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103 Build a Fortress Around Your Mind and Control The Field of Consciousness
Episode 103 โ€ข 9th January 2025 โ€ข A Changed Mind | Mindset That Matters โ€ข David Bayer
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In this episode of "A Changed Mind" our host David Bayer, explores the concept of the unified field of consciousness and its impact on personal reality. He challenges conventional neuroscience, asserting that thoughts reside in this field rather than the brain. David explains how individuals unconsciously tune into specific channels of information, shaping their experiences. He introduces a technique to change these channels, involving visualization and energy manipulation.

The episode emphasizes the power of imagination in accessing desired future realities and offers practical steps for listeners to rewire their brains and transform their lives.




What We Explored This Episode

02:34 Einstein's perspective on reality

07:11 Brain structure and information processing

10:44 Visualizing possibilities in the field

14:49 Imagination and accessing desired futures

Memorable Quotes

"Modern neuroscience and psychology are completely wrong. The thoughts and beliefs you have don't actually reside in your head. They reside in what is referred to as the unified field, or field of consciousness."
"Einstein understood that everything was energy and that our five senses could detect this energy and translate it into a material or physical experience. The device you're listening to, for example, is basically 99.999% space. And yet you're able to hear this episode on it."
"Whatever you desire can become your reality. Most people think that the thoughts and beliefs they have reside in their brain. But that's not true at all. When you have a thought, the thought doesn't exist in your brain. The thought exists in the field."

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Modern neuroscience and psychology are completely wrong. The thoughts and beliefs you have don't actually reside in your head. They reside in what is referred to as the unified field, or field of consciousness. Now, this field contains all information and ideas that have ever existed, that exist right now, and that will ever exist. And when you experience your own thoughts, what you're experiencing is a tuning into the information in the field. It's like you've opened up a portal to the information. Like a radio receiver, you've got the ability to tap into an infinite number of channels, and the channel you tune into determines the thoughts and ideas that you have, and those thoughts become your reality. If you're broke, it's because you've built a preset button to a channel that creates financial scarcity and insecurity. If you're sick, it's because you've been consistently tuning into a channel that creates illness and disease. But you can change the channel, and at any point in time, you can actually build new preset buttons so that you stop accessing channels that are creating challenges in your life. And you start aligning yourself with information in the field that creates joy, abundance, and wellness. Literally anything and everything is in the field. And as you learn how to access information that will benefit your life and you learn how to refuse information in the field that is creating problems in your life, literally anything, and I mean anything, is possible. Welcome to A Changed Mind, a journey into the topics that matter to you most. From the neuroscience and spirituality of mindset and personal growth, to groundbreaking strategies for health, wealth, and relationships, to open and honest conversations about pressing global issues such as the environment, censorship, corporate capture, and democracy. Each and every episode reminds us of the certainty of the goodness of the future and provides the teachings, tools, and timeless wisdom inspiring you to create real, lasting change in your life and in the world. If you've been desiring a sanctuary for your spirit, a place to go to tune out the distraction, negativity, and doom and gloom so that you can tap into the deep power, the vibrancy, and the potential you have inside. You're in the right place. Welcome to a Changed Mind. Hey, it's David Baer. Welcome to a Changed Mind. A sanctuary for your spirit. A place where each and every episode, I remind you of the certainty of the goodness of the future. I am your friend, your host, your guide, David Bayer. Einstein once said, reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one. And what he was referring to was the fact that we do not live in a base reality, we live in a simulated reality. Einstein understood that everything was energy and that our five senses could detect this energy and translate it into a material or physical experience. What I mean by that is your eyes are interpreting photons and quarks and atoms and molecules, which are mostly space, mostly nothing, into a material or physical reality. The device you're listening to, for example, is basically 99.999% space. And yet you're able to hear this episode on it. The car or the room that you're sitting in, the trees you're staring at, even the ears with which you are listening are glistening, shimmering buckets of energy that your senses are translating into a physical experience. In fact, everything in existence is really, well, just energy. And there is a field of energy that pervades all of reality. You can kind of think about it like an invisible ocean of energy that we're all sitting in, that the material world is being projected onto. It's like a three dimensional virtual reality movie screen that we experience. And this field of energy is referred to by scientists as the unified or the quantum field. Now, different mystical teachers and cultures and traditions have been studying this field for a long, long time. The Hindus described it as the Akasha or Akashic field. The great spiritual mystic Neville Goddard called it the fourth dimension. In hermeticism and early esoteric cultures, they referred to it as the great mind, or the 1. Aristotle and Plato referred to it as the ether. And it's often simply referred to as the field of consciousness. Now, this field of energy contains all of the ideas, the thoughts, the information that has ever existed, exists now, and will ever exist. So, for example, before Edison, the idea of the light bulb already existed in this field. Before Jeff Bezos, the idea for already existed in this field. Before Bitcoin was Bitcoin, it already existed in the field. All potentials, all scenarios, all realities exist in the infinite potential of the field of consciousness. Now, why should you care about this? Well, first, because if you want to make more money, if you want to grow your business, if you want to heal your body, if you want to have a reality TV show, if you want to become the Prime Minister of Canada or your country, if you want to become a billionaire or solve the world's biggest problems, the good news is that the field already has the answer, that reality already exists in the field. All the ideas, all the resources, the path to materializing that reality exists for you right here, right now in the field. All you need to do is learn how to access that information. Just like Elon Musk accessed the Idea for Tesla. Just like Gandhi accessed the idea of a free and independent India. Just like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Access, access. The idea for becoming the world's greatest action hero. Whatever you desire can become your reality. Now, here's where it gets really interesting.

ch of screens in front of you:

One screen has you living in abundance with a ton of money. Another screen has you living in financial insecurity. One screen has you living your purpose in the world with a really successful business or career that's helping a lot of people. Another screen has you slaving away, toiling away, doing work that you don't love. One screen has you healthy and strong and vibrant and living in well being. Another screen has you experiencing chronic health conditions and chronic pain and limited in your life. Now, why do I want you to see this? Because the point is, I want you to see that all scenarios, all possibilities, all ideas exist in the field. And as you sit in the control center, you're looking out into the field and seeing all of these possibilities. This is actually part of my daily meditation practice. I close my eyes and I acknowledge that I am in the control center, that I am looking at the field, and that all possibilities and all thoughts exist in the field. Not in my head, but in the field. I then notice throughout the day when I have a negative thought or I experience a negative emotion. If it's a thought, it might be something like I'm not as far along as I should be, or things never work out for me, or I'm upset somebody said something or did something. If it's an emotion, it might be noticing that I'm stressed or that I'm overwhelmed, or that I'm feeling down. And I realize in that moment that these thoughts and emotions are not inside of me. They're in the field. And I just unconsciously tuned into that channel. Now I don't want to receive this information anymore. So here's what I do. I take the thoughts or I take the emotions and I do one of two things. Number one, I create a bubble and I put the thought or emotion into it. Sometimes I'll create a picture. Let's say I'm afraid I'm going to get on stage and suck. And so I'm feeling stressed. So I put that little picture of me on stage sucking into an imaginary bubble. Or sometimes if it's just a thought, like I'm never going to figure it out. I just put that thought or that sentence in the bubble. And then I take that bubble, I imagine it in front of me, I take the energy and I put it outside of me. Because that's where it really is. It's not in me. Just like the song isn't inside of the radio receiver. And I imagine as I push that bubble back into the field. I push it back onto the screen and I place it back into the field, protecting my mind, protecting my emotions, protecting my energy in my field.

Now here's what's so powerful about this. Not only are you learning how to manipulate and move energy by taking the energy and packaging it up and removing it from you and putting it back into the field, but as you do this, this short little 10, 15, 20 second exercise, you're also simultaneously disconnecting from that channel. In other words, as you do this simple practice, you're no longer entertaining the channel. Ordinarily, if I was experiencing this, I'd think, oh, this is never going to work out for me. And then I'd go on like a 10 minute inner dialogue of why does it work out for other people and what's wrong with me and why did I do it wr and what if it never works out? And then I jump on Facebook and I look at other people having great success in their life and I judge myself, right? Staying tuned to the same channel, reinforcing the wiring in my brain, but by the simple technique of packaging up the information and putting it back into the field. When you're doing that, you can't also be tuning into the channel. You can't be doing both at the same time. It's impossible. So as you're packaging up the information and placing it back where it came from, you're also creating a neurological habit break. And the more you do this, the easier and easier it gets. You actually start to rewire your brain so that it's not tuning into the channels that you don't like, but it's tuning into the channels that you want. And you start to get better and better and better at this as you do more reps. This is a really powerful process because you're working at a root level of change, a causal level. You're working with the underlying energy that is materializing the experiences in your life. It's creating the thoughts you're having, it's materializing the emotions, not trying to control your manifested reality, or trying to control other people, or trying to hustle and grind your way to overcome your problems. You're working at the level of causation. And as you work at the level of causation, as you learn how to change the channel, your external reality must change too. So similarly, you can open up channels of information simply through the practice of visualization. You can imagine the outcomes you do want. And when you do that, you're accessing that possibility in the field that's what imagination is. It's opening up and tuning yourself to a channel of information about a desired future. And so as you do that, you start to build memories of a future that hasn't happened yet. Imagination is really, really powerful, and neuroscience tells us that your brain doesn't know the difference between imagination and reality. So as you imagine, you're opening up new channels, which changes the wiring of your brain and starts to build preset channels for a future that you want. More money, the dream home, the soul mate. This is why vision boards and visualization work is because you're training your brain to access a different set of information, a different set of thoughts and solutions in the field. So I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I loved sharing it with you. I'm a massive believer in the possibility of your life. I know that everything that you want and all the solutions to it already exist in the field. And I hope that this gave you some optics and insights into how you can start to tune in to more of what you want and tune out that which you don't. So I love you very, very much and I'm excited to be on this journey with you. I will see you in the next episode. Hey, it's David. One more thing. If you want to go even deeper on everything we've talked about on today's episode, don't forget to jump over to you can find the link in the show notes and subscribe to our newsletter. A couple of times a week, I'm going to be sending you the latest episodes that we've released, along with additional free trainings. You'll get immediate access to my free Mind Hack ebook and go even deeper into all the tools, the technology, the frameworks that have helped tens of thousands of people establish a changed mind. Don't forget to jump on over to the site and I will see you in the next episode.




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