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Superman Leaks, Pixar Updates, and Streaming aka "D-Diggle"
Episode 2426th June 2024 • Films in Black and White • Doug Wagner, Marcus Destin, and Bryan Roush
00:00:00 01:29:00

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I didn't want that one anyway.


Let's do it live.


Fuck it.


We'll do it live.


Do it live.


I don't like that one either.


We're doing it live.


Welcome to Films of Black and White,




How are you all feeling?


It's hot,


but it is a great Monday to be


with you all.


But it is hot.


It's hot everywhere.


So we got a little news


episode for you all.


We got a little...


So we got a little


smattering of different


things that we're going to talk about.


This is a news episode to


those who are familiar,


which means we're going to


run down some things,


a topic that we all want to chat about.


And we've all brought that.


And so I'm excited to get into it.


I'm excited to get into it with you all.


But more importantly,


we got to make sure


everybody is thoroughly


welcomed and introed and


brought into this space.


So I'm going to kick it on


over to Marcus J. Destin, a.k.a.


Damn, Kendrick, he's dead.


He's dead.


Kendrick, stop kicking the body.


The bitch is dead.


Like, leave it the fuck alone.




Oh, my God.


Listen, after Juneteenth,


shout out to Doug for


helping me with Juneteenth,


who I randomly,


I was too lazy to go to the


store and randomly asked


him to borrow four beers


for the gumbo and a cooler.


So I can always count on my


guy so I can just pop by


the house and just grab


four beers and a cooler and


then walk right out of the house.


Oh, yeah.


After Juneteenth, thank you to everybody.


Before I get started,


right now we're in the


middle of mad flooding in


the area in the Sioux Falls, Iowa.


I think it's Sioux City.


Sioux City, Sioux Falls area.


We have a lot of flooding.


Just prayers to those that are


experience in that you know


those that have land that


is like going to be you


know damaged by that we


have we have some issues


right now that is kind of


repercussions in the


vermilion area that they


sent out a warning for us


to kind of like ease up on


water usage and stuff so


just a lot of things


happening a lot of people


affected in different ways


and you know I heard there


was one life loss already


so just prayers to


everybody be safe don't try


to force the travel just


stay your ass in home and


just be with the family or


you know do what you got to


do so I just want to start there




went home after Juneteenth


celebration and I spent it


the way I was supposed to


by watching the fucking


free Amazon Kendrick concert.


It was called Ken and


Friends and it was the pop


up in the forum in L.A.


And so it was a six hour stream.


I think I came in at the three hour mark.


It's a very long stream.


It is, but he had DJ Head,


he had DJ Muster,


and he had a bunch of artists.


It started off with the more unknown,


or they're not in a major label,


or they're not majorly known yet,


but they're all LA artists,


LA-affiliated artists.


So they had the guys that we


don't really know,


and it led up to people like Tyler,


the creator, popping out,


and people like Schoolboy Q


and Black Hippie coming


back together once again,


which is Schoolboy Q, Absol, Kendrick,


and J-Rock as a group.


When they were a group,


they were called Black Hippie.


And then it led up to


Kendrick's big performance,


which that motherfucker did


Not Like Us six times.


I kind of have to chat about that.


I kind of want to chat about that.


That feels like a lot.


If you were to watch it,


you would have felt the energy.


And he stopped it midway.


So the first three times,


he would go all the way up to A minor.


And then he would let the crowd literally,


the music stop and the


crowd held the A minor note.


And then the song started back over again.


And then the last three times,


he played it all the way


through while he got


like... It was like really...


dope because like la


politics and la hood


politics it was like bloods


crips all types of gangs


everybody from different


sections all on one stage


being able to be together


no ruckus no nothing they


took a picture together it


was like a real legendary


moment like only kendrick


to do so it was fire as


fuck shout out to kendrick


I've watched his


performance like twice it's


like really really good


really good stuff so drake


just in case you're curious um


Everybody hates you.


I need you to understand,


when the Crips and the


Bloods put their beef aside


to be on stage,


when all of California is like, no, no,




fuck that guy.


Have you ever heard a


sold-out stadium scream?


Probably a minor... That's crazy.


You need to re-evaluate your life.


Do we need to deploy


Kendrick to conflict zones


to help mediate these types


of disagreements so that


everybody can get on the same page?


What you're telling me, Mark,


is these two rival gangs


who have historical bad blood.


More than two, technically.


I'm sure the LA Kings were there.


It was in LA.


I'm sure the LA Kings.


I'm sure they made an appearance.


But he got everybody up on


stage to do that.


I mean, I don't know.


World peace in our time.






I don't know.


Brian, I agree.


We have to fake shoes our shot, right?




him over to the current


conflict the a minor thing


I feel like is gonna things


work what I feel like


that's gonna we all I'm


trying the one in the


middle the one oh that


current that is not getting


better by being like no no


let me bury this person got


it all right brian aka pool


daddy how are you feeling


today my brother because


that's about to go left


I'm feeling great uh I'm I'm


very it was a


quintessential like summer


day here we had like


impossible blue sky here in


the chicago area it was 85


degrees uh hopped in the


pool after work with the


kiddos everybody was there


I was feeling I was like


you know what we're doing hot


So I summoned up the grill, got it going,


had hot dogs and brats.


It was great.


And my kids were like,


can you be pool daddy every day?


And I was like, I like that name.


I'm taking it.


So it's fine now.


So yeah,


we're just having a great


quintessential day.


Obviously, after work,


it was all summer all the time here.


It was a good time.


It was a good time.


I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad


that it went well I'm glad


that they gave you a new


nickname like that's that


makes me happy because the


nicknames I get for my


choke like for my children


are like big fella so I'm


really glad you get pool


daddy and I'm like get out


of the way big fella so I'm


appreciative and I'm so


happy that you have that my


favorite I mean like this


is one of the more


flattering ones like I've


had other ones like


Hey, dee-diggle, get out of the way.


And I'm like, what?


I don't even know what that is.




I don't even know.


I don't know what that is.


It feels offensive, though.


Hey, haunches.


And I'm like, is that a word?


Is that offensive?


Speak in Spanish?


I don't know.


I don't know.


They say names to me, and I'm just like,


okay, all right, sure.


That's hilarious.


I was the crayon carrier at one point,


I believe.


Now that feels disrespectful.


I don't even know what none of it means.


Your job, hey,


I want to reduce you to what


you are to me.


You just carry my crayons.


That's it.


That's your job.


Bagman, listen up.


Crayon apple?


Crayon grape?


Crayon woodlice?


Just crayons.


Coloring crayons.


Just coloring crayons.


Oh, okay.


I'm hearing crayon, not crayon.


Oh, man.


I thought it was like Crayon Apple,


Crayon Grape, Dry Grains.


No, my bad.


I guess Crayon,


where I was born and raised


in the great white north of Minnesota,


it was Crayon.


And I see, okay, I see some folks,


I see Roman in the chat saying Crayon,




I knew what you were talking about.


I knew you would.


Both of you are from that area, though,


so that makes sense.


How do you say the things


that are made of wax you color with?


A crayon.




What do you mean, incorrect?


Phonetically, that doesn't sound right.


Crayola crayons, not Crayola crayons.


I'm dropping the O. I'll admit it.


I'm saying it real fast.


What you said is perfectly fine.


I'm now beefing with him


because you told me I was wrong.


Oh, because I told you you were wrong?


I'm glad I know where the line is.


I'm fine with however you say it.


It's fine,


so long as I don't say you're wrong.


But I also say pecans, not pecans.


That also feels incorrect.


I'm not saying it's incorrect.


It feels incorrect.


What is the thing inside of a snicker?


A nougat.










Let's see.




It's got a caramel filling.




Right there.


I just called the offensive


division just right there.


How quickly...


Both are acceptable.


I guess I prefer one over the other.


Jesus Christ, Roman.


You guys have degrees from Cornell.


You want to know what's worse, Roman?


You have the same fucking degree.


undergraduate degree from


cornell college cornell


feel free to use this in


your advertising materials


from this podcast hey they


they told me that different


types of people say


different things different


ways so I can say that's diversity


That's it.


You got it.


You made it.


Disappointing dad.


I'm doing good.


I'm a disappointing dad


because I feel like I


really bummed Marcus out


because he and I are going


to Orlando for a conference.


Oh, yeah.


And there's a whole time.


I've been like, yeah,


we're going to have a fun day.


We'll make it over to Universal Studios.


We'll make it over to Hollywood Studios.


We'll get your lightsaber going.


And then because of planning


and things that are beyond our control,


I had to be like,


buddy something came up like


I kind of had to do the


like we're not going to the


camp cabin speech yeah and


you just you kind of have


that vibe and I know it's


I'm thinking more of it and


I'm saying it in joking


joking now but there was


that moment where I looked


at Brittany and I was like


I just I feel bad.


And she was like, why?


And I'm like, I don't know.


I just do.


So Brittany looked at you


like Marcus is a grown ass man.


I talked about it like I was


letting my real son down.


Like, you know,


it's just I wanted to make


this thing happen for him.


And just unfortunately,


work got in the way.


Here's the thing.


When he explained it to me,


it was like one of those things of like.


He even downplayed it like, sorry, dude,


I'm not going to be able to go.


I got like work shit to do


and things previously


scheduled with people at the conference.


I'm like, dude, they gave you a promotion.


You survived several cuts.


And you think my black ass


is going to be the reason


that you don't do the shit


you're supposed to do?


Fuck no.


We can wait for a lightsaber.


That's true.


We can.


They'll be there.


They're not going anywhere.


But other than that, I'm just fucking hot,




It's hot.


It's hot all the time.


It felt like 106 to here today,


so that's what the heat index got up to.


Add to the fact that the


route that I usually travel


to get to and from the gym is under about,


I don't know, eight feet of water.


It's been a day.


It's been a week.


No, no, I did not.


I did not because they


literally closed the


interstate because it's underwater.


And I'm glad you said something, Marcus,


because, man,


I know people who live down


there who are – they're okay.


Their houses seem like they're okay,


but they have friends and


family who are – this


week's going to be rough.




Thoughts and prayers to them for sure.


But I also just got done


going to a birthday party


for two people that I've


only met in public settings.


Has that ever happened to you?


You meet people in public settings.


They're like, hey, come over to the house.


We're having so-and-so's birthday.


And you're like, okay.




Actually, in Vermillion, yes,


that happens.


Like small communities,


that is like very much a thing.


And here's what I'm going to say.


This is not a shot at them.


They're lovely,


very kind people that I


will enjoy spending time with again.


But it's always very


interesting to me like how


you do those awkward


introductions like when you


meet other adults for the first time.




And there's just long,


awkward pauses where you're


just kind of like,


How about that flood, huh?


Pretty nuts.


Pretty nuts shit.


Pretty wet, I bet.




you just don't know what else to say.


So you're just kind of like,


you're just kind of awkward.


So, yeah.


So that was a fun situation.


I sat down and Brittany goes like, oh,


they're really nice.


I was like, man,


it's always weird meeting other adults,


isn't it?




I didn't even lead with they're nice.


I led with this situation is weird.


Because honestly,


how do you meet other adult


friends at this age?


You know what I mean?


Because it's kind of like...


It's kind of hard at the


moment that I'll move from South Dakota.


That's going to be like a


that's going to be a thing.


You know what I mean?




I'll be in my 30s at that point.


And it'll be like,


how the fuck do you make


new friends as an adult?


I mean,


without alcohol or without like


some type of like partying


is one way that you go and


you drink and get too drunk


with somebody and kind of


like you bond off of like, yo,


we were kind of fucked up at that party.






That's one way to go about it.


But I don't you know.


It's just different.


And I just found out that Bumble,


the dating app,


has a BFF feature that


women can basically just


find other friends.


So they use all the dating app data.


And they're like,


we think you'll be friends


with this person.


Go for it.


I saw that on TikTok and I was like,


that's a thing?


I had no idea.




what was your question going to be?


what was your question gonna


be right how did you find


that out oh I found it out


through tiktok I was


cruising tiktok you


answered my question that


wasn't gonna be my question


uh I was gonna ask what the


percentage is that people


get scammed from the friend


side of things I i don't


know I couldn't say I


couldn't say it was a 30


second tiktok video


Probably pretty lower, I'd bet.


I mean, I don't know, man.


I don't know.


I've never done dating apps,


so I couldn't say.


All right, guys.


I'm warm.


I'm warm.


Let's get into the pod.


I'm all warmed up.


I'm all loose.


105 degrees or whatever.


Yeah, I bet.


Juneteenth just passed,


and don't ever let the


white man prey on your


downfall like this.


don't ever let them bring it


back up to you we say


reparations they say how


many times did you get


scared this this is like a


zigzag it's not even like


oh it took a hard right


turn at the 15 minute mark


no this is this is like joe


brian this is inside joke


inception this is like an


inside joke inside of an


inside joke remake


Inside of someone else's dream.


That's the way that this works.


I feel like Leo's going to


pop out and he's like, does the top spin?


Does it spin?


Too far.


Do you have any 13-year-old friends?


Was that a shot at Leo?


Yeah, he's into very, very young women.




Him and Drake.


Brian to give me a break to


sit in my guilt will you


tell these people how they


stay in touch with us


please how the fuck did I


guilt you that wasn't even


an accurate statement that


was just me on bullshit




you got to stop showing up right when


we get to this part.


Or you're joining at the right moment.


You're joining at the right part, Nikki.


Welcome, Nikki.


That's what we're going to say.


And this is the part.


I'm going to take this intro now, Doug.


But anyway,


you can best support us by


joining our Patreon.


So you can go to


slash films in black and white.


That is how we maintain


being an independent organization.


podcast and how we can talk


about kendrick's


performance of juneteenth


at length and we don't have


to fill any quota for any


other people or cut in any


of these other weird


advertisements we can talk


about what we want to talk


about review what we want


to review and keep this


podcast independent that's


the best way you can do


that by donating to one of


those tiers if you can't do


that that's okay make sure


to follow us on socials


we're at films in black and white on


and Instagram.


That's where you'll see our reels.


You can also follow us on Facebook,


same handle at Films in Black and White.


We're also on TikTok under


the same handle at Films in


Black and White.


That's the best way.


You can also support us if


you're not able to sign up


for that Patreon tier.


We're not reviewing a movie,


so there's no spoilers today.


So that is the best way you


can support us.


Learn all about the green M&Ms from Doug,






Brian, please, what were you going to say?


I was going to interrupt you.


No, no, no.


I was going to say, you know,


if people listen to that episode,




it was implied that you wanted


to romance a green M&M.


But I would like to point out,


you never said that.


And I thought that was really funny.


I never did.


Brian, don't do that.


I listened to the episode.


I also listened to it,


and I never said that I did.


I said that back in the day,


that's what people used it


as a rumor for.


For sure.


Oh, wow.


Marcus just throwing up banners.


Anyway, here we are.


Anyway, yeah.


Here we are.




shall we got a whole ass episode


to get to?


Mickey's here.


Roman is here.


Come on, y'all.


We got to go.


Yeah, we're cruising.


Let's get into our little


game we like to call Catch That Corporal.




I'm sorry, Dickie.




Hold on.


I'm sorry, what?


For our listeners, hey,


it sounds like you have


some literature I need to read.


Apparently the green M&M is


a lesbian icon.


This is news to me.


I get it.


Type it on the keyboard.


All the men want her and she


wants none of them.


She took one look.






are you ready for this week's quote?




Hit me.


Hit me.


Hit me.




Just me growling.




So here we go.


So here's the quote.














Person one.


My eyes.


I'm sorry, what?


That's the quote.


The quote is an exchange


between a group of people


and then one person.






Bald, bald, bald, bald.


Roman, this feels personal.


Oh, I know what this is.


I have no idea what this is.


I know what this is,


but I'm going to let y'all


cook for a minute.


I know what this is.


This is very childish, too, as well.


So I just want you to know.


Marcus, you can let me cook,


but I don't know the recipe,


because I don't even know where this is.


I don't know what to tell you, brother.


I know exactly what this is.


The clue is that my eyes part.


The Patty family?


Oh, that's a good quote, Roman.


Roman said the hint is the


Patreon members.


Nikki guessed.


Go right ahead.


No, Nikki,


don't guess yet because they


can't do that yet.


Me and you will do it at the same time,




And then we'll let the timer run out.


They need to suffer.


Brian, any ideas?


no idea what this is nope I


like my eyes is the


giveaway my eyes is the big


giveaway I remember there


was this weird movie with


norm mcdonald that and like


it was like dirty deeds or


something or dirty business


dirty work you're thinking


too deep incredible yeah oh


man yeah nikki


Is SpongeBob?


It's SpongeBob.


That's the ball-headed guy


is King Neptune.


And they find out he's bald


under his crown or something like that.


And I think the sun shines


off of his bald head and it


lights one of the fish eyes on fire.


And he says, my eyes!


My eyes!


Yep, that's it.


Yep, the Spongebob Squarepants movie.


I will admit,


I've never seen the Spongebob movie.


I also have not.


That's a fucking classic.


I watched that in the theater.


Oh my god, yeah.


It's like fucking David


Hasselhoff makes an


appearance in that fucking movie.


He does.


That I remember.


Yeah, it was great.


That's a great one.


There you go.




All right.


$30 more.


We'll donate.


We'll donate to a nonprofit.


This is exciting.




We had a little bit of a rut in May.


We did.


May was a rough month for us.


May and June was a little


bit of a rough month for us.


Shout out to Nikki.


You're on top of it.


Nikki knew that shit right away.


Good for her.




you have a quiz for Brian and I. I


would love for us to start


with that because it makes


the most sense.


Okay, sounds good.


I'm going to have a quiz.


I'm going to do a quiz for y'all.


And we're going to do this joint together,




So can everybody see this?


Sir can.


I can.


What are we doing here?


So we're going to do this


from time to time.


This is nothing like Brian's


phenomenal bracket busting.


That's okay.


Because that takes time, dedication,


and months to plan in advance.


Oh, shucks.


This one is just a website


of people that push it together,


and we're just going to vote on it.


So we're going to do the


best Marvel movies out of 32, okay?


Oh, goodness gracious.


And I think it randomizes it.


So I can't see the screen.


I have to stay on the screen


where we have to click.


No Way Home versus Starford.


No Way Home versus Starford Home.


This is No Way Home any day.




No Way Home.


And we're going on majority.


So don't think too deep.


We're just going majority.


No, this is gun to your chest.


You want the Incredible Hulk


or you want Ant-Man?


Incredible Hulk.






I'm going Incredible Hulk.


As was I. That's fine.


For sure.


All right, next up,


we have Captain America,


Winter Soldier versus Age of Ultron.


Yeah, Winter Soldier.


This is not even a contest.


I would agree.


All right, Iron Man 2 versus Black Panther,


Wakanda Forever.


Wakanda Forever.


Wakanda Forever.


I was going Iron Man 2.


That is surprising.


I'm very surprised.


I have my reasons.


I miss Chadwick.


Is it too close to June theme?


Okay, quick decision.


Guardians of the Galaxy 3


versus Spider-Man Homecoming.


Yeah, Guardians.


I want the listeners to also


know what we're picking.


Captain America the First


Avenger versus Thor Love and Thunder.


I would go Captain America First Avenger.


Yeah, I'm going Cap.




That's a good choice.


Love and Thunder has its place,


but not here.


The other one ages well.


Iron Man 3 versus Falcon and


the Winter Soldier.


Well, I mean,


clearly it's Falcon and the


Winter Soldier, right?


Iron Man 3.


No, no, it's Iron Man 3.


Oh, I was about to say, what the fuck?


Iron Man 3 won.


Okay, cool.


Captain Marvel versus Hawkeye, the series.


That's really tough.


I'm going Captain Marvel.


I'm going to go Hawkeye.


I'm also going to go Hawkeye.


Sorry, Bri.


it's the disappointment like


it's the disappointment


that you can hear in him


like cool daddy uh sorry


deep diggle uh thor


ragnarok versus ant-man


ragnarok ragnarok sorry


crayon carrier sorry crayon character


Crayon Grape Carrier.


Infinity War versus Black Widow.


Infinity War.


Yeah, I am taking some of these hard.


Yes, Chad.


Yes, Nikki.


Yeah, sorry, Nikki.


I am taking some of these hard.




Oh, wow.


That's actually really cool, Roman.


We're going to come back and visit that.


I see you in the chat.


Iron Man versus Doctor


Strange Multiverse of Madness.


I'm sorry.


I'm going Iron Man.


It's Iron Man.


I love Elizabeth Olsen.


Tony Stark built this in a


game with scraps.


We need a Scarlet Witch movie.


That's all.


Oh, that's coming.


I bet better.


Guardians of the Galaxy.


I'm going to go Loki.


Volume 1 versus Loki.


Because I'm looping in Loki


season 1 and season 2,


and I think combining them together,


I'm going Loki.


I'm going to go Guardians of the Galaxy.


I see where you're going,


but I think Guardians of


the Galaxy is such a Marvel classic.




Thor versus the Black Movie.


I'm going the Black Movie.


Black Panther.


I mean... I mean, it was just Juneteenth,


so Black Panther.


You know, you know.


Guardians of the... Don't


say because it was


Juneteenth that you picked Black Panther.


You can also just pick Black Panther.










Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.


2 versus Avengers Endgame.




They didn't stand a chance.


um thor the dark world


versus wandavision


wandavision like that's


even man not even natalie


portman can make that


competitive she's like oh I


wouldn't vote for me


ant-man versus dr strange


I'm gonna go ant-man that's


a toss-up I would say hmm


I'm going dr strange oh I


make it awkward think I like


Doctor Strange,


because I'm thinking of Mason.


But I really did like the


first Ant-Man movie.


That's kind of hard.


I mean, that's a 50-50.


Either one, they're equally as good.


All right,


so we're here to our Sweet 16 round,




So now we're seeing repeats, okay?


All right.


Black Panther versus WandaVision.


I'm going Black Panther still.


I know, I know.


Go ahead.


Black Panther is a better whole product.




kind of falls off at the end.


Oh, everybody said Black Panther?


That's really surprising,


but I agree with how you stated that.


Iron Man 3 versus Guardians


of the Galaxy Volume 1.


Guardians, for sure.


This is way easier at this point.


Spider-Man No Way Home


versus Doctor Strange.


No Way Home, baby.


For sure.


That movie was good.


Captain America,


the first Avenger versus Infinity War.


Infinity War.


Give me that bearded cap.


Yeah, that was not for that.


Not for that reason.


But no, yeah,


the only bearded cap


Guardians of the Galaxy


Volume three versus Hawkeye.


Give me that Guardians.






All right.




Yeah, that's fine.


I think Hawkeye slept on,


but that was a hard.


Hawkeye's good, but it's a tough matchup.


This is cheating.


Incredible Hulk versus Avengers Endgame.


I feel like Endgame is going


to just sweep here.


I'm going to whoop your ass.


It's Endgame.


Captain America Winter


Soldier versus Black


Panther Wakanda Forever.


I'm going to go Winter Soldier.


I'm also going to go Winter Soldier.




Fourth of July versus Juneteenth.


Iron Man versus Thor Ragnarok.


I'm going Ragnarok.




I'm going Iron Man.


Doug, make it weird.


I was going to go Ragnarok.




It's funnier.


Iron Man is a classic.


It's funnier.


It is.


It's funnier.


It's more entertaining to me.


Thor Ragnarok versus


Guardians of the Galaxy.


All right.


We're in the final four now.


All right.


It's the final four.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.






The final four.


Thor Ragnarok or Guardians?








Oh, fuck.


I got to pick.


I want to go... I'm going to go Guardians.


Ragnarok is... I should have


went with Tessa Thompson.




Guardians of the Galaxy


Volume 3 or Infinity War?




No, no, no.


Hold on.






I'm going Infinity War.


Infinity War.


That's so emotional.


Guardians was good.


It has a little bit of recency.


Guardians 3 is very good.


It's a top 10.


Captain America Winter


Soldier vs. Avengers Endgame.


I'm going Endgame.


You know what?


Winter Soldier.




I'm going to go Endgame.


That's fine.


Black Panther vs. Spider-Man No Way Home.


Oh, man.


Aye, aye, aye, aye.


that's tough that's tough


that's tough I mean it's


like james bond lion king


versus like all the


spider-men I it's just I


don't know man james bond


lion king is a crazy way to


describe that and it's


accurate as fuck black


panther like it's why it


works so well because it's


like hey y'all know hamlet


and you're like yeah okay


what if what if he was a


spy and you're like that's


right yeah that's actually


a really good way to put


that what the fuck that's really good


I'm so mad.


I never thought about that.


I mean,


that's why Black Panther works so well.


I'm going to talk myself


into Black Panther.


I'm going Spider-Man.


Ooh, okay.


I'm going to go... This is hard for me,


either way,


because I love both of these movies.


This is incredibly difficult.


I'm going to go Black Panther,


because I remember what it


did when it came out for Black folk.


Honestly, that's perfect.


I'm going Black Panther.


Yeah, that's tough, though.


Spider-Man No Way Home is good.


No Way Home is a cinematic achievement,


not because of the movie,


but because it was a hot mess.


They didn't have that script


finished before they started filming,


so it's incredible that it is that good.


That it even happened.


That it even happened.


Guardians of the Galaxy


Volume 1 or Infinity War?


Oh, Infinity War.


Unfortunately, it's Infinity War.


What do you say, unfortunately?


Because Guardians is good.


Oh, God.


That's fucked up.


Avengers Endgame versus Black Panther.


Okay, I will admit before y'all vote,


the better round would have


been Avengers Endgame versus No Way Home.








because I would have gone No Way Home


for that.


Yeah, I would have gone No Way Home.


Avengers Endgame is still good.


I will watch all three.


I'm going Endgame.


Yeah, I'm going Endgame.




I'll go Black Panther for the sake of


going Black Panther,


but I would also pick Endgame.


We all have our dissenting opinions.


Thanks for doing the Lord's work.


What the fuck?


How the fuck did this happen?


Infinity War versus Avengers Endgame.


I told you Endgame was gonna


be- I can tell you how it happened,


because you had Guardians 3


versus Infinity War,


and you two ding-dongs went, uh,


Infinity War.


Why the fuck would you pick- No,


I stand by that.


I stand by that.


What the fuck?


That's fine.


We're all going to pick


Endgame and it's fine.


It's fine.


If you need me to reassure you, it's fine.


I would pick Infinity War.


Only because I remember the reason.


Are both of y'all picking it?


No, I'm picking Endgame.


I'm also picking Endgame.


I only picked Infinity War


because I remember the


feeling when the credits


started rolling and


everybody in that theater was like,


what the fuck?


What just happened?


Everybody was like, that's it?


I remember there were


children in the theater for Infinity War.


And they were like, what happens?


I remember there was a parent.


I was like, what happens next?


That's it, kiddo.


No, Madame Webb didn't enter this.


But no, this kid was distraught.


So sorry to those parents


who had to explain what


death was to all of those children.


Jesus Christ.


I'm dead serious.


What do you mean they're not coming back?


Are they okay?


What happens when you die?


Oh, I mean...


You know how they say ashes to ashes,


dust to dust?


Yeah, it's kind of like that.


I mean, some kid just saw Spider-Man die.


He has no idea what's going on.


Nikki, how much time do you have?


I do want to point this out before you go.


The top three for people


that were participating in this.


These were the rates.


These were the top three movies.


Infinity War won amongst


everybody with 25.81%.


The win rate was 82.72%.


Avengers Endgame is next


with a win rate of 81.7%.


And then Guardians of the


Galaxy Volume 3 was a win


rate with 68.61%.


That's fascinating.


That was on to something, for sure.


I mean,


for people that want to know Madam Web,


honestly, not to plug the podcast,


but you could probably just


listen to our podcast


episode and you'll get the vibe.


It is already on Netflix.


So if you have a Netflix


account and you're like, man,


I'm going to get wasted and watch that.


You know what?


That's a great point, GZDR4EV.


None of the Blade movies made it,


and I think that's kind of bullshit.


But they must have only done newer.




the Marvels wasn't in this too as well.


No, only done for MCU.


Well, they also threw in TV shows too.


So I think they randomized


the 32 and then put them in there.


I bet that quiz was made at


a date and they just didn't


go back and update it.


For sure, and like didn't update it.


Yeah, for sure.


Because the Blade one should be.


Sorry, Brian, go ahead.


No, that format was good of the lightning.


I didn't think too hard.


The only one I thought


really hard about was Black Panther,


I think.


As you should.


Juneteenth versus Fourth of July.


That's the AKA.


Or it might be.


It might be.


That's going to get us canceled.


Dr. Diggle.


What's his name?


My crayon carrier.


D. Diggle.


D. Diggle.


Cool daddy.


Mark is about to drop the


hottest summer jam.


All right, move on.


I'm done.


Let's move on.


Hey, Brian, we got a news episode.


Lay us down with that funky


fat first piece of news, baby.


All right.


What an intro for my funky


fat piece of news.




Funky and fat.


Keep it away from you.


First piece of news.


I wanted to the two.


So mine's a two for one.




and it's more of a conversation about


streamers and their pricing.


Um, so it was announced today.


Paramount plus is getting


another price hike.




so essentially for new people who sign


up for Paramount plus, um,


that's going to cost $13 a month, um,


starting August 20th.


and so essentially if you're


doing the thing where


you're rotating streamers


if you drop paramount we


lost marcus is he gonna


make it is he he and I are


both like he and I are both


trying really hard not to


laugh through your news


because what you're saying


is really important but he


and I did something wildly


inappropriate and so now


we're both trying to fight


we're trying to fight by


tears because it was all


visual and you were reading


from your news when we were


doing it I totally


You know how, like,


when the teacher turns


their back and they start


writing on the whiteboard


and everybody's like, give us a finger.


You're looking at the worst


motherfuckers of life.


Don't put us in a serious situation.


Sorry, Brian.


Keep going.


Oh, you're fine.


Twenty dollars is too damn high.


Go ahead.


That's too much cock for me.


You're fine.






I want that political party.


That is the political party I will join.


Too damn high.


Too much what?


That's too much cock for me.




Too high.


Too high.


Okay, I wasn't expecting that.


Keep going, Brian.


I'll try.


That's a lot.


That's a lot.


That's something.




Anyway, you heard it.


Paramount, like, it's big claim to fame.


been claimed to fame when it


started it was like hey


paramount plus it's like


seven bucks all right oh


yeah come to us seven bucks


hey you you are you part of


walmart are you are you a


walmart plus subscriber


guess what you get it for


free like they were like


the bargain bundle barrel


type situation of streamers


so now they're moving it up


to 13 a month for new


subscribers um and this


comes off of other news at


the beginning of the month


that h that not hp


i hate it so much max is


raising prices for their ad


free tier from basically


they're going to raise it


to twenty dollars a month


that's that's essentially


the average they're going


to raise um I i can't find


the exact date for when


that's happening but


essentially that's it's


imminent um and I know that


because I got I got the


email and it was like hey


we know you're max


subscriber guess what


you're gonna pay more


you're gonna like it


So anyway,


people are raising their streaming prices,


and that seems to be newsworthy.


So when is the revolution?


When's the revolution, girlies?


I mean,


the revolution will not be televised.


Right now!


Talk about price controls.


I mean, of course there's deals,


but $20 at 12 months is


$240 for one streaming app.


yeah it's it's it's not


happening it's not that's


too much y'all it's too


much it's I don't know


everybody just thinks


they're netflix and you're


not like I don't know how


else to tell you this


you're not and and there's


only one place you can


watch madam webb and that's on netflix


Why don't we keep promoting


that bullshit movie?


Because it shouldn't exist.


Because I kind of secretly


want it to get really


popular because people listen to this.


You're going to Morbius it?


Is that what you're trying to do here,




Wait, Brian,


is this for Paramount or is


this for Peacock?


No, this is for Paramount.


How the fuck am I still


paying $6 for Paramount?


You probably signed up super early,


so don't cancel it if you


want that legacy rate.


I do not.


That's very interesting.


Okay, well, man,


now my too much cop joke


doesn't make sense because


I thought it was for


Peacock this whole time.




Madam Web is the killer app you


gotta have.


Nikki said, if I can't watch Madam Web,


I'm not subscribing to your shit site.


That's why I'm with Nikki.


You know what?


That's a fair point.


There's gotta be a line somewhere.


No, we ain't gonna take it.


We're not gonna take it.


We've interrupted Brian this entire time.


No, you're fine.


This is totally targeted to people, though,


who sign up for a service


for a month and then drop it.


So, Doug,


if you didn't drop it and you


wanted to...


re-up for I can't remember


what the kevin costner show


is it's like yellowstone


yellowstone which he made


the announcement that he's


not coming back to like he


took because he put all of


his eggs in the like no


something else pissed him


off because he he made when


he made that video it was


like angry dad making that


video he was like I'm just


making a bit he made it in


his backyard in the middle


of doing whatever the fuck


he was doing it was like


hey y'all y'all keep asking


me when I'm not coming back


to yellowstone I love what


it was hate what it is now see ya




I didn't realize he had that


much disdain for Yellowstone.


Some people were saying it


was the director or something else,


but I'm sorry.


I mean, you're fine.


That's the only thing I know


about Paramount is people are like,


oh yeah, I gotta get my Yellowstone.


That's like one of the


fandoms I've never touched.


like like whenever I say oh


yeah I'm on a podcast we


talk about all this stuff


like oh what about


yellowstone I'm like I


don't I don't I don't know


what that is I feel like


paramount just needs a


little bit paramount is


like it could be on the


cusp because it has all the


ninja turtles transformers


star trek it has like the


top franchises that oh yeah


there's some solid


franchises and then in


addition to like ncis and


all that kind of stuff like that but yeah


It just doesn't have enough yet.


And I'm not sure what it's


missing to make it feel


like it's a competitor, I guess.


They just don't have that killer show.


I've never heard anyone be like,


you've got to get Paramount for blank.


I feel like for Max,


it was Last of Us and Game of Thrones.


There's a few other shows there.


And they have such fringe shows.


They have such...


really hyper specific like, hey,


you want to see Sylvester


Stallone play a fucking gangster in Tulsa,




That is real.


Then do we have a fucking show for you?


Bullshit it,


but you went for the real show.


That's the real show.


That's the real show.


And you're like, yes, of course I do.


I have a police.


I have a thin blue line


sticker on my truck.


I absolutely have to watch that.


I also have the Punisher sticker on it.


I fundamentally


misunderstand the Punisher.


I don't get either of those things.


But yes,


and I fucking love Sylvester


Stallone in being a guy in Tulsa,




Being a guy.


You know how old he is?


no he's so old but he keeps


making expendable movies


and fucking being in tulsa


oklahoma so like I think


it's literally called tulsa


king and I'm like you can


be king of that I'm not


interested sure sure sure


so western go ahead great


it sounds great for you


anyway uh anyway folks keep


raising prices they're not


gonna get what they want


and I and we just we need




I don't want people to lose their jobs,


but I do think we need


fewer streaming services.


Anytime y'all want to merge or collapse,


that'd be great.


That'd be great for


everybody because not


everyone's going to


subscribe to everything.


That plan's not going to work.


That ship has sailed.


That was 2020.


We're not doing that again.


We're not doing that.


Anyway, that's my news.


That's one of my news pieces.


Anyway, don't raise your prices.


I'm happy for you.


That's a great job.


Something's going to have to


get cut here soon, but yeah.


Yeah, we're right.


I mean, it's like and the other thing is,


is I think there is a


conversation to be had.


about what are studios...


What role do studios play in all of this?


Because at some point in time,


you're going to have to have a choice.


You're going to have to


figure out what you're going to do here,


because not everything is


going to be a box office smash,


but also we can't keep


raising the rates of streaming services.


There's got to be a middle


ground here somewhere.


Some of it feels like maybe


preparation from a streamer


in the production side.


If the movie theater dies...


We already have our footing


for what it would cost to go,


so we can just start


dropping our major movies


that we would do behind the


paywall of a $20 paywall.


That's the, you know, theorist in me,


I guess, but whatever.


No, I don't think you're far off.


I really don't.




Marcus, you have a big piece of news about,


I don't want to say spoilers or leaks,


so I want to do mine quick,


and then I want to get into yours,


if that's okay.


For sure.


So I would like to talk about Box Office.




All right, let's do it.


Inside Out...


Number two,


because this movie for


everybody who was sitting


there saying that Pixar was


on its way out and that it


couldn't have a hit again,


just needed to wait for, uh,


inside out too.


So Pixar, so this,


it had its second weekend


and it cleared a hundred


million box office domestically.


Um, and even beating, um,


weekend of performance.


You're lagging a little bit


and then somebody is


clicking and knocking.


Not really sure what that was.


I can't tell.




We got you.


We got you now.


I hate fucking all of it.


Nicky is hilarious.


Hey, goddamn,


in fucking Al Gore's internet,


I can't open up an article


and talk at the same time?


What the fuck is this shit?


Don't you dare.


Better disconnect your phone.


From your Wi-Fi.




Anyway, so anyway,


it's doing very well in the theater.


It's coming back where it needs to be.


So apparently we got what we


needed in terms of what Pixar is doing.


So, Brian,


we had an interesting discussion,


I think it was like two weekends ago,


about the trend and how


they haven't had a hit in a while.


So maybe things are on the


upswing for them,


but only time will tell.


I also think it's really interesting,


and I didn't read a whole lot into it,


But I do have a lot of


questions about why some


folks weren't brought back


for that movie because


Mindy Kaling and Bill Hader.


So Mindy Kaling played and played Disgust.


Bill Hader played Fear.


Those two people were not


involved in that project moving forward.


So that's what I think is


kind of interesting about


that whole setup.


But I just wanted to report


from the inside of Riley's brain,


I guess.


I mean,


I saw that Inside Out 2 crossed the


threshold that Dune 2 had


for most biggest box office


or continuous box office hit of the year.


So they've surpassed all the


money that Dune 2 has made


in two weeks that Dune 2 made in months.


So, I mean, I guess Disney got their wish.


They wanted a hit.


And I sure hope everybody


likes Pixar sequels because


they're coming.




There's a series.


There's a spinoff series


from Inside Out 2 that's coming out now.




um right as well I mean


here's my question did they


it seems like they starved


people out of pixar movies


a little bit right like


what was the last thing


that dropped before inside


out elemental yeah that's a


that's that's a long time


ago so you kind of that's a


year ago yeah so it seems


like marvel and pixar like


disney as a whole right


it's like they start people out


to give it space and kind of


restructure and do whatever


the fuck they needed to


yeah also you had a billion


and then disney as a whole


has deadpool and wolverine


coming out oh yeah what's


the next what else is the


next biggest thing that's


there's something else


that's coming like it's


either another pixar


project or another


something so they had a


billion a billion and then


another billion oh yeah I


mean jesus christ like


that's a hell of a year for


disney like as a whole


Well, I mean,


it justifies bringing Iger back.


It justifies the strategy


for we're going to do less


because less is more.


It allows them to sort of


reorient themselves to


their theme park business, you know,


like because Tiana's Bayou


Adventure opened up this summer,


so they're really pushing


things that way.


It does.


I did not realize that Moana


Moana 2 is coming out in November 2024.


And then they also have


Mufasa coming out December 20th.


That's not making a billion.






I don't think Mufasa is going to hit


the billion.


I think Moana 2 has the


potential to hit that


billion mark if word of mouth is good.


I definitely think it'll get


its flowers and do its at


least 300 million mark.


after it's done in theaters


but I think it has the


potential to get up there


if people like oh no it's


like actually good good


like I feel like that it


depends whether the rock


puts his machine behind it


or not right like if he


which you know he will like


he's gonna put his


marketing arm he's gonna


show up at every theater in


decatur illinois and be


like I gave everybody a zoan or drink


free free tickets to this


movie like so like he's


just gonna show up and


everybody's gonna do that


he's gonna show up places


where you're like why the


fuck are you there and


you're like oh because


you've got a movie coming


out like that's yeah I i


feel like he's just gonna


show up with his tequila


and he's like who's ready


to sail the islands and


it's like all right I am


and some some adults are


like this is a theater full


of children that feels


inappropriate they all


gotta start drinking


eventually yeah if it's not


terramana then it's not the


real thing brother


I'm making him Hulk Hogan.


He's in his heel phase, okay?


The rock Dwayne Johnson is


in his heel phase right now.


He's going to be like... Yeah,


and a part of his heel


phase is giving ZOA... ZOA


Terramana bombers to every


child in a Moana theater.


Actually, that sounds delicious.


Because I will be honest with you,


that ZOA energy drink is pretty good.


It's actually good.


And I'll say this, his tequila?


It goes down real good.


His tequila is...


It's fine.


It's smooth.


It's smooth as fuck.


It's not bad at all, but goddamn.


The Zola Energy drinks,


he has very much cemented


Mid-America gas stations.


I just need to say this


because I was on a road trip recently.


Your quick trips.


I did.


I went into a random gas station.


There's this giant cardboard


cutout of the rock with ZOA.


And I was like, man, this guy,


I'm in the middle of nowhere, Kentucky,


and the rock is here trying


to give me ZOA.


So, I mean, yeah, I don't know.


Hard to find here, though.




that's a scary gas station in the


middle of nowhere, Kentucky.


Where's the gas station?


Where were you?


I was in the middle of nowhere, Kentucky.


Is it located near a sundown town?


I do not know.


I didn't check.


Don't wait till sundown to find out.


I guess I won't.


It's my suggestion.


yeah uh but I mean it was


just some random gas


station obviously cardboard


cutouts of marketing


materials is nothing new


but I was just like really


the rock here okay great


anyway um yeah inside out


too is just gonna


everyone's gonna take all


the wrong lessons from that


I feel like they already


have I mean the fact that


we greenlit I mean you


greenlit frozen four and


five before I even got a


chance to see before I got


to see three so like it's just avatar


I do want to say,


you know the motherfucker


who gets the short end of


the stick in this?


Fucking Chapstick.


Chapstick ass.


He is the scapegoat in all


of the failures that is like,


if you needed a sole person


to blame it on, and he did.


It is his fault, but also like,


was all of it,


somebody had to green light his idea.


I mean, nobody said no to him.


Nobody said no to Chapik


when he was running Disney


in 2020 through 2022.


And if Chapik was still around,


I think Inside Out 2 would


have been in theaters and Disney Plus,


and you just would have


paid $30 to watch it at home.




And it wouldn't have done


well at the box office.


Nope, not at all.


um so like I get it I get


what eiger is trying to do


and I think I think it does


pay off in the long term


but I think it's to your


point marcus that the movie


theaters aren't gonna


deliver like these huge box


office box like like


explosions of numbers every


time so you do have to


space this stuff out like


We can't go back.




I don't know what fixes it


because every movie is just


not going to be an event


like a Barbie Oppenheimer


or an accidental hit like Elementals.


The movie theater is in a


different place now.


We got to


right from different yeah


yeah yeah and um you know I


will say this airbnb uh has


a inside out themed uh


destination where you can


go like what it looks like


to be in riley's command


center if you'd like to


send the three of us there


we'll do a live pod from their airbnb


Reporting live from Riley's head.


I would do that shit in a heartbeat.


Y'all didn't send us to the X-Mansion.


Y'all are terrible sugar daddies.


Airbnb, I'm a great guest.


You can check my score.


I am a super guest.


I sweep and mop before I fucking leave.


Whoa, okay, I don't mop.




I don't want them to have to do a


lot of work on my behalf.


I'm taking shots off the control center,


so don't invite my black ass.


If you see lines of a white powder,


Marcus was there.


Oh my god!


What the fuck?


I said shots!


You went to cocaine?


Well, yeah, because it starts with shots.


Come on, Marcus.


It's a gateway alcohol?


That escalated so quickly.


Can you tell that I'm just not... Yeah.


Let's move on.


Marcus, just take it away.


Oh, I just,


today was a good day because


today was the first day


that they shot in Cleveland, Ohio,


the new Superman movie.


And we got leaks.


Oh, man.


So there was the teaser.


Yeah, for sure.


Why did they pick Cleveland?


I'm not james is there a


specific answer you're


looking for here no I'm


just curious I wonder why


cleveland don't don't you


all wonder why cleveland I


feel like that's a few


ideas what do you think I


don't know the avengers


also shot in ohio like I


think there's some tax


breaks there but also


they're the the outdoor


locations can mimic new


york pretty well too uh


right if you're going for


that metropolis kind of


like all right


claustrophobic metro feel


ohio has a lot of places


that can double for that


also like the cost of


production is pretty low


because it's well I mean


they do call cleveland the


mistake on the lake that's


why I was curious so do


Did you set that shit up to


just insult fucking Cleveland?


The mistake on the lake.


I did.


I set it up so that way I


could say that out loud so


I could say I hope Travis


Kelsey takes beef and has


to show up here to defend Cleveland.


Is he from Cleveland?




What the fuck is all this


internal insult you're doing?




Are you trying to pull a


Dave Grohl right now, man?


Hey, no, no, no, no, no.


Brian, I am a member of Dave Grohl's army.


All he has to do is say where and when,


and I will go where he


needs me to go in that war.




I don't want to be in the Taylor Swift,


Dave Grohl war.


You know what?


I will proudly plant my flag


on the Dave Grohl side of this.


Everyone in there,


everyone middle-aged versus


all of the hot teeny boppers slaying it.


just such a weird war it is


very strange yeah it is an


odd beef it's an odd it's a


weird beef to choose Dave


Grohl Taylor Swift wasn't


on my bingo card no um


So yeah,


we went and there was some photo leaks.


So I'm going to show you all


the leaked photos that came out.


I sent Brian and Doug the


leaked photo of the


newspaper a little bit earlier this week.


But now we have clean shots


of the Superman suit and Mr. Terrific.


So here we go.


This is number one.


Oh, wow.


Looks so good.


Oh, no, I like that suit.


The suit is really good.


It's the suit is really good.


He's either bulky as shit or


he like I love James Gunn


because he put the S on the back.


He put the yellow S on the


back of the Superman cape,


which is very classic, like very,


very classic.


And for listeners, I mean,


if you want to go back one photo, Marcus,


I mean,


we've got what I'm going... We


have like the classic lifter trunks on.


So this Superman,


he has a defined midsection here.


We're not just an all


blue... It's not an all


blue pajama set here.


I mean,


there's very clear distinction here.


And man,


that S looks like from Kingdom Come.




It's just a straight bar.


It looks real good.


I think...


Man, that collar also very new.


I like the collar.


I like the collar is very


classic lifter trunks.


Yeah, like strong man.


Strong man trunks.


Oh, okay.


Yeah, like back in the 20s.


Oh, yeah, there it is.


Okay, we're there.


I just wanted to be known.


I was going through Superman


photos and just couldn't


let the lifter trunks go.


I'm sorry,


are you accusing me of being a


distraction when someone else is talking?


Motherfucker, we'd be in the same boat,


so don't do that.


Underrated, though.


Was that Mr. Terrific?


That is Mr. Terrific.


Mr. Terrific is a part of it.


He's part of the great


mirage of heroes that are in this.


Hawk Woman, Mr. Terrific, Metamorpho.


There's a few heroes that


are... Gal... Not...


Who's the third Green


Lantern that everybody kind


of... Guy Gardner.


Guy Gardner.


Guy Gardner.


Jesus Christ.


Guy Gardner is also in this too as well.


That was part of the


people's pickiness about


the Superman movie is that


we know James Gunn does


teen group movies really well.




he obviously he this


superman is established in


a world where heroes


already exist so he


surrounded this superman


with a bunch like four to


five other heroes as well


to kind of like double down


that it already exists


that's so smart because I


like it like superman is


fine on his own and I i dig


the tale of an immigrant


story that comes with


superman and I've come a


long way because injustice


the injustice take on


superman and how that


unfolded used to be my


favorite superman story


But now like the more I've


learned about Superman from Marcus,


by the way,


like Marcus is like the driving factor.


That's the only reason I


watched that anime on Max,


which was so heartfelt.


It's so good.




My adventures with Superman.




I want season two right now.




And finished that.


I mean, it's just so heartfelt.


It's so genuine.


And I think one of the


things that James Gunn can


nail about this is that


Superman exists in this


world where all this other


bad stuff is happening,


but he's still being the hopeful one,


being like, you know what?


It's going to be all right.


It's going to be all right.


We're going to figure this out.


And it's like, yeah,


we could use a little bit


of that right now.


I'd be okay with that.


So I think surrounding him


with a team is going to contrast him


a bit more.


And I think that's a really,


I think that's a really good thing.


I think the more contrast Superman has,


the more exciting his story can be.


But that's just me.


I mean,


the team aspect of... And the team


aspect is more like... I


think James Gunn... Not I think.


He said this.


He's going for the hope approach, right?


You actually might see this


motherfucker Superman save


a cat from a tree like


Christopher Reeve Superman.


But the other heroes around


him are going to look... It


feels like are going to


look to this Superman as


the point of hope of it's


okay to be a hero and stand


for the things that you want to,


which is what...


Superman should be he is


this light of hope I loved


Zack Snyder's version for


what it was but I don't


think I need to see the


black suit death of


Superman storyline again


for a while like at least


not in the movie right so


give me the other route


where he is like all-star


Superman like that kind of


route we're putting the


hope back into lives yeah


you know if you haven't


read all-star Superman


that's probably my it's


it's one of my favorite


like it's a good run


graphic novels uh


collections just amazing


Now, I would have loved people,


and I only got this from


people posting the pictures more,


Robert Pattinson with David Cornswith,


because I think that those


two would have paired well


as this grumpy-ass Batman


and this hopeful-ass Superman.


They're around the same age limit.


It would take a while to get


their worlds to collide,


that Matt Reeves world with


that hopeful Superman,


and it takes a balance when you


put them on the screen


together because Matt


Reeves world is really


really dark and James Gunn


seems like it's going to be


more Guardians of the


Galaxy kind of like


lightish but I do people


were doing their side by


sides and I was like that's


not that wouldn't have been


bad like that wouldn't have


been too terrible I mean


I'm not I'm not opposed I'm


glad they didn't it should


be it's own thing I'm not


opposed I also think that you need to


I think if you're going to


build a world where other


folks are looking to Superman to be hope,


I think you need to leave


the curmudgeon in his own


space for a minute.


I agree.


And I don't know.


That chemistry between Corn


Sweat and Pattinson,


I don't know how that would have...


played I don't know because


like I think the thing that


makes now I want to watch


the batman again um the


thing that makes pattinson


so compelling is because


like he's just so far


retreated into himself he's


not this grumpy ben affleck


who who's letting it know


that it's everybody's


problem right like


pattinson's just like he's


like the he's like the


really introverted guy at


the party who's like


want to be there he doesn't


want to talk to anybody


he's there for some reason


though and when you do try


to talk to him it's like


clearly no one you don't


want to talk to anybody I'm


going to leave you alone


like that's the vibe he has


and I think that would be


really hard to bring out in


this type of dynamic but it


all I mean I guess it could


have worked but I think I'm


also like because of the


zack snyder movies like I'm


good I don't see that interaction


for sure again super soon


and I wouldn't be surprised


at all I would not be


surprised at all if james


gunn has some very thorough


plans for his own batman oh


his verse his batman is uh


is already a dad like


they're going with brave


and the bold where damien


already is like damien's


the introduction which


means you've had a few


robins which means you've


you've had a nightwing


you've had a jason they did


announce that I forget what


they had yeah yeah




And he said his Batman is


going to be like a few


years older than this Superman,


which like it makes sense.


And again,


I think that that's going to work really,


really well with where with


where he's trying to take it, because.


If you're having a younger


Superman who's maybe a little bit more,


yes, there's a world of heroes.


Yes, he's new on the scene.


He's sort of giving them


this idea of they can hope again, right,


that they will all – that


the world will be the place


that they want it to be.


I think you need someone on


the other side who's a little bit older.


And I say other side because


we want to see them play


off of each other, right?


We want to see them that


like that tit for tat back


and forth that Doug and Marcus,


if you will, of like, of like,


of like I want someone to be


like your hopes only going


to get you so far like what


are you going to do when


like what are you going to


do like what's your backup


plan well I'll just do my


best what if your best


isn't good like you need


that sort of juxtaposition


but you need to let those


ideas breathe and if you


jam them together like


action figures too quickly


yeah it might look really


cool but it's just not


going to be the way you


want it to be you get a


Transformers type situation


where it's like that's


really cool alright




Why are they fighting?


Because they're big robots, man.


And the biggest thing here,


and that was all for my news,


is really just those pictures.


The biggest thing between,


I know we are not there yet.


Ethan James Gunn said they


haven't even started the


process for casting Batman.




I'm just really excited for this Superman.


The chemistry of the Superman.


Give me the Superman that I grew up with,


with Christopher Reeves.


I can watch that movie a thousand times.


Give me some hope.


Give me some good music behind it.


The way that Metropolis is


crafting together,


it looks like the city of tomorrow.


So it looks like this future


past Metropolis, big-ass city.


So that's going to be fun.


As far as the Batman route is concerned,


I want people to remember,


although it's kind of like


the similar way that they


always write Superman,


the easiest way for people


to write Superman that


don't understand Superman


is to make him evil, right?




The easiest way to write the


compelling relationship


between Batman and Superman


is to always pair them as


like complete opposites and villains.


But there's something that


they're besties.


If you really are looking


for their relationship,


they are best friends.


And they say that because of


they understand why they


are the opposites of each


other and why they need each other.


So you need you need both sides.


There are two sides of the same coin.


It's why Superman doesn't


always go to fucking Gotham


to stop up all the crime


because Gotham needs Batman.


And it's why Batman doesn't


go to Metropolis because


Metropolis needs a Superman,


not a fucking Batman going


and beating the shit out of


people in broad daylight.


Yeah, that wouldn't work.


It just wouldn't work.








And I think that's an


excellent I think that's an


excellent point because you're right.


They they have a trust that


you wouldn't find between


most superhero pairs.


Like and I do think that


that's always really, really cool.


I mean,


they both know each other's secret




They both there's this level


of like trust in the other


person of like we just


disagree on the way you get it done.


Like that's which is fine.


And the animated show,


and maybe I picked up on it


too much as a kid,


but it always felt like, to me,


the vibe was like,


when they were trying to


solve these problems together,


it always felt like Batman


could always kind of see


this glimmer of hope in


himself when he was paired with Superman,


and then Superman...


on the opposite was just


kind of like I could just I


could just like turn like


go super dark like Batman


but I don't want to but I


can see that being around


this guy so they they


brought out these different


shades in each other I also


just like them like solving


mysteries together that was


just super enjoyable


I'm not saying that's what


that movie should be or


what the next Justice League should be,


but that was an element


that I thought Superman


paired well with because, yeah,


Superman can literally fly


through a building,


but Batman's the one that's like, hey,


did you look at that


footprint that your building fell on?


Can we maybe just look at it for a second?


I feel like that's just such a good...


I get good vibes from it is


what I'm trying to say.


So I'm really,


I'm very excited for the Superman movie.


I'm very excited to see


these heroes that he's


being paired up with.


I think it's going to,


I think this could be


something really special.


Going Mr. Terrific is such a


niche fucking hero,


but that's such a smart-ass


route to go if you really


know Mr. Terrific.


That's my only concern.


If I'm airing out the things


that I'm worried about,


I'm worried that some...


I'm not worried about his


ability to do it.


I'm worried about audiences receiving it.


I'm not worried about...


this group, this group,


like the three of us,


or anybody who listens to


this podcast for that matter.


I'm listening to somebody who's like, Oh,


his new Superman movie.


I love Christopher Reeve.


Let me walk in.


And they don't know Mr. Terrific.


They don't know that there


are three different green lanterns.


They don't understand some


of that niche stuff.


And I'm I'm worried that


they just I'm worried.


I'm just worried about how


that's received because I


want this movie to do well.


It's not because I don't


think James Gunn can't handle it.


I just want to make sure


that it's it's all done.




It sounds weird to say it's consumable,


but I want it to make sense,


and I want it to track so


it can be followed.


And think about how Guardians was crafted,






there's obviously some dispute exactly


of what James Gunn wrote in


there and what was originally from him,


but taking that aside,


he did direct the film,


and I feel like...


bringing all these types of


characters... Rocket


Raccoon was not known.


Not a household name.


And then he became a main


character in Endgame,


which I feel like shows the


power of James Gunn.


I feel like if he brings


that same energy to this Superman movie,


where it's not like...


Zack Snyder right it would


be like this is Wonder


Woman here's her theme song


look at her go and like we


spend like a solid three


minutes you know doing the


whole like Hans Zimmer like


whatever but like in


Guardians right it's like


here's this raccoon and


he's trying to catch a guy


and here's Dree isn't that


silly look at these two


they're silly they're silly


together like there's a


green lady what's her deal


you know and like and then


it would pan over to Gamora yeah


you know right like that was


the vibe of james gunn


though in that opening like


uh I don't even know where


they were they were like in


an open market square when


they all get captured by


the novas and guardians of


the galaxy but it's like


that was they were on nova


prime I feel like yeah they


were that he was going


there to like sell the


infinity he was there to


like sell the infinity stone


yeah and it wasn't like


these grand intro star


lord's the only one that


gets a grand introduction


and and they make fun of


them for it right so I feel


like if it's that type of


energy I think yeah cool


yeah yeah I agree yeah agreed I agree


Anything else anybody wanted


to chat about on news this week?


I had one more item that I


wanted to talk about.


This piece of news came out June 13th,


but Variety reported


exclusively that Dwayne


Johnson and Danny Garcia's


Seven Bucks production


studio signed a Disney


first look deal to develop


theatrical equipment.


and streaming films.


And if you're not familiar


with a first look deal,


basically what that means


is that anything seven


bucks wants to produce or


make Disney gets the first


shot at distributing it,


owning those release rights,


getting it to Disney plus


having that first opportunity to buy it,


which basically means that seven bucks is,


is going to be closely


affiliated with Disney from here on out.


I wanted to say this because


in a previous episode, we called this.


We talked about this in the


chat a little bit,


but we talked about this a


few months ago about how Dwayne Johnson,


we didn't know where he was


going after WB, after Black Adam.


And we made a whole joke


about how Dwayne Johnson


would get a Disney Plus series.


We did.


I forgot.


Talking about blowing stuff


up and it would just be a reality show.


And we said, oh man,


how wild would that be?




now Seven Bucks has a first look deal.


I swear, I swear,


if there's a reality show


where Dwayne Johnson's


talking to people and he's like, hey,


what are you going to blow up today?


I'm like, I'm going to blow up this drone.


He's like, all right, let's see it.


I'll quit.


I've got nothing left to


predict with my life.


I'm going to turn into Miss Cleo.


Y'all don't have to start paying me,




99 cents a minute.


We're going to get a nice


board in front of us that we'll touch.




so we called this earlier this year.


What is our tally mark?


It's $3.99 because $4 seems too high.


But $3.99 that I can... $3.99 plus tax,






I'm focusing on all the wrong things.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


It's been weird for me.


We need to make a board.


And I think I am going to


start a board on Padlet of


what our predictions are


and when they're confirmed


or not confirmed.


Because this is like the


third time this has happened to us.


This is like the... No, no, no.


This is like the fifth.


And this is no exaggeration.


Since we started this fucking podcast...


We've called everything.


Our media literacy is at a fucking 99.


We call every fucking thing.


It's like this is the fifth


time this has legitimately happened.




I mean,


it started with Zack Snyder getting


his own directors.


I mean, that was the very first one.


We did.


That's insane.


We should go through it.


That'd be fucking crazy.


That's right.


Yeah, I...


You know what?


Good for him.


I mean, this motherfucker can't miss.


Like, he can't miss.


Somehow, when you think he's down,


he gets right back up again.


Here's the thing, though.


The Rock is still the Rock,


even after the WB failure.


And to be honest,


I'm just being honest with you,


part of that was his fault


if he kind of shitted on


people to get what he wanted.


I don't know that.


I can't confirm that.


That's kind of what was hinted at.


If that is true, you got to eat that.


You know what I mean?


You got to suffer that.




WB was already a shit show and DC was


a shit show.


It was just like that was bound to fail.


Whether your execs was like


it just was bound to fail.


I think that The Rock is a hustler.


And what I've seen him do


with wrestling WWE,


I don't think that The Rock


is too prideful to make himself a loser.


you know what I mean and


kind of make himself an


example in the show I've


learned my lesson I've seen


it when he did wwe with


roman reigns and he did it


with cody and he did it


with like this new story


that kind of boosted


wrestlemania 40 and now I'm


watching even more


wrestlemania which is about


to go solely on netflix


like primary they're about


to be showing they're going


uncensored on netflix which


is about to be crazy


because the storylines are


fucking fantastic


Roman Reigns was on the bloodline.


Now his cousin Solo has


taken over the bloodline.


And he's the new leader of the bloodline.


And there's a whole thing with that now.


It's really dope.


But I think The Rock is a hustler.


You get Moana.


If Moana 2 pops off,


that's a billion dollars.


Live action Moana.


If that pops off,


that's a whole nother amount of money.


And now you can kind of just


make The Rock be whatever


you want in your Marvel...


DC, I mean your Marvel and whatever else,


animation, discovery, all of that shit.


He might come up as a


fucking Jedi if he wants to.


He's got two things that I


think are I think he's got


two things that he does


mentally and I think that


give him an edge when you


compare him to others.


I think the first is he's


got good business sense.


He's able to see an opportunity


And I'm not saying this is like, oh,


he's taking advantage of people.


I'm saying this is like a positive.


He can see an opportunity


where other people see a failure.


And so the XFL is a great example.


He bought the XFL.


Got it to a point where


people were excited about


it and then sold off his section of it,


I'm pretty sure.


Did he sell it?


Oh, he sold it.


When it merged with the


American football league.




Or whatever it is.


So think about that.


You took something that


everybody counted out.


that was awful when it


initially came out turned


it around made it into


something legitimate put


your name behind it and


then now you come out on


top yeah based on that that


is that is incredible


business sense the rock is


a fucking brand is it is


impeccable yes the second


thing I'll say is he's I


mean he's an athlete he


learns from his mistakes he


grew up playing football he


was involved in


professional wrestling and


whether you think the


storylines are fake all of that


takes practice.


You don't take a bump in


wrestling and get up if


you're doing it wrong.


They have to practice it.


It is so stylized that it


needs to be practiced and


rehearsed so people are safe.


If you...


fuck up your shoulder


because you didn't land


right when you were taking a bump.




Guess what?


You're not going to do that again.


So like,


there's this portion of it where


like he learns from his mistakes.


And I think he, what he did was,


is he just said, yeah, why not?


What do I have?


I got to lose it.


Disney passes on it.


Maybe my shit will be so good.


Someone else will pick it up.


I see you, Brian.


The third piece is like,


the he's proud of the shit


that he puts out yes and so


like it's like if he's


gonna get behind something


he's not gonna half-ass the


brand and he's also I think


he's really good at not


doing too much at once I


think kevin hart kind of


had that issue at one part


for me is like I felt like


kevin hart was trying to do


every thing in the world


every every role that


needed comedic relief


And it wasn't even just, like,


tiny guy comedic relief.


And I'm not saying that as a dig.


Like, that's a legit role.


Like, ask, you know, Joe Pesci.




any of those roles immediately went


to Kevin Hart.


And I don't... Like, he was everywhere.


He's a hustler, too.


Or, like, funny...


Harrison and I,


the kids and I watched a


movie on Friday night that


he was in and I was like, holy shit,


that's Kevin Hart.


It was the Captain Underpants movie.


He played the voice of one


of the kids in that and I was like,


oh my god.


So he played,


he had that voice and that


way of talking and that he


just had it down to his


science and he was just everywhere.


So shout out to The Rock.


Get your money, dog.


I ain't mad at you.


Go ahead and get your Disney paycheck.


I feel like a nice Disney


paycheck or a couple of


them will get you right.


You can sail off into the


fucking sunset after that.


And if you want to come on this podcast,


we'd love to have you.


Yeah, bring your bag of weights.


Protein shakes.




Also, Disney is- Wait, what did you say,




I said protein shakes.


You gotta drink all that protein.


Okay, wait,


can I say something before Brian goes?


This is random as hell.


Air One, the store,


there's a new shake that's going around.


It's from Hailey Bieber.


The bitch costs, not her, the shake,


the bitch costs $19.


I'm sorry, where is this?


It's in a store called Air One.


It's like one of those fancy ass LA types,


like big,


all healthy type of ingredients


and shit like that,


like Whole Foods type of shit,


like a high, high, high Trader Joe's.


It's on my TikTok feed.


So Brian said protein shake.


This shake is like a


strawberry and cream shake


with all the ingredients


made by Haley Bieber.


And the shit is $19, like $22 plus tax.


And I would also like to


point out to everybody that


they're selling it at a


health food store.


And this is your friendly


reminder to remind you that


just because it's sold at a


health food store doesn't


mean that it has nine.


It doesn't have 900 calories.


And at the end of it


probably isn't all that great for you.


So read your fucking labels


before you go ordering shit.


They said it's good, though.


That's fine.


It can be good,


but you're going to hawk


off essentially what we


would call a milkshake if


it was sold in a diner as a


piece of health food store stuff.


Maybe this is like the


suburban dad jumping out.


I didn't mean to yell at you, Marcus.


I took that out on you.


White Ranger mask is coming on right now.


He's hiding his White Ranger mask.






Plus tax?




I don't even know who Hailey Bieber is.


Oh, is she with Justin Bieber?




This is why we don't do celebrity news.


We don't.


He'll be like,


can you believe Veronica who's dating?


I'd be like, who the fuck is Veronica?


I don't even know who that is.




Go ahead, Brian.


No, no, it's fine.


I'm just kind of like $19.


I can feed like three people


in my family for $19.


I could feed myself for a


week at the very least.


I mean, okay.


Do you know how much Rice


Krispies and cereal are?


I could eat that shit for a week,


like twice for $20.


Please don't do that.


You eat plain Rice Krispies?


Yeah, man.


No sugar?




I've eaten plain Rice


Krispies before just to


finish off the box.


But I wouldn't go to the


grocery store and be like,


Rice Krispies time.


I wouldn't either.


Not unless it was like the chocolate.


Slowly moving out of frame.


We'll see if his headphones


allow him to do that.


Bring your ass back with the microphone,




Well, I mean,


we had a candy bar showdown last week.


Maybe we need to do a bonus


episode about cereal.


We could do it.


Ooh, Brian.


And here's the alliteration.


The breakfast bowl.




Ooh, I like that.


I like that.


You know, triple B!


I think that's the next bracket.


Even if it's not a bonus episode, because,


yeah, it feels good.








It's a D-Diggle production.


Dee Diggle, bitch.


Dee Diggle, spin that shit.


Oh my God.


Did you spin?


Oh, by the way,


that hot girl is everywhere.


She can come on the podcast.


I want to hear how her life is.


I want to see how something so egregious,


something that is like not,


like that's like not


traditional mainstream hot tour.


Oh my God.


I had to Google that the other day.


On your phone, right?


Not your work computer?


No, it was not.


It was not the work account.


They say if she doesn't hawk to her,


I don't talk to her.


Oh, shit.


i just like this meme went


everywhere and I was like


everywhere yeah I don't


know what instantaneously


which is crazy it was


really weird how fast it


happened but yeah I mean


anyway I yeah that was all


I had for seven bucks and


disney plus I mean good


again good for him get that


bag man great news yeah


happy for you duane yeah


gentlemen anything else


that you all have for this


week's episode no but I'm


playing music okay


I'm going to make sure it


actually plays before I start talking.


Brian's like, whoa, slow down.


Thanks, appreciate it.




what do you all have to plug this week?


Hey folks,


I'm here to talk to you about


Color Me Confetti.


That's an Etsy store on,


so go to,


type in Color Me Confetti.


All one word.


That is my wife's party supply shop.


Thank you.


I was also looking for it in the banners.


If you're on the live stream,


you can see what that is.


All of your printable party


supplies are there.


Go check it out.


Color me confetti.


Marcus, what do you got?


You want to make sure you


follow the mantra.


Never offended.


Always humble or Noah for short.


Go ahead.


Hit the link in my bio on


all my socials at Marcus J. Destin.


Buy yourself some gear.


Buy yourself.


Go stream some music.


I got new music on the way.


Soltai has music out right


now called Link.


But whatever you do,


make sure you follow the mantra.


Live the mantra.


Never offended.


Always humble.






if you enjoyed our squirrely-ass episode,


we would love it if you


would share with a friend


or a family member.


That is the best way that


our podcast gets some


traction and we grow is to


share by word of mouth.


If you're feeling especially generous,


head over to


Go to slash


films in black and white.


Sign up for one of the tiers there.


Help be a supporter of the show.




we have a three-step process to success.




I wanted to add something real quick.


Yes, please.


Sorry, I meant to go back.


um roman myers dropped this


fact in there um roman


myers said I have to check


but I think you guys are


close to 500 total towards


donation um and so like


we've been able to do that


with the help of roman myer


always do shout out roman


myer shout out to nikki and


the chat too as well for


popping in on us and


everybody else on twitch um


so thank you for always


supporting us y'all it does


make a difference


It does for sure.


No, absolutely.


Thank you, Roman.


Big shout out to everybody


in the chat today.


So 100%.


Brian, what is our first step, sir?


Hey, folks.


I'm here to tell you to read a book.


And I want you to find a


book that you just can't put down.


Because that happened to me.


I finished all of the Invincible comics.




Let me take that back.


Compendium 1, 2, and 3.


I found out there's another


compendium of side stories.


But I finished the main story.


When I tell you that I just


started reading and I couldn't stop,


that's such a glorious feeling.


And I want that for you.


Find that book for you.


Go read a book and get lost for hours.


Read a book.






care to run us down that second step,




Make sure you drink some water.


Treat yourself to the nice stuff.


Go get yourself some Voss.


Go get yourself some Fiji.


Whatever you do.


filter the water make sure


you're not drinking that


grainy rocky stuff but get


that water flowing through


you man it's the summertime


and it's hot baby so you


got to make sure you stay hydrated yeah


Our third step, it's hot.


Marcus said it.


You're sweating when you go


outside to get your newspaper.


You need to make sure that


you wash your ass.


Scrub the day off before you


lay down for tomorrow


because you don't want to


take it with you.


You want a chance to reset.


It's too shower season.


You might need to do that


like 102 degrees.


You might need to take one


twice just to freshen off


at the start of the day and


the end of the day.


Wash your legs.


That's important.


Wash the parts of your body.


Just don't let the water run over it.


But most importantly, you know,


wash your ass.




Get two showers in.




And put pictures of yourself


up in the shower of doing


the things you're proud of.


That could mean so many things.


It could.


It could.


Whatever you're proud of.


I didn't say I was proud of it.


It's true.




that does it for this week's


episode of Films in Black and White.


We'll be back next week with


another outstanding episode.


But in the meantime, in the between time,


stay safe, stay healthy.


We love y'all.


We appreciate y'all.


We will catch y'all next week.






Green M&M, the lesbian icon.


Yeah, I looked that up.


Shout out to Mia.


I gotta look that up too.


I'm very curious about that.


Be careful.


But like, educationally curious.


Yeah, for sure, for sure.


On the wiki, there's an M&M's wiki.


Did you know this?


I didn't know this.


I did not know that.


Apparently on the wiki,


the brown M&M is a


significant other with the green M&M.


Oh, damn!


This is deep lore, folks.


No shit.


I don't know.


I don't know.


I gotta verify this.


Okay, look it up.


People just post whatever


they want on the internet.


On Al Gore's internet.


Which struggles for Doug,


but for everybody else.


You open up two tabs and


suddenly your life ends.


How is there an M&M's Wiki?




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