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Welcome back. Hello there, I'm Justin Lewis here with Tanner Wayland today.
weyland]:Oh hey, hey, Justin. sorry I was. I was
weyland]:looking at something on my desk and I was like What's that doing there?
weyland]:I excited to be here.
[justin]:Yeah, I need to. It's a good day today, because today we were talking about Dungeon master boredom. so two weeks ago
[justin]:we talked about Dungeon Master Burn out, and two weeks before that we talked about kind of keeping excited as a dungeon
[justin]:master, And this is really the second part in that two part series of trying to keep your excitement up as a d. M. and
[justin]:we found that it's really two sides of the same coin. Either you get burnt out as a d M, or you just Bored as a d M.
[justin]:And to be honest, they are fairly similar in terms of symptoms in terms of how you feel, but I think they're slightly
[justin]:different in terms of maybe some of the prescriptions, so naturally the first question is what causes Dungeon master
weyland]:Yeah, that's honestly. I think that what causes it? Typically, I find that, Uh, that not having enough variety
weyland]:in your deming, because in the end deming is we're deming. A game. games are supposed to be fun. Games are
weyland]:supposed to be varied and provide kind of fun experiences. but we find fun in variety and in new and new things.
weyland]:And so if you're just kind Stanly, doing the same thing over and over again, I mean you're going to get bored
weyland]:right. That's kind of the definition of boredom.
[justin]:Yeah, and even that I think can be like, split out into a few different things, So like as
[justin]:a d. M. you're doing the same things over and over again, but I think also players can start doing the same things over
[justin]:and over again, So maybe your players
[justin]:are getting bored right and that's kind of causing like a negative feedback loop.
weyland]:Yeah, Absolutely. you know. there's the energy in a session. if it ever is like, Hey, the d, M s providing most
weyland]:of the energy that. then something is gone wrong. Right because it's It's only fun once. everybody's contributing
weyland]:their part. I think the golden kind of me, and it's like Hey, most like ninety percent of the people at the
weyland]:table are contributing And maybe one person you know needs a little bit of help and hopefully week to week
weyland]:it's a different person. But But once, every if everybody is like, all the players especially are the ones
weyland]:that aren't doing much and they're kind of just on for the ride. Then you know something. You know. something
weyland]:has got to change.
[justin]:Yea, so okay, I think before we move on, let's also talk about. Kind of. what does Dungeon Master boredom look like?
[justin]:What does it feel like? Um, I know from my
[justin]:Um, from my perspective. Boredom. it manifests when I am thinking about preparing for the session and it's sometimes
[justin]:writers Block can also kind of be in this area Of like, I don't know what to do and there's just very low motivation
[justin]:to do it. Sometimes when I'm thinking of preparing, I feel like this big like you know, like a weight like I don't
[justin]:like holding me back from
[justin]:from preparing.
[justin]:and sometimes I think the boredom manifests during the sessions. when someone's do Something. I'm the d. m. and my thoughts
[justin]:kind of wander and I'm like like when is this session going to end? At least that's what it feels like for me.
weyland]:Yeah, I feel exactly the same like when I'm preparing, and I realize that I'm not excited while I'm preparing
weyland]:and it's not because like Oh, this is going to be a lot. It's rather like. Oh, If I spend a lot of my time
weyland]:thinking, how can I get the players more involved then that's kind of telling right that? Like
weyland]:Oh, Apparently that's been an issue and I've been feeling it. and maybe the players have been feeling it.
weyland]:Um, and I can tell that I'm bored just with a preparation. Becaus. I'm constantly thinking it's like, Oh,
weyland]:how can we actually make those interesting?
weyland]:On the other hand, if I'm in the in the session and you know I find that I get very bored when I know exactly
weyland]:what's going to happen, you know, like I do something and I'm like, Oh, the players are going O act this
weyland]:way and it's going to take this many turns to finish the combat And you know I don't. Maybe that's my asking
weyland]:too much, but part of me wants to be to have Scenarios in situations where the players feel like they can
weyland]:add their own piece. right, Um, and so many times when I've just planned everything to a T. or I've planned
weyland]:a scenario in a way that it's like Hey, there's really only one outcome Then it's going to get boring for me
weyland]:for them.
weyland]:Well, maybe not for them, but for me at least right.
[justin]:Yeah, so it sounds like there are two categories of kind of damn related boredom, so boredom that can sort of be
[justin]:attributed to the dungeon master, and then boredom that can sort of be attributed to the players. and when I say boredom,
[justin]:maybe it's lack of interest or or things that
[justin]:are causing this boredom. so let's
[justin]:let's start with the dungeon master. We said You know, One of the things is that they're doing this Thing over and over
[justin]:and over again. There's not much variety. So what would cause that lack of variety? in your opinion?
weyland]:I would say one thing would be if you stop going to outside sources for suggestions for help for ideas. Um, there,
weyland]:nobody should be in the island unto themselves where they never get help or suggestions Right.
weyland]:And so I think that you know if you're listening to podcasts like this, I know that sometimes we say things that
weyland]:you've probably heard plenty of times, but you know even just like learning things that maybe you've forgotten,
weyland]:Or learning new things that you hadn't heard of learning, and seeing potential opportunities for growth. I
weyland]:think that that's a great way to to fight you having a boring style of deming, And I don't mean that I, in
weyland]:an accusatory way, right. I think everybody at some point in their life is going to d M in A in a boring
weyland]:way, And that's that's normal, because if we don't do that then we can't learn when we're prone for that and
weyland]:get Or so. so. if you are, you know if your deming style is is boring and you're having any of those tell
weyland]:tale signs we were talking about, then go outside of yourself. Go onto the internet. There's so much good advice
weyland]:out there, So so many tools as well. Um, and I think that that's that's a huge first kind of way to help with
[justin]:Yeah, yeah, I really. I'm going to repeat what you said. Learning and opportunities for growth are one of the best ways
[justin]:to prevent d. d. M bottom. I think that's what you said.
[justin]:I think that's so valuable and you know, just recently in my own session prep, I'm a bit of a planner, but
[justin]:I'm also. I'm also not M. like, I'm a discovery writer, but I do not like improve, which is kind of this weird dichotomy.
[justin]:Uh, but recently in session prep I would write Like if they do this and then this situation arises Like if they get
[justin]:thrown in jail, then they can ask one of the jail keepers to let them out, and the ail keeper will offer one of three scenarios,
[justin]:and I didn't expound on the scenarios, other than Saying they asked them to do a job. They asked them to kill someone,
[justin]:or they ask him to go find this thing, And those are all like low grade side quests. right That would require me to
[justin]:improve on the spot, so I think maybe
[justin]:one thing to do like you were saying with learning and growth is provide opportunities for yourself to go into those
[justin]:areas where you're less practiced. right, Like force yourself.
[justin]:If you don't know how to do underwater Com At, make them go under water and make yourself learn it. Or if you don't
[justin]:know how to do stuff in the Astral C, make them do that will not make them, but provide the opportunities so that way
[justin]:you can learn, kind of have a new experience yourself. right.
weyland]:Yeah, exactly, and even I would argue. so let's say that you're in a situation where you have less flexibility,
weyland]:like, like a longer dungeon where it's all kind of the same theme. I think it's absolutely okay as a d. M. to
weyland]:kind of proud our players in certain directions. I know a lot of D Ms. do this anyway, but I think in the past
weyland]:I've been guilty of being like. I'll see where they want to go, you know, but it's okay to be like. Oh, there's
weyland]:Really interesting encounter over there with some mimics. I'm going to have a little child's voice like kind
weyland]:of playing over there, you know, and then
weyland]:they go into search and then you know the battle happens versus you know, just letting them choose wherever, and
weyland]:they go into the other room where they fight. You know, a bunch of goblins for the twentieth time you know.
weyland]:it's okay to if you're doing a pre written adventure to H. So you know, pick and choose what you include. you know,
weyland]:and then if you're right Your own, never write. the goblin encounters. To begin with, just you know, provide
weyland]:some different choices of paths and make it so that each path ends in the encounter. You want.
[justin]:Yeah, yeah, in that way I know, there's a lot of controversially over whether or not Dunton Masters should railroad. And and for
[justin]:those who are new listeners, railroading is kind of this idea of your players are on this sequence of events that
[justin]:they can't escape from. They are on a train. They are on the the trail or the tracks, Cash, And they are going to the
[justin]:destination like the train. Unless it falls off the tracks and things explode. they're not going to leave it. Um,
[justin]:in my opinion, being a dungeon master is, it's a lot like you know, being the driver for those safari cars at Disney
[justin]:World, or whatever, going through the Animal Kingdom, Like people have to have this feeling that they, or maybe this
[justin]:illusion that they can do whatever they want and They can, But in the end you as the dungeon master are the curator
[justin]:of the story, so if something they want to do is actually pretty boring, you let them do that and then you curate the story,
[justin]:So that way it's not boring right
[justin]:and you kind of need to pull the strings behind the scenes, and to that effect, my friend sent me this one tik tok
[justin]:reel or whatever, Basically, And we all know that combat can sometimes be really boring, can be slug.
[justin]:This real explained that a teacher was hosting this club for Dandy At school. It was like middle school. I think
[justin]:so. During lunch there was like like five tables or something set up and he found one table to be particular ly,
[justin]:interesting because the players were fighting a dragon and the teacher kind of walked behind the d M screen, and every
[justin]:time the players were It and do damage, the dam would be like, Oh, that's awesome. You did this much damage. He's looking
[justin]:like this, and he would see that the D M wasn't keeping track of the health, and afterwards the teacher asked the D m
[justin]:and said Hey, Why did you do that And the D M. said The dragon dies when it stops being fun to fight the dragon,
[justin]:And I think while with certain players you might not be able to do that exactly because minmaxers and things like
[justin]:that that you know they play for that reason. But if you're in a combat and you've you've reached that moment, there's
[justin]:nothing wrong with adding in something new or changing it up to make the encounter more fun. Maybe the big boss dies,
[justin]:or maybe
[justin]:for some reason he splits into two and there's two of them now and they have less health. But you know there's nothing
[justin]:wrong with. Like I said, the players went where they wanted to. It's not as fun as they wanted it to be. So it's your
[justin]:job to add something or take something away To make it more like what they wanted.
weyland]:Yeah, exactly you, as the d. M. and I think that this is paramount to our topic. You have all the control
weyland]:in the world that you want. You know. if something is boring, no one's going to help it better than you. You know
weyland]:no one is going to make it change better than you. And that's especially true of combat. You know, I know that
weyland]:sometimes combats feel like you know kind of a rote thing that you can't do too much with That's not true.
weyland]:You can Absolutely change up the scenario, change up, the situation, split off the boss with one of the players,
weyland]:and then the other players have a time attack kind of thing where they're trying to get to the player and keep
weyland]:them from dying. You know, whatever it is, you have that flexibility and kind of my last thing on. At least
weyland]:how a d M can keep from being bored. Boring before we move on to the players. My last thing with a d M should
weyland]:always have goals for how to improve, And I, I mean, specifically look at the different parts of play and
weyland]:the different parts of deming combat, being one of them, role playing being one of them, M, world building
weyland]:being another, And think like key, Which of these is kind of boring to me, you know, and just be objective
weyland]:in that moment and then make goals right. I said this in in a podcast about combat tips. But if combats boring,
weyland]:chances are you're not timing turns, you know. And and that's a simple goal that you could have is like you
weyland]:know what? for this next session. For the next few sessions, I'm going to time every turn and obviously keeping
weyland]:the rule of fun in mind right, but I'm going to time turns so that things are more speedy and see how that
weyland]:works, and then for the next like goal it could be. I'm going to practice some different accents. You know, I'm
weyland]:going to ook up some videos online. Going to look up accent generators, and then and then that would make
weyland]:my. We're all playing fun. If you have goals much as it is in life. you're going to find that your damming
weyland]:is just a lot more exciting.
[justin]:Yeah, I completely agree to that effect. I think they're You know, like I said before, there are places in Dungeon Mastering
[justin]:that we don't go because we're uncomfortable or we feel we're not prepared. In my opinion, those are exactly the places
[justin]:you should go. You should definitely not feel afraid of failing trying a new accent Because your players are going
[justin]:to laugh at you, and while they're not laughing with you, they're laughing at you. That's totally fine. That's great.
[justin]:like There, To make it so ourselves and the players can have fun as long as they're not laughing at you in like a
[justin]:very mean spirited way. but like Tanner said, take some time to identify those areas where you can improve, even down
[justin]:to you know, this particular rule gives me a headache or this accent. This single accent is super hard for me, or I
[justin]:don't know how to use this one, n, p. C, and then practice that you know, and do it in a very free, sir, Did we? So your
[justin]:players are aware that you haven't you know, tied your ego to it, so that way they can laugh at it and you can laugh,
[justin]:and everyone can have a good time. Um, so moving on to kind of the next aspect. Naturally, dungeon masters, we have
[justin]:our whole slue of things to do to make sure we don't get bored, but our players can sometimes not not try as hard
[justin]:as they could,
[justin]:so the next question is how do we get our players To maybe give a little bit more to the game.
weyland]:Yeah, yeah, I think a key part is making sure that you have the environment where players feel like they can
weyland]:add to the game. Right. You talked about railroading, and big reason why people are against railroading is because,
weyland]:a lot of times when the player tries to do something different, the d M makes it so it just doesn't work. period because
weyland]:it doesn't work with our big vision. Like, for example, a player that's a rogue, You're in a town, and instead
weyland]:of focusing I kind of the mission quote, Unquote the rod, like Hey, I go out every evening and I rob a house and
weyland]:you're like, Do I have to play this out or do I just give them free money or what you know? Um, and it's not
weyland]:in your plan, so you make, so you just stress about it and then the player can tell that you're not really
weyland]:making this either easy or enjoyable for them. And then suddenly you've hit an impact and then that player knows
weyland]:Okay from now on I'm not going to try things like that, you know, So they have to feel like whatever they
weyland]:want to try, You're going to try and play ball, so to speak, and make it an interesting fun experience. Whatever
weyland]:it is.
[justin]:That particular example is, it's fascinating to me because it's one that is so probable yet.
weyland]:it happened
[justin]:as you
weyland]:That's that's why I was like.
[justin]:even as you say it, I'm like. What would I do like Because that's essentially either you come up with a full list of different
[justin]:houses and different scenarios or you know like So I'm curious. What did you do in that instance?
weyland]:I don't think I did well like I think I, for the first like two times I actually like pulled up a house lay
weyland]:out and I tried role playing it and and it just wasn't super great because I wasn't prepared. I also
weyland]:didn't love the fact that I was like these are just harmless villagers, you know, and I wasn't having fun with
weyland]:it, which, if I had looking back, you know, now that I'm past that phase. If Did it, I would have totally
weyland]:had him run into the house of like just the scariest like serial killer huntsman, You know
weyland]:who's just like sharpening an ax while there is like a bleeding out dead bear on the ground, you know, and
weyland]:he's like I was getting bored. You know something like that, right, M. instead, I was like, Oh, I've got to be
weyland]:real to the thing you know, and these are just villagers. And of course then it kind of took the fun out. Becaus.
weyland]:In my mind, The thing I was worried about is like I'm like, I don't. I just don't want to give this player
weyland]:a bunch of gold because they happened to be in a town that's lower leveled that you know. most of the random
weyland]:villagers aren't going to be doing. You know, aren't going to be really versed in self defense, And so
weyland]:I overthought it, and I didn't make it as fun as I could have. Honestly what I would have done going back like
weyland]:I said. It's just being more flexible like Hey, if they're doing something that like Okay, Maybe it might give
weyland]:them some extra gold throw in an extra challenge and make it fun. You know, I think that there's a lot of opportunities
weyland]:there or you, if you don't care enough like, I think the other option that I probably should have done since
weyland]:I wasn't in that kind of like really good, Improve minds that I should have just had them roll. And if they got
weyland]:below a certain number, all the houses were locked. If they got above a certain number, Ah, they
weyland]:got in, Got a couple of pieces of gold, but then they got Chased out. Oh, they rolled rolled above it. When
weyland]:you know, then they got plenty
weyland]:or something right.
weyland]:I should have been more flexible that way, but instead I was like, what's he doing? you know, and
weyland]:that didn't work out.
[justin]:yeah, see, I think that's such an interesting situation because it brings in a lot of other aspects, so for example,
[justin]:like you might go the route of playing it out a lot more, and kind of like developing that. I would only recommend
[justin]:that if your other players can sit still and listen
[justin]:for that much time.
[justin]:Otherwise you know role, move forward. The other thing that came to my mind is when your players do something Unexpected.
[justin]:It's uh, it might be a good idea to also do something unexpected
[justin]:with what they're doing. So like you said, like, like you know, in my mind, I took it a step further. you know, they
[justin]:robbed two houses. The local authorities are getting wise and so they start looking for this robber. Right and then
[justin]:the third house is actually someone who just murdered someone. So like you break in and you see a dead body and a serial
[justin]:killer And either you fight the serial killer or you don't. But if you do, the local authorities start like you know.
[justin]:In the next day they praise you Nd. they're like Hey, let's give a medal to this person. Meanwhile they're like Wow,
[justin]:you have a lot of gold and kind of that idea of like,
[justin]:they're starting to look at you a little bit more critically because they're looking for this raburns anyway.
[justin]:Um, kind of that unexpected aspect. The other thing I would add is with reward comes risk,
[justin]:Right If they're go To get a reward, there needs to be some sort of risk. Uh, So with your idea of the roles, if
[justin]:they're going to get money like they roll above a fifteen, they get money. I'd say if they roll below at five, they might
[justin]:get thrown in jail.
[justin]:you know.
weyland]:exactly, and they lose a lot of money getting the bail or something
[justin]:Yeah, exactly. so I love that example like that. That's probably the best example in like the last ten podcasts we've
[justin]:done just because it's so perfect, because it's going to happen right
[justin]:and it's like, what do you do? So
weyland]:Yeah, and I think I love your suggestions because it's like it shows a fluidity. And and one thing I would have
weyland]:told my younger self with this is be like Hey for the first session, you know, just make a goofy. Maybe give
weyland]:them more than they'd expect. Not like a whole treasure load right, But give them a bit more then then you'd
weyland]:maybe want to, and then between sessions think it out. Think about. hey, How can I do this in a way That's unexpected
weyland]:for them Because they pulled one on me. What can I pull on them? That isn't just necessarily completely bad
weyland]:Because you don't want to punish them. You know you want to make
weyland]:it fun. And I like your suggestion by. like, Hey, They actually got into the house. They caught the person
weyland]:and then the town. They're here now, but now everybody knows their face, So if someone goes and gets robbed
weyland]:by them, you know the police
weyland]:know where to go. M.
weyland]:Yeah, so I love that and I think that You know if you have a hard time responding to players creativity, what
weyland]:I would do is. Uh, is you know you're going to have to practice it, But also if it's a longer form creativity
weyland]:kind of thing, and players like, Hey, I'd like to do this. Then find a way to postpone it. You know, Have an
weyland]:m. p. C be like. Oh, you want to go to that bridge and in your mind you're thinking I haven't planned the
weyland]:bridge. The bridge is nowhere in my mind, then have an M. p C B. Like, Oh, actually, the river over Flood. It
weyland]:overflowed the other day. However, I hear in a day or two it should be down and then
weyland]:after that session you go and plan something that you're like fun. Let's make this actually really fun instead
weyland]:of something that I'm throwing together last minute that I'm sure I might show some of my impatient, or my.
weyland]:you know,
weyland]:my lack of being flexible with right,
[justin]:Yeah, and there's nothing wrong with asking your players outright Like I'll be honest. This might have broken the immersion,
[justin]:but our last session, the players like the session ended with them outside the city walls of Water Deep, planning to go
[justin]:inside. And so I literally said, I ended and I said, Okay, Next session you will be going into water deep, because
[justin]:you already said we're going into water deep.
[justin]:So I want to know what are things you want to do in Water deep. You know, I literally went around the table and I
[justin]:asked them, and I wrote it all down and over these last few weeks I've been preparing and you know things like that,
[justin]:there's going to be stuff that they didn't tell me or what not, but at least this way when they're like, Oh, I want
[justin]:to go sell this dwarf in funeral mask. I'm gonna be like cool. You go to find you know, and I'm going to have kind
[justin]:of an answer that makes them feel honestly. It makes them feel important because
[justin]:they're like. Oh, you know,
weyland]:I'm more immersed as well because you've had time to prepare.
weyland]:That's great. Honestly, I agree. I think a big part of preventing boredom from like the aspect of the players
weyland]:not contributing is asking them what they like to do Right. If you ask them their plans, their hopes their goals
weyland]:for their character, then you'll be able to prepare for it and you'll be able to give them something really
weyland]:good in return.
[justin]:Exactly exactly. I mean. I'm sure there's lots of other stuff we could add. We're actually kind of running up on time,
[justin]:so last thing I would say is if your players are not contributing in the way, you'd like them to sit down and have
[justin]:a chat with them, and if needed, have just a session with just them so they can really get to feel what it's like
[justin]:to have the spotlight on them, you know, and have fun like that, But try those two things and see if that helps Anything
[justin]:else. You'd like
[justin]:to add Tanner.
weyland]:uh, no, I think that we've said it pretty well, and and in many ways the like. While we give specific tips, there's
weyland]:certain types of fields. to what creative and an energizing game is like, right. a creative
weyland]:game is, and an energizing game is one where you can feel the d M getting better session after session. It's
weyland]:one where you can feel like the players are Contributing in the creation process and they're being heard
weyland]:and communication is just flowing both ways, right, um, and whatever form that takes great, But if you're
weyland]:able to do that then I think you're gonna have a hard time getting bored.
[justin]:Exactly exactly. So thank you for listening to today's show. Uh, we hope that your boredom or burn out disappears. And
[justin]:and if it does or doesn't let us know, go ahead and reach out to us on Instagram at how to be a better D. M. we'll
[justin]:be back next week for another amazing episode, But until then let's go ahead and roll initiative.