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#042 - Hospitality Meets Daniel Pedreschi - The Regional Operations Heavy Hitter
Episode 4228th October 2020 • Hospitality Meets... with Phil Street • Phil Street
00:00:00 00:57:15

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This week we move back to hotels in big brand, big hotels and a big role. We got some time with Daniel Pedreschi, Regional Vice President Operations UK for PPHE Hotel Group (

As always, we get through a lot including early career job titles, big bundles of keys, career catch 22’s, pigeons, refurbs, C&B, choosing your boss, events, awards, busy years, Master Inn Holders, snakes & of course Daniel's excellent career journey so far.

Daniel talks us through his story with such energy and passion, it's clear he's doing what he was born to do. and there's also some cracking anecdotes involving pigeons and snakes.

Apologies for the sound dropping in the odd place.


Show Transcription


hotel, running, banqueting, opportunity, grosvenor house, manager, general manager, years, people, holders, working, property, key, fantastic, gm


Daniel Pedreschi, Phil Street

Phil Street 00:01

Welcome to hospitality meets with me Phil street where we take a light hearted look into the stories and individuals that make up the wonderful world of hospitality. Today's guest is Daniel Pedreschi, Regional Vice President of Operations for the UK at PPHE group. Coming up on today's show... Daniel maps out the two key rules for becoming a successful hotel GM...

Daniel Pedreschi 00:23

Number one, don't burn the hotel down. And number two, don't pee in the flowerpots.

Phil Street 00:29

Phil may have missed something in the news... but there's nothing going on in the world And Daniel highlights that even after 25 years in the business, you've never quite seen it all...

Daniel Pedreschi 00:38

The security guard got a little bit cautious when the guy picked up a snake.

Phil Street 00:42

All that and so much more as Daniel talks us through his story and journey to date with real energy. This was recorded remotely and some occasional sound loss was experienced. So apologies for that. Don't forget to give us a like and a share. Enjoy. Hello and welcome to the next edition of hospitality meets with me Phil Street. Today we go big brand, big hotels, and a big role as we welcome to the show the Regional Vice President of Operations for the UK at PPHE Group. Daniel Pedreschi

Daniel Pedreschi 01:12

Morning, Phil,

Phil Street 01:13

How are you doing?

Daniel Pedreschi 01:14

Yeah, very good. Thank you Now all things considered.

Phil Street 01:17

Yeah. But there's nothing going on in the world is there?

Daniel Pedreschi 01:21

Depends which radio station you listen to

Phil Street 01:24

Its true, actually very true. Yeah. Where in the world are you at the moment?

Daniel Pedreschi 01:29

I'm in sitting this morning in our Park Plaza Victoria. So we've returned to our head office, which is located in the original County Hall buildings just behind the London Eye. And I try and start each morning by just popping into at least one of the properties before I get into the office of bogged down with all the day to day

Phil Street 01:52

Very good, Yeah, well, the sun is out today. It's like we're definitely getting an Indian summer at the moment.

Daniel Pedreschi 01:59

Yeah, most definitely. Thankfully, not as as hot or humid as it had been in August. But it's given us a nice little reminder.

Phil Street 02:08

Yeah, absolutely. Before we head into darkness anyway. Great. Well, as I mentioned in the little preamble, at the beginning, you've you've got certainly on the face of it something of a big role. But I'm guessing you didn't just arrive there must be a bit of a journey and a story to have gotten you there. So perhaps you could take us all the way back to the beginning. And just give us a walkthrough of your, your life so far, you don't have to start at birth, I should say that.

Daniel Pedreschi 02:39

Listen, I think it's been one of the great things about the whole of the lockdown, his people have become very, very creative in terms of their writing, they're reaching out and linking in and one of the things I've seen and all these great LinkedIn, you know, posts that people have put, and of course, other services are available. You know, people saying, you know, I've never been in the industry, 20 years, I've been at 25 years, they talk about how they started in their small local hotel, and local pub up washing all of that without any real desire to make catering or hotel keeping their profession and then become infected. And I'm guilty of all of the above.

Phil Street 03:20


Daniel Pedreschi 03:21

I started at the age of 15, basically, because I wanted to go on a holiday. And my mom said, Okay, if you want to go on the holiday go out and earn the money for it. So I knocked on the door of my local hotel, which is marine Hotel in Sutton and Dublin. And I started off with the glorious titled and what was called a lounge boy,

Phil Street 03:45

That conjures up some images...

Daniel Pedreschi 03:47

You're involved in table service, serving that. And then if you're on the early shift, it would involve stopping the bar cleaning the fires, resetting the farmer. And at one stage, the GM and the exec chefs, we said you seem to enjoy this. And would you ever consider doing it for a career? And at that stage, to be perfectly honest, I'd never thought about hotel keeping as a career, I had to look into it. And I thought Actually, you know what, I think this is right. So I went into the Dublin college a catering as it was then. And I did business studies and Hotel Management. And that really kind of set me on the on the route and fully embedded me, you know, into the industry. So at that stage, then I had to great, do great placements. My first placement I went to America, and I worked in food service there. I got my first exposure. So I work in the laundry department there as well during the summer, came back did my second year. And then I was recruited in Dublin for what was then the London Tara, which was owned by Aer Lingus. So that was in 1987. And that really was the foundation placement for me. So I'd worked in a 30 bed and then suddenly arrive in this 850 bedroom, hotel occupancy, mid 90s amazing leadership of Owen Dillon. That was the year he won, or during my placement period, he won hotelier of the year, we had, I think, two acorn winners, we have the executive housekeeper the Year award. So really, really dynamic property. Love that so much. I asked if I could come back on a management placement scheme. And they said, they didn't have one, they only had schemes for one year, you know, released from college to come back, I went up, I wrote out my own one year training plan. So before I left, I went to HR and knocked on the door and just said, oh, by the way, I said, I'm thinking I'm coming back next June. And I think this is the training programme I'm going to do. But I don't know whether it was a combination of luck, or blind ignorance on my part, but they take me back. After I left and graduated from Cobra Street, I came back and did a fantastic one year training in all around the hotel, every department that you can think of, and at the end of that, then I joined the duty management team. So it's, and it's something I still joke about with some of my colleagues, you know, from those days, because at 22 years of age, you were handed the biggest bunch of keys, or jangly or pre electronic locks. And you were given at least one pager sometimes to if somebody needed not stops for an hour or so. And then you became the duty manager of that hotel. And again, I think I think it was that whole seeing the opportunity rather than the pitfalls. And I had an amazing 18 months or so there working as a manager, include night management shifts, with a great, great team, you know, fantastic structure.

Phil Street 07:02

I think that's a key point on attitude. You know, that's, it's a hell of a lot of responsibility for a young person in inverted commas to take on. But you know, you I suppose you do look at these things in in one of two ways you either look at and go, Oh, my God, that's beyond me. Or you look at it and go, Wow, look at the opportunity I've been given. And it seems that you've, you took the latter approach.

Daniel Pedreschi 07:29

This is all of the duty managers in there. And they were generally six of us working at the time. It was we were all the same. We'd all graduated, we were all the same age, but I suppose that also reflect on the faith that the company had a particularly own Dillon in growing and developing all of us as young managers.

Phil Street 07:50


Daniel Pedreschi 07:51

So yeah, I agree, I think but it was, I was able to avail of a fantastic opportunity, a fantastic setup, Fantastic ethos that was there. So you know, no, I battled against the odds. And everything was against me. It wasn't it was it was a very, it was a very smooth road to come down.

Phil Street 08:12

Yeah. And I guess, equally as important as having a leadership team who are happy to impart responsibility on those who don't necessarily have the experience. because how else did you get the experience? right?

Daniel Pedreschi 08:26

Correct. And you've nailed it in one Phil That, to me was the real opportunity. And I suppose the next thing then it's actually quite relevant to the situation we find ourselves in now because the company in the interim had been bought out by Copthorne. And they just opened the Copthorne Hotel in Slough. And that had opened and forgive me on the timing, but almost immediately after the opening of the hotel, there was the advent of the first Gulf War. Well, I when I when I talk about the first Gulf War, particularly with you know, my mouse 9192 they kind of got what a has ever been go for. And then was there more than one, which, which puts everything into relevance. And what happened then was the hotel was restructured in terms of the leadership team, because it couldn't sustain the opening team. And five of us were moved out from the what was then the Copthorne, Tara, and we were given ptld positions running the hotel, right. And that continued for three years. So we that was my first position then as a reception manager. So I run reception for a year, massive shock in whereas previously, as a duty manager when you finish your shift, as long as your log is written up, you've everything left you hand over your keys and your pager and you go off on your merry way. And that was the first real shock insofar as well. I had responsibility and you know, it didn't And like nobody to hand it over to. Yeah. So the three fantastic use there. So I spent my first year as manager, second year as front office manager. So I got night and the night auditor. And then the next year then I was made front of house manager. So yeah, again, fantastic opportunity, the times that we're in it, we all had to multi skill. So we would, depending on the day of the week and the pattern of arrival, I could quite as equally be the breakfast host welcoming everybody in until breakfast finished. And then Ben jump on the desk. Or if we had something in the evening, you do the bar, you know, the pre the pre dinner bar and conferencing, and then move over. So yeah, great, great time really, really enjoyed us. And then I started I made a change. And I moved over to the running meet Hotel in sorry, yeah. And I work there because my career to that stage I spent more or less five years in front. So I wanted to get back into food and beverage again, at a more senior level than I'd been when I was working through college. So I did just under a year in the running beaten sorry, as a bar and lounge manager, which was a fantastic experience. And if nothing else, you convinced me that it's different courses for different horses. And the challenge of running a an operation on the banks of the Thames that was absolutely entirely weather dependent. So if the sun wasn't shining, you were really busy. And on a on a Sunday or a Saturday, if the sun Sean and everybody decided to run the grand dad for a drive around the Riverton old Park, and come to us for afternoon tea or an early dinner, then you were beyond?

Phil Street 12:00

Yeah, I can imagine. I've actually seen that that hotel from the water have gone past it in a narrow boat. Yeah, it's just what an aspect it has.

Daniel Pedreschi 12:12

Listen, it was it was absolutely fantastic. And I think you know, in terms of the levy brothers, when they took it and how they developed it, you can see then how they took that footprint and used it for how they develop the growth. So you know, when I see the growth and the success of that and and the service offering, you can trace its DNA back to the running meat. Right. So that was there. Then I moved over for the first of my two stints in Grosvenor house. So I was fortunate I got the opportunity to go in as banqueting manager number six, right. So

Phil Street 12:48

That sounds like when people are handing out parts in theatre, the you know, your your banqueting manager number six, which means that there were many more people in front of you

Daniel Pedreschi 13:00

No, most definitely and, you know, I, I think if you think about the early 90s, in terms of the formality, the structure, Tails until six engine at six o'clock, into only with your rose, whether you were on the floor or just sitting in the office, doing admin, but it was a remarkable opportunity. You were given each anchoring role had specific responsibilities. So I was responsible for all of the private receptions that would happen before an event in the in the great room. There were up to 36 small suites, you may have to have private receptions in all of those.

Phil Street 13:46

I was gonna say, the facilities there are extensive

Daniel Pedreschi 13:50


Phil Street 13:51

In that department aren't they

Daniel Pedreschi 13:52

Yeah. So you know, it was it was a massive, massive eye opener for me, you know, thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed that. In the last four months. There was a vacancy in the liquid department. So I ran the liquid to prop banqueting liquid department for profit, I think was about four months until the new incumbent came through. And I think and again, the numbers may have made me I think, at that stage, it was somewhere between an eight and 10 million pound liquor business was in there

Phil Street 14:19


Daniel Pedreschi 14:20

Something like that

Phil Street 14:21

All of this is, you probably maybe didn't realise that at the time. Or maybe you did, I don't know. But you're, you're just kind of chipping away at little extra bits of experience that I'm guessing you'll ultimately make a big difference in to your knowledge of the business and how you can lead etc, etc. But did you know it at the time, were you conscious of making these decisions, or did they just kind of happen to you?

Daniel Pedreschi 14:45

I think because I always viewed myself as an operator. I always I was always of the opinion that you couldn't lead unless you could operate. Yeah. And and that that was something that probably it came from came from my father You know, just listen listening to him his work environment and what he was doing in terms of those who could who knew what they were talking about. And those who those who didn't. So I think for me, that was the important thing that I needed to know how to do it properly. It was they were relatively easy, easy decisions to make. So because of a great organisations, they were working with great people. And I suppose one thing I would say to people, you know, go, who's your boss, who you're going to work for? So who is it who's going to be able to offer you opportunities, see what potential you have and fly top cover for you as and when it's required? You know, I think one of the challenges occasionally is that people are put in the position where they make a mistake. You know, if I'm firmly of the opinion of somebody who works for me and make some mistake, what's my responsibility in them making the mistake? Yeah. And you know, one of one of the principles we've got is, you know, it wasn't a man, it wasn't a management decision. Yeah, Yes, it was. So did you answer the stakeholders? Did you have a look at it, you assess the opportunities, everything else? Okay, go wrong. Okay, fine. Did you learn Yeah, slash return, move on. And I suppose, you know, that was the thing for me. I was really able to learn so that period in Grosvenor house, I was working under Andrew coy. You know, for anybody in the banqueting worlds, and I will talk to the younger banqueting members that we have now, when they talk about innovation and what they've learned. You can almost draw a spider's web. And most of the key banqueting managers in London at some stage have all worked under Andrew Coyne. Right. So you know, I learned a lot my trade desperately under him. He moved then to one Whitehall place was in the national liberal club in Whitehall, adjacent and connected to the Royal Horseguards Hotel. And it had been the floors have been abandoned for a number of years. So when I went into the show round, there, were actually pigeons flying in the banqueting rooms. So I signed up with him on a one year contract as the pre opening operations manager. So so the whole way through construction, working all of that, so designing the spec, what did we want it to be? Again, Mr. Peel, from Thistle gave us a great opportunity to say okay, we don't have anything five star in the portfolio, you guys are going to come in. So there was five of us left Grosvenor house and went in at that stage to run it. Wow. a hell of a leap of faith, again, but made very, very simple in terms of the faith of Mr. Peel in terms of fissile and his vision as to what he wanted to be. And then the the move with Andrew coy And Mark Gannon, who was his number two there, and my immediate boss, in terms of how we were going to do it. Yeah, great, great opportunity. We saw it the whole way through right from construction. The I actually spent my gardening leave from Grosvenor house with the building firm, because they weren't able to take me on in my role as ops manager. And I just said, Well, listen, I'm free for a month if you're stuck for anything, and I got a call the next day. So I went and worked for the for the builders as a labour. So we got it up. We got it set and running. And that was absolutely fantastic, did it and then towards the end of my year, I got a call from Benny and say, dude, I want to go back to the...


Phil Street:

Welcome to hospitality meets with me Phil

Phil Street:

street where we take a light hearted look into the stories

Phil Street:

and individuals that make up the wonderful world of hospitality.

Phil Street:

Today's guest is Daniel Pedreschi, Regional Vice

Phil Street:

President of Operations for the UK at PPHE group. Coming up on

Phil Street:

today's show...

Phil Street:

Daniel maps out the two key rules for becoming a successful

Phil Street:

hotel GM...

Simon Esner:

Number one, don't burn the hotel down. And number

Simon Esner:

two, don't pee in the flowerpots.

Phil Street:

Phil may have missed something in the news...

Phil Street:

but there's nothing going on in the world

Phil Street:

And Daniel highlights that even after 25 years in the business,

Phil Street:

you've never quite seen it all...

Simon Esner:

The security guard got a little bit cautious when

Simon Esner:

the guy picked up a snake.

Phil Street:

All that and so much more as Daniel talks us

Phil Street:

through his story and journey to date with real energy. This was

Phil Street:

recorded remotely and some occasional sound loss was

Phil Street:

experienced. So apologies for that. Don't forget to give us a

Phil Street:

like and a share. Enjoy.

Phil Street:

Hello and welcome to the next edition of hospitality meets

Phil Street:

with me Phil Street. Today we go big brand, big hotels, and a big

Phil Street:

role as we welcome to the show the Regional Vice President of

Phil Street:

Operations for the UK at PPHE Group. Daniel Pedreschi

Simon Esner:

Morning, Phil,

Phil Street:

how you doing?

Simon Esner:

Yeah, very good. Thank you Now all things

Simon Esner:


Phil Street:

Yeah. But there's nothing going on in the world is

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

Depends which radio station you listen to

Phil Street:

Its true, actually very true. Yeah. Where in the

Phil Street:

world are you at the moment?

Simon Esner:

I'm in sitting this morning in our Park Plaza

Simon Esner:

Victoria. So we've returned to our head office, which is

Simon Esner:

located in the original County Hall buildings just behind the

Simon Esner:

London Eye. And I try and start each morning by just popping

Simon Esner:

into at least one of the properties before I get into the

Simon Esner:

office of bogged down with all the day to day

Phil Street:

Very good, Yeah, well, the sun is out today. It's

Phil Street:

like we're definitely getting an Indian summer at the moment.

Simon Esner:

Yeah, most definitely. Thankfully, not as

Simon Esner:

as hot or humid as it had been in August. But it's given us a

Simon Esner:

nice little reminder.

Phil Street:

Yeah, absolutely. Before we head into darkness

Phil Street:

anyway. Great. Well, as I mentioned in the little

Phil Street:

preamble, at the beginning, you've you've got certainly on

Phil Street:

the face of it something of a big role. But I'm guessing you

Phil Street:

didn't just arrive there must be a bit of a journey and a story

Phil Street:

to have gotten you there. So perhaps you could take us all

Phil Street:

the way back to the beginning. And just give us a walkthrough

Phil Street:

of your, your life so far, you don't have to start at birth, I

Phil Street:

should say that.

Simon Esner:

Listen, I think it's been one of the great

Simon Esner:

things about the whole of the lockdown, his people have become

Simon Esner:

very, very creative in terms of their writing, they're reaching

Simon Esner:

out and linking in and one of the things I've seen and all

Simon Esner:

these great LinkedIn, you know, posts that people have put, and

Simon Esner:

of course, other services are available. You know, people

Simon Esner:

saying, you know, I've never been in the industry, 20 years,

Simon Esner:

I've been at 25 years, they talk about how they started in their

Simon Esner:

small local hotel, and local pub up washing all of that without

Simon Esner:

any real desire to make catering or hotel keeping their

Simon Esner:

profession and then become infected. And I'm guilty of all

Simon Esner:

of the above.

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

I started at the age of 15, basically, because I

Simon Esner:

wanted to go on a holiday. And my mom said, Okay, if you want

Simon Esner:

to go on the holiday go out and earn the money for it. So I

Simon Esner:

knocked on the door of my local hotel, which is marine Hotel in

Simon Esner:

Sutton and Dublin. And I started off with the glorious titled and

Simon Esner:

what was called a lounge boy,

Phil Street:

That conjures up some images...

Simon Esner:

You're involved in table service, serving that. And

Simon Esner:

then if you're on the early shift, it would involve stopping

Simon Esner:

the bar cleaning the fires, resetting the farmer. And at one

Simon Esner:

stage, the GM and the exec chefs, we said you seem to enjoy

Simon Esner:

this. And would you ever consider doing it for a career?

Simon Esner:

And at that stage, to be perfectly honest, I'd never

Simon Esner:

thought about hotel keeping as a career, I had to look into it.

Simon Esner:

And I thought Actually, you know what, I think this is right. So

Simon Esner:

I went into the Dublin college a catering as it was then. And I

Simon Esner:

did business studies and Hotel Management. And that really kind

Simon Esner:

of set me on the on the route and fully embedded me, you know,

Simon Esner:

into the industry. So at that stage, then I had to great, do

Simon Esner:

great placements. My first placement I went to America, and

Simon Esner:

I worked in food service there. I got my first exposure. So I

Simon Esner:

work in the laundry department there as well during the summer,

Simon Esner:

came back did my second year. And then I was recruited in

Simon Esner:

Dublin for what was then the London Tara, which was owned by

Simon Esner:

Aer Lingus. So that was in 1987. And that really was the

Simon Esner:

foundation placement for me. So I'd worked in a 30 bed and then

Simon Esner:

suddenly arrive in this 850 bedroom, hotel occupancy, mid

Simon Esner:

90s amazing leadership of Owen Dillon. That was the year he

Simon Esner:

won, or during my placement period, he won hotelier of the

Simon Esner:

year, we had, I think, two acorn winners, we have the executive

Simon Esner:

housekeeper the Year award. So really, really dynamic property.

Simon Esner:

Love that so much. I asked if I could come back on a management

Simon Esner:

placement scheme. And they said, they didn't have one, they only

Simon Esner:

had schemes for one year, you know, released from college to

Simon Esner:

come back, I went up, I wrote out my own one year training

Simon Esner:

plan. So before I left, I went to HR and knocked on the door

Simon Esner:

and just said, oh, by the way, I said, I'm thinking I'm coming

Simon Esner:

back next June. And I think this is the training programme I'm

Simon Esner:

going to do. But I don't know whether it was a combination of

Simon Esner:

luck, or blind ignorance on my part, but they take me back.

Simon Esner:

After I left and graduated from Cobra Street, I came back and

Simon Esner:

did a fantastic one year training in all around the

Simon Esner:

hotel, every department that you can think of, and at the end of

Simon Esner:

that, then I joined the duty management team. So it's, and

Simon Esner:

it's something I still joke about with some of my

Simon Esner:

colleagues, you know, from those days, because at 22 years of

Simon Esner:

age, you were handed the biggest bunch of keys, or jangly or pre

Simon Esner:

electronic locks. And you were given at least one pager

Simon Esner:

sometimes to if somebody needed not stops for an hour or so. And

Simon Esner:

then you became the duty manager of that hotel. And again, I

Simon Esner:

think I think it was that whole seeing the opportunity rather

Simon Esner:

than the pitfalls. And I had an amazing 18 months or so there

Simon Esner:

working as a manager, include night management shifts, with a

Simon Esner:

great, great team, you know, fantastic structure.

Phil Street:

I think that's a key point on attitude. You know,

Phil Street:

that's, it's a hell of a lot of responsibility for a young

Phil Street:

person in inverted commas to take on. But you know, you I

Phil Street:

suppose you do look at these things in in one of two ways you

Phil Street:

either look at and go, Oh, my God, that's beyond me. Or you

Phil Street:

look at it and go, Wow, look at the opportunity I've been given.

Phil Street:

And it seems that you've, you took the latter approach.

Simon Esner:

This is all of the duty managers in there. And they

Simon Esner:

were generally six of us working at the time. It was we were all

Simon Esner:

the same. We'd all graduated, we were all the same age, but I

Simon Esner:

suppose that also reflect on the faith that the company had a

Simon Esner:

particularly own Dillon in growing and developing all of us

Simon Esner:

as young managers.

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

So yeah, I agree, I think but it was, I was able to

Simon Esner:

avail of a fantastic opportunity, a fantastic setup,

Simon Esner:

Fantastic ethos that was there. So you know, no, I battled

Simon Esner:

against the odds. And everything was against me. It wasn't it was

Simon Esner:

it was a very, it was a very smooth road to come down.

Phil Street:

Yeah. And I guess, equally as important as having a

Phil Street:

leadership team who are happy to impart responsibility on those

Phil Street:

who don't necessarily have the experience. because how else did

Phil Street:

you get the experience? right?

Simon Esner:

Correct. And you've nailed it in one Phil That, to

Simon Esner:

me was the real opportunity. And I suppose the next thing then

Simon Esner:

it's actually quite relevant to the situation we find ourselves

Simon Esner:

in now because the company in the interim had been bought out

Simon Esner:

by optim. And they just opened the Copthorne Hotel in Sao. And

Simon Esner:

that had opened and forgive me on the timing, but almost

Simon Esner:

immediately after the opening of the hotel, there was the advent

Simon Esner:

of the first Gulf War. Well, I when I when I talk about the

Simon Esner:

first Gulf War, particularly with you know, my mouse 9192

Simon Esner:

they kind of got what a has ever been go for. And then was there

Simon Esner:

more than one, which, which puts everything into relevance. And

Simon Esner:

what happened then was the hotel was restructured in terms of the

Simon Esner:

leadership team, because it couldn't sustain the opening

Simon Esner:

team. And five of us were moved out from the what was then the

Simon Esner:

Copthorne, Tara, and we were given ptld positions running the

Simon Esner:

hotel, right. And that continued for three years. So we that was

Simon Esner:

my first position then as a reception manager. So I run

Simon Esner:

reception for a year, massive shock in whereas previously, as

Simon Esner:

a duty manager when you finish your shift, as long as your log

Simon Esner:

is written up, you've everything left you hand over your keys and

Simon Esner:

your pager and you go off on your merry way. And that was the

Simon Esner:

first real shock insofar as well. I had responsibility and

Simon Esner:

you know, it didn't And like nobody to hand it over to. Yeah.

Simon Esner:

So the three fantastic use there. So I spent my first year

Simon Esner:

as manager, second year as front office manager. So I got night

Simon Esner:

and the night auditor. And then the next year then I was made

Simon Esner:

front of house manager. So yeah, again, fantastic opportunity,

Simon Esner:

the times that we're in it, we all had to multi skill. So we

Simon Esner:

would, depending on the day of the week and the pattern of

Simon Esner:

arrival, I could quite as equally be the breakfast host

Simon Esner:

welcoming everybody in until breakfast finished. And then Ben

Simon Esner:

jump on the desk. Or if we had something in the evening, you do

Simon Esner:

the bar, you know, the pre the pre dinner bar and conferencing,

Simon Esner:

and then move over. So yeah, great, great time really, really

Simon Esner:

enjoyed us. And then I started I made a change. And I moved over

Simon Esner:

to the running meet Hotel in sorry, yeah. And I work there

Simon Esner:

because my career to that stage I spent more or less five years

Simon Esner:

in front. So I wanted to get back into food and beverage

Simon Esner:

again, at a more senior level than I'd been when I was working

Simon Esner:

through college. So I did just under a year in the running

Simon Esner:

beaten sorry, as a bar and lounge manager, which was a

Simon Esner:

fantastic experience. And if nothing else, you convinced me

Simon Esner:

that it's different courses for different horses. And the

Simon Esner:

challenge of running a an operation on the banks of the

Simon Esner:

Thames that was absolutely entirely weather dependent. So

Simon Esner:

if the sun wasn't shining, you were really busy. And on a on a

Simon Esner:

Sunday or a Saturday, if the sun Sean and everybody decided to

Simon Esner:

run the granddad for a drive around the riverton old Park,

Simon Esner:

and come to us for afternoon tea or an early dinner, then you

Simon Esner:

were beyond?

Phil Street:

Yeah, I can imagine. I've actually seen that

Phil Street:

that hotel from the water have gone past it in a narrow boat.

Phil Street:

Yeah, it's just what an aspect it has.

Simon Esner:

Listen, it was it was absolutely fantastic. And I

Simon Esner:

think you know, in terms of the levy brothers, when they took it

Simon Esner:

and how they developed it, you can see then how they took that

Simon Esner:

footprint and used it for how they develop the growth. So you

Simon Esner:

know, when I see the growth and the success of that and and the

Simon Esner:

service offering, you can trace its DNA back to the running

Simon Esner:

meat. Right. So that was there. Then I moved over for the first

Simon Esner:

of my two stints in Grosvenor house. So I was fortunate I got

Simon Esner:

the opportunity to go in as banqueting manager number six,

Simon Esner:

right. So

Phil Street:

That sounds like when people are handing out

Phil Street:

parts in theatre, the you know, your your banqueting manager

Phil Street:

number six, which means that there were many more people in

Phil Street:

front of you

Simon Esner:

No, most definitely and, you know, I, I think if you

Simon Esner:

think about the early 90s, in terms of the formality, the

Simon Esner:

structure, Tails until six engine at six o'clock, into only

Simon Esner:

with your rose, whether you were on the floor or just sitting in

Simon Esner:

the office, doing admin, but it was a remarkable opportunity.

Simon Esner:

You were given each anchoring role had specific

Simon Esner:

responsibilities. So I was responsible for all of the

Simon Esner:

private receptions that would happen before an event in the in

Simon Esner:

the great room. There were up to 36 small suites, you may have to

Simon Esner:

have private receptions in all of those.

Phil Street:

I was gonna say, the facilities there are

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:


Phil Street:

In that department aren't they

Simon Esner:

Yeah. So you know, it was it was a massive, massive

Simon Esner:

eye opener for me, you know, thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed

Simon Esner:

that. In the last four months. There was a vacancy in the

Simon Esner:

liquid department. So I ran the liquid to prop banqueting liquid

Simon Esner:

department for profit, I think was about four months until the

Simon Esner:

new incumbent came through. And I think and again, the numbers

Simon Esner:

may have made me I think, at that stage, it was somewhere

Simon Esner:

between an eight and 10 million pound liquor business was in

Simon Esner:


Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

Something like that

Phil Street:

All of this is, you probably maybe didn't realise

Phil Street:

that at the time. Or maybe you did, I don't know. But you're,

Phil Street:

you're just kind of chipping away at little extra bits of

Phil Street:

experience that I'm guessing you'll ultimately make a big

Phil Street:

difference in to your knowledge of the business and how you can

Phil Street:

lead etc, etc. But did you know it at the time, were you

Phil Street:

conscious of making these decisions, or did they just kind

Simon Esner:

I think because I always viewed myself as an

Simon Esner:

of happen to you?

Simon Esner:

operator. I always I was always of the opinion that you couldn't

Simon Esner:

lead unless you could operate. Yeah. And and that that was

Simon Esner:

something that probably it came from came from my father You

Simon Esner:

know, just listen listening to him his work environment and

Simon Esner:

what he was doing in terms of those who could who knew what

Simon Esner:

they were talking about. And those who those who didn't. So I

Simon Esner:

think for me, that was the important thing that I needed to

Simon Esner:

know how to do it properly. It was they were relatively easy,

Simon Esner:

easy decisions to make. So because of a great

Simon Esner:

organisations, they were working with great people. And I suppose

Simon Esner:

one thing I would say to people, you know, go, who's your boss,

Simon Esner:

who you're going to work for? So who is it who's going to be able

Simon Esner:

to offer you opportunities, see what potential you have and fly

Simon Esner:

top cover for you as and when it's required? You know, I think

Simon Esner:

one of the challenges occasionally is that people are

Simon Esner:

put in the position where they make a mistake. You know, if I'm

Simon Esner:

firmly of the opinion of somebody who works for me and

Simon Esner:

make some mistake, what's my responsibility in them making

Simon Esner:

the mistake? Yeah. And you know, one of one of the principles

Simon Esner:

we've got is, you know, it wasn't a man, it wasn't a

Simon Esner:

management decision. Yeah, Yes, it was. So did you answer the

Simon Esner:

stakeholders? Did you have a look at it, you assess the

Simon Esner:

opportunities, everything else? Okay, go wrong. Okay, fine. Did

Simon Esner:

you learn Yeah, slash return, move on. And I suppose, you

Simon Esner:

know, that was the thing for me. I was really able to learn so

Simon Esner:

that period in Grosvenor house, I was working under Andrew coy.

Simon Esner:

You know, for anybody in the banqueting worlds, and I will

Simon Esner:

talk to the younger banqueting members that we have now, when

Simon Esner:

they talk about innovation and what they've learned. You can

Simon Esner:

almost draw a spider's web. And most of the key banqueting

Simon Esner:

managers in London at some stage have all worked under Andrew

Simon Esner:

Coyne. Right. So you know, I learned a lot my trade

Simon Esner:

desperately under him. He moved then to one Whitehall place was

Simon Esner:

in the national liberal club in Whitehall, adjacent and

Simon Esner:

connected to the Royal horseguards Hotel. And it had

Simon Esner:

been the floors have been abandoned for a number of years.

Simon Esner:

So when I went into the show round, there, were actually

Simon Esner:

pigeons flying in the banqueting rooms. So I signed up with him

Simon Esner:

on a one year contract as the pre opening operations manager.

Simon Esner:

So so the whole way through construction, working all of

Simon Esner:

that, so designing the spec, what did we want it to be?

Simon Esner:

Again, Mr. Peel, from Thistle gave us a great opportunity to

Simon Esner:

say okay, we don't have anything five star in the portfolio, you

Simon Esner:

guys are going to come in. So there was five of us left

Simon Esner:

Grosvenor house and went in at that stage to run it. Wow. a

Simon Esner:

hell of a leap of faith, again, but made very, very simple in

Simon Esner:

terms of the faith of Mr. Peel in terms of fissile and his

Simon Esner:

vision as to what he wanted to be. And then the the move with

Simon Esner:

Andrew coy And Mark Gannon, who was his number two there, and my

Simon Esner:

immediate boss, in terms of how we were going to do it. Yeah,

Simon Esner:

great, great opportunity. We saw it the whole way through right

Simon Esner:

from construction. The I actually spent my gardening

Simon Esner:

leave from Grosvenor house with the building firm, because they

Simon Esner:

weren't able to take me on in my role as ops manager. And I just

Simon Esner:

said, Well, listen, I'm free for a month if you're stuck for

Simon Esner:

anything, and I got a call the next day. So I went and worked

Simon Esner:

for the for the builders as a labour. So we got it up. We got

Simon Esner:

it set and running. And that was absolutely fantastic, did it and

Simon Esner:

then towards the end of my year, I got a call from Benny and say,

Simon Esner:

dude, I want to go back to the company. And at that stage, the

Simon Esner:

Millennium Bally's hotel was at its first refurb and was

Simon Esner:

converted into a boutique hotel. So was really one of the new

Simon Esner:

boutique hotels at the time

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

So I had the opportunity to go there, the

Simon Esner:

Millennium Gloucester next door along with the Millenium

Simon Esner:

conference centre. So I was hired and I went back as the

Simon Esner:

front of house manager for the complex. So I ran the two

Simon Esner:

reception teams, portraits, concierge, everything, both

Simon Esner:

properties. So again, combined, just under just over 800

Simon Esner:

bedrooms. I did that for I think about 15 months and then I was

Simon Esner:

asked if I wanted to become the Operations Manager just for

Simon Esner:

Bailey's itself. And so I took over as Operations Manager for

Simon Esner:

Bailey's. So I was responsible for all of the food and beverage

Simon Esner:

and the front office. And I think after about a year I was

Simon Esner:

asked then if I would be the food and beverage director for

Simon Esner:

complex working alongside Chris Thompson, who's now at the

Simon Esner:

Mandarin Oriental. And so he was heading up the Millennium

Simon Esner:

Conference Centre. And if I'd worked alongside him as the

Simon Esner:

director of food and beverage for the complex, so did that for

Simon Esner:

again approximately a year. So I spent just four years on complex

Simon Esner:

there and then I got the call to ask If I wanted to go back to

Simon Esner:

Grosvenor house, I was the director of food and beverage

Simon Esner:

operations, right. So for just over five years after I'd left

Simon Esner:

Grosvenor house, I returned then, and that was where there

Simon Esner:

was a significant structural change. Previously, you had

Simon Esner:

three very distinct businesses that operated in Grosvenor

Simon Esner:

house, you had conference and banqueting. You had 86 Park

Simon Esner:

Lane, the 22, beautifully appointed small meeting rooms on

Simon Esner:

the first floor, and then you had the food and beverage offer.

Simon Esner:

And they all had their separate structures, separate directors

Simon Esner:

and operated under the very dynamic Paolo be shown he, he

Simon Esner:

wanted to unite the three of them. So I came as the director

Simon Esner:

of food and beverage operations, working under poor bidgood, who

Simon Esner:

had just a bad stage done the reorganisation of cafe royal. I

Simon Esner:

stayed at Grosvenor house, then for three years and eventually

Simon Esner:

went when Paul moved and relocated to Australia, I became

Simon Esner:

the director of food and beverage there. So fantastic

Simon Esner:

time, lots of change. And And again, it's another period of

Simon Esner:

what happens when there's massive uncertainty in the

Simon Esner:

marketplace. And what happened then Phil was, that was during

Simon Esner:

the period of 911.

Phil Street:

Right, okay

Simon Esner:

And that was momentous on different

Simon Esner:

occasions, because it was also the date of the birth of my

Simon Esner:


Phil Street:

Oh, wow.

Simon Esner:

She was actually born on the morning.

Phil Street:

So you remember it for two reasons.

Simon Esner:

Most definitely do. And what happened, then,

Simon Esner:

obviously, the financial shock that came with the back of that.

Simon Esner:

And you may remember that was at the period with the Royal Bank

Simon Esner:

of Scotland

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

Where they had compiled this massive portfolio

Simon Esner:

with Le Meridian. The Grosvenor house was rebranded the

Simon Esner:

Meridian, a whole host of hotels were included in that deal, the

Simon Esner:

walled off was there at the Cumberland was involved.

Phil Street:

I'd actually forgotten about that.

Simon Esner:

Yeah. And working, then in parallel with Keith and

Simon Esner:

Chris Cooper at restaurant associates, the buzzword of the

Simon Esner:

period then was about sticking to core activity. So the

Simon Esner:

principle was that the food and beverage would go to a

Simon Esner:

specialist and restaurants associate, we're going to take

Simon Esner:

over from memory, I think there were 18 hotels in the London

Simon Esner:

portfolio, they were going to run all the food and beverage in

Simon Esner:

that, which meant then that the hotel operators and the general

Simon Esner:

managers would just concentrate on their key function, which was

Simon Esner:

a combination

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

So the first hotel that came over was the Waldorf

Simon Esner:

Hotel. So the reorganisation of that the new food and beverage

Simon Esner:

concepts of restaurants associated all of that. And then

Simon Esner:

one of the next ones to go was to be the Cumberland and closely

Simon Esner:

followed by Grosvenor house. So I was very fortunate, I got a

Simon Esner:

tap on the shoulder from restaurants associates, and they

Simon Esner:

said to me, Well, listen, you know, we're going to be taking

Simon Esner:

over all of the food and beverage anyway. So your

Simon Esner:

position won't exist in Grosvenor house, would you like

Simon Esner:

to come across and help us in restaurants associated become an

Simon Esner:


Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

With the world wild as we take everything over? So I

Simon Esner:

said, Yeah,

Phil Street:

Very interesting project, I guess.

Simon Esner:

Yeah, it was because that was the direction

Simon Esner:

of travel at that time, you know, all of the buzz words, all

Simon Esner:

of the consultants, that was the future of the industry, right.

Simon Esner:

And you know, it again, I suppose you you come to another

Simon Esner:

juncture in the road where you know, you're at a crossroads or

Simon Esner:

that you're at a why, okay, I can stay and become the

Simon Esner:

traditional, or it's very clearly this is how the

Simon Esner:

direction and how things are going. And I have an opportunity

Simon Esner:

to get in there right at the very, very beginning and get on

Simon Esner:

board on that. And, you know, the whole team at restaurant

Simon Esner:

associates are pulled together again, goes back to the

Simon Esner:

leadership piece. You know, I knew Chris at Grosvenor house,

Simon Esner:

because the reason I became banqueting number of managers

Simon Esner:

think he was banqueting manager number three, and he moved on.

Simon Esner:

So we're looking for a slot. I worked with Chris during his

Simon Esner:

notice period, and you know, this really impressed with him.

Simon Esner:

So for me, it was very simple. And it goes back to the whole

Simon Esner:

thing about choosing your boss. Yeah. So what they said then was

Simon Esner:

okay, well, first and foremost, you have to be a unit manager

Simon Esner:

and moving over into, you know, in essence, a contract catering

Simon Esner:

company, brand new for me, I hadn't done it previously. So he

Simon Esner:

said, Well, we only have one five star venue that's currently

Simon Esner:

in our portfolio. And that was Somerset House. Right. So I

Simon Esner:

moved over then as General Manager catering for Somerset

Simon Esner:

House, which again, in point to think of the time 2000 And

Simon Esner:

three, the public courtyard with the fountains. And that was a

Simon Esner:

millennium project. Number one, remember that period when all

Simon Esner:

that money was splashed, and all of the big projects that was one

Simon Esner:

of those, so it was still very, very new. Sinead melotti

Simon Esner:

sketched a solution, great heights. She was the first

Simon Esner:

general manager in there and really put on what it was superb

Simon Esner:

events, superb qualities. So it was very easy for me to slip in,

Simon Esner:

and just try and try and maintain the fantastic work that

Simon Esner:

they're so I was at Somerset House for three years. And of

Simon Esner:

course, that was during the period lots and lots of pop ups.

Simon Esner:

So again, that's something else. That's a very common vernacular.

Simon Esner:

But at the period when I went there, our pups weren't. So we

Simon Esner:

would have the pop up summer terrorists, which would be

Simon Esner:

introduced in and around Easter to anyone that fell through mid

Simon Esner:

September, or next weeks. And then the next pop up was the ice

Simon Esner:

rink cafe. So that would always be open by the last week in

Simon Esner:

November, carried through to the very last week in January. And

Simon Esner:

during the summer, then we would have the popcorn. So I think at

Simon Esner:

the height there were two or three of them in two different

Simon Esner:

sets, running through in parallel to all these absolutely

Simon Esner:

fantastic high high level corporate events, either in the

Simon Esner:

courtyard with marquees or in the Siemens waiting Hall. So in

Simon Esner:

addition to that, we had a Morgan Mannier he was running

Simon Esner:

the Admiralty restaurant, you know a fantastic chef, he was

Simon Esner:

there. We had the Admiralty deli. So a retail offer that was

Simon Esner:

involved there. You know, very, very dynamic, very seasonal,

Simon Esner:

lots of things coming up. And yeah, I learned a massive,

Simon Esner:

massive amount

Phil Street:

I was gonna say a little bit of a different focus

Phil Street:

for you a different way of doing things but nevertheless, you

Phil Street:

know, I making you more rounded as the days go by.

Simon Esner:

Yeah. And I think at four o'clock in the morning

Simon Esner:

when I was packing away the bars after a pop concerts, Looking

Simon Esner:

for this is helping me.

Phil Street:

Yeah (Laughs)

Simon Esner:

Yeah, this this is doing me some good in terms of

Simon Esner:

that. No, that was that was a that was a fantastic opportunity

Simon Esner:

in terms of that. And off the back of that then I had the

Simon Esner:

opportunity to get back into mainstream hotels and large

Simon Esner:

scale banqueting. And I had the opportunity to go and run the

Simon Esner:

cafe royal as it was, prior to its closure.

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

running that with Le Meridian, Piccadilly, so

Simon Esner:

under and under Anna Dowling was the general manager for both.

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

15,16 months exclusively at the Cafe Royal.

Simon Esner:

And then I moved over as the EAM to Le Meridian, Piccadilly, with

Simon Esner:

the kind of overview of the Cafe Royal when number two there Paul

Simon Esner:

Boon stepped up. And we managed the Cafe Royal through to

Simon Esner:

closure and return back to the crown in advance of the

Simon Esner:

construction work that was done before the hotel itself was

Simon Esner:


Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

So that was fine. That took me up to the financial

Simon Esner:

crisis in 2000 and 2009. And then the position was made

Simon Esner:

redundant in liberating Piccadilly. So I had a period

Simon Esner:

when I was off, before I was invited back by Starwood to

Simon Esner:

start with the parent company. And I was invited to join the

Simon Esner:

procurement team. So that was the period when Turnberry were

Simon Esner:

just finishing or Starwood refurbishment. So I was doing

Simon Esner:

some assisting, not a huge amount during the time I was

Simon Esner:

there. Again, that was another great experience growing up and

Simon Esner:

seeing that seeing how we can help them I suppose. your

Simon Esner:

earlier question, Phil, in terms of funding, and I think if I'd

Simon Esner:

ever sat down and wrote a job that my career was heading

Simon Esner:

towards, and the absolute ideal job for me, not desperately

Simon Esner:

trying not to speak in cliches. I think that was the job at

Simon Esner:

Westminster Bridge, because it just pulled everything together.

Simon Esner:

So as 19 bedrooms 36 meeting rooms, a ballroom that we were

Simon Esner:

told could take 800 but that was only because it was mapped

Simon Esner:

incorrectly quite easily take 1200 six different food and

Simon Esner:

beverage outlets, you know, sitting very happily within the

Simon Esner:

opera for Our market in terms of what it was. So that was it. So

Simon Esner:

I joined approximately six months prior to the opening,

Simon Esner:

responsible for ironically, as it turned out all of the

Simon Esner:

procurement for the OS & E to get everything up and running

Simon Esner:

within Park Plaza, they had never opened a hotel of that

Simon Esner:

size. So, under Andrew swindells, who was the

Simon Esner:

Metropole, in Birmingham, he pulled together a team, a number

Simon Esner:

of with either five star experience or large scale hotel

Simon Esner:

experience. And we open mash.

Phil Street:

I remember when it hit the scene to be honest, it

Phil Street:

was like that. Obviously, it's a massive property, but actually

Phil Street:

from the outside, it doesn't look like it's gonna be a huge

Phil Street:

property. It's a it's a bit of a Tardis.

Simon Esner:

No, that's it. I mean, you know, it's very

Simon Esner:

interesting, because I've subsequently got to meet the

Simon Esner:

architect who designed it. And I've had the opportunity to

Simon Esner:

learn, you know, his thoughts and philosophy. So even when

Simon Esner:

you're in the hotel itself, it's deliberately designed and

Simon Esner:

curved, so that you don't see these expansive long corridors.

Simon Esner:

Right. So the longest corridor that you can see, only has 28

Simon Esner:

bedrooms. Right, and that's split on both sides. So very,

Simon Esner:

very cleverly done. Fantastic in terms of how to move people

Simon Esner:

around, you know, with the I was asked to give a presentation to

Simon Esner:

some students a couple of years ago, and on on the day itself. I

Simon Esner:

went on Google, and I looked for population size of towns and

Simon Esner:

cities in the UK. And we figured on the night, I was talking to

Simon Esner:

the students, the price of Westminster Bridge was the 888th

Simon Esner:

largest town or city in the UK.

Phil Street:

That's a fantastic statistic to deliver. That's

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

So that was that. So I ran. I was the hotel

Simon Esner:

manager for two years. And then under swindells, moved up into

Simon Esner:

Chief Operating Officer. And then I was very fortunate mine

Simon Esner:

was made the General Manager. So I was General Manager for six

Simon Esner:

years. And in the interim, then I also became the general

Simon Esner:

manager of the central reservations office. Right. So

Simon Esner:

that was a thing that we created you you may argue by stealth or

Simon Esner:

by accident, because prior to that reservations was located on

Simon Esner:

property on each individual property. But one of the hotels

Simon Esner:

had a GM Soria raised manager and vacancy. So they needed some

Simon Esner:

assistance. We said, Well, why didn't you just pulled come down

Simon Esner:

and sit in our office, and we'll help you there. So they moved in

Simon Esner:

and decided they didn't want to leave, then another hotel had

Simon Esner:

exactly the same. So over the period of a year, all of the

Simon Esner:

London hotels, then we're operating in the reservations

Simon Esner:

office. And so I ran that department as well, for a couple

Simon Esner:

of years. 100 rooms commercial. Yeah. So after six years on

Simon Esner:

there, I had the opportunity to become the regional GM for the

Simon Esner:

UK. So that was responsible just for the hotels themselves, not

Simon Esner:

only the commercial functions. And then 18 months ago, now, I

Simon Esner:

became the VP and in that I took over the commercial functions,

Simon Esner:

and some of the other head of functions as well

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

So Phil, you made the first real mistake in so far

Simon Esner:

as you asked me a very short question. And and unfortunately

Simon Esner:

I've given you I think a 45 minute response from one

Simon Esner:


Phil Street:

(Laughs) That's exactly what what we're, what

Phil Street:

we're looking for is absolutely supposed to be about, about your

Phil Street:

journey and kind of your your decision making. And you know,

Phil Street:

how these things come about, because every journey is

Phil Street:

completely different. And some people, you are benefactors of

Phil Street:

just being in the right place at the right time. Some people

Phil Street:

force the issue. Some people make mistakes before they settle

Phil Street:

on a path. But it seems to me like your journey is it's been

Phil Street:

very much been about almost a mix of kind of whatever life

Phil Street:

throws at you, let's let's give this a go. And it doesn't feel

Phil Street:

like you've made too many career errors. Everything had something

Phil Street:

some part to play in you ending up where you are.

Simon Esner:

You know, it's interesting, quite often when,

Simon Esner:

you know, students ask me and you know, when we do the

Simon Esner:

lectures or anything else that we you know, how do you become a

Simon Esner:

general manager? I said, it's a very, very simple to become a

Simon Esner:

general manager. Yeah, there are only two rules number one, don't

Simon Esner:

burn the hotel down. And number two, don't pee in the

Simon Esner:

flowerpots. So they, they always look at me very, very

Simon Esner:

frequently. And I said, Okay, let me give me give you a little

Simon Esner:

bit more clarity. I don't burn the hotel down. It means you

Simon Esner:

just do The job you're in to the very, very best of your ability,

Simon Esner:

because your boss needs to promote you more than you need

Simon Esner:

to be promoted. Yeah, you know, when you're doing succession

Simon Esner:

planning, when you're doing team building or whatever else, the

Simon Esner:

core issue you've got is, so if you, if you're just dedicated at

Simon Esner:

your job, you just get your head down, you do it, you learn, you

Simon Esner:

know, you fulfil all of the promises, you know, once you get

Simon Esner:

to a certain level, that's, that's you just assume that you

Simon Esner:

understand all of those bits and pieces, but your boss is more

Simon Esner:

concerned about promoting you than you are. Okay. You

Simon Esner:

technically more than you need him. So just don't bring the

Simon Esner:

hotel down. And, you know, in terms of then of the don't pee

Simon Esner:

in the fireball, is integrity.

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

You know, just behave yourself. Resist the

Simon Esner:

temptation, you know. First thing is know what you're doing.

Simon Esner:

You know, it's, you know, I always say, you know,

Simon Esner:

thankfully, I made most of the key mistakes, particularly, you

Simon Esner:

know, in terms of not paying the flowerpots early enough in my

Simon Esner:

career that a gentle tap on the shoulder and whisper in the ear

Simon Esner:

with sufficient I'll be back on track. Yeah, but you know, and

Simon Esner:

it's To me, it's just, it's just very, very clear. Yeah. You

Simon Esner:

know, just Just do your job to the very, very best of your

Simon Esner:


Phil Street:

Yeah, the other thing about that is, if you're

Phil Street:

doing your job to the, to the best of your ability, then, you

Phil Street:

know, if you do step out a line slightly, just because you

Phil Street:

didn't know any better than the likelihood of forgiveness in

Phil Street:

that scenario was much greater. And I say that out of

Phil Street:

experience, because I remember being very young and given my

Phil Street:

first management role, and I was a head down crack on kind of a

Phil Street:

guy and was, was making very, very good progress. And then

Phil Street:

it'll had a moment a lapse in concentration, let's call it

Phil Street:

that. And as you just said, I was, I suppose rather than

Phil Street:

reprimanded, I was given a rap across the knuckles, and that

Phil Street:

was enough to make me realise, you know, that's not the path I

Phil Street:

want to go down.

Simon Esner:

Yeah, listen, you know, it filled the, you know,

Simon Esner:

we we touched on it earlier, if you have a look at the massive,

Simon Esner:

massive responsibility that's available, you know, at a very

Simon Esner:

early stage in your career. Yeah, you know, the potential

Simon Esner:

for all of the pitfalls, better around the, you know, you've got

Simon Esner:

really, really intense, you know, relationships in terms of

Simon Esner:

commitment, the hours people are working on, isn't enough. Mom,

Simon Esner:

as you say, momentarily, lapse of judgement. But yeah,

Phil Street:

as you're young, and you're kind of learning life

Phil Street:

and all of that, I think these these moments are inevitable. A

Phil Street:

lot rests on your own attitude towards your own kind of

Phil Street:

misdemeanours, but also the the leadership's that you have, you

Phil Street:

know, you can be you can be lucky or not, I suppose. And I

Phil Street:

think it sounds like you, you had good leaders, I'd certainly

Phil Street:

had great leaders on my journey as well.

Simon Esner:

Yeah, I don't know, initially, I've you've you've

Simon Esner:

nailed that one on the head. So absolutely. Great stuff.

Phil Street:

So it's nice to get some things right occasionally

Phil Street:

on this show. And I wanted to talk to you about 2019 because

Phil Street:

on the face of it, it was quite a successful year for for your,

Phil Street:

I suppose pocket of the PPHE group. You were the a large

Phil Street:

Hotel Group of the Year as I understand it, and and also you

Phil Street:

you joined the FTSE 250, that's a busy year.

Simon Esner:

Yeah, it's interesting, and it's almost

Simon Esner:

then a chicken and egg scenario

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

So it was the aspiration of the owners to join

Simon Esner:

the FTSE 250 and had been for a number of years. But in order to

Simon Esner:

do that, you've obviously all of the corporate governance pieces

Simon Esner:

there. You need to have a clearly defined strategy. So you

Simon Esner:

know, that the real work for the footsie 250 problem began five

Simon Esner:

years in advance. Sure. And in order to have that discipline

Simon Esner:

and you know, and move from an entrepreneurial hotel, you know,

Simon Esner:

company you know, I'm one of one of the key USPS for Park Plaza

Simon Esner:

is that we decision making process is astoundingly fast if

Simon Esner:

need be right you know it's it's for not not even for me but for

Simon Esner:

a number of other leaders in other positions more company.

Simon Esner:

You get access to the chairman and the CEO whenever you want.

Simon Esner:

You know, they see you they come into your hotels. So to from

Simon Esner:

that kind of business. We are to the No, we we have to have more

Simon Esner:

structure, we have to ensure corporate governance, all of

Simon Esner:

those elements. That journey began five years ago. And as a

Simon Esner:

byproduct of that in clearly defining the strategy, then in

Simon Esner:

terms of, you know, the usual culprits, our people our

Simon Esner:

property, how we operate, what we're going to do, you then

Simon Esner:

begin to draw up the guidelines. And the the key the two key

Simon Esner:

areas in terms of what really surprised me about the A, the a

Simon Esner:

process and what we were commended for, it wasn't

Simon Esner:

necessarily just the physical element of the of the

Simon Esner:

properties, which I suppose in my youthful naivety, I would

Simon Esner:

have thought so. And it was about the human capital, right.

Simon Esner:

And it was a recognition of everything that we were doing in

Simon Esner:

terms of our team development, the training modules, the

Simon Esner:

ability to show advancement, at all levels through the

Simon Esner:

organisation into ships, and how we run them. So now you're quite

Simon Esner:

right. It was it was a busy year, but it was busier more in

Simon Esner:

terms of recognition, and the hard work. So the hard work had

Simon Esner:

been going on for probably five years prior.

Phil Street:

Yeah. That's a lesson in perseverance, if ever

Phil Street:

I've heard it, and and also, I think the, the point there was,

Phil Street:

was actually the point about people was that you you can have

Phil Street:

the list comes up on in numerous conversations. And it's, you

Phil Street:

know, it's a bit cliched, but it's completely true. I mean,

Phil Street:

you can have the most beautiful buildings in the world that

Phil Street:

people can recognise and give you credit for. But the the

Phil Street:

buildings are nothing without your are really wonderful team

Phil Street:

behind them.

Simon Esner:

Yeah, look, That's... And I suppose that's

Simon Esner:

become even more relevant now. As everybody's under the immense

Simon Esner:

pressure that they're under. Yeah, you know, and it was

Simon Esner:

funny, I was talking to one of the junior managers for one of

Simon Esner:

our operations managers, and he had an issue in his hotel. And

Simon Esner:

he was he was he was reaching out to me for a solution and

Simon Esner:

kind of I said, Listen, listen, when you call for help. I said,

Simon Esner:

I want to hear an echo. And he said, What do you mean, you want

Simon Esner:

to hear an echo? I said, I want to hear if your team are in a

Simon Esner:

hole. Yeah, I want to hear an echo. Because you're in the hole

Simon Esner:

with them. Yeah. And if if I don't hear an echo, it's because

Simon Esner:

they're in the hole. And you're at the top, looking down at them

Simon Esner:

in the hole. And what we what we found, and again, I'm

Simon Esner:

desperately trying to avoid the cliches, but that's exactly what

Simon Esner:

we found through all of this crisis. Okay, is that first and

Simon Esner:

foremost, or the ops managers or the general managers, everybody

Simon Esner:

are working alongside the team? Yeah. You know, we, we had, and

Simon Esner:

he won't lie, he won't mind me saying yes, but Nile waters are

Simon Esner:

gentlemen, we have you had somebody coming in from the show

Simon Esner:

round about two weeks ago, and the person arrive 10 minutes

Simon Esner:

early, and went to use the facilities to freshen up. And

Simon Esner:

when he went down, the he started to talk to the attendant

Simon Esner:

who was cleaning the toilets. Yeah. Attendance, they are

Simon Esner:

refreshing everything. He went up, and he sat down off the

Simon Esner:

general manager, administrator, the gentleman who was down

Simon Esner:

cleaning the toilets, and making sure they were ready in advance

Simon Esner:

to show run. Yeah. You know, and that's absolutely typical,

Simon Esner:

through all of the properties at the moment, you know, in terms

Simon Esner:

of returning, and that's even when team members have known

Simon Esner:

that some of their colleagues have lost a position while have

Simon Esner:

extended team members still on furlough, and replacing that

Simon Esner:

additional responsibility. The general managers have built up,

Simon Esner:

built up enough credibility with their individual team members.

Simon Esner:

And the team members know that yes, we're in a hole. But there

Simon Esner:

is an echo. And the echo is because the gentleman in the

Simon Esner:

hole with them. Yeah, no shouting from the lip of it

Simon Esner:


Phil Street:

Yeah, I think that's a massive point,

Phil Street:

actually, in the time that we're in, it's inevitable that tough

Phil Street:

decisions have to be made in this kind of crisis that we're

Phil Street:

in and more will have to be made, I'm sure. But you're there

Phil Street:

is a way that you can go about that. That still means that

Phil Street:

everybody's respect is intact. And that's the key point for me,

Phil Street:

whether with any business, I mean, if you're focused on the

Phil Street:

human element of what we're going through, then then the

Phil Street:

decision making that that you'll make won't be too far away, I

Phil Street:

think from from where you need to be.

Simon Esner:

Yeah, and, you know, I think it is, it is it is

Simon Esner:

painful. And the whole point about it is to whatever you do

Simon Esner:

do with the touch of humanity and humility



Simon Esner:


Phil Street:

The one thing We'll say just to move away from that

Phil Street:

wonderful subject matter. But you've on a couple of occasions,

Phil Street:

you've tried to avoid cliches, as you say. But cliches are

Phil Street:

inevitable on the show. That is not a show that goes by without

Phil Street:

a cliche coming out. So So don't ever worry about cliches being

Phil Street:

around me. That I think one of the main takeaways from from

Phil Street:

your journey for me, it's very much about the fact that you

Phil Street:

said at the beginning, your your 25 years, pretty much in the

Phil Street:

industry, in that time you've seen for economic hits, if you'd

Phil Street:

like I mean, at the end of the day, that just demonstrates that

Phil Street:

adversity is absolutely inevitable

Simon Esner:

Yeah, I think listen the, within within one

Simon Esner:

hour of the, you know, the decision made in terms of the

Simon Esner:

lockdown. I called all of the general managers together. All

Simon Esner:

of all of the all of the regional leaders, and I said to

Simon Esner:

them exactly what Paolo shoni said to me in 2001, with 911,

Simon Esner:

and we were in Grosvenor house, and he said to me, in Grosvenor

Simon Esner:

hands, no matter what happens in the world. We will be the last

Simon Esner:

Hotel in London to close if need, and we will keep going on

Simon Esner:

for that period. Yeah. And I said exactly the same thing to

Simon Esner:

the team. So it didn't come up with anything new. I just

Simon Esner:

rebadged it. repolish. And then the one thing I said to them, is

Simon Esner:

it the great thing now is I'm hearing the language coming back

Simon Esner:

me is we will be fittest longest.

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

Very, very simple message. guys will be fittest

Simon Esner:


Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

So whatever we're doing, and when we're making

Simon Esner:

those hard decisions, we're not breaking things down. We're

Simon Esner:

making them stronger. Yeah. And we're building them to be the

Simon Esner:

fittest team for the longest possibility that we have.

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

And that's that's just that's just part and

Simon Esner:

parcel, I think.

Phil Street:

Yeah, absolutely. And you're your Master Inn

Phil Street:

holder, I believe.

Simon Esner:

Yes. Very, very proud.

Phil Street:

That's just talk me through that. Because that's not

Phil Street:

something I think that you can go and pursue. That's something

Phil Street:

that is, I suppose bestowed upon you.

Simon Esner:

Look, I think the and we just had the AGM last

Simon Esner:

week, and the amazing Danny Pecorelli handed over to David

Simon Esner:


Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

In terms of that, and I suppose I'm fortunate

Simon Esner:

enough in that I've been able to see the great transition in the

Simon Esner:

master in holders, where they're reaching out so much more in the

Simon Esner:

last five or six years. Actually, sorry, it's longer

Simon Esner:

than that, because they're on cohort nine. So they're on with

Simon Esner:

the master in holders, aspiring leaders development programme.

Simon Esner:

Yep. Run with Dr. Hilary Cook, with the massive, massive

Simon Esner:

investment in young young leaders coming through. So you

Simon Esner:

know, it's formed from the Worshipful Company of in

Simon Esner:

holders, they received their culture in 1515. So over 500

Simon Esner:

years of existence, coming through, and it really is it's

Simon Esner:

about everything to how do we promote the industry? What do we

Simon Esner:

do to ensure we're adding back and the one thing that I was

Simon Esner:

very, very impressed with the master in holders is that

Simon Esner:

continual ethos about helping and reaching out? And Funny

Simon Esner:

enough, the liveliest debate at the AGM this year and indeed

Simon Esner:

last year, was the mentoring scheme.

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

Yeah. How many mentors how many m eyes are

Simon Esner:

currently mentoring? How many people are we reaching? Either

Simon Esner:

for more, where it where it comes. And you know, they also

Simon Esner:

the magnificent sponsorship opportunities, you know, I was

Simon Esner:

fortunate enough, in terms of I received a scholarship to go to

Simon Esner:

Cornell to join the General Manager's programme. Some of the

Simon Esner:

operations managers at that level is coming on. So that's,

Simon Esner:

that's the bit which helps you make the transition from being

Simon Esner:

an operator to being a strategic leader, and how you can manage

Simon Esner:

the company. So I'm eternally grateful to the opportunity to

Simon Esner:

master in order to, you know, and the whole of everything

Simon Esner:

about their ethos, what they do, how they do it. And as I said,

Simon Esner:

that the liveliest debate amongst, you know, all of the

Simon Esner:

holders who were on the zoom call was about the growth and

Simon Esner:

development. Yeah. How are we helping? What are we doing for

Simon Esner:

the industry, where it goes, you know, and the the Mia al,

Simon Esner:

monster in the holders, aspiring leaders There's a lie. And

Simon Esner:

that's one thing I would say to any listeners on your call, who

Simon Esner:

are in positions of leadership that's open across a broad,

Simon Esner:

broad spectrum, not just hotels, or if you've got some young

Simon Esner:

talent that's coming through, it's done over a series of

Simon Esner:

weekends, it's hosted at the most amazing holes all around

Simon Esner:

the country. And again, I think, all in my general manager

Simon Esner:

properties. So they do that i think it's a particular seven

Simon Esner:

weekend, taking them through what they're learning what

Simon Esner:

they're seeing, building fantastic networks. So I think

Simon Esner:

the you know, the the real shame in terms of the mastering

Simon Esner:

holders is we haven't reached as many people yet as possible. And

Simon Esner:

the number of applications we need here are actually

Simon Esner:

increasing year on year, I think last year was a record in terms

Simon Esner:

of the number of people who completed the application

Simon Esner:


Phil Street:

Great. Yeah, I think the the giving back thing,

Phil Street:

and also kind of raising the profile man, I can't imagine the

Phil Street:

amount of knowledge and experience that that that sits

Phil Street:

in, in a master in holders networking event, you know, if

Phil Street:

you haven't, if not one of those people have dealt with

Phil Street:

something, then it's not worth worth dealing with, I would

Phil Street:

imagine. But also, I think the key point for me is the for and

Phil Street:

this is one of the reasons I started this podcast was

Phil Street:

sometimes the word that gets out about hospitality is just all

Phil Street:

the perceived negative stuff, but actually Day in Day out for

Phil Street:

the people who live and breathe this industry there. You know,

Phil Street:

it's just full of wonderful things all the time. And it's

Phil Street:

just such an amazing career. And I just wanted to do my bit in

Phil Street:

terms of trying to tell the world that actually what you may

Phil Street:

have heard is not true. And look at all these amazing journeys

Phil Street:

and look at all these amazing things, and fun and stupid

Phil Street:

things that happen along the way. If you want to have a

Phil Street:

laugh, but also make a serious career. It's I don't think

Phil Street:

there's a better career to choose.

Simon Esner:

No, and I think that you're quite right, Phil

Simon Esner:

and I that's the the big, big challenge. You know, it's very

Simon Esner:

interesting in my daughter's school and my son's school, when

Simon Esner:

they have the job fairs. Yeah. Where they invite the parents to

Simon Esner:

come in and set up the stalls. I can count on one hand, the

Simon Esner:

number of parents who've approached me over all of the

Simon Esner:

years that I've been doing it and both of those schools

Simon Esner:

really, yeah, the kids approached me. And again, it's

Simon Esner:

trying to get over those preconceptions of, you know,

Simon Esner:

what is the industry have to offer? What does it do and and

Simon Esner:

everything else, but it is it's absolutely incredible. You know,

Simon Esner:

my daughter is now 19, when she was 16, she did a her school

Simon Esner:

were very, very good, again on her own, but she lined up five

Simon Esner:

different sets of work experience. And I deliberately

Simon Esner:

left hotels to the very end, and she worked in all sorts of

Simon Esner:

environments coming through. And when she got to the end, and I

Simon Esner:

said to her, how did you find it? He said, I didn't realise

Simon Esner:

she said, but hotels were the most professional organisation

Simon Esner:

out of all of the ones that you did. Yeah, I won't name the ones

Simon Esner:

the companies that you went to, but they were all blue chip.

Simon Esner:

Most of them were footsie. And I think, you know, that's why it's

Simon Esner:

incumbent upon all of us in terms of to indentify young

Simon Esner:

talent exactly as you know, Rosemary did my first GM when I

Simon Esner:

was 16, it's It seems this is this is great. I had no

Simon Esner:

intention whatsoever in going into hotels, Exactly as you

Simon Esner:

said, I wouldn't, I wouldn't change anything.

Phil Street:

Yeah. Well, I'm glad about that. Because you're,

Phil Street:

you're quite deep in now.

Phil Street:

(Laughs) no, that's great. I, I'm getting a little

Simon Esner:


Simon Esner:

bit conscious of time. But if you'll indulge me for a little

Simon Esner:

while longer, there's a question that I like to ask everyone.

Simon Esner:

Which is, from your career so far? Do you have any funny

Simon Esner:

stories that you could share with us? Because I'm sure there

Simon Esner:

are some that you can't

Simon Esner:

Good heavens, do I have any? Well, I suppose I I

Simon Esner:

joke. Westminster Bridge. We spoke about it in terms of the

Simon Esner:

size and scale and everything that you see. It's not unusual

Simon Esner:

on a Saturday night of 2500 sleepers coming, coming into

Simon Esner:

that hotel, so you see everything because one of the

Simon Esner:

things to say about hotels is that there are a microphone

Simon Esner:

glass on life. Yeah, very good. You see absolutely everything.

Simon Esner:

And I thought I'd seen everything. So with my my number

Simon Esner:

two, you know, suit when I was there, and when I moved out, he

Simon Esner:

took over as GM. He said, we would joke if something popped

Simon Esner:

up. I take them, you can put that one in your autobiography,

Simon Esner:

cuz I've had, I've had one of them before. And that's how we

Simon Esner:

trade stories. So he, he phoned me last Monday. And he said,

Simon Esner:

I've had one over the weekend, he said, but I'm keeping it from

Simon Esner:

my autobiography, said, What's that? He said, Well, we had we

Simon Esner:

had a couple of youngsters, they took the tweet, they were

Simon Esner:

getting a little bit loud. So security went and dealt with

Simon Esner:

them. And then we we asked their additional guests to leave when

Simon Esner:

they had a small little dog and I went yeah OK, Said, But the

Simon Esner:

security guard got a little bit cautious when the guy picked up

Simon Esner:

a snake

Phil Street:

Oh Jeez, yeah, I definitely wouldn't be a little

Phil Street:

bit cautious, I'd have been running the other direction

Simon Esner:

So there we go, Phil. And I think that's a

Simon Esner:

perfect one to finish it. No matter what you think you've

Simon Esner:

seen, no matter what you think you've done even after all these

Simon Esner:

years there's stills something else that will come along and

Simon Esner:

give you that extra bit of experience.

Phil Street:

Absolutely. Great stuff. Well, if people want to

Phil Street:

get a hold of you to chew the fat and learn a little bit more

Phil Street:

about you and the company what's what's the best method for them

Phil Street:

to do that

Simon Esner:

Oh Listen, all the usual I'm on LinkedIn, pop your

Simon Esner:

message through LinkedIn, or alternatively on that one, my

Simon Esner:

email address is

Phil Street:

Fabulous. Well, that's been great. I really

Phil Street:

appreciate your time. And thank you for for sharing your your

Phil Street:

journey with us today. It's been it's been a cracker.

Simon Esner:

Not at all. It's been quite cathartic. It's a

Simon Esner:

confession for me. So thanks for the opportunity.

Phil Street:

You're very, very welcome. And I wish you and all

Phil Street:

your teams the very best through this this next interesting

Phil Street:


Simon Esner:

Great. Thanks very much, Phil, hope to talk to you

Simon Esner:


Phil Street:

Will do, thanks Daniel. Bye, bye.

Phil Street:

And there we have it. A fabulous career so far for Daniel talk

Phil Street:

with such energy and vigour. Daniels story also highlights

Phil Street:

what can happen when you take responsibility for your own

Phil Street:

actions and get your head down and crack on. Nice one, Daniel.

Phil Street:

Don't forget, we launch a brand new episode each week. So hit

Phil Street:

that subscribe button and give us a like and share where you

Phil Street:

can. Thanks for listening, and we'll see you next week.



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