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Ep14: 20 Important Steps To Writing And Publishing A Powerful Book (Pt.1)
Episode 1414th March 2024 • The Publish To Impact Podcast • Blake de Vos
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Have you ever wondered how the book writing and publishing process works? The majority of people I speak to want to write a book, but have no idea where to start or how to get a copy in their hands. I'm releasing this topic as a two part episode so you can fully understand the steps it takes to write and publish a powerful book. In today's episode, expect to uncover

Here's a breakdown of what's covered in Part 1:

  1. Find Your Why: The journey to writing a book starts with discovering your path.
  2. Choose Your Publishing Option: Decide between self-publishing, hybrid publishing, or traditional publishing.
  3. Validate Your Genre and Idea: Ensure there's a market for your book.
  4. Define Your Book Structure: Lay the foundation for your book's organisation.
  5. Mind Map and Outline: Organise your ideas and create a roadmap for your book.
  6. Draft Introduction and Conclusion: Craft the beginning and end to provide clarity for your manuscript.
  7. Write Your Manuscript: Commit to consistent writing sessions to make steady progress.
  8. Find a Professional Editor: Professionally polish your manuscript
  9. Hire a Professional Book Cover Designer: Create an awesome cover to attract readers.
  10. Create Lead Magnet and Resources: Use your business products, services and resources to encourage the reader to take action.

Looking ahead, we'll explore the remaining steps in the publishing and launching phases in the next episode. Remember, writing a book has three distinct phases: writing, publishing, and launching. Stay tuned for Part Two, where we'll dive deeper into the publishing and launching processes.


I love hearing from you and helping you make an impact with your book. If you have any questions, please reach out by commenting on this episode or through socials below! Otherwise, download a copy of Publish To Impact or see how we can work together.

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Remember: Becoming an author has never been easier, and I'm here to help get you there.

© 2024 The Publish To Impact Podcast Blake de Vos


Ep14: 20 Important Steps To Make Towards Publishing Your Book


[00:00:21] But what I'm going to do, I'm going to break these down into two different episodes, because I don't want to overwhelm you with all these steps. In one episode, I want to break these down step-by-step so that you have a clear idea. Of the really important steps that it takes to get your book in your hands written and published.


[00:00:59] We all want to publish books. And a lot of the time it's quite surface level. I mean, we say that it's a bucket list thing that we want to do, but. Go deeper. Because. When you go that little bit deeper, you get to really understand your purpose of writing a book. You really create that clarity. And you align why you're doing it with something that's powerful. So for me, I wrote published to impact because I enjoy helping others write and publish their books. You might enjoy. Helping clients grow their business or helping clients live a more healthier life. You want to think about what intrinsically motivates you?


[00:01:48] And those reasons of where the benefit comes in is really your purpose and your why. So for me, published to impact, I enjoy helping others write and publish their books. And I also use my book to generate leads and grow my business. So the internal rewards come from helping others write and publish their books and the external rewards. Comes through lead generation and growing my book, coaching business. So really think about your, why. Is it a passion of yours? Do you want to leave a legacy or create a legacy? Maybe you want to increase your leads and sales in your business and improve your network and build your personal brand.


[00:02:33] And that next step is to decide your publishing options. So when it comes to your publishing options, I'm not going to go too much into detail because you can listen to episode four on this podcast. If you like, that will give you an indication of why I choose self publishing, but also it gives you a background about the other routes, which is traditional self publishing and a hybrid publishing. Now you want to choose which publishing pathway you want to go through and you want to be prepared as to what you can expect to go through when you tackle that pathway and your pathway will always be based on your book goals, your writing goals, and essentially what you want to do with your book.


[00:03:35] Now, how do you validate that idea? Well, how do you want to validate your idea? is to figure out the problem you're trying to solve for your radar. Now everyone's going to have different book writing goals, but ideally, you're going to want to write a book that does one of these four things. One helps your rate to solve a problem. To empowers them. Three, make them feel good and ready to take action or for humour them


[00:04:03] So how I would encourage you to validate your idea. is to really connect. your genre, and align it with your idea, and to really important to ask yourself these questions, what expertise do you have? Do you offer any programs or courses that can help. You're ready to take action in your book. What problems do you solve for others? And what transformation have you undertaken that can be really beneficial for your reader? What were the results of that transformation? Even on Abraham, senior and questions, like, what do you love to talk about?


[00:04:52] And once you validated your genre, an idea, you'll then move into step four. And that is to think about how you're going to structure your book. Now there's a few different structures. When it comes to nonfiction book writing. Your book might be a chronological narrative, which in essence is a memoir.


[00:05:30] And the other popular structure is called conceptual design. And it's really most common for those who have an expertise in a certain area. So you might find business owners will write these types of books, business owners, leaders, teachers. People who want to use their experiences. And share their expertise with somebody to help them take action.


[00:05:56] So instead of focusing on events or individuals like you would in a chronological. Narrative. The type of book that has a conceptual design structure. Delves into topic exploration. It really encourages rate is to consider new perspectives and to really problem solve. Because we all have our own unique perspectives when it comes to our own expertise that we share. We have a certain way that we deliver those experiences because that's what makes us who we are. And you want to be able to use that inside your book.


[00:07:18] So in step five, you want to map an outline your book idea. When you create your book outline, it's all about developing a plan of attack to write your memo, new script. So you essentially want to write down. Every single idea that you have about your book. And arrange those ideas into one what's relevant to what's important.


[00:08:01] And it's also exciting just to see how your ideas take shape as you write what's in your head.


[00:08:19] And step six is to write a draft introduction and draft conclusion. This is before you write your manuscript. Now you're probably wondering why. I suggest writing a draft conclusion, even though you haven't started writing your book yet.


[00:08:44] They've ended up at another point of where you want them to get to. So you're essentially holding their hand through that journey. And how I'd describe it is when I wrote published to impact, I wouldn't have started my chapters with how to publish a book.


[00:09:18] And the conclusion is where you're going to end. Then, what you can do is all your ideas that you collaborated in the previous step. It then becomes, a clearer picture of how you can organize them and structure them. In the way that you want your reader. To be taken on that journey. But just know that the intros and the conclusions, they're not set in stone. They are drafts after all. Because what you actually going to find is when you do write your whole manuscript, you're going to reread that draft conclusion and that draft introduction that you've done.


[00:10:04] Alright, now, let's move on to step seven. And this is where you actually write your manuscript. So you can write your manuscript. In six to eight weeks.


[00:10:35] What's going to get you. Closer and closer each day, it's not writing for a day and then give it up for a week and try again. It's the act of sitting down and writing. That's what's going to get your manuscript written because a lot of us thinks it's too overwhelming to sit down and actually write our book and it's, you know, too energy intensive, but all the steps that I've mentioned previously lead up to this point, all those steps make this point so much easier because what we think about when it comes to writing our manuscript is that it's too hard.


[00:11:18] So once your manuscript's been finished, we move on to step eight. Step eight is to self edit your own work self-editing so important because you really want to gain that clarity and confidence in your book concept, and really feel that what you've written is going to be conveyed effectively to your reader. So how you want to self edit is you want to do it through two ways. The first edit is a verbal edit. This is where you're going to be miming or reading your book out loud and the first edit is going to help pick up the initial areas in your book, whether that's in your sentence, structure, grammar, spelling. You want to make sure that before you then consider. Your book from the point of a radar. You want to edit by the way of a writer? The next type of edit then you want to do is an eye scanning edit. After your verbal read through the ice scanning edit. Offers a fresh perspective. So rather than you taking in the view of the author, you're taking in the view of the reader and you're stepping back into viewing your work from a distance.


[00:12:54] For example, you can look at read Z up work, or you might know one personally. With my idea to asset program, I had an editor that I freelance out. So writers are in my program. They have access to a professional editor. It's a really important thing for me, especially to really push that. The people who want to write a powerful book and make a difference. Professional editing is important. And once you've hired a native C, you can then move into professional cover designing and. I do believe in hiring a professional cover designer. If you want to make your book professional and really make a difference. I mean, you may know freelancers who are able to do it, but you want to be able to trust someone with your concept of your visually appealing idea. A really great book cover is your most potent marketing tool.


[00:14:03] You want to convey your genre and content. So your cover should really give you a rate as an immediate sense of your book genre. And your subject. And it really helps them understand what to expect when they pick up your book. The third aspect is you want to evoke emotion.


[00:14:54] It's a really crucial step in the publishing journey, especially if you want your book to really make that difference in people's lives.


[00:15:06] Is to create your lead magnet and resources to include in your book. So if you have a business and you want to use your book to grow your business and generate leads and really connect with other people who read your book, This is crucial. So. There's going to be two different kinds of lead magnets that you're going to have in your book. You're going to have a soft lead magnet, which presents itself at the beginning.


[00:15:53] And I want to create that trust and build that connection with them and give them the utmost value I can. And really help them on their journey to writing and publishing a book. So hopefully that they can work with me in the future. And if they don't decide to work with me, they've got tools that can really help them on their way to that journey. And then at the end of the book is a hard lead magnet. So that's where I invite people into my world of how they can work with me. So at the end of published to impact, I have my program. It's called idea to asset. So essentially this reader has started reading my book. And they might've gotten there. Free resource library from the beginning. And if they've read all the way through, they've built that trust.


[00:17:07] Your acknowledgments, any references and resources that you've used throughout the book, you'd put those at the end. It could be a dedication. Where do you include your dedication at the beginning?


[00:17:29] All right. So I'm going to quickly run through the recap of these first 10 steps in part, one episode of 20 important steps to make towards publishing your book.


[00:17:41] The second step was to decide which publishing option you're going to go towards, whether that's self publishing, hybrid publishing or traditional publishing. Those are the main three. Third step was to validate your genre and idea. Fourth step to find your book structure. This will then determine your outline because step five is where you want to mind map and outline your book, using all your ideas that you have laid all out on all page. Step six is to then write your draft introduction and draft conclusion.


[00:18:27] And I'm sure you're busy doing other things as well. So write your manuscript is step seven.


[00:18:45] So I really hope you learned something from today's episode because next week I will release the second part of it.





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