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The Truth About Life Coach Certification: What You Need to Know
Episode 2914th October 2024 • The Abundant Coach • Lauren Brollier Newton
00:00:00 00:28:12

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In this episode of The Abundant Coach, Lauren Brollier Newton dives into a vital question for aspiring and experienced coaches alike: Do you need a life coach certification to build a successful coaching business? Lauren shares insights into the certification process, the importance of structure, and how certification enhances your skills and credibility. Tune in to discover if getting certified is right for you and your coaching business.

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00;00;03;23 - 00;00;32;08

Lauren Brollier Newton

Welcome to the abundant coach. I'm your host, Lauren Berlin. This is a weekly podcast about creating full spectrum success with a thriving coaching business, while making a profound difference in the world. Each week, you'll discover insights, strategies, and inspiration to help you attract your ideal clients. Facilitate real transformation in their lives, and grow your coaching business while living your purpose with true freedom and fulfillment.

00;00;32;11 - 00;00;48;08

Lauren Brollier Newton

Well, hey hey and welcome back to the Abundant Coach. Super happy you're here. Lauren Newton here. Really thrilled to be with you. Your mentor, your guide. And I want to remind you of something. I think I've said it a couple of times before, but I want to remind all of you, this is your podcast. It's not just my podcast.

00;00;48;08 - 00;01;13;05

Lauren Brollier Newton

I want you as the listener to feel like you get to participate and co-create the material that goes in here, because really, this podcast is a labor of love to serve coaches and becoming an even more abundant coach. So if you have someone you'd love for me to interview, if you have a question that you want me to answer in the coach segment, if you, loved a certain topic and you just want to share, please email podcast at Brave Thinking and I'll.

00;01;13;10 - 00;01;39;17

Lauren Brollier Newton

I read every single one that comes in. I'll look at them, makes, create episodes out of what you share in the feedback you give. And, happy to answer some of your questions as well. So today we're talking about do I need a coach certification and what to look for? If I do and I want to say before you exit off of this, if you're already a certified coach, I'm gonna encourage you to stay, because I think some of the topics we talk about today, including accreditation, including what's the purpose of your certification?

00;01;39;23 - 00;01;59;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

If you're already certified, it can ignite you to actually use it to do great things with it. Understand some of the reasons why your certification program had what it had. I think it's valuable for us as coaches to take a reminder of everything that came with our certification so we can even better apply it. And then if you're not certified and you're wondering, should I get certified, where do I go?

00;02;00;03 - 00;02;21;12

Lauren Brollier Newton

I may go over a ton of information that is going to help you make a great decision for you. The first question I want to cover on this topic is, is certification required in order for me to start coaching people? And the answer to that is no, it is not required. There is no governing body for life coaches, business coaches, any kind of coaches.

00;02;21;15 - 00;02;42;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

There's no governing body. And what I mean by governing body is the government doesn't regulate it. The states don't regulate it. It's not like therapy or counseling where you have to have a certain certification and follow a code of ethics in order to be able to do it. You know, when I was a school teacher in California public schools, I had to have a certain credential in order to teach public school.

00;02;42;16 - 00;03;01;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

Sometimes private schools didn't require it, but for sure, public school required a certain certification, certain credential approved by certain places. Coaching is not like that at all. As of as of the recording of this episode, it's sort of like the Wild West. There is no regulation on it from any place. So the question is, do you need to get certified?

00;03;01;18 - 00;03;23;23

Lauren Brollier Newton

No, you don't need to get certified in order to start to coach. Would I highly recommend it? And I'd bet my life on you having a much better time if you become a certified. Absolutely, yes. So let me go back to this. Is it required and no governing body? The other thing is you will see that sometimes there are places who say we are, we have a certain accreditation for our life coach certification.

00;03;23;26 - 00;03;52;09

Lauren Brollier Newton

And again, it's always wonderful to have study and all of that, which we're going to talk about in a moment. I highly recommend it. And again, there is no governing body for coaching. There is no regulation by state government, city, anything of that nature. So when people say we are an accredited coaching, certification or we accredit coach certification programs, there's 1 or 2 out there in the industry and they offer this accreditation, or they offer places that you can go for this accredited certification.

00;03;52;09 - 00;04;12;12

Lauren Brollier Newton

But again, it's not governed. It's not regulated. It's not checked by anyone. Therefore, some of these places who do an amazing job, I'm not saying that they don't do an amazing job, but they just called their self the accreditation place in other words, we approve. Thinking Institute can say we're going to be the accreditation people and we're going to start accrediting certification programs because there is no regulation.

00;04;12;14 - 00;04;32;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

Anybody can kind of do that. So at Rethinking Institute, we've been training and certifying coaches for over 15 years. And again, it's a it's a whole new field and a whole new place. It's kind of like flying to Mars and setting up a colony there. We coaching is new enough that, there is no, like I said, regulation or governing body.

00;04;32;05 - 00;04;50;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

Now, with that said, here's why I highly, highly, highly highly highly highly highly highly recommend getting a certification. And there's several reasons that I'm going to share with you. And I always want you to know when I'm talking about something. I work at Brave Thinking Institute. I love Rethinking Institute. That's why I gave up my own coaching business, because I believe they offer amazing things.

00;04;51;00 - 00;05;07;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

With that said, I always want you to measure anything I'm saying against your own inner guidance. And if something that is that we have is not right for you always, I want to encourage you to go out and explore every option so you find the one that's right for you. I'm going to talk a lot about Brave Thinking Institute because it's the one I know most closely.

00;05;07;16 - 00;05;31;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

But of course, being in this industry and being the Director of Coach certification here, I also know what a lot of other places offer and can share with you some tips and feedback and things of that nature. A lot of our coaches that we train and certify have been successful in other businesses. Either they've been therapists, counselors, teachers, I should say other professions, therapists, counselors, teachers, some who have been entrepreneurs or own their own business.

00;05;31;24 - 00;05;54;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

And so they have a lot of skills that will be helpful for them when they become coaches. The reason I still recommend getting a certification is that the coaching format is different than a therapeutic or clinical model of therapy. You're not a clinician anymore. You're not a therapist anymore. And the model is very different. And so same with being a teacher.

00;05;54;03 - 00;06;12;02

Lauren Brollier Newton

I taught for eight years. I could stand up in front of a classroom, I could teach content, I could teach curriculum, but a format of a coaching call and the content of a coaching call, well, I can bring all my skills and communication and empathy and all those things. It's still a different format. And so if you feel like, gosh, I have all this experience, I've been doing this for 30 years.

00;06;12;02 - 00;06;33;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

Let me just say I've known people who have also called themselves coaches for 30 years and been successful with building a business who still aren't performing at the maximum they could be performing because they don't have a certification, because a certification gives you structure and energy, loves structure, so it gives you a structure to work with your clients.

00;06;33;03 - 00;06;54;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

It gives you a structure in terms of your own boundaries with clients. And I want to especially say this for the empaths out there. I wouldn't personally call myself an empath. I don't have that deep of empathic vibes, but I know a lot of you who become coaches are super, super empathic. My sister is a super hardcore empath, and so I learned a lot from hearing how how she handles energy and things of that nature.

00;06;54;16 - 00;07;16;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

But especially for you empaths out there, I would not suggest going into this wild west of coaching willy nilly, loosey goosey and and trying to hold your boundaries with clients. Actually. In fact, one of the reasons why I almost didn't become a coach is because I thought it would feel too invasive or too much like therapy, and that I would have a challenge handling people's problems all day, even though I'm not, I'm not.

00;07;16;14 - 00;07;35;06

Lauren Brollier Newton

I wouldn't call myself an empath. I even had that fear. And so for the more empathic among you, or if you're afraid about the boundaries, a coach certification will teach you how to create professional boundaries, how to navigate coaching calls. So it's not just someone dumping on you, so to speak. This is going to be very, very important.

00;07;35;08 - 00;07;56;24

Lauren Brollier Newton

It's very different. Like I said, for my therapists and counselors out there, it's very different than the therapeutic model in that we're not going to do any digging. We're not going to do a ton of processing when we're coaching, for the most part, with life coaching or business coaching or health coaching even. It's not that we're not going to overcome self-limiting beliefs and do some of the things, but it's always in service of building toward a goal.

00;07;56;27 - 00;08;18;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

And so a goal that requires a lot of building, a lot of action, taking a lot of architecture. So that's that's something that I would say is highly, highly recommended as one is just having the structure of knowing how to run a coaching call and a coaching business that honors the clients, gets them results, honors you, and teaches the modality to the truest extent.

00;08;18;28 - 00;08;39;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

So that's one thing that I would say is very important. The other thing that's important about certification is wherever you go for your life coach certification, they're likely going to teach you some core competencies of what makes an effective coach. And so, for example, at Brave Thinking Institute, we train our coaches in both a curriculum that they can take their clients through and different coaching skills.

00;08;39;28 - 00;08;55;01

Lauren Brollier Newton

What do you do when someone has a tough decision to make? Maybe a decision such as should I say or should I go in my marriage? What do you do when someone comes to you and they keep trying to take action and they can't get themselves to take action? What do you do when someone comes to you with relationship challenges or an estranged child?

00;08;55;01 - 00;09;11;09

Lauren Brollier Newton

Or what do you do in those scenarios where you want to have the coaching skills to be able to coach your clients through that, but you also want to be able to have a coaching curriculum because you can't just solve. I think we've talked about this another podcast, but you can't just solve problems at the level of problem.

00;09;11;16 - 00;09;26;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

You also have to be helping your clients have a new awareness of how human results occur and how they're going to shift over time, because you don't want to just constantly be playing whac-a-mole with your clients problems, you know? Okay, I got one down. Let me see if I can get another one down. You also want to be expanding their awareness.

00;09;27;00 - 00;09;46;05

Lauren Brollier Newton

So in brief thinking institute our certifications, train our coaches in four pillars. And that is pillar number one is that coaching and curriculum and the coaching competencies. So you're going to want that in your certification for sure. And that's part of part of another reason why you would want a certification. The other thing is you don't want to be reinvent.

00;09;46;05 - 00;10;00;09

Lauren Brollier Newton

I would I would guess I mean you got to try this on and see if it fits for you, but my guess is that you don't want to keep reinventing the wheel for every single client. What I mean by that is, oh, this clients come to me with this, this kind of goal, and I don't know how to help them reach this.

00;10;00;10 - 00;10;16;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

Let me do some research and see how to do that. Let me think of everything I've learned and then this client over here has something different. So let me see. If you don't have a coach certification, you're going to be putting together some of your own skills curriculum, whatever it is. But it's there could be a lot of reinvent the wheel in that.

00;10;16;17 - 00;10;38;09

Lauren Brollier Newton

One of the benefits of getting a coach certification is that wherever you go, they will likely help you to have a proven and repeatable system that you can take a client through. I personally love having a coach certification that gives me a curriculum that I can take a client through, as well as the coaching skills, and this is part of this, but you want that system to be repeatable.

00;10;38;09 - 00;11;03;11

Lauren Brollier Newton

You don't want to be having to reinvent the wheel for every single client that you see. So imagine, you know, going into a doctor's office and every time a client comes, you're just starting from scratch, starting from scratch. You don't want to have that right. You want to have some systems in place. So that's the other thing that is helpful about a coach certification is it can give you a proven and repeatable system that you can use over and over again to take your new and returning clients through.

00;11;03;13 - 00;11;23;06

Lauren Brollier Newton

Okay. So that's some of the reasons you would want a certification from a modality standpoint. What I mean by modality standpoint is how to be a good coach. One of the reasons that, we have chosen that brief thinking institute not to get an accreditation from some other company is one that company just said we're now accrediting coaches.

00;11;23;06 - 00;11;43;09

Lauren Brollier Newton

Like I said, there's no governing body or anything like that. I believe as a director coach certification that our certifications in a lot of ways go above and beyond, accreditation. So we're doing everything that we can to produce really wonderful coaches. But the other reason is, I think sometimes the accreditations that I know of falls short because they're mostly training coaches in a modality.

00;11;43;09 - 00;12;11;21

Lauren Brollier Newton

So the coach gets really good at learning how to be a effective listener, learning how to teach a curriculum, learning how to be a coach. But they don't ever get trained in how to build a business, how to be a marketer, how to sell your programs, how to get out there. So, I love the idea that wherever you go to get certified, my recommendation is that you get it in a place that doesn't just teach you the modality, because a coaching modality alone is not going to build you a coaching business.

00;12;11;21 - 00;12;29;20

Lauren Brollier Newton

It's one of four pieces of a successful coaching business. To have a successful coaching business, you you need more than just the skill of being a good coach. So I'll say one more thing and I'm going to go into what those four things are that are required to be a good coach and what you want to look for in certification.

00;12;29;20 - 00;13;00;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

But I'll say one more thing about why I think certification is important. Then I'll tell you about what I think should be included in terms of building your business. And then I'm going to share with you some six questions that you can ask yourself to make sure certification is right for you. So stick around with me here as I kind of go off on this tangent, but I just want to make sure I mention the other thing about coach certification that I think is the most important for us coaches is that when you get certified, you're doing your own personal development first and foremost, and you hear me like a broken record.

00;13;00;14 - 00;13;28;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

I'm kind of getting I kind of feel like the mother hen some time. Who's telling you to eat your vegetables? That the best coaches practice, the skills that they're teaching themselves in their own life. They're always applying and doing an experiment with life, not doing, asking their clients to do things that they're not doing. And so one of the greatest benefits of getting certified is your own personal development, that as you're getting the certification, you're applying the lessons, the tools, the growth to your own life and your own life changes.

00;13;28;03 - 00;13;46;17

Lauren Brollier Newton

And then you can't help but sell what you're going to sell with your programs, because you've been changed by it and you've been affected by it. So I think that just the personal development alone, my coach certification is the best personal development I ever got. Because when you not only have to learn something, but then you have to learn how to teach it.

00;13;46;19 - 00;14;05;12

Lauren Brollier Newton

Just the depth in which you understand it goes to a whole new level to your course. So that's another benefit of certification. So if you're not certified, you can see I highly recommend it for a variety of reasons. Okay. So let me tell you where I think some coach certifications fall short. So we talked about coaching and curriculum.

00;14;05;14 - 00;14;22;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

If I just have coaching and curriculum, that doesn't help me build a business that doesn't help me necessarily impact people. There are a lot of great coaches out there with great modalities, who have just a handful of plans and are not really making a big impact, even though the modality itself is life changing and groundbreaking and mind blowing.

00;14;22;22 - 00;14;42;21

Lauren Brollier Newton

And it would totally help people. But nobody knows they exist because they don't know how to build a business. But I would say there are coaches out there who are great marketers in it to win it. Online marketing, doing all the things. The ten types of coaches that we tend to attract at Brave Thinking Institute are both those go getter get out and do it ready to build my business.

00;14;42;23 - 00;15;03;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

And we have a lot of heart centered people who feel a calling, but they have no idea how to build a business. And I will tell you, on both ends of the spectrum, our certification really works because we do get a lot of go get our corporate people, but they don't know exactly this, like how to build a coach coaching business as opposed to any entrepreneurial endeavor.

00;15;03;06 - 00;15;25;10

Lauren Brollier Newton

So I'm really passionate about, as you can tell from this podcast, giving coaches not just the coaching skills but the business skills. So there's four things that are required to build a successful coaching business. You've got to have each of these four. If you don't, your business will suffer. Think of it like a four legged stool. It's going to be off balance if you don't have all four of these.

00;15;25;10 - 00;15;48;11

Lauren Brollier Newton

The first is coaching and curriculum, which we've talked a lot about. The second is business, the ability to know how to get payments taken, know how to communicate with clients, know how to use your calendar so you're working effectively and efficiently. Know how to establish your entity or you're going to be an LLC, a sole proprietor if you're in the United States, around the world, what are the rules and regulations you want to follow as a business?

00;15;48;11 - 00;16;17;24

Lauren Brollier Newton

How do I hire employees? What do I do with accounting? Business? How do I know if I'm making a right profit business? It's very important that your coach certification gives you some idea of how to actually establish a business and be a business owner. The third pillar is marketing the ability to get yourself in front of people. Talk about what you have to offer, invite people into your programs, the marketing, the ability to let people know that you exist in a way that feels good for you.

00;16;17;24 - 00;16;52;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

We we train on attraction marketing at Brave Thinking Institute, so you're going to want your coach certification to include some form of marketing. And then and here's why I like it as part of certification. And I'm speaking from experience here because you can get a certification and then go and try to hire someone to help you with marketing or take a program to help you with marketing, but because they're not perfectly connected to the modality you just learned, oftentimes the marketer is or the the training leaves a gap in you don't know quite what to say to sell your program.

00;16;52;22 - 00;17;17;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

The person who's trying to help you doesn't really know the ins and outs of the program. So I like when it's together because then it's just aligned from the start that you have marketing that goes with the program that you're trying to sell. Okay. So we've got coaching and curriculum business marketing. The fourth thing you want to make sure that you're, coaching certification covers, my recommendation would be sales or we call it here at the institute heart centered enrollment.

00;17;17;16 - 00;17;35;29

Lauren Brollier Newton

So you market your business and then someone's interested. How do you get them to go from just curious or just a little bit interested to actually selling the program? How do you go from I'm interested in your coaching service to actually swiping the credit card. How do you not feel salesy. Those are all kinds of things. What do I say to someone when I meet them and they ask what I do?

00;17;36;06 - 00;17;55;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

You're going to want to have enrollment training. Sales training, as well, because, being a coach is absolutely about inviting people into your program, asking for their payment, taking their payment. And you want to have a very smooth way to do that that feels really in alignment with with who you are. So those are the four things that take a successful coach.

00;17;56;00 - 00;18;16;00

Lauren Brollier Newton

And if you get a certification, that's just the coaching. I promise you, you are going to have to find other places to take the training on the other three anyway, so you can do it. That way you can get certified in a modality and then go kind of piece together the other three pieces of the training. But I know for sure that you're going to need it and want it.

00;18;16;02 - 00;18;37;15

Lauren Brollier Newton

All right. So let's talk about the criteria that we would recommend that you ask yourself and the place you're going to get certified to make sure it's a right fit for you. So the first one is the first question I would ask myself when you're evaluating a place would be, do the values of this program align with my own values?

00;18;37;18 - 00;18;58;07

Lauren Brollier Newton

What do the values of this program align with my own values? Now there's a couple ways to try that on and see if it fits for you. One is when you're listening to the trainers, to the to the bits and pieces that you can hear from the trainers, does it resonate with you? Do you feel a closeness to that trainer?

00;18;58;10 - 00;19;16;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

Because there's a what I will say, because I've taken studies from a lot of different places, is there's a lot of people who know a lot of stuff about strategy and can teach and all of that, but there are some that you will just feel like best friends with, or you will feel this resonance, or you'll feel like this is totally in alignment with me.

00;19;16;20 - 00;19;45;00

Lauren Brollier Newton

And so, for example, if you listen to this podcast a lot and you really like what I have to share, that means you resonate with me and you resonate with Bray's Thinking Institute. So it's like, okay, there's an alignment that's happening there. So you want to look for that place of alignment when you think of your values, like for example, what I loved about Brave Thinking Institute and why it aligned with my personal values, is it was both spiritual and practical, and I was really done with the either or.

00;19;45;03 - 00;19;58;06

Lauren Brollier Newton

I had been to a lot of places where it's like practical strategy changing, but like I couldn't feel the heart and soul of it and like that didn't feel good to me. And then there were a lot of places that were super spiritual, but there was nothing practical. I'm like, okay, well, how the hell do I do that?

00;19;58;06 - 00;20;17;20

Lauren Brollier Newton

You know? So the fact that it mirrored spiritual and practical really aligned with my values. Now, does that mean that someone who's really just doing spiritual teaching without practicality is wrong bad? No. My value system was just asking for a yes. And on that. So you want to look for a place first and foremost that you want to ask yourself to.

00;20;17;20 - 00;20;39;09

Lauren Brollier Newton

The values of this program align with my own. The second question you can ask yourself is, does it use a curriculum that has a proven success? If someone's putting together a coach certification, what is and you're going and you're saying, okay, I think I want to take their certification, what is the proof that what they're teaching is actually going to work for people.

00;20;39;12 - 00;21;02;08

Lauren Brollier Newton

And so we want some sort of a track record of success that this type of modality actually gives the transformation. It promises. Okay, this is going to be probably a really silly analogy, but like, if I went to a, I don't know, this may, this may be like this, the silliest analogy of all time. So if it is, just laugh with me, feel sorry for me, pat me on the back, whatever it is.

00;21;02;08 - 00;21;25;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

But I'm thinking like, if I'm going to go get my certification somewhere and it's a health coach certification, and they're telling me, you know, the client needs to stand on their head and drink to root beer float today and this and that. I'm like, what is the proof that that's going to work? It's like, is that actually going to do anything or is that going to make their problem worse?

00;21;26;05 - 00;21;47;06

Lauren Brollier Newton

So we want to make sure that whatever method we are thinking of getting certified in, that there's some sort of track record for success, proof that it works, experimentation, research over time, like something because we don't want to be putting something in front of our clients that's ultimately not going to get them. The result that we're promising them.

00;21;47;09 - 00;22;12;01

Lauren Brollier Newton

So that is really, really important. You know, I, at the recording of this podcast, I am a nine months pregnant. I'm literally like at my due date. And when I first I'm using a midwife, instead of a traditional thing. And, when I first worked with my midwife, one of the things that I asked or, and I could see it on her website, one of the things that I asked is, how many babies have you delivered?

00;22;12;03 - 00;22;47;26

Lauren Brollier Newton

And she said, I've done more than 350 births successfully. And so, okay, there's some proven track record, right? She's she's births 350 babies. That's a good track record. Here at Bray Thinking Institute, our dream builder program, which we train and certify all of our coaches in, has had more than 50,000 people worldwide go through it. And we have thousands of testimonials of success and and beyond that, our coaches, we have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of testimonials from our coaches clients.

00;22;47;29 - 00;23;11;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

And so those are the kind of things you're just like, you're just asking, for some proof that this this is a proven system. All right. Number three is the methodology they're using. This is a kind of a four part question. So we'll unpack it. Is the methodology repeatable flexible and able to be used with any niche. So this goes back to what I was saying.

00;23;11;28 - 00;23;35;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

Like I don't want to have to reinvent the wheel with every client. So is this something that I can repeat with each client to success and that one's obviously flexible. There are some coaching programs out there where if they give you a modality, you cannot even change a word. When you're taking someone through a process. And I understand why people do that, because if they're going to call themselves this kind of coach, they don't want them changing the methodology.

00;23;35;27 - 00;24;04;15

Lauren Brollier Newton

They have to do it exactly as written here at the Institute. We're a quite more flexible. We give you a modality, we give you curriculum, scripts, ideas, outlines. But we say you're the coach. You're the highest authority on your business. You do it the way that you would love. So we kind of have more of a flexible or yes and kind of deal, but flexible meaning do we are we able to take it and run with it and fuze our personality into it, expand it if we feel called to it?

00;24;04;15 - 00;24;27;06

Lauren Brollier Newton

So, is the methodology repeatable, flexible and third question able to be used with any niche meaning if I'm going to focus on business owners, can I use this curriculum? If I'm going to focus on single women, can I use this curriculum? If I'm going to focus on families, can I use this curriculum? Is is this usable or do I have to pinpoint down to only a specific person?

00;24;27;06 - 00;24;42;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

Now, this may not be a question that even resonates with you, because you might be thinking, I only want to serve this type of person, so I'm only going to get that kind of certification, which is fine. I think the more flexible a certification, the more it opens up the world to you. So that's question number three.

00;24;42;18 - 00;25;01;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

Question number four that you can ask about your certification. Will it help me masters that master the tools I need to run a successful business? In other words, if it's just a modality, how the heck am I going to build a business? I mean, I was a school teacher when I started. I didn't know how to market and sell and run a coaching business.

00;25;01;29 - 00;25;25;10

Lauren Brollier Newton

And so we want to make sure that your certification gives you the tools that you need to run a successful business, not just be a good and heart center coach. Next one, you want to be able to ask, how long will it take me to complete this certification? What's involved? How long will this take? And then finally, what kind of support will I have access to during and after the program?

00;25;25;12 - 00;25;46;04

Lauren Brollier Newton

So you want to be clear, the fact is this all online studies are there. Q&A sessions. Is there a place I can go to get help if I need it? Those kind of questions. And so let me review those six questions again, because as you're looking for your certification, you can, ask yourself these questions one to the values of this program align with my own.

00;25;46;06 - 00;26;11;07

Lauren Brollier Newton

Two, does it use a curriculum that has a proven success? Three is the methodology repeatable, flexible, and able to be used with any niche for will it help me master the tools I need to run a successful business? I can't stress that one enough for you guys. Five how long will it take me to complete this certification? And six what kind of support will I have access to during and once I finish the program?

00;26;11;10 - 00;26;36;04

Lauren Brollier Newton

So we've talked a lot about what to look for. And most important thing is that you feel a resonance. You know, this is your place, your time, you feel aligned with it. And if it's brief thinking, institute, we would absolutely love that. And how we start with our certification is we invite you to a call to have an exploration if you're the right fit for us and we're the right fit for you.

00;26;36;04 - 00;26;52;05

Lauren Brollier Newton

So that would be your next step. But wherever you go to look for your certification, the important thing is that you have one so that you have that structure that protects you. Your clients, makes it lovely all the way around that it aligns and resonates with you, and you want to make sure that it has that business component to it.

00;26;52;07 - 00;27;14;26

Lauren Brollier Newton

Now, if you're already a certified coach, you might have listened to this episode and go, wow, my certification just didn't go far enough. So my encouragement is find the certification that does add on to it, or add on some training that's going to support you. And if you're the coach who's very happy with your certification because it had all these things, my invitation to you is can you go back into your studies?

00;27;14;29 - 00;27;29;02

Lauren Brollier Newton

And there's probably pieces you haven't yet implemented or could turn up the volume on that would help you grow even more. So I love you very, very much and I will see you in the next episode.

00;27;29;04 - 00;28;00;10

Lauren Brollier Newton

Thanks for joining me this week on The Abundant Coach. Visit our website at Brave Thinking certification, where you can dive even deeper with additional resources and exciting opportunities. Be sure to subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcast so you'll never miss an episode. And while you're at it, if you loved the show, please rate and review to find out how to jump start your funding, coaching career, and more about my journey to seven figure coach, check out our free.

00;28;00;11 - 00;28;07;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

Meant to Be a Life Coach quiz available at BTI, dot com slash coach quiz. I'll see you in the next episode.





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