reason.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, I love that about you is that I, I know

Maureen Spielman:

that you bring a real humanity to who you are, and being able

Maureen Spielman:

to name that this whole perfection thing never was meant

Maureen Spielman:

to be never. It's it's


wrapped up in it, though. Maureen. was trying


really hard for perfection.

Maureen Spielman:

No, and then, yeah, then here we are with this

Maureen Spielman:

beautiful conversation. So where can the listeners find you? What

Maureen Spielman:

are the best places right now?


Best place is my website and Marie I


am on Instagram. And I'm really sporadic talk about messy and


consistent over there. I've been really posting but I may get


back to that. But those are the two places that you can find me


I'd love for anyone who wants to hang out a little bit more to


join my newsletter. You can do that on my website. And

Maureen Spielman:

yeah, well, thank you. I'll put that in the

Maureen Spielman:

show notes. And may your work exponential eyes and just expand

Maureen Spielman:

into the universe. And like we were saying before we started

Maureen Spielman:

just the perfect people coming to sit and be and have these new

Maureen Spielman:

conversations. Yeah, I'd


love that. Work. You say the word again for me.


They said exponential lies. Yeah, I


love that word. I was trying to spell it in my head as you said


it. Will the same for you. Thank you for inviting me to your


orbit. And yes,

Maureen Spielman:

yeah, thanks for being here. Thank you for

Maureen Spielman:

the listeners. If you heard anything today that really

Maureen Spielman:

inspired you. Feel free to leave a review, but more importantly

Maureen Spielman:

share with anyone in your world who would benefit. We'll see you

Maureen Spielman:

next time. Ciao. Thanks for listening to this episode of

Maureen Spielman:

mystical sisterhood. If you love what you heard, please visit

Maureen Spielman:

Apple podcasts, and subscribe and leave a review and share

Maureen Spielman:

with a friend if you're called to do so. To learn more about my

Maureen Spielman:

one on one coaching programs, or join the mystical sisterhood

Maureen Spielman:

membership, visit Maureen or mystical

Maureen Spielman: Thanks so much. I'll see you on the next

Maureen Spielman:





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