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Caring for COVID-19 patients and their relatives with the ICU diary
Episode 1113th July 2021 • ESICM Talk • ESICM
00:00:00 00:18:52

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For family members of survivors, the ICU diary is an important source of medical information, provides a way for them to register their presence at the patient’s bedside and express their feelings, and contributes to humanizing the ICU staff.

For relatives of non-survivors, the diary also works as a concrete memory of their loved one’s last days before dying, helping relatives to cope with bereavement.

Systematic Review: Exploring family members’ and health care professionals’ perceptions on ICU diaries: a systematic review and qualitative data synthesis.

Imaging in Intensive Care Medicine from the inside: Caring for COVID‑19 patients and their relatives with the ICU diary


Dr Rahul COSTA-PINTO. Austin Hospital, Melbourne - Australia; ESICM NEXT Committee Member.

Mr Johannes MELLINGHOFF. Critical Care Nurse & Senior Lecturer Kingston & St Georges University of London. Current Chair N&AHP Committee of the ESICM.

Dr Bruna BRANDAO BARRETO. Intensive Care Unit, Hospital da Mulher, Salvador, Brazil.




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