Today Martin and I go over some show statistics, and talk about some cool current news items you may not have heard about. We also mention how you could support us, and spread the good word about our podcast.
Martin was thinking of mentioning give-aways, but he forgot to say it during our conversation What kind of give-away, and merch., would like to have?
We have the following guests in the pipeline:
Editorial note: Martin will go through the statistics in more detail next time, comparing stats from our podcast host, Captivate, and John Spurlock's OP3 (Open Podcast Prefix Project).
Call-to-Action: After you have listened to this episode, add your $0.02 (two cents) to the conversation, by joining (for free) The Secular Foxhole Town Hall. Feel free to introduce yourself to the other members, discuss the different episodes, give us constructive feedback, or check out the virtual room, Speakers' Corner, and step up on the digital soapbox. Welcome to our new place in cyberspace!
Show notes with links to articles, blog posts, products and services:
Episode 74 (18 minutes) was recorded at 2200 Central European Time, on September 28, 2023, with Ringr app. Martin did the editing and post-production with the podcast maker, Alitu. The transcript is generated by Alitu.
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Ladies and gentlemen, here we are again.
Blair:This is episode 74 of the Secular Foxhole podcast.
Blair:I'm here with my co host and friend Martin Linda.
Blair:Scott from Sweden.
Martin:Yes. And Eric mean spirit.
Blair:Bless. Hi Martin.
Blair:I'm here in the good old USA and we're going
Blair:to do a quick show.
Blair:Got a couple of interesting stories I want to
Blair:share with our audience and we're going to announce some future guests and some couple of
Blair:topics I have in mind, not necessarily with those guests, but nonetheless they will
Blair:hopefully pique your interest.
Blair:And so Martin, last week I took a vacation, my
Blair:wife and I. It was basically a staycation, but we did a day trip during the middle of the
Blair:week and it was just perfect.
Blair:It couldn't have been a more perfect day.
Blair:We went up to the northwestern hills here in Connecticut and just spent the day up there.
Blair:I toured an independent bookstore and I bought of course we had to buy a couple of books to
Blair:support them.
Blair:And had a wonderful lunch, sandwiches at place called Matt's, M-A-T Apostrius.
Blair:It was really nice little eatery.
Blair:But then usual stuff as a homeowner, you got
Blair:to do housework and repairs and so on.
Blair:But I needed that time off and it was well
Blair:worth the deal.
Blair:But hopefully I'm back in the swing of things
Martin:Good. Yeah. And that's something we could be open to.
Martin:We need to get energized and so called, not vacation or break from podcast because we have
Martin:some pipeline sometimes and in the cans, but also we go by the flow.
Martin:Also this is not our work in some way, but even if I am a new media advisor, this is what
Martin:I really like to do and also to get paid for it.
Martin:And thanks.
Martin:I could do a shout out to Scott Holleran, that
Martin:Tweeted, when we mentioned him.
Martin:He talked about movies that you had watched,
Martin:Mission Impossible and he hadn't reviewed that or watched that, but he did recently review of
Martin:Rain Man, I think.
Martin:Yes, or like looking back at that.
Martin:But he said that we congratulate on our fourth year coming or how you do say that we have
Martin:been going on for this and that we are a great team.
Martin:So that's coming from Scott Holleran.
Martin:He's a writer, author and so on, blogger and
Martin:podcast and journalist.
Martin:So it's great to get that feedback.
Blair:It is nice.
Blair:It's nice.
Blair:I appreciate it, Scott.
Blair:Thank you very much.
Blair:Well, anyway, as far as the next couple of future guests, I'm going to try to get this
Blair:gentleman named Michael Lieboitz.
Blair:He is a very interesting gentleman.
Blair:He was a former criminal turned liberty advocate and of course he has his own podcast
Blair:and so on.
Blair:We will discuss that though when we have him
Blair:But he has a new book called View From.
Blair:View from.
Blair:I forget if it's the cage or a cage I think
Blair:it's View from a Cage, of course, his time behind bars and then how he walked out of that
Blair:a different man.
Blair:So that should be an intriguing, thought
Blair:provoking show.
Blair:And then I hope to we have another author on
Blair:coming soon.
Blair:His name is Fred Seiler, Frederick Siler, and
Blair:he wrote a book called God Versus Nature in which the topic is he disputes the let me put
Blair:this right he disputes the connection trying to be made by religious people that there's a
Blair:compatibility between science and faith.
Blair:He disputes that with profound evidence.
Blair:So I hope to finish that book in time.
Martin:It's interesting that you're saying because I was at the book fair today, a big
Martin:book fair and then I went to the booth that called themselves skeptics, skeptic in Swedish
Martin:but they say they are for education, for the so called masses in a positive way and also
Martin:built on science.
Martin:But he had a t shirt said I'm a skeptic and I
Martin:said I'm not.
Martin:But then we had an interesting conversation
Martin:about it, why they call that by name and I talked also about that I would be a so called
Martin:skeptic or somebody labeled myself then would be regarding environmentalists, for example.
Martin:So we had some interesting discussion there.
Martin:But then he said isn't it true?
Martin:Because I said I've been working and studying America but if you're a political candidate
Martin:you have to say that you are religious.
Martin:Like that's the litmus test, for example,
Martin:being against abortion or something like that.
Martin:And I said yeah, sorry to say that's the case
Martin:now, but that was not from the beginning and we want to change that with our podcast.
Blair:Yes, exactly.
Martin:So that was an interesting conversation.
Martin:So I think you could do it in different ways and it's great to have guests that have
Martin:specialized on a topic or written a book or like Levitic here starting a podcast or fellow
Martin:We want to reach out to them also and be maybe
Martin:guests in future also.
Martin:Yes, that's right, be guest on our show and we
Martin:could learn from that and the whole thing because it was a Fred on Facebook that he
Martin:wanted to reach more, so to speak, or a bigger audience and so on.
Martin:And I said we have done it for a long time.
Martin:We are a small podcast but it's talking about
Martin:statistics around and we are open here with the figures and maybe it doesn't sound
Martin:impressive, but it's around seven downloads per day so somebody's listening out there and
Martin:we have several countries and it's adding up so we will continue doing that.
Martin:So it's growing and it's staying and then you never know if you will have that so called
Martin:Ketchup effect but then you want it to keep growing so on.
Martin:Yes, and I've seen on the stats that some months it's bigger and that could be for
Martin:different reasons, it could be a guest that they have a bigger audience or the topic the
Martin:listeners is more interested in that and whatnot yes, we have the stats for our
Martin:advantage and we will continue doing that.
Martin:And in order for us and I'm babbling here, but
Martin:in order for us to continue and we will it would be fun, interesting, nice and appreciate
Martin:like Scott's comment there to get that feedback.
Martin:Is it a value for you listening to our podcast and then you could support us by this time
Martin:treasure and then tell things and also send satoshis like these Boostograms and Digital
Martin:Telegram and also help in different ways.
Martin:Yes, spread the good word.
Martin:So we will talk more about that because lately we haven't got so much donations, but I also
Martin:take it on myself also I haven't been so active in that because I have run out of my
Martin:satoshis, I have to ask my wallets and so on.
Martin:But I will book a meeting with a service I
Martin:really like called podfans FM Sam SETI and he together with James Cridlen had a podcast
Martin:conference in London recently and there it was a topic that we could talk about.
Martin:I saw on a Fred that know individuals, but he said that at the end of the conference
Martin:somebody blamed him about something about color.
Martin:And he's an Englishman or adopted or something.
Martin:I don't know if was born in India or something, but have that connection.
Martin:And we had a guest about that.
Martin:And also we were guests on podcast talking
Martin:about these things like racism.
Martin:And I saw a clip on Daily Wire and you know that's maybe not accordingly exactly as
Martin:we are pointing out, but sometimes they poke both fun and point at vocal and so on there it
Martin:was a guy that's now at some university.
Martin:And he had tried to explain what racist is,
Martin:and he said racist is something like systemming racism by racist organizations or
Martin:He didn't have any definition, not like Rand
Martin:but collectivism worst form of that and so on.
Martin:And he promoted racism in his way because he
Martin:was against other with not his color.
Martin:So it had gone a long way.
Martin:But I think we will see hopefully a change in the near future because people will see it by
Martin:It's so dumb and it will be a wake up call, I
Martin:And could we say that positive things maybe
Martin:we'll get that also in the pipeline, we the Living that had a screening in.
Martin:So that wow.
Blair:I know, that's incredible.
Blair:That's incredible.
Martin:Some more positive news here.
Blair:Yes. Well, I wanted to let me follow up quickly on The We The Living and we hope to
Blair:have the producer Duncan Scott on as well in the future and talk about that movie.
Martin:Get help from former guest.
Martin:Also Robert Wigli that has connections and he
Martin:also a great fan of our podcast and been a returning guest and also get really
Martin:constructive feedback that really get you happy because he is an expert in presentation,
Martin:true and skills like.
Blair:I as I as I try to do with our own podcast, just Martin and I, I try to pick a
Blair:couple of positive stories and I always go to to find two or three things.
Blair:And today I've got a couple of things that's pretty interesting, pretty cool and let me
Blair:bring those up if I may.
Blair:All right.
Blair:Open link in new tab.
Blair:Here we go.
Blair:And this desalinating water is becoming, quote
Blair:absurdly cheap, unquote.
Blair:Elon Musk Schools Bill Maher and this is from
Blair:the 22 September and I'll read just a couple of quick paragraphs here.
Blair:Bill Maher recently interviewed Elon Musk.
Blair:When Mar claimed that we are running out of
Blair:water, musk replied that quote earth is 70% water, unquote.
Blair:Mar shot back that you can't drink that.
Blair:Musk calmly replied that desalination is
Blair:absurdly cheap.
Blair:And so how cheap is cheap?
Blair:Well, the Energy Monitor notes that globally around 1% of the world's drinking water is
Blair:But in Israel that figure is around 25%,
Martin:Yeah, which I did not know you read in my mind because the theme was Jewish culture
Martin:at the book fair and I learned that last year and bought a book from Israel for Peace and
Martin:Organization and talking about all the innovations and what they are doing, for
Martin:example, great water.
Martin:So they were not here this time, but I'm in
Martin:contact with them and they're really good example.
Martin:So yeah, I know about it, how they have done that and that's again, thanks for free minds
Martin:and free markets and they could do something and of course they are in a way quotation
Martin:market or whatever you call it, forced to do it because they have threats around them and
Martin:they can't trade with the native countries.
Martin:But if the other world will change over time
Martin:and now I'm jumping here, but I see I was being in a demonstration because it was one
Martin:year again since this Turkish girl was lady and woman was beaten by the so called talking
Martin:about morality, so called morality police in Iran and died from that that's one years.
Martin:And they haven't stopped the demonstration.
Martin:And things are bubbling in Iran and we have to
Martin:support that in different ways.
Martin:Because if it will be changed, it will be
Martin:sooner or later it will change things in, for example, Lebanon and others because that's
Martin:controlled by the Hespala and Iran is linked to that.
Martin:So I see positive things that could happen, but we have to push forward in
Martin:different yeah, well, if we have.
Blair:One or two listeners in know our thoughts are with so but thanks for that.
Blair:I appreciate you found a book about Israel's technology advances.
Blair:But the second story, since there's so much controversy and panic over vaccines, I still
Blair:wanted to bring this story to light from the University of Chicago Press and we have a
Blair:story called, in quotes, inverse vaccine unquote shows potential to treat multiple
Blair:sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases.
Blair:And this was posted on the 11 September and
Blair:I'll just read again, I'll read the opening paragraph and we'll obviously have these links
Blair:in our show notes, but a new type of vaccine developed by researchers at the university of
Blair:Chicago's Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering has shown in the lab setting that
Blair:it can completely reverse autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and type one diabetes,
Blair:all without shutting down the rest of the immune system.
Blair:And if that's true to me, in my mind of know, I knew a dear friend of mine had Ms and she
Blair:perished at too young an age, frankly.
Blair:And my wife has diabetes.
Blair:And so if the FDA will not take 50 years to decide to let it come to market, we can deal
Blair:with this anyway.
Blair:But let's see.
Blair:A typical vaccine teaches the human immune system to recognize a virus or bacteria as an
Blair:enemy that should be attacked.
Blair:The new quote Inverse vaccine unquote does
Blair:just the opposite.
Blair:It removes the immune system's memory of one
Blair:While such an immune memory erasure would be
Blair:unwanted for infectious diseases, it can stop autoimmune reactions like those seen in
Blair:multiple sclerosis, type one diabetes, or rheumatoid arthritis, in which the immune
Blair:system attacks a person's healthy tissues.
Blair:That story goes on, but it's very fascinating.
Blair:Both of these articles, I thought, should be spread to the wider public because I like to
Blair:share good news.
Blair:So that's my two cent worth with these two
Blair:But there's a topic that I've been toying with
Blair:in my head that I want to get, if I can try to get.
Blair:I know Andy Bernstein has been a frequent guest, but he's always willing and able to
Blair:come on.
Blair:The topic I want to discuss with him is the
Blair:Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Blair:Plato, Kant, Hegel, Marx and the antidote Ein
Blair:So that should be an entertaining hour or 90 minutes, hopefully sometime next year.
Blair:But as far as again, we ask our listeners to either send us good old American
Blair:cash or if you prefer, bitcoin Satoshis, to the links that we provide in the show notes.
Blair:Martin, I guess, again, this was a short one and thanks for scheduling it for me and we'll
Blair:talk again soon.
Martin:Yeah. Talk again soon, Bear. And thanks for listening and thanks for your
Martin:support and spreading the good word and yeah, see you around.
Blair:All right. Thanks, Mark. Cheers.