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Excellent Sheep: A Critique of Elite Education's Conformity
10th December 2023 • Bookey App 30 mins Book Summaries Knowledge Notes and More • Bookey APP
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Chapter 1 Understand the idea behind Excellent Sheep

"Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life" is a book by William Deresiewicz. In this book, Deresiewicz explores the flaws of the modern education system and the pressure placed on students to pursue narrow definitions of success and achievement.

Deresiewicz, a former Yale professor, argues that the education system focuses too much on grades, test scores, and prestige, rather than fostering creativity, intellectual curiosity, and a sense of purpose. He criticizes what he calls the "meritocracy" where students are pushed to achieve for the sake of achievement, often leading to a lack of authenticity and fulfillment in their adult lives.

The term "Excellent Sheep" comes from a quote by former Yale professor William Sloan Coffin, who said, "The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." Deresiewicz sees this as reflective of the conformity and lack of critical thinking fostered by the education system.

Through personal anecdotes, interviews with students, and a deep analysis of societal pressures, Deresiewicz offers insights and suggestions for creating a more meaningful education system that values personal growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of true passions. He encourages students to think critically about their goals and aspirations, and to find their own paths rather than conforming to societal expectations.

"Excellent Sheep" has sparked much discussion and debate about the current state of higher education and the effects of the pressure to achieve. It offers a critique of the status quo and a call to action for reforming the education system to better serve the needs of students.

Chapter 2 Is Excellent Sheep Worth the Hype?

The book has received generally positive reviews and has been praised for its critique of the higher education system and its examination of the pressure and conformity faced by college students. It has been described as thought-provoking, insightful, and well-researched. If you are interested in exploring topics related to education, personal development, and the challenges faced by students, you might find "Excellent Sheep" to be a valuable read.

Chapter 3 Overview of Excellent Sheep

"Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life" is a book written by William Deresiewicz that examines the flaws of the education system in America, particularly within elite institutions.

The book argues that many elite colleges and universities prioritize the development of narrow skills and the pursuit of prestige over the pursuit of a truly meaningful and fulfilling education. Deresiewicz suggests that these institutions and their students are often consumed with competition, conformity, and achievement, leading to a culture of "excellent sheep" who are focused on getting the best grades, securing high-paying jobs, and maintaining a certain social status, rather than cultivating genuine intellectual curiosity and personal growth.

Deresiewicz draws on his own experiences as a professor at Yale University, as well as interviews with students and faculty from various elite institutions, to shed light on the detrimental effects of this education system. He critiques the overspecialization and hyper-competitive nature of these institutions, arguing that they produce graduates who lack the ability to think critically, engage in meaningful social and political discourse, and find true fulfillment in their lives.

Additionally, Deresiewicz highlights the impact of societal pressures and expectations on students, who often feel compelled to choose majors and careers that are seen as prestigious or lucrative, rather than pursuing their genuine passions. He suggests that the drive for external validation and the fear of failure can lead to a lack of individuality and creativity among students.

Ultimately, the book proposes that a meaningful education should focus on developing intellectual curiosity, fostering critical thinking skills, encouraging exploration and diversity of thought, and promoting personal growth and self-discovery. Deresiewicz argues for a shift away from the culture of achievement and prestige, towards a more holistic and well-rounded approach to education that cultivates skills essential for a meaningful and fulfilling life beyond college.

Overall, "Excellent Sheep" serves as a critique of the current education system and provides insights into the potential dangers of the pursuit of excellence at the expense of personal growth and individuality. It calls for a reevaluation of our priorities in education and encourages students, parents, and educational institutions to prioritize genuine learning, personal development, and the pursuit of a meaningful life.

Chapter 4 Excellent Sheep Writer's Background


The book "Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life" was written by William Deresiewicz. It was first published on August 19, 2014.

In addition to "Excellent Sheep," William Deresiewicz has also written another book titled "A Jane Austen Education: How Six Novels Taught Me About Love, Friendship, and the Things That Really Matter." It was published on April 26, 2011.

In terms of editions, "Excellent Sheep" has been published in multiple editions since its initial release. However, the information about the best edition in terms of popularity or sales figures is not readily available.

Chapter 5 Subject Matter of Excellent Sheep

Excellent Sheep Meaning

"Excellent Sheep" by William Deresiewicz is a critique of the modern education system and the pressure it places on students to conform and achieve certain markers of success. The book argues that students are increasingly encouraged to pursue narrow paths of study, focusing on grades, test scores, and prestigious college acceptance rather than their own personal passions and interests.

The term "excellent sheep" is used to describe the students who excel academically but lack true intellectual curiosity and independent thinking skills. Deresiewicz argues that this focus on external markers of success produces graduates who are well-trained but lack the necessary skills to think critically, challenge authority, and navigate the complexities of life beyond academia.

The book also addresses the ways in which the education system perpetuates inequality, favoring students from privileged backgrounds who have access to resources, test prep, and prestigious schools. Deresiewicz argues that this narrow focus on achievement and conformity limits opportunities for students from underprivileged backgrounds and stifles creativity and individuality.

Overall, "Excellent Sheep" calls for a reevaluation of the education system and a shift towards a more holistic approach that values true intellectual engagement, personal growth, and the development of well-rounded individuals.

Excellent Sheep Theme

The theme of "Excellent Sheep" by William Deresiewicz is the destructive effects of the pressure to conform and pursue prestige in elite education. Throughout the book, Deresiewicz argues that elite institutions such as Ivy League universities prioritize academic achievement and fulfilling societal expectations over cultivating genuine intellectual curiosity and personal growth. This emphasis on external validation and winning the approval of others stifles individuality and creativity, leading students to become "excellent sheep" who obediently follow a predetermined path without questioning its purpose or exploring their own passions and purpose. Deresiewicz critiques the culture of intense competition and superficial achievements that prevail in elite education, arguing that it fails to prepare students for a fulfilling life beyond the brand name of their alma mater. The book ultimately calls for a reimagining of education that places a greater emphasis on intellectual exploration, self-discovery, and meaningful engagement with the world.

Chapter 6 Diverse Resource Alternatives

1. Goodreads: This platform is a great starting point to explore reviews and ratings of Excellent Sheep by William Deresiewicz. Users can also join book clubs and engage in discussions related to the book.

2. Amazon: On the book's official Amazon page, you can find a description, customer reviews, and lists of related books and recommendations. It's a valuable resource for understanding the book's reception and impact.

3. YouTube: There are various videos related to Excellent Sheep, including author interviews, book summaries, and discussions. Channels like TED and major news outlets often feature talks and segments discussing the book's concepts.

4. The New Yorker: William Deresiewicz is a frequent contributor to The New Yorker, and the magazine has published some of his articles related to the themes explored in Excellent Sheep. Their website is a good resource to find his essays and analysis.

5. NPR: On NPR's website, you can find interviews and articles featuring William Deresiewicz discussing his book and its subject matter. This resource offers a deeper understanding of the book's impact on higher education.

6. The Atlantic: As a former contributing writer for The Atlantic, Deresiewicz has written several articles that preceded the publication of Excellent Sheep. These can provide valuable insights into the author's thinking and topics covered in the book.

7. Facebook: Joining book groups or following relevant pages related to Excellent Sheep could provide an opportunity to engage in discussions and connect with others who have read the book.

8. Twitter: Utilizing the hashtag #ExcellentSheep can help discover tweets, conversations, and threads related to the book. This is a useful platform for engaging with readers and accessing various perspectives.

9. LinkedIn: Following the author's LinkedIn profile can provide updates and articles written by William Deresiewicz himself. This platform often hosts professional discussions related to education and career development.

10. Podcasts: Many podcasts, such as The Knowledge Project, have episodes featuring William Deresiewicz discussing his book and the broader issues it addresses. These interviews offer an in-depth exploration of the book's themes and ideas.


Chapter 7 Noteworthy Sayings in Excellent Sheep

Excellent Sheep quotes as follows:

1. "The true purpose of education is to make minds, not careers."

2. "The system has homogenized our students, taught them that conformity is the way to success, and valued their achievements solely in terms of how they look to others."

3. "We're creating a youth culture in which young people are rewarded not for thinking independently but for mastering the art of pleasing others."

4. "Excellence means doing something well, with mind and heart. It means leading a life of integrity, and serving others."

5. "The essential problem of elite education is that it undermines the spirit of liberty—the liberty that defends itself against a higher authority."

6. "Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself."

7. "We see straight through such people the moment they start to speak; they can talk, but they have nothing to say."

8. "What matters is not admission to a particular college but access to the knowledge and skills that are the hallmarks of an educated person."

9. "Success should not be defined solely by external markers like wealth, power, and social status, but by the amount of genuine happiness and fulfillment we experience in our lives."

10. "The true purpose of education is to awaken our own moral and intellectual freedom, to help us achieve our own individual and collective potential, and to enable us to make a positive impact on the world."

Chapter 8 Comparable Titles for Excellent Sheep

Book Recommendation: Exploring America's Social Landscape

1. "Hillbilly Elegy" by J. D. Vance:

This memoir dives into the author's personal journey, shedding light on the struggles and complexities faced by the working-class Appalachian community. It provides valuable insights into class, culture, and the challenges of upward mobility in America.

2. "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" by Matthew Desmond:

This powerful book explores the gripping stories of people facing eviction in low-income communities, highlighting the systematic issues and economic forces that perpetuate poverty. Desmond's research sheds light on the urgent need for affordable housing and social justice reforms.

3. "The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers" by Maxwell King:

In a world often marked by divisiveness, this biography offers a refreshing and inspiring account of the beloved children's television host, Mr. Rogers. This book explores Fred Rogers' enduring message of love, compassion, and empathy that continues to resonate with people of all ages.

4. "Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that Addicted America" by Beth Macy:

Macy provides an in-depth examination of the opioid crisis that has ravaged America for decades. Through personal stories and extensive research, she uncovers the complicit role of pharmaceutical companies, doctors, and the devastating impact addiction has on individuals, families, and communities.

5. "Know My Name: A Memoir" by Chanel Miller:

Chanel Miller's powerful memoir, "Know My Name," brings her sexual assault case and subsequent trial into the spotlight. With a lyrical and courageous voice, Miller narrates her journey towards reclaiming her identity, confronting victim-blaming culture, and advocating for survivors of sexual assault. Her story serves as a rallying cry for empathy, justice, and the importance of believing survivors.

This selection of books spans various aspects of America's social landscape, addressing issues such as poverty, addiction, class divide, compassion, empathy, racial dynamics, and the pursuit of a better future. Each book provides a unique and thought-provoking perspective, offering valuable insights into the complexities that shape our society.



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