Current Events and
The End Times
TS Wright
Scott Wright is back with us today. Scott has been teaching us about the different ages of the Church and significant things the Bible and history has to say about them. Amen. He has also been helping us to understand the modern day church age, the Names of God and with modern day issues and comparing these things to what the Bible says is about to happen. Amen! And that is something we all should be interested in.
Scott is also a podcaster and has a truly great podcast called, “The God Centered Concept,” as well. You really need to listen – and subscribe – to his podcast. Amen!
He has also published a journal called, “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.”
We’ve had numerous sessions with Scott over the last few months, too numerous to go back and discuss the content of all of those episodes. So, if you missed any of them, I’d highly recommend you go back and listen and catch up. Amen! That would be well worth the effort and time – because TIME is running short. Amen!
Help me welcome back to the program, our good friend, Scott Wright! Scott it’s so good to have you back today, my friend!
Today, we are going to be talking about what is happening right now in the world with what is written in the Book of the Revelation.
Last time we discussed the Names of God. Today, we will focus on Israel and prophecy.
You refer to them as “puzzle pieces” that, as they come together, show us the “BIG PICTURE.”
So, let’s go over some of those puzzle pieces.
First, let’s start with Israel. That is a big thing. Share with us some of the dates that are special concerning Israel and prophecy…
1917 – Balfour Declaration
1948 – Nation declared a nation by the UN and recognized by the USA
1950 – Right to Return
1967 – 6 Day War and retakes the land and Jerusalem
2020 – Abraham Accords
This is especially concerning about Dubai and the nation of the United Arab Emirates.
This City is matching the description of Babylon. They now have relations with Israel.
What about the other Muslim nations in that region of the world?
How does all of this relate to the Third Temple?
I have seen many ministers that look at prophecy say that a nuclear confrontation is almost inevitable. And this confrontation will probably happen sooner rather than later. What are your thoughts on this subject?
Scott, this is so interesting. As you know, I love studying prophecy and the end times. Are you talking about any of this on your podcast?
Tell us about your podcast and how people can listen?
What will we be discussing next time? (The wedding banquet).
Your book is available on Amazon, “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.” Correct?
Folks, these events Scott has been sharing with us today are not something that is new. These events have been building for decades. Think of it like an earthquake. It may seem like it “just happens.” But in reality, there are many minor tremors that take place BEFORE the BIG ONE!
These end time scenario events are just like that. Jesus Himself said there would be signs, etc. that occur PRIOR TO the End Times. And He gave some examples, in addition to the Book of the Revelation which He had John write about.
We are witnessing these signs now…
“Well, brother Bob, these things have been happening for decades, if not longer…”
Yes, that is true. BUT, they have now been happening at a far faster rate and far more dangerous levels than ever before. I like to call it a “CONVERGENCE” of signs that we have never seen the likes of before – up until now.
Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Scott Wright. Get in touch with him. Subscribe to his podcast. And be sure to purchase his journal and start learning all about the “God Centered Concepts” that he specializes in. Amen!
Do it right now before you forget about it later. Amen!

Book: “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.” - on Amazon
Podcast: The God Centered Concept
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