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Podcast# 274 The Coming Palestinian Slaughter: A Predictable Action, by The State of Israel
Episode 27413th October 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:12:35

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The Unspoken Truth of Israel-Palestine Relations

The Untold Story of Episode 274

Hello everyone, and thank you for joining me once again. In this episode, we continue our journey from episode 273, discussing the Palestinian Slaughter and its ties to the state of Israel. For those brave enough to listen, especially my Jewish audience, I commend your courage.

The Media's Role in Shaping Perceptions

The media has been relentless in its coverage of the damage inflicted by Hamas on Israel. Yet, the broader public remains largely uninformed about Israel's actions towards the Palestinians over the past six decades. Why is this narrative so one-sided?

The U.S. and Its Relationship with Israel

The U.S. has shown unwavering support for Israel, especially when compared to its treatment of other nations. This support dates back to the mid-60s, with the U.S. playing a pivotal role in the creation of the state of Israel. This alliance has deep roots in strategic military placements and the oil-rich Arab nations.

The Reality on the Ground

Despite the might of the Israeli military, the Palestinians, often portrayed as the greatest threat, have limited resources. Their resilience, reminiscent of the Jewish partisans during the Polish wara ghetto Uprising in 1943, is a testament to their spirit.

In conclusion, it's essential to look beyond the headlines and understand the complexities of this issue. Until next time, remember, actions speak louder than words. Take care.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:05 hello everyone and thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 274 the coming Palestinian Slaughter brought to them by the state of Israel this episode is actually a continuation of episode number 273 so if you missed it you might want to go back and give it a listen first as I stated in the preious episode if you are a Jewish person and you have the courage to listen to what I'm about to say I applaud you you are a true Minch if on the other hand you happen to fall into the opposite Camp of kneejerk

00:58 nationalistic support for for Israel's elitist pro-fascist policies suffered by the Palestinians and Arabs for the past 60 years actions the Nazis themselves would have been proud of and choose the now ageold tactic of accusing me of being anti-semitic they simply say to hell with you and your obsequious and innan support of mother Israel I wanted to get this episode out before the slaughter begins yes I am fully aware of the damage and Body Count inflicted by Hamas on Israel and since it has been on every

01:44 news media Source nonstop 27 247 I suppose the only people that are not aware of this are either living in a cave or dead it's a a real shame however that the general public is so ignorant and very unaware of what Israel has been doing to the Arabs and Palestinians for the last 60 years gee I wonder how or why that could be so now that I have received many emails from all of you all about the things I had omitted or forgotten I'm telling you all that you're correct and so here are some of the things I

02:33 left out of episode number 273 that you said I should have mentioned does anyone notice for example that when Ukraine's president zalinski came to the US begging for money and Military Support yes Biden with congress's blessing eventually if begrudgingly gave him some but still more or less acted as though zalinski was an annoying bug buzzing around them that except for the nice PR Russia hating moments they really just wanted to shoe him away yet practically the instant the attack came from Hamas on Israel here

03:26 was Biden the corporate news media and practically Jesus Christ himself offering tears and endless affirmations of love and support and of course money and military aid now I don't know about you but in my mind's eye this is far and above brown noosing people this is full blown out an out 100% ass sucking why is that why is is it that if B nanyu so much as stubs his Arab hating toe at 3:00 a.m.

04:09 when he goes out to take a piss on a Palestinian from his mansion's balcony Biden would be there to suck his toe to make it feel better or probably something else as well you may ask well it just so happens old Ernest knows that's why you listen to me because you want to know what the hell is really going on what the truth is not how damn eloquently I speak now the hard truth of the matter is America has been kissing Israel's ass since the mid 60s actually they've been kissing the ass of the two major players of the Middle East the

ctfully because going back to:

05:48 mobsters of the US military industrial complex to put military bases in and around Israel for Strategic Defense purposes and as they say the rest is history the only real problem ever since well ever since the creation of the state of Israel is how the hell do you get along with all those people around you that really hate you something which people have a tendency to do when you've basically stolen their land and subjugated their people ask any American Indian living on a reservation in the us they'll tell you all about it but

06:33 America's military industrial complex didn't stop there ooh no because they realized that since the Saudis discovered a huge shitload of oil we could help them manage it and protect it from serious potential enemies such as other Arab Clans and tribes Egypt and yes even Israel very long St sh as far as the Saudis were concerned the US military protection racket offered the Saudis protection by being allowed to place more US military bases in Saudi Arabia if the Saudis agreed to sell and trade their oil in US Dollars and US

07:24 Dollars only and it has been that way well ever since but wait there's more for many decades the Israeli news media and certainly their friends in the American news media have cherry-picked stories about civil unrest with the Palestinians particularly when it's violent confrontations meaning the Palestinians are throwing rocks at Israeli military occupiers but harly ever showing any stories about the suppression of the Palestinians or when such confrontations were obviously egged on by Israeli occupying forces this overwhelmingly

08:14 one-sided situation would be absolutely laughable if it weren't for being so incredibly depressing and sad when you take into account the thousands of Palestinian deaths from the these confrontations over the last 60 years genocide even if stretched out over many years is still genocide consider the following Israel has a Navy it also has an Air Force and it certainly has an army as a matter of fact it has the world's fourth strongest military receives a tremendous amount of both financial aid and military hardware

08:59 from that's right you guessed it the United States now with the exception of this most recent attack from Hamas Israel has not experienced a significant attack like this in quite some time and yes as I've stated before it is a terrible thing but relatively speaking what do the Palestinians the absolute greatest terroristic threat Humanity has ever known according to the Israeli government possess in their great and evil intended Army Arsenal rocks lots and lots of rocks I am in no way kidding yes of course I'm

09:50 exaggerating but not by much I'm sure they have a few rifles some handguns few grenades and maybe just a few land mines or Bazookas but by comparison they essentially have nothing except their will which the Israeli government even after over 60 years of subjugation has failed to take away the Palestinians and Arabs continue to stand up against their oppressors even if they know it means even more great suffering or even death this continuing appr impressive situation reminds me of the courageous Jewish partisans of the Polish wara

ghetto Uprising in:

11:25 amongst many Israelis he said Israel is a great place to live too bad it doesn't have any Jews until next time this is earnest reminding you that there are no bad words only bad actions take care



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