Enter the Sage Room, a dive bar, owned by Reggie. Lady Zen sings there every Wednesday while Jimmy and Sanchez slurp back drinks. To their surprise there’s a new singer on the scene.
Deep Drag presents, Flies in the Jar, a serialized radio drama based on true events.
This episode stars: Jon Jeffers, Kent Evans, Lady Zen, Clara Dunham, Martin James Grapengeter, David Dykes, Angel Schmeck, Maëlle Jayet, Jonathan Lockwood, Jessie Yancey-Siegel with original music By Lady Zen, Nathan Feuerberg, and Joshua Holloway. Vocal performances by Clara Dunham.
Special Thanks to Our First Patreons: Marsha Filbin & Tina Bueche.
Music and Sound Effect Credits:
Special Thanks to voxlo and flsouto for our theme song which uses the loops “Voodoo” and “Hell Awaits Part 10”.
“Round and Round” by Joshua Holloway
“Alien Pussy” written and produced by Nate and Lady Zen with vocals by Clara Dunham. Loops in this track include:
“Night Power Bass” by davideborelli and “Royal Disco" by Fanto8BC
“Shooky Shook” written by Lady Zen and edited by Nathan Feuerberg with loops:
“Lofi Melody 130” by producedbyace and “THESE DRUMS SUCK” by chillmar
“Euro FireFlies” produced by Nathan Feuerberg with loops:
“Trap Beat” by ColdSkin, “Dr Crazy” by YogeshST, “Drums With A Sub 808” by donutsEW, and “EDM - Pluck Intro 1” by FrenchyBounce
“Cinematic Bellpad 1” by flask
“90s STRATOCASTER Mexico ARPEGGIO“ by AlexMoaca
“Trap Drums 125” by mmmPUDDINbeats
“This Old House 2 – Acoustic” by BradoSanz
We can't forget about our favorite composer, Kevin MacLeod - Music from https://filmmusic.io
" Andreas Theme" by Kevin MacLeod
"Long note One"" by Kevin MacLeod
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
A full list of all the SFX, music, and loops with credits can be found at https://www.patreon.com/posts/32540509