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Fight The Devil - Message 3: Recognizing and Dismantling Strongholds
Episode 646th October 2024 • The Message with NJ • Njabulo James
00:00:00 00:12:06

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Recognizing and dismantling strongholds in our lives is crucial for achieving spiritual victory. Strongholds are deeply ingrained patterns of thinking or behavior that give the enemy control, often rooted in lies, fear, or trauma. This message emphasizes the power of God's Word as the primary weapon to tear down these spiritual fortresses. Through prayer, fasting, and faith, we can invite God's intervention and reclaim our minds and hearts from the enemy's grasp. Join us as we explore how to identify these strongholds and apply the truth of Scripture to experience true freedom in Christ.

Message 3: Recognizing and Dismantling Strongholds


This episode focuses on identifying and tearing down strongholds in your life. Strongholds are deeply ingrained patterns of thinking or behavior that give the enemy control. We learn how to recognize these strongholds and use the weapons God has given us to dismantle them.

Key Points:

• Strongholds are built on lies, fear, or trauma (2 Corinthians 10:4).

• God’s Word is the weapon that dismantles strongholds.

• Through prayer, fasting, and faith, we tear down spiritual fortresses.


#TearDownStrongholds #BreakSpiritualChains #SpiritualWarfare #FightTheDevil #FreedomInChrist

Call to Action:

Is there a stronghold in your life that’s keeping you from victory? Recognize it today and start dismantling it with God’s Word. Share this episode with someone who needs freedom, and subscribe for more empowering messages.

Identifying and dismantling strongholds is crucial for spiritual growth and victory in the Christian life. The podcast emphasizes that strongholds are not just abstract concepts; they are real, deeply ingrained patterns that can hinder one's relationship with God. The speaker defines a stronghold as a fortified mental or emotional state where the enemy has established control, often based on deception and fear. This message aims to enlighten listeners about the nature of these strongholds and the spiritual tools available to combat them.

Throughout the discussion, the speaker outlines key biblical principles, particularly referencing 2 Corinthians 10:4, which asserts that God provides mighty weapons for pulling down strongholds. The episode provides insights into how these strongholds take root through trauma, repeated sin, and the acceptance of lies. Listeners learn that these fortifications can manifest as various personal struggles, including addiction and bitterness, which can impede their spiritual journey. By exploring these concepts, the podcast encourages a deeper understanding of the spiritual landscape and our response to the enemy's tactics.

Practical advice is a cornerstone of the episode, as the speaker encourages listeners to actively engage in spiritual warfare through prayer, fasting, and the declaration of God’s Word. Each of these weapons is framed as essential for dismantling the strongholds that bind individuals. The episode concludes with a reflective prayer, inviting listeners to seek God's guidance in identifying and breaking down these barriers, fostering a renewed sense of hope and empowerment in their spiritual lives.


  • Strongholds are mental and emotional fortresses that hinder our spiritual growth.
  • Identifying lies and trauma is crucial to dismantling strongholds in our lives.
  • Utilizing God's Word empowers us to break down the enemy's deceptive strongholds.
  • Through prayer and fasting, we invite God's power to help us overcome strongholds.
  • A stronghold can manifest as fear, addiction, or negative thought patterns in our lives.
  • Recognizing and declaring truth from scripture is essential for overcoming strongholds.


Speaker A:

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty.

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Through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

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Two corinthians, ten four in the first two messages of the series, brothers and sisters, we uncovered the reality of spiritual warfare and the organized structure of the enemy's forces.

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We learned about the ranks of demonic forces, principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness, and how understanding these ranks equip us for strategic prayer.

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Today, we turn our focus inward to address one of the most dangerous weapons, the enemy strongholds.

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Welcome back to the podcast brothers and sisters, where we inspire faith and empower lives through the gospel of Jesus Christ as we continue the sermon series, the message series fight the devil a stronghold is a fortified place in the mind or heart where the enemy gains control.

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It can manifest as a deeply ingrained pattern of thinking, addiction, or fear that is contrary to the truth of God's word.

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And these strongholds keep us trapped in cycles of defeat and hinder our spiritual growth.

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In and in this message, we will explore how to identify, understand, and tear down the strongholds in our lives through the power of Christ.

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There was once a king who built an impenetrable fortress in the heart of his kingdom.

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Over the years, this fortress became a refuge for rebels, criminals, and traitors.

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The king knew that to regain control of his kingdom, he had to destroy the fortress from within.

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But the walls were thick and the enemies inside were numerous.

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It wasnt until the king found the weak point in the walls that he was able to send his forces inside and dismantle the stronghold.

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And in the same way, many of us have allowed spiritual strongholds to take root in our hearts and minds.

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These strongholds give the enemy a place of refuge in our lives, where he can perpetuate lies, foster fear, and keep us bound in sin.

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But God has given us the weapons we need to pull down these strongholds and regain control through his truth.

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Let us go through some key points on this message.

Speaker A:

What is a stronghold?

Speaker A:

A stronghold is a mental, emotional, or spiritual fortress that the enemy has built in our lives through lies, fear, sinhouse, or even trauma.

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These fortresses can manifest in various ways, including negative thought patterns, habitual sins, or unhealthy belief systems that are contrary to the truth of God's word.

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The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer.

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My God is my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

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Psalm 18 two just as the Lord is our stronghold of protection, the enemy builds strongholds of destruction.

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These strongholds are often rooted in deception and once established, they become difficult to dismantle without spiritual intervention.

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Here are some examples of strongholds.

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Fear, a persistent irrational fear that keeps you from trusting God's promises.

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Bitterness, unforgiveness and resentment that poisons relationships.

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Addiction, a habitual sin that controls your thoughts and actions.

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Pride, an inflated sense of self that refuses correction or accountability.

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Doubt, a lack of faith in God's goodness or his ability to act in your life.

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Key point number two how strongholds form let's understand this.

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Strongholds are often built over time through a combination of spiritual experiences, sinful behavior and lies.

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We believe, for instance, trauma can create a stronghold of fear, while repeated sin can create a stronghold of addiction.

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The enemy capitalizes on our wounds and weaknesses and establish these fortresses in our lives.

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Speaker A:

There is unresolved emotional pain that can create strongholds of fear, insecurity, or mistrust.

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Brothers and sisters.

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Trauma is real.

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For example, let's take someone who has experienced betrayal will end up developing a stronghold of bitterness that affects their relationships for years to come.

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There is also habitual sin.

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When we repeatedly engage in sinful behavior, it becomes ingrained in our lives, creating a stronghold that can feel impossible to overcome.

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Addiction, for instance, starts with a choice but becomes a stronghold when it controls us.

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Then there's the lies from the enemy.

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The enemy plants lies in our minds to distort the truth of God's word.

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For example, he may whisper, you're not good enough or God doesn't love you.

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If we accept these lies, they become strongholds and shape our beliefs and actions.

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Lets go through a biblical example of a stronghold the Israelites faced a literal stronghold when they came to the city of Jericho.

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The walls of Jericho were high and seemingly impenetrable.

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But God instructed them to march around the city for seven days and on the 7th day the walls fell.

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We read in Joshua:

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And in the same way, God has given us spiritual weapons to tear down the walls of the strongholds in our lives.

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Key point number three, how do we tear down strongholds with God's weapons?

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Brothers and sisters, there is good news.

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And the good news is that we don't have to live with these strongholds.

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God has given us weapons that are mighty through God to pulling down of strongholds.

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Two Corinthians, ten four.

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These weapons include the word of God, which is truth.

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The enemy builds strongholds on lies, but God's word is truth.

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As we read in John:

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ations, as we read in Matthew:

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Theres prayer and fasting.

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Prayer is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare.

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Through prayer we invite gods power into our lives to tear down strongholds.

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Fasting intensifies our prayer life, enabling us to focus on God and hear his voice more clearly.

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Speaker A:

When we declare the name the manner of Jesus over our lives, we take authority over the enemy's works.

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Speaker A:

Faith is our shield against the enemy's attacks, and we read Ephesians 616 when we trust God and believe his promises, we neutralize the lies that the enemy uses to build strongholds.

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What are some applicable lessons that we can use?

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One, we need to identify the strongholds in our lives.

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To dismantle a stronghold, you first need to recognize it.

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Ask God to reveal any areas of your life where you have believed liars or allowed sinful patterns to take root.

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Identifying these errors is the first step toward freedom.

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Replace lies with truth every stronghold is built on a lie.

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Once you identify the lie, find a scripture that contradicts it and declare the truth over your life.

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For example, if you struggle with fear, declare two timothy one seven.

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For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

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We can break strongholds through prayer and faith.

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Pray specifically for the strongholds in your life to be broken.

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Use the word of God as your weapon and trust that gods power is greater than any stronghold the enemy has built.

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Here are some questions that we can reflect on, brothers and sisters.

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One, what strongholds can you identify in your life?

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Are there any patterns of thinking or behavior that have kept you trapped?

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Two, how has the enemy used lies or trauma to build these strongholds?

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Three, what specific scriptures can you declare to tear down the lies the enemy has planted in your life?

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Let us pray.

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Heavenly Father, we come before you today acknowledging that you that we have allowed strongholds.

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We have allowed strongholds to be built in our lives.

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We ask for your help in identifying the lies we have believed and the sins we have allowed to take root.

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By your power and in the name of Jesus, we declare these strongholds are broken.

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Help us to renew our minds with your truth and to walk in the freedom you have given us.

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We thank you for the spiritual weapons youve provided and ask for your continued guidance as we tear down every stronghold in Jesus mighty name we pray.

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Speaker A:

This message emphasizes the importance of recognizing and dismantling strongholds in our lives, and in the next message, we will dive into practical application of spiritual warfare by examining the armor of God, the protective gear that equips us to stand firm in the battle, stay vigilant, and keep fighting.




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